Chapter 10

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When we get to Luis's there is a lot of people but to my relief, it's not as crowded as it usually is on Saturdays. We enter and Wade goes straight for the bar.

"What's your poison sweetheart?" he asks Lana.

She glances at me like I knew the answer then back at Wade. "I'll have a beer I guess."

He smiles at her. That real smile. "You guess right princess." I roll my eyes as he orders three beers and two whiskeys.

We found three free seats near the pool tables and wait to see if one of them gets vacated anytime soon. I look at the tables while Wade downs his whiskey in one gulp and turns to Lana.

"So, you any good at pool?" But before she has a chance to answer his question seemingly out of nowhere Clyde materialized beside her.

"Oh my, how did you persuade this poor soul to give you the time of day, you old bastard?" His gaze slides to Lana. "Hello, pretty girl. I'm Clyde, the better choice. What's your name beautiful?" He takes her hand in his as if to give it a kiss and this time I won't wait for the hell to break loose so I rip his hand off her and glare at him.

"You don't touch her, Clyde! Leave her alone!" Clyde lifts his hands up in a 'don't shoot' gesture and I hear Wade chuckling behind me. A pool table is free and Wade goes for the sticks.

"Hey, Clyde," he calls on his way, "wanna play too?"

"Sure, why not!" Clyde calls back and I see Lana make a face. Guess she's not happy about it. Clyde then turns back to us, well to me.

"Sorry about that. That's your girl?" He says while still openly checking Lana out. I want to say yes just to keep him off her. But Lana ruined it before I could.

"No, we only live together." Which apparently erased the part where I told him to leave her alone, because he turns to her instantly, leaning into her personal space.

"Really, anyone else in the picture?"

Lana gives me a nervous glance but answers him anyway. "No, but-" She obviously wasn't done talking but Clyde interrupted her.

"Well, that's a shame, such a beautiful girl and no one to woo her, let me help you with that." He leans even more into her and she tries to shove him away, tries being the key word because he doesn't budge. So I step in again, grab him by his shoulder and show him away.

"What the hell, Clyde? I told you to leave her alone, she's here with me, end of the story!"

"Okay, okay." He puts his hand up again. "I can tell when I'm not wanted." I snort, what bullshit. Wade comes back at that point and points a finger at Clyde.

"Careful! He's really touchy about her! And I won't help you if you piss him off." He says with a deep chuckle. Clyde joins him, then look back to Lana again.

"Didn't mean any harm beautiful. No hard feelings, right?"

She doesn't seem to be convinced but nods anyway. Wonderful! Anyone else? Please! Why not make sure she's as much uncomfortable here with us as possible! Assholes!

We play for few hours. Lana finally seemed to relax, she wasn't half bad at it either. Wade and Clyde still beat us every time except once but it was a decent play.

When we decide to sit down again Clyde looks at his phone and frowns. "Well it has been fun, but I gotta go to my little girl now."

Lana's eyes widen and immediately go to Wade seeking an explanation. He leans to her to mock whisper. "He's talking about his daughter, I still think he made her up and uses her as an excuse every time he wants to leave." He finishes laughing.

Wade then walks with Clyde to go for another round. Now that I think about it, I've never actually seen Clyde's daughter, maybe he is actually making her up.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Lana clearing her throat beside me. I look down at her, she looks sheepish.

"I just wanted to thank you for what you did before. Um, and I'm really sorry I yelled at you back home. It was completely uncalled for. I was just so angry, but it wasn't your fault, so..."

"Don't worry about it. Happens to us all." I cut her off, just as Wade gets back with our drinks. He looks at Lana.

"What do I hear here? Tell old Wade, what got this sweet face so angry to yell." He grabs her jaw and shakes it a little, in a manner an eighty years old grandma would. Yeah, he's drunk. "Come on! You know you wanna tell me."

She glances at me, then looks back at him and with a sigh she does. "Okay. Where do I start... Yeah! I was trying to get hold of my ex this whole week, so I could go pick up the rest of my things. But with no luck. So I went to the apartment and found out he already changed the locks, I heard him inside though. I asked him to let me have at least my books. But he wouldn't let me in, saying he's keeping it all for the rent I never paid. Which was his idea, by the way. He told me to move in, that I don't have to pay anything since he doesn't pay anything either." She sniffs and I see a tear starting to fall from her eye. "I don't want any of his stuff, I don't want anything at all, only my book collection. There are books my dad gave me, and..." 

She stops, shutting her eyes. More tears fall and she's crying for real now. I didn't understand much because she seems to have a hard time getting her tongue around the words but I got the basics. Guess she's drunk too.

"Oh great, Wade, now what?"

But Wade doesn't seem to be concerned at all. He gives me a triumphant smile. Then takes Lana's hand. "Don't you worry Sweetheart. We'll get your books back."

She looks up at him. "Really?"

Wade smirks. "Really, we'll take Jackson's truck, you'll have your books home before you say asshole."

She sniffs again and then looks at me with red eyes.

Oh for Christ's sake. "Yeah, sure. But not tonight. Let's finish this and go home. I think you had enough."

Drunken women, always either yell or cry... or fuck Wade.

We finish our last drink and I watch Lana staggering on her way out. She didn't seem that drunk when we were playing pool.

The fresh air outside doesn't seem to help any, because when we get to my truck, suddenly she leans against the hood and bends over.

How much did she actually have? It's not like I was the one buying her drinks. Might be four, might be a lot more, I'm not even sure how much I had. But I can hold my liquor.

"I don't feel so good," is the only thing she says, she doesn't move.

Wade turns to go back to her, but I keep my distance. "I can see that. Are you gonna puke?" I ask her.

She doesn't say anything for a moment, then she whimpers, "I don't know, I don't think so." She tries to move and manages to do a couple of steps but her legs don't seem to listen to her and she grabs Wade's arm, as it's the nearest thing she can hold on at the moment.

He himself is a bit unsteady on his feet but he leads her to the door, chuckling. "Come on, sweetheart, let's get you home."

He puts her between us and she leans against the backrest.

"I knew there is a good reason for why I don't drink. Why is everything spinning?" She shuts her eyes and puts her hand over them as if that would make it all stop. "I'll just close my eyes for a bit." And it's the last thing she says too.

Wade's amused eyes slide from her to me and he's grinning like a fool. "Looks like she's not used to drinking much, huh?"

I start the truck. "She said as much, I don't think she ate anything either." I glance at her, but she seems to be out already. Her head rolled on Wade's shoulder.


When we get to my house Lana is dead to the world. We try to wake her up but it's impossible. Makes sense I guess, nothing wakes her on days she's sober, now she has alcohol to help.

I nudge Wade. "You were the one bringing her drinks, you drag her ass inside." I don't wait for his reply and go search for something to eat. I didn't have anything either and I'm hungry.

A few moments later I see Wade carrying seemingly lifeless Lana inside. He gives me an evil eye and turns to her room. Few moments after that I hear a faint sound, like whining, following with quiet, breathless 'no, no', then Wade's shushing her. What the hell is he doing there?!

I close the fridge and creep to Lana's room. I stop in my tracks when I see her sprawled on the bed. Her shoes off are lying next to it and Wade, who's back is to me, is hovering over her, working on her pants, which are halfway down her thighs already.

She's trying to look around and seems a bit disoriented. Her eyes land on Wade and her hands grab one of his arms, shaking her head no.

He leans in toward her face to look into her tired eyes. They are barely open and it looks like it takes a lot of effort on her part to keep them open. What the-.

"Shhh sweetheart, you are okay, just gonna tuck you in, gonna get you all comfortable." He tries to move on with her pants again but she tugs at his arm weakly and shakes her head a bit again.

He peels her hands from his arm effortlessly, puts them by her sides and pets them awkwardly, looking back up to her face. "Don't you worry about nothing. You made yourself perfectly clear. Nothing's happening here."

She closes her eyes and goes limp under him after that. I don't know if she passed out, or if she relaxed because she believed him.

Either way, everything is alright in here. Wade won't do anything. So I go back to my food hunting.

 I hope you enjoy the story. If you do, feel welcome to push that little star to let me know, or better yet, leave me a comment ;) 

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