Chapter Eleven

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TRIGGER WARNING: Child abuse and mention of child abuse
WARNING: Sexual content 

Third Person P.O.V

Harry and Draco decided to leave after their last class on Wednesday to get a start on the road before the Thanksgiving traffic. So at 2 o'clock Harry and Draco piled into Draco's limo and they set off. 

"Harry, I need to tell you something." Draco chewed on his lip. Harry had been lying in his lap and he was gently stroking his hair. Harry hummed in response. "I haven't told my father about us." Draco confessed and Harry sighed.

"It's okay; I'm good at hiding it, remember?" Harry responded which made Draco feel even guiltier.

"But I wanna tell him Kitten." Draco vowed.

"Will he be mad?" Harry questioned. 

"Maybe but I don't care because you're important to me." 

"You're important to me too." 

"Good," Draco stated. "Oh and you can meet all of my relatives." Harry jolted up and his eyes were wide.


"What's wrong?"

"I thought... I thought I was only meeting... only meeting your parents." Harry stuttered. Draco was shocked because he hadn't seen Harry this nervous. Through all the breakdowns and nightmares, he was genuinely surprised Harry was nervous.

"Hey baby, it's okay." Draco assured. He stuck out his hands and Harry jolted back. "Harry, what's wrong?" Harry just shook his head and started shaking. "Harry, come here." Draco demanded causing Harry to crawl back to Draco and collapse into him. Draco noticed he was shaking like a leaf so he rubbed his back gently. "Harry, you can tell me anything."

"My uncle's... my uncle's sister beat... beat me too." He mumbled into Draco. "All the relatives did." He confessed and Draco frowned. He hugged tighter and kissed his neck gently.

"Aww baby, it's alright," Draco hushed. "I promise you they won't hurt you anymore, you're mine and I will keep you safe," Draco promised. "And as for my family, they won't hurt you either; my dad is the toughest out of all of them so the rest of them are nice." Harry just nodded and calmed down.

"I'm sorry." Harry finally spoke so Draco smiled slightly and kissed Harry.

"Don't be sorry. I'll keep you safe." Harry gave a sad smile and crawled off of Draco's lap. He lied down on the seat and put his head in Draco's lap. "I'm gonna play with your hair." Draco told him and Harry nodded. Draco started to stroke Harry's hair gently making him fall Harry asleep. Once Draco was sure Harry was fast asleep, he made a phone call to his mother.

"Draco dear, how are you?" She answered.

"I'm doing well mama, we're on our way," Draco briefed. "Has anyone gotten there?"

"Not yet, we're excepting your father's brother to come in tonight and the rest of everyone tomorrow. How is Harry doing?"

"He's actually why I called."

"Oh no, you two didn't break up did you?"

"No mom but I need to tell you something about him but he can't know I told you. It took a lot out of him when he told me. He's very sensitive about it."

"Honey, you're scary me."

"Well it's a scary thing," He stated. "When Harry was a baby, his parents were murdered so he was forced to live with his mother's sister, her husband and their child. Well these people were very physically and emotionally abusive to him."

"Oh goodness."

"I know so when he comes, you can't make any sudden movements like go to shake his hand. If you want to hug him or go near him, you need to tell him you're doing it or ask. Ask his permission because if you don't, he'll flinch and sometimes it gets bad and he'll shake."

"Sweetheart, why didn't you mention this before?" She asked.

"I didn't think it was necessary until I met with you but he just panicked because I told him our relatives were gonna be there. All of the relatives treated him like dirt and kicked him around. So I ask if you can be gentle near him."

"Of course." She spoke softly.

"Also he gets nightmares sometimes because of the trauma but if I'm sleeping in the same bed, he doesn't get them."

"Alright. Sounds like he's had a tough life."

"I think he's scared of losing me because everyone he gets close to dies."

"What do you mean?"

"Well his parents and his first boyfriend."

"How did he die?"

"He killed himself when Harry's uncle found them together."

"Oh my goodness." His mother gasped and she sighed. "Well I'll make him feel welcome."

"Thank you mom. I love you."

"I love you too." They hung up and Draco sighed.

Draco's P.O.V

I sat awake as my Harry slept. He seemed very worked up when I told him about my relatives and it scared me. I didn't want him to have a panic attack in the car because we were in the middle of nowhere. 

I continued playing with his hair as I thought of how I could tell my father. I could tell him with Harry or I could just show him. I chew on my lip and Harry started stirring,

"Puppy?" He mumbled. I wasn't sure why he started calling me that but I thought it was cute.

"Yes Kitten?" I answered. He opened his eyes and I met the shining green.

"How much longer?" He asked looking up to me.

"About three hours." I answered and he nodded. He gently got up and pecked my mouth. "Harry, have you ever been on a plane?" I asked and he shook his head. "Would you have wanted to?"

"I don't know," He shrugged. "Are they scary?"

"You don't even know you're in the air, it feels like a car." I explained.

"Why do you ask?"

"Well when we go home for Christmas, we usually go to California."

"Oh that's nice."

"I wanted to know if you'd be okay in a plane when we go." I told him and his eyes widened.

"You're asking me to come to back with you for Christmas?" He questioned.

"Of course Kitten!" I shouted making him flinch. "Sorry, but of course, you're my boyfriend." He smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled and pressed my lips to him. He kissed me back and I gripped his hair, he moaned into the kiss and it went straight to my crotch. Him and I hadn't done one sexual thing in the three months we were together but I didn't mind. I thought it was nice we were taking things slow. 

He swiped his tongue across my lip and I opened my mouth. We battled for dominance, having him win. He kissed me deeper and I was moaning a lot. He must have noticed my situation downstairs because he pulled away. "Draco. Can I help with that?" He asked and I nodded.

"Only if you want to." I panted so he nodded and started to undo my belt. I laid my head against the seat and shut my eyes. I felt him slowly pulling my pants down and then my boxers. I was glad the window between us and Martin was up so he couldn't see in. I was feeling exposed and a little insecure because he wasn't saying anything. All of a sudden, I felt a pair a lips on mine. I kissed back and Harry whispered to me.

"You're so beautiful." He started kissing me down and then I felt the pleasure increase. He licked the tip and I moaned gripping his hair. He took me fully in his mouth and I groaned louder.

"Fuck, Harry." I moaned. He continued pleasuring me and it honestly was the best I've ever received "Harry," I moaned. "Harry." The pleasure was amplifying until I felt the same heat in my stomach. "H-harry I'm c-close." I warned before I came in to his mouth and he swallowed. I opened my eyes just as he was getting back on the seat. I fixed my boxers and pants. I smiled at Harry and kissed him. "Thank you Kitten."

"Anything for you Puppy," He smiled. "How was that?" He asked.

"The best I've ever had. Justin was one lucky kid." I spoke without thinking. He smiled and laughed.

"Why, thank you." He said kissing me again.


Harry's P.O.V

At around 8 pm, we arrived at Draco's house. We pulled into the long driveway leading to the giant white house. It was lit up by a lot of lights. We pulled up to the front and my heart was racing. 

Martin opened the door for us and Draco tugged on my hand.

"Come on, kitten." He told me so I got out of the house and I looked up. It was really big; it looked almost as big as Hogwarts. There were stairs leading to the big wooden French doors. "Thank you so much, Martin." Draco thanked.

"Y-yeah thank you." I gulped.

"Everything alright Kitten?"

"Your house is huge." I stated bluntly and he chuckled.

"Yes it is." He laughed before leaning into my ear. "My room isn't near anyone's so they can't hear you calling my name." My eyes widened and I blushed.


"Not yet kitten!" He teased so I scowled causing him to smirk and kiss my cheek. "Martin is gonna get your bags so let's go in." He told me so I nodded. We walked up the five steps and rang the door bell.

 A woman answered the door.

"Ah Master Draco, your mother is expecting you." She smiled.

"Thank you, Winky." He greeted. He pulled me inside and my eyes widened even more. The ceilings were high up and the floors were all marble. "Winky is one of our maids, she's been here since I was a baby." He smiled.

"That's her real name?" I asked and he chuckled.

"No, it's Wanda but I always called her Winky for some reason," He said. "Come on, mom should be in the family room." He pulled me to the right and there were two hallways. We turned down the left one and hung a right. The family room was very open and very spacious despite having two couches and two chairs. The color scheme was mainly white in this room but it varied from the rooms. 

There was a woman sitting near the fireplace drinking tea and reading. She was wearing black silk pajamas and her hair was long and blonde. She had a black streak going down the side.

"There you are mother." Draco spoke. His mother looked up and she was very beautiful. Draco walked over to her still holding my hand and she stood up.

"Hi my baby, how was the drive?"

"Long." He chuckled. I chewed on my lip and her eyes fell on me.

"You must be Harry." She smiled and I nodded.

"Harry Potter ma'am, nice to meet you." I spoke softly. She didn't bother shaking my hand which I was thankful for.

"You are nothing how I pictured." She told me.

"I hope that's a good thing." Draco laughed.

"Well yes, you're absolutely adorable."

"Thank you ma'am, you're very beautiful." I blurted but she smiled and blushed.

"Oh why thank you," She smiled. "You two must be starving, there is food in the kitchen."

"Thank you ma'am."

"Yeah thank you mama." He kissed her cheek and then pulled me out of the room. We walked the same way we came on and I looked around the house. It was decorated very nicely. He pulled me back passed the front door and into a big dining room.

"Whoa." I said and he smirked. There was a big table in the center, it fit around twenty people.

"Wait until you see the kitchen." He said before pulling me through a door and the kitchen was huge. There were like five ovens, a giant island in the middle and two fridges. There were stools along the counters.

"Whoa." I gasped. He smiled and pulled me into a kiss. I kissed him back and when we pulled away he wanted me to sit.

"Sit Kitten, I want to serve you." He told me and I nodded. I sat at one of the stools and he pulled out some ham and potatoes from the fridge. He put it on a plate and placed it in a microwave. As he was heating it up and walked over to me. "I'm gonna hug you." I nodded. He wrapped me in a hug and sighed. He kissed my neck gently. I yawned and nuzzled into him. "I think we'll go to bed after we eat."

"Alright." The beeper went off and I jumped.

"Shh it's alright Kitten." He kissed my cheek and unwrapped his arms from me. He walked over to the microwave and got the plates. He pulled the plates out and then put one with a lot of food in front of me. "You need to eat more."


"Because I want you to." He shrugged so I nodded and started eating. He took a seat next to me and we ate in a peaceful silence.

After we were both done, he brought me up to his room. It was decorated with music posters with artists like Nirvana and Red Hot Chili Peppers. It was a rather big room too with a bathroom and a king sized bed. It was only like 9 pm but we were in the car for awhile and we were both exhausted. I stripped into my boxers as did he and we crawled into the bed. It was very comfy so I cuddled up to his chest.

"Goodnight Harry."

"Goodnight Draco."

The next morning I woke up to Draco's sleeping face; he looked extremely peaceful. His blonde hair was covering his eyes very slightly and his lips were plumped out. I smiled and snuggled closer to him only for him to start stirring. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled.

"Good morning angel, how did you sleep?" He asked. His voice was really hot when he first woke up.

"Great, your bed is so comfy." I chuckled.

"I'm glad you think so." He winked and then kissed me.

"What time is it?" I asked. He turned his body to look at the digital clock.

"8 am." He told me before sitting up and stretching. "I'm gonna jump in the shower." He kissed me and then hopped out of bed.


Draco's P.O.V

My family started filing in one by one. I hadn't seen my father once since I had been there. My mother insisted he was working and that he would show up for the actual meal. Harry stayed by my side and I proudly introduced him as my boyfriend. My father's family was shocked to say the least but surprisingly accepting. I figured mother had talked to them because all of them just nodded their heads towards Harry. Harry looked rather relieved no one tried to shake his hand. We were seated in one of the family rooms when my father's twin brother came in. He was his identical twin down to the long blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hello Uncle Lucas." I smiled.

"Hello boys, I came to inform you that your father has arrived." He spoke and I nodded. "You mustn't worry; I'll talk some sense into him if he's harsh on you." I nodded again and turned to Harry.

"Ready?" He shook his head and I frowned. "Come on, it'll be okay." I assured. We stood up as Uncle Lucas smiled at us. We walked into the entrance way and my father was standing there. I could tell Harry was confused because he looked behind him. "They're identical twins." I laughed and he nodded. We approached my father; he was in an all black business suit and he stood tall with a stern stature. "Hello father." I nodded my head. He looked at me and Harry but didn't smile.

"Good day Draco, how are your studies?" He asked. So my father didn't exactly know I was a musician. He thought I was premed like my mother.

"Very well, father," I answered. "Father, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Harry." His eyes fell on Harry. He made a face of utter disgust but he masked it with a fake smile.

"Pleasure Harry." He managed to spit out. "Draco, may I speak to you for a moment? Alone?"

"Father I can't really-"

"Now." He yelled and I felt Harry tense. I nodded and turned to Harry.

"I'll be right back angel." I said and kissed him. My father brought me into his study that was down the hall. When he closed the door he spun around and smacked me. "Fuck." I cursed. "What the hell was that?" 

"Draco I will not tolerate you bringing home a boy let alone that piece of garbage." He yelled.

"You will take that back!" I barked. "He is not a piece of garbage! He so much more than that." I yelled.

"Oh is that so? Tell me Draco, what is his background?" He asked and I stayed quiet. "I asked you a question."

"He doesn't have a good background. He's had a tough life."

"I will not have you bringing charity cases into my house! I worked very hard for the life I am providing for you, not so you can go share the wealth with some poor child from a broken home!" He yelled and I just stared at him. I clenched my teeth and I took a deep breath.

"He isn't a charity case, he is my boyfriend."

"I will not have that and we'll discuss this more later." He spat but I shook my head.

"No we won't." I sneered before leaving. I left him in the study and went looking for Harry. I couldn't find him anywhere downstairs so I went to my room. He was packing up his things.

"Harry, what are you doing?"I asked. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and tears streaming down his face. "Hey baby, what's wrong?"

"I'm gonna leave Draco," He told me. "I'm sorry for the burden I've caused you." I walked over to him and he flinched.

"Harry, you're no burden please don't go."

"Why should I stay? Your father hates me."

"He doesn't hate you."

"I heard him, Draco." He informed me and my heart broke even more. "He only sees me as a piece of garbage." He started crying more.

"I'm so sorry Harry. My father is an ass but you can't go."

"I'm not wanted here. I'm not wanted anywhere." He sobbed.

"Yes, yes you are Harry." I tried getting closer and he flinched away. "Everyone wants you here please stay." I begged but he just finished packing his things.

"Thank you Draco. I'm sorry, I'll move out of the dorm while you're gone." I just shook my head and started crying.

"No no, Harry please believe me, stay. You need to stay with me. You need to stay here."

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I love you."

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