Chapter 26

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The next day wasn't much better, I wanted to just take the jack and smash the damn car. And there was the stupid party in the evening. I don't really wanna go but I already told Wade I would. if I don't show up he'll just come to my house and drags me out anyway. Maybe he wants a backup in case he'll piss someone off and that someone would be stupid enough to start a fight, I don't know. In any case, I decided to get Lana to go with us. If nothing else she'll keep me calm enough, hopefully. She goes to the college, it's her party anyway. So here we are, in the middle of it.

"I'm not much of a party girl anyway. Why can't you go alone?"

"Because I'd rather for you to come with us. I saw you at a party before."

"Yeah, well that wasn't my idea. I just got dragged there."

"So, what you are saying is, that I shouldn't ask and just drag you with me?"

"No! I'm saying that I don't want to go and that the last person dragging me there was an asshole for doing it. Because if you search your memory you'll remember I ended up sitting alone."

"Why would I ask you to come and then leave you. Come on! I'm gonna be bored to death! Wade just disappears on me to fuck somebody and leave me to watch all the assholes there and to drink alone. Come with me, we can stay on the bed of the truck."

"So you want to go to a party to sit with me on the bed of your truck? What's the point in going there? We can sit on the bed of your truck in front of the house just as easily."

"Yeah, we could, but I promised Wade I'll pick him up and take him there."

"Why? If you don't wanna be there?"

"Because... That's just what we do." I shrug helplessly. It's actually pretty hard to convince someone to go somewhere I, myself don't want to go.

But she sighs and nods. "Okay then. Hey, we could pack some snacks and make a date out of it." She smiles at me. I can't tell if she's serious or if she's teasing.

"We could?" I'm not sure if I'm confirming the idea or asking either.

"Sure we can. Just wait, I'll get something." Alright, looks like I have a date tonight. She's moving around the kitchen counter packing some things in her bag, and after few minutes she turns to me with a big smile on her face. "Should I get a bottle of wine too?"

"If you want. I'm gonna drink beer though. It's in the truck already."

"Screw the wine then. I'll have a beer too." She looks inside her bag to check the content again and walks to me. "Ok, we can go now." And so we do.

The ride is quiet, that is until we pick up Wade.

"Oh hey, sweetheart!" He smiles at Lana when he sees her in the truck. "I didn't know you were coming. Wanna introduce me to some of your girlfriends? It would make my night much easier." His grin gets impossibly big and he sounds like he started to party awhile ago.

"I would love to Wade, but as you know, I don't have any, so..."

"Oh, come on! You have to know some people there, you go to school with them."

"Yeah, well." She's quiet for a moment but suddenly her head snaps up and she has a big smile on her face. "You know what, I do know someone just for you, her name is Emma. We'll see if she's there. I know she's gonna love you," she finishes with a wink, making me snort. I almost hope the bitch will be there and drunk enough to let him fuck her. She looked slutty enough.

When we get to a quarry it looks like the party is going for some hours and there are people everywhere. Some pretty drunk already. Just the right time. I park the truck on the side, not wanting to be in the middle of them all. Wade's out before I cut the engine off and is dragging Lana behind him. I look where he's taking her and see him pulling him on the bed. I follow to see what he's doing. I find them talking, both looking through the sea of people.

"Come on sweetheart, look again."

"I'm looking, I don't see her. But Wade, this place is full of people, I'm sure you'll find someone else."

"I am too. This way it'd just be easier. Go on. Look harder."

"Wade, I was kidding, that girl is a bitch. I don't even like her."

"So? You won't mind when I don't call her tomorrow then. I see only ups here. Keep looking!"

"Oh, God. You know what Wade? No, I'm not gonna do it. I'm not helping you to find the girl, so you could get her drunk only to fuck her after, no matter the state she's in. It's not right, even though I don't like her."

"Ugh, you are no fun." Wade gets a beer from the cooler and hops down from the truck. "I'll just go and find someone by myself. And just so you know, after finding out what Monroe charm is, no girl has regrets," he says wiggling his eyebrows at her before turning away and shouting, "I didn't hear you complaining about my baby brother there one bit."

"Shut the fuck up!" I shout after him. I can't see Lana's face in this light, but her embarrassment is very clear. I get up with her and lead her to the back, to sit down. "What did I say? Just ignore him."

"I know, I know. I'm good, he was actually alright tonight."

"Yeah, he was looking forward to this night."

Lana looks around the drunken people. "Yeah, I can see why," she says dryly.

"Fuck them, show me what you brought for us to eat," I tell her while pulling two beers out of the cooler for us.

After a few hours of sitting there and watching people around, I found out that Lana actually knows plenty of people here, she just doesn't like them. Apparently, her ex was dragging her around a lot, and she, being in love, let him and tried to get along with his 'friends', which aren't that much of friends after all the stories I hear during the night. A bunch of assholes, that's all that I got to say about it. Well, no surprise there. Most people are assholes. I'm an asshole, my brother is... But they are a different kind of assholes. The disloyal ones and for guys like me or Wade, loyalty is everything. Without it, you'll end up in jail, or dead.

We are looking for another asshole with another asshole story behind him when I see Wade approaching with a girl swaying on her feet by his side. Her face is hidden in his chest and she's clinging to him for support. When they get closer I can see a triumphant grin on his face.

"Hey sweetheart, look who I found!" Lana turns to look at him and studies the girl under his arm. Well, the parts visible.

"Wha- Wade!" She cries out and stands up once the girl turns her head and we see Emma the bitch. I can't help it, I burst out laughing. "Jackson! This is not funny!" She tries to scold me but I shook my head, and point to Wade, not able to talk. This is not my shit to clean up. She turns back to the two of them. But before she even opens her mouth again, Wade's talking.

"Sooo, It took me awhile but eventually, I found this young lady, and guess what? She has a car here and she's in no condition to drive. So I generously offered my services," he's explaining, grinning like a cat that ate the canary. The girl, on the other hand, doesn't even talk, she's so out of it. "So you two have a nice evening, I got things to do, people, to do." He turns and walks away, chuckling.

Lana just stares after him for a moment then turns to me. "But Jackson, we can't let him just-"

"-Calm down, he won't do anything to her. He just wants to mess with you." I tug at her hand to make her sit back down.

"It's just, she didn't even talk, how can he tell if she wants to or not?"

I sigh. "Don't worry about them, she had to talk to him at some point if he knows she has a car here. I'm telling you, he just got her more drunk to mess with you."

"But, I mean, he won't leave her to die in some ditch, right? It's just, that... that woman we saw at his place the other day looked shaken up, and she does it for a living! So I'm just wondering..." she trails off. Yeah, well, it's a good thing she didn't see the state hookers usually leave my place. She looks really worried though, so I try to ease her mind.

"Look, it's not the same thing to have a hooker over and to find a girl during a party. He won't leave her lying in some ditch, he'll leave her with some people, or at her place, or she'll leave his place in the morning." Not gonna mention the girl he left in my truck, nope. "You know who Wade likes the most? Wade likes Wade, so he's careful too. It's not like he's going around spreading disease or getting girls pregnant." 

I watch her reaction and it does seem to be working because she looks calmer. I lean closer to give her a kiss, sliding my hand up her leg. "She'll be okay. And if not? It's not on you! It's not your job to guard drunk people from doing shit. What did I say? Drunk people make stupid decisions-"

"-And stupid decisions make the best stories," she cuts in.

"See? You get it! That's my girl, that's the spirit." Keeping my hand on her, I move it to her inner thighs. "What about us? Wanna go home or stay here some more?" I grunt against her lips. I'm thinking about her moaning under me since the asshole number three.

She deepens the kiss, then breathes out, "Home."

I hope you enjoy the story. If you do, feel welcome to push that little star to let me know, or better yet, leave me a comment ;)

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