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I plop down on my well-worn couch, a secondhand relic that Mom and I diligently cleaned. I know, it's not glamorous, but it's now a part of my new apartment.

I glance around, taking in the space that's finally mine. Well, it's a rental, but it's my own little haven – Yay!

At the age of nineteen, I've officially moved out of my parents' house today. I daydream about all the potential boyfriends I could invite over and all the exciting parties I could host. Then reality hits me like a ton of bricks – I'm not much of a social butterfly, and the thought of dating makes me cringe.

But on the bright side, no more dealing with my annoying younger siblings, and no more inquisitions from my parents about every little thing I do. I can't help but smile as I soak in the freedom, but that smile quickly fades when I remember the daunting task of unpacking my boxes. Yes, we prepared for this day, and I do have quite a bit of stuff.

"Well, time to get started," I murmur to the empty apartment, the silence a stark contrast to the constant chaos of a home with four younger siblings. I'll adapt to the quiet eventually, but for now... YouTube will keep me company.

Thankfully, my laptop is easily accessible in its bag. I find an outlet and place my laptop on the less-than-impressive, rather forlorn-looking couch. However, I still have some money left from my "move-into-my-own-place" fund, so I plan to hit the store tomorrow to spruce up the couch with a few decorative throw pillows or something to make it look more appealing.

I plug in my router, crossing my fingers and hoping the signal won't be too bad in this new place. Once my laptop has booted into Windows 11, I eagerly fire up one of my favorite YouTube channels.

I can feel the excitement bubbling inside me as I see that it's working. Rubbing my hands together, I randomly select a video to watch. Just one of many videos of paranormal investigators walking around in an abandoned hotel or some mysterious location. 

I let the video play in the background, the eerie sounds and people talking providing some company as I delve into the task of unpacking my belongings.

Okay, I admit; my main quest is to locate my  kettle, cups, and spoons, because I could really do with a mug of caffeine goodness right about now.

"Ah, joy!" The second box I open reveals my kitchen essentials. Yeah, I didn't bother labeling the boxes; it's my first move, so feel free to cut me some slack.

I make a steaming mug of strong coffee and settle on the floor beside the couch. I keep one eye on the YouTube video playing while I sift through the unmarked boxes, just randomly looking at things and not unpacking so much.

I can't help but roll my eyes at the excitement of the guy claiming orbs mean ghosts. Leaning closer to my laptop to select another video, my attention is suddenly snagged by something out of the corner of my eye.

Confused, I realise that I can't remember watching this particular video, but there it is – a thumbs-up and even a comment posted by me.

Thinking that I must have watched the video at some point, given my frequent YouTube consumption, curiosity gets the best of me. I click on the comments to discover what I had posted.

"Ugh. That's just dust. So, fake. I'd roll my eyes if I had any."

I stare at the strange comment for a moment. 
"What in the actual flapjacks...?" I whisper. 

eah... nope. I definitely did not leave this weird comment. 

Nervously, I check the timestamp on the comment, and to my utter shock and dismay, it aligns with the time when I was sitting on the floor, unpacking my boxes. The realization sends a shiver down my spine.

Jumping to my feet, I exclaim, "That's just not possible!" while addressing my laptop. Taking a deep breath, I attempt to calm myself. "Maybe I've been hacked. Yes, that makes sense. I've been hacked." 

My anxiety brain calms down a bit. "It's fine," I reassure myself. "My YouTube account isn't linked to anything important, and I haven't used my personal details anywhere." I decide to sit back down, feeling a bit more at ease. Yeah, hackers are annoying so I just have a few throwaway accounts.

I let out a sigh as I log out of one account and switch to another, and then carefully select a channel, this time with a wealth of decorating tips.

Suppressing a yawn, I resume rummaging through my moving boxes. However, my gaze drifts towards my laptop, revealing another comment from me on yet another random video.

"What the heck?" I question my laptop, knowing well it won't respond. With a sense of bewilderment, I click on the comment and read it aloud:

"The paint is okay but the curtains remind me of an old lady's pajamas."

Puzzled, I entertain the possibility of someone messing with me. Scratching my head, I resolve to ask my computer-savvy brother for insight. For now, though, it's time to prepare my bed for some well-deserved sleep. I power off the laptop and haul a bag filled with blankets into my bedroom.

I quickly make my bed and then flop onto the cozy pile of blankets and pillows. "Aaaah! This is so nice," I exclaim, only now fully realizing how utterly exhausted I am.

I drifted off to sleep rather swiftly, but suddenly, I woke up with a start.
It's still dark and for a moment I wonder if I'm still asleep, dreaming.

I grope around for my phone, discovering it under my pillow. Its glowing screen reveals it's 3 AM. Perplexed by my early awakening, I mutter, "Ugh, so weird," and set the phone on the table beside my bed. Then, I squirm, attempting to find a comfortable position again.

I shut my eyes, but they snap open instantly when I realise that I can hear voices, and they seem to be coming from inside my apartment.

My mind races with a flurry of thoughts. Did I remember to lock the door? Could it be my neighbors I'm hearing? Uncertainty and fear fill my mind.

Quietly, I slip out of my bed, grabbing my phone. The partially closed bedroom door reveals a sliver of light emanating from the living area, casting an eerie glow.

I sneak to the door and crack it open cautiously. My heart skips a beat as I spot my laptop resting on the couch where I'd left it. It's powered on, and a YouTube video is playing. The unease in my stomach intensifies.

A shiver runs down my spine as I gulp nervously. My eyes fix on a shadowy figure seated on the floor in front of the same couch where I'd sat just a few hours ago. Dread starts to set in.

In a moment of surprise, the shadow unexpectedly moves, and I yelp rather loudly. In an instant, the shadow itself yelps and leaps to its feet.

"Good grief, girl! You nearly gave me a heart attack," exclaims the shadow, "which would have been quite a feat, considering I don't have a heart."

"Who? What? Huh?" I attempt to ask the important questions, but my mouth feels dumb, and my tongue seems to be in knots.
"Yes those are words," the shadow teases, just as the lamp that I hadn't yet unpacked inexplicably switches on.

"I... who?" I stammer, my entire body trembling as I realise that standing before me is a girl, a remarkably translucent one at that.

"Hmm. You seem to be in shock. Maybe some coffee, yes?" she suggests. Uncertain of how to react, I simply nod in agreement. And also, who says no to coffee?

I unexpectedly find my voice and blurt out, "Are you a ghost?"
The girl laughs softly, "Yeah, I guess I am."

"Did... did you die here?" I inquire, a mix of fear and irritation rising within me. I can't help but feel that renters should be informed about this kind of thing.

The girl lets out a sigh. "No, I didn't die here, but I liked living here, so..." She trails off, offering a nonchalant shrug.

I watch in silence as the girl prepares a cup of coffee. She turns to me with a hint of sadness and asks, "You're going to ask me to leave, aren't you?"

For some reason, maybe the shock of encountering a ghost has addled my brain, I didn't ask her to leave. Instead, I slowly sipped my surprisingly delicious coffee and said, "No watching YouTube loudly after twelve." Then, I headed off to bed.


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