Chapter 12

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Later that day I go to Wade's house after I got a call from him that he has some new info about Lana's ex. He sounded very proud of himself and when I get there he's already waiting for me outside, smoking. He has a beer in his hand and another one ready for me, a big grin on his face.

He starts as soon as I am close enough to hear him. "Hey baby brother, you won't believe what I found out! Me and Clyde went to check out the address, and guess what? Clyde knows the guy! Turns out the little shit is some college kid that buys from him regularly. Wasn't that often at first but these days he calls him two, three times a week. Did Lana ever mention him having an issue like that?"

I shake my head, what the hell do I know? "No, she doesn't talk about him at all, only that they broke up." I light a cigarette too as Wade continues.

"Anyway, we are in luck because I was told he's coming for his shit tonight. The plan is to wait for him, give him a little scare... I bet he'll give us anything without any protest after that. Clyde said he'll call a friend."

"Wouldn't the three of us be enough to scare some kid?"

"You never can be too sure. But that's not it, Clyde won't be with us for that part. Bad for business he said. We'll make it look like he has nothing to do with it. That's why he called that friend of his, to go instead. Said he's not from around here but that they are friends from way back when they were kids. So we got nothing to worry about if things go down somehow. If the kid turns out to be more stupid than expected or, you know, I might get tired." His smirk getting bigger.

I decide to ask him. It bugs me all day long. "What's up with all the good will anyway?"

"What do you mean?" He looks confused.

"You don't do shit for people, not without them paying. What's your angle here? You trying to get in her pants or something?"

Wade chuckles at that. "I already got in her pants."

I shot him a look. Not funny.

He doesn't even pause though. "I wouldn't mind if she'd let me into them panties too. But no. That's not it."

"What then?"

He looks like he's thinking about the answer and he sighs in the end. "It's nothing alright? I just thought I'd try to not to give her shit like you asked."

I take the last drag and put the smoke down. "Yeah, right, whatever. Don't tell me then, I don't give a fuck."

"Sure you don't." He chuckles again.

Just then we see Clyde's car pulling up. He gets out and with him a huge black guy.

I look to Wade who has a deep frown on his face which slowly transforms to the biggest grin. There is the brother I recognize. Shit! He's yelling at them before I have a chance to do anything.

"What the fuck is that? That's your childhood friend? How the fuck that happened? Didn't you say your dad was with the KKK or something?"

Clyde makes a face and replies sarcastically. "Very funny."

But of course, Wade goes on. Looks like his changed-self applies to Lana only.

"Who said I was trying to be funny? I can't have him hang out here, I got a reputation, you know?"

The guy's looking around, he seems to be prepared for this and tries to keep his calm, but then his eyes land on Wade's bike and I know the second he spots the two S there because the zen is broken in that moment and he charges at Wade, who shoots to his feet. Racist or not he's blood so I step closer, ready to step in and help him. But Clyde stops the guy easily just by putting his hand on the guy's chest while shaking his head. It looks like a familiar common gesture between them, because the guy stops, although still fuming.

Clyde then turns to Wade. "You want my help with this or not?"

You can count on Wade to make things worse because he starts to laugh again. "You got him trained well. Does he play catch too?"

I decided it's time for me to try to calm the situation "Shuddup Wade! Your reputation is worth shit without anyone helping to it." I turn to Clyde "He- we do want the help." I turn to the still fuming but otherwise silent guy. "Just ignore him, he doesn't have a filter between his brain and his mouth. He's just talking shit, doesn't mean anything by it." I offer my hand to him. "Name's Jackson."

The guy eyes me than Wade. "Right, just talking shit, that's why he has his bike decorated so pretty?!"

I let my hand fall. I tried! Can't do more than that.

But then Clyde steps in. "Hey man, I wouldn't bring you here if it was like that. It's just a pose. Helped him when he was doing time. That's all. He's alright."

Wade opens his big mouth again. "Hey Clyde, he's right here and he can talk for himself!"

"Shut your mouth, Wade!"

"Shut the fuck up, Wade!"

Clyde and I shout at him at the same time.

I'm not sure how much of a pose it actually is, but the guy seems to be okay with Clyde's explanation. Maybe he's been in jail too? Everyone who did know how hard it can get without some backup. Anyhow, eventually he nods at me. "Trevor." He's acting like Wade isn't there though as he continues to talk to me. "So it's your girl we are helping out?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "My roommate."

I see Trevor and Clyde exchange a brief look. "Sure, whatever you say. So what's the plan?"


An hour later Wade, Trevor and I are sitting at the bar Clyde's using for his deals. Wade asked why he doesn't come to his house like Wade does. More privacy and less trouble with moving the product. Apparently, it's because A) those stupid punks don't know how to behave, which leads to B) his girl is there.

Wade takes a swig of his beer. "I still call it bullshit. There is no girl in that house. I've been there." He turns to Trevor. "Hey, you've known him long enough. Tell me, am I right?"

But Trevor is still skillfully ignoring him. He turns his eyes to me. "So, why are those books so important? First editions or what?"

I shrug. "Don't know. She said something about her dad giving her some of them. I think he's dead, she told me she doesn't have a family."

Trevor frowns at that information. "So emotional value, alright."

After few hours of Wade's stupid remarks and uncomfortable silence which followed them, we get the 'that's him' signal from Clyde. Finally, I can't wait to get out of here. We move to wait for him outside.

I take a look at him before we leave. He doesn't look like a junkie to me. He looks more like a rich kid who got lost on his way here.

We don't have to wait for long. Looks like the pretty boy doesn't like the place. As soon as he steps out Wade grabs him and drags him around the corner where dumpsters are placed. He shoves him against the wall, causing the guy to lose his breath for a moment.

"Hey boy, heard you have something that doesn't belong to you!"

"What? What are you talking about? I paid for everything!" He's looking around, confused but when he spots me and Trevor staying behind Wade his look turns nervous.

Wade gives him one of his fake smiles. "Not the drugs you stupid shit. Something you've got at home. Something that belongs to Lana. What? That name ring a bell?"

The guy now looks more annoyed than anything else. He puts his hands up in a placating gesture.

"Look, I don't want any trouble. I don't know what the bitch told you, but she has a right to nothing. What did she do? Pay you to scare me? Oh right, she doesn't have the money for that. So what did she do? Let you each have a turn with her? I always knew she was just a piece of trash. So how much do you want to leave it be?" He starts to tap his pockets probably looking for his wallet, chuckling.

What a dumb arrogant dipshit? I start to chuckle too, he's in for a little life lesson.

Wade looks back at me and Trevor , who looks a little taken aback by our reaction and my brother's big smile. Not me, I know what's coming. Wade turns back and punches the guy in the process, then again, and again, and again, and again. Then he pulls him up, pins him to the wall, keeping him up by grabbing his hair and presses a knife, that came seemingly out of nowhere, to his neck. The guy doesn't move an inch after seeing it. He doesn't look so confident anymore either.

"So, since you seem to be kinda slow. I say it one more time. I heard," Wade starts, adding a bit more pressure with the knife and I see a faint trace of blood forming "that you have something, that doesn't belong to you."

He smashes his head against the wall again, but not as hard for the guy to lose consciousness.

"So here's how it'll go. Tomorrow you'll be home, waiting for us at seven. You seem stupid enough, so I will be more specific. You'll be waiting there at seven in the evening, alone, with her stuff ready, or, we will be waiting for you, somewhere else, some other time, and we won't be so very nice to you. Understood? Just blink if you do."

The guy blinks quickly, his eyes wide and I can see the swelling forming already. Wade shoves him one more time against the wall, losing his hold on him in the process.

"Alright then. I was hoping you give us little more trouble than that. My friend here-" He motions to Trevor "-certainly was looking forward to having his turn with you." he makes the move with his hips and winks at the guy who is now sitting on the ground groaning. "It was a real pleasure meeting you," Wade adds with that fake smile.

We leave him there after that and go back to my truck to leave, just in case the little shit decides to cause us trouble and call the cops.

Once we are in the truck Trevor turns to Wade for the first time that day. "Why the hell did you make me the sick-homo-rapist?"

Wade just laughs. "Trust me, nothing scares a little white frat boy like him more than a big black guy having his way with him." He continues to laugh and I see Trevor shaking his head.

Well, at least they seem to be getting along, sorta.

In the truck, I look at Trevor. "So where am I taking you."

"I have my car at Clyde's. I'm staying there for the night." I nod and turn that direction.

"You'll be there tomorrow, right?" I glance at him seeing him fishing for his phone.

"Yeah, sure. I just have to let my wife know that I'll be back later."

My head snaps to him and I see Wade doing the same.

"A wife?" Wade asks. "You have kids too?"

Trevor looks somewhat between offended and guarded. "Yeah, I have two, what about it?"

"Nothing, you just don't seem like a family guy," Wade replies and then turns back to the window.

Trevor is writing something on his phone when he says. "Yeah, well, you all don't seem like guys who take the trouble to get books back for a girl either. What's your point?"

Neither of us says anything to that. He's right.

When I get home that night, Lana is still on the couch but she looks much better than she did when I was leaving. I brought dinner for us since Wade ate almost everything we had in the fridge. I put it on the table and sit next to her.

"We go for your books tomorrow. We're supposed to be there at seven and he's supposed to be there waiting for us." I tell her while trying to figure what's the show she's watching about.

She looks at me, her face pure surprise and disbelief.

"Really? Thank you! How did you manage to get him to agree to that?"

I turn to her then, feeling a smirk breaking on my face. "We asked nicely."

She frowns but says nothing. What did she think we'll do exactly? Anyway, it doesn't matter. It's done, and we'll see tomorrow how it worked.

I hope you enjoy the story. If you do, feel welcome to push that little star to let me know, or better yet, leave me a comment ;) 

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