Chapter 21

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Next afternoon I'm sitting in my truck not far from the station, waiting for Lana. I haven't seen her the whole day. She was up and gone before I woke up. I called Trevor and told him to come to a BBQ at Wade's, not wanting to mention the real reason over the phone. He caught up quickly enough and agreed to be there tonight. The questioning takes longer than I expected, but finally, I see her moving towards me.

"You good?" I ask her after she gets in.

"Yeah, just tired, they had a lot to say."

She does look tired. I throw away my almost finished smoke and start the truck. "Let's go to Wade's, we'll talk about it there.''

I can see Trevor leaning against a car in front of Wade's house when I park in the driveway. Lana is first to greet him. "Hi, Trevor. How're you doing?"

"I've been better." He then turns to me. "Wanna tell me what is it that you can't tell me over the phone so I had to drag my ass all the way here?"

"Sure, let's just go inside. Why are you waiting out here anyway?"

"What? You think I should wait inside and have some colorful conversation with your brother? No, thank you very much."

"Fair enough," I grunt and lead the way to the front door.

As we're nearing the house I can hear some noises from inside. I turn to the two behind me. "You hear that?" But before they say anything I'm already opening the door. "Wade?" I hiss, there is no answer just a muffled sounds from the back.

"Stay here," I say to Lana and motion for Trevor to follow. "Come on."

He doesn't look happy about it but follows nevertheless. We go inside and continue slowly, quietly through the hallway. The sounds get louder and when we reach the living room Trevor makes a U-turn and storms out. "Shit! Why me? I didn't need to see this." I hear him shouting on his way.

There is Wade with a woman bend over the back of the couch, with Wade holding her down ramming into her from behind. He's wearing plastic gloves and I don't even wanna try to figure why he needs them. The woman is no college student, she has hooker written all over and she doesn't have a happy expression at all as she's trying to hold on something but is only knocking down the empty beer bottles which are all around the place. She looks up at Trevor's outburst and screams in fright when she sees me watching, but Wade doesn't care at all about the audience, he doesn't even slow down. It's not the first time I walked on Wade like that and to be honest, after all the years it doesn't phase me anymore.

"Hurry the fuck up, we have shit to do!" Rolling my eyes, I turn to leave the room and stroll to join Lana and Trevor outside where I see him rubbing his eyes like that would erase the image from his brain.

"What's going on?" Lana asks with a worried expression.

I'm about to tell her but Trevor beats me to it. "You don't wanna know, believe me."

Just then a woman's shriek can be heard from inside and a few moments later the hooker hurries out of the house. She pauses when she sees Lana though. "Hey honey, don't! With this, the money ain't worth it!" and she's off.

"What?" Lana asks, looking somewhat between shocked, confused and worried.

Wade steps out at that moment, fastening his belt. "Well, that was one shitty fuck, one would think all hookers have some talent. Not this one, fucking dyke. There should be a law against beaver munchers being whores."

"Prostitution is illegal you moron!" Trevor points out, his voice monotone.

"Whatever, come on in."

Inside Lana looks around and when she decides to go sit on the couch Trevor quickly taps her shoulder and shakes his head at her. She looks the couch over again but then the realization cross her face. "Eww."

"What? A man has his needs!" Wade calls from the kitchen.

I drag a bar stool over for her. "Sit on this." I point to the seat while Trevor shouts back at Wade.

"And your needs couldn't possibly wait until after we leave?"

Wade comes back, two beers in each hand. "Hey, no nigger won't be telling me when I'm allowed to fuck."

"Fuck this shit, I'm outta here!"

"Alright, everybody, stop!" I shout, "Wade, you shut your mouth, I think you fucked up enough for this week. Trevor, you sit down. You need to hear this."

Trevor is fuming but eventually, he turns back, snatches a beer out of Wade's hand and makes a 'go on' gesture for me to explain. And I do. I tell him about Lana's ex going missing and all that happened since then. Lana steps in at the end to let us in on what happened at the station.

"You were right, they just asked me over and over the same questions. About Anthony about what do I know about the 'assault!' I told them over and over I don't know anything about it. They then asked about my new address about who I live with, but they knew that already, because just as you said yesterday, Wade, they started talking about your 'criminal record', their words, not mine. About you being in jail, several times, for drugs, for assaults too. That you were dishonorably discharged? They said they are telling me only to warn me about the people I associate with, to help me. Like that would fool me. Then they started again with 'you don't look that concerned about your ex-boyfriend missing, miss' and if there was bad blood between us. I told them everybody deals differently. I know what they've been doing. Trying to get a motive out of me."

Wade claps her on the back. "You did good, sweetheart. This just confirms what we thought, that they got nothing on us. But it does also mean that someone saw us and that someone is just letting us know that. He doesn't want the cops to really get to us, which is actually more disturbing. So everyone, keep your eyes open for anything unusual."

"Fuck," Trevor swears and it's the only thing anyone says for a while.

I hope you enjoy the story. If you do, feel welcome to push that little star to let me know, or better yet, leave me a comment ;) 

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