Chapter Five

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Harry's P.O.V

"Harry, I just don't think you should get to close to him," Cedric remarked. We were sitting at the tree with the good amount of shade.

"He's my roommate Cedric and if you can't get along with him, that'll be an issue."

"You'd leave me for him?" He quaked but I bobbed my head to the side.

"Well I've only known you for a little over a week." I pointed out. "I mean we're only seeing each other, it's not like you're my boyfriend." I looked over at him and he frowned.

"I know but I don't want you to get hurt."

"Well Draco has the same intentions." I said.

"Oh really? Why do you think he's your friend?" Cedric hissed.

"Because we're roommates." I shrugged but he just shook his head.

"Harry, he's rich remember?" I nodded. "Well he's only using you to get over his guilt."

"What are you talking about?"

"His father hates 'poor' people. He's stuck up and is very high maintenance. Draco grew up with the most prestigious things but he feels he needs to make up for his father''s behavior. Blaise told me that at his old school, he would befriend people, build up their spirits and then ditch them once his work is done."

"You're wrong." I shook my head. "Blaise is making that up."

"No he isn't, he's witnessed it firsthand. Draco may have good intentions but he doesn't finish very well."

"When do you talk to Blaise anyway?"

"Well when you turned me away, I saw him in the hall and he told me about how he thinks you two are seeing each other behind our backs. Of course I didn't believe that because you wouldn't do that to me, I mean I hope you wouldn't, but then he was telling me how Draco cheated on his girlfriend with him and then descried to me his past. Draco can't be trusted." Cedric explained. He cupped my face making me jump but he kissed me gently. "Please believe me." I just nodded slowly. He smiled and put his head on my shoulder. I put my head on his and he intertwined our hands. "Harry, can I take you on a date on Friday?"

"I don't want to go to a party." I said.

"No we'll go out though. You can stop by my dorm first." He winked but I just nodded.

"Okay, what time?"

"Hmm 9?"

"Okay sure." I nodded. He moved his head so I lifted mine off of his. He leaned and kissed me. The kiss was long and awkward just like our other kisses so I pulled away.

"Why don't you like kissing me?" He asked.

"Um honestly you're not the best kisser." I said sheepishly. A surprised chuckle escaped him.

"Thanks babe, wish I can say the same to you." He laughed. "Maybe I should practice more." He said leaning in. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"We can practice more later but you have class." I spoke. "I'll walk you there." I suggested. He nodded and we got up. We walked hand in hand to his next class which was child psychology and I pecked his lips.

"Remember what I told you about Draco, just be careful. I'll see you later." He walked away. I sighed and walked to my dorm. Could that be true?

Draco's P.O.V

It was Friday and Harry rarely talked to me since he left with Cedric on Tuesday. He basically ignored me and when I asked him what was up he would just shake his head. Today, Friday, He was supposed to go out with Cedric but he didn't seem ready at all. He seemed out of it like something was bothering him. After awhile he finally got ready but was having trouble with his jacket zipper.

"Here Harry let me help you!" I insisted walking over to him.

"No!" He yelled. "I'm not a charity case!" He yelled.


"Cedric told me what you said to Blaise. That you're only my friend and the only reason you're nice to me is because of guilt. Guilt because your daddy isn't nice to 'poor' people like me. Well you know what? I'm not rich and the only way I got into this school was the scholarship but I am in no means a charity case. Do not fucking treat me like a lost soul."

"Harry that's not why I'm friends with you Cedric-"

"Cedric wouldn't just make that up Draco." He yelled. "I'm not your next project." He spat. He fixed his jacket zipper and left the room without another word. I screamed in frustration.

"Fucking Blaise!" I yelled. I plopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. "Now I lost my only friend."


A few hours later, I found myself reading a book when the door opened and slammed shut. I looked up from my book and glanced up at a bleeding Harry. I looked back down to my book until it registered what I saw. I jumped up and ran up to him.

"Harry,what the hell happened to you?" I asked. He had a tissue to his nose and his glasses were messed up. He just looked up at me. "Harry, please tell me, I'm so sorry they lied to you but it's not true. You're not just a charity case. I want to help you because you're one of my closest friends not because I feel guilty." I spoke sincerely.

"I'm sorry; I shouldn't have just assumed Cedric was telling me the truth." He sighed

"Tell me what happened." I insisted. I grabbed a few more tissues and took away the bloody one. I put him the new ones to his nose and held it there. "Please?" We sat on his bed.

"Well I guess Cedric was drinking," He started. "Because by the time I got there he was drunk. He kissed me hard and pushed me to the bed, he wanted to have sex with me. I didn't want to lose my virginity to him drunk nor him in general," He explained. "Well he wasn't very happy and we started arguing and then he punched me." He told me.

"Harry, I'm so sorry." I frowned.

"Its fine really, I'm used to it." Harry said and then his eyes widened. My heart clenched and I wanted desperately for him to tell me.

"Harry please, you have to let me help you," My voice cracked. "Please tell me what you mean by that." He just shook his head and went to open his mouth but he started sobbing violently instead. I wrapped him in a hug and allowed him to cry into my chest. "I just want to help you Harry, please just tell me." He just cried instead and clung onto me tightly. I took away the tissue and gently put us in a lying position; he cuddled up to my neck. He kept on crying and I tried making him calm down but he wouldn't. "Alright Harry, just let it out. It's gonna be okay." I said softly rubbing his back. We eventually fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.

The next morning I slowly woke up and realized it was a Saturday. My arms were around Harry and his eyes were all red and puffy. I frowned and shifted slightly to get comfortable but it woke up Harry. He looked up at me with shimmering green eyes.

"Morning Harry." I spoke softly. "How are you feeling?" He scoffed slightly.

"I haven't cried that hard since I was eleven. Hell I didn't even cry that hard when my boyfriend died." He told me. "Thank you Draco."

"Anything for you Harry." I whispered. We were very close in proximity, he practically lying on top of me.

"I'm ready to tell you." He said.

"You are?" I asked. He just nodded and went to sit up. I allowed him to and I sat up with him. I crawled across the twin sized bed and sat with on leg tucked under me as I stretched the other one across the bed. He was sitting criss-cross. I was looking at him intently and he returned to my gaze. He took a deep breath and started.

"First off, the abuse didn't start until I was about five and old enough to understand what was happening. But the neglect started when I merely a one year old. I was put in a cupboard under the stairs and mainly forgotten. When I turned five, I did something wrong and my uncle, he wasn't very happy. He grabbed me hard and shoved me to the ground. He slapped me and I cried. Well crying wasn't allowed so he hit me again. This time he took off his belt and whipped me with it," Harry's voice cracked. "It hurt a lot but he kept doing it, I passed out from the pain. When I came to, I was in the cupboard, alone. As I got older, the beatings only got worse and longer. If he had a bad day at work, it would be taken out on me. When he was drunk, he'd beat me. It wasn't only physical beatings but verbal as well. He would always call me a freak or boy. No one had ever called me by my name. I was only allowed to leave the small space to cook and clean. But I wasn't allowed to eat anything, maybe just the scraps of their food," He said. "My Aunt and cousin weren't any better. My aunt was more verbally abusive and my cousin was both. Physical and verbally. I never had any friends because he turned the whole school against me." He said. "But when I was eleven, I got my cousin's second room-"

"Wait, your cousin had two rooms and you had to live under the stairs?!" I asked angrily.

"Yeah." He nodded. I just looked at him to continue. "Anyway, they gave me my own room because someone at school noticed the bruises and they sent child services to my house. My aunt and uncle played it off as if I was a boy who liked to play roughly. I cried so hard the night I found out they were cleared and I wouldn't get an escape. I got a beating for letting my bruises be seen. They enrolled me into wrestling because it a way to explain the bruises and all. I got good at it because it was the only way I was able to fight back. When I was fourteen, I got my first boyfriend, Justin, I was so incredibly happy. I spent a lot of time over at his house; his parents just thought we were best friends. Well on our two year anniversary, I couldn't see him because I was grounded but he snuck into my room at night and brought me some food. He knew about the abuse but he couldn't tell anyone because most of the bruises were under my clothes and his parents would get suspicious. Well we were on my bed kissing and touching, and I guess we got too loud because my uncle barged into the room and caught us." His voice cracked.

 I hadn't realized I was crying until my vision blurred. I wiped my eyes as he continued. "He kicked my boyfriend out and threatened to call his parents. So he left and the next day I found out he killed himself that night, he wrote me a note saying he was sorry. I wasn't allowed to go to the funeral. Uncle Vernon wouldn't even let me be seen with all the bruises. It's not like his parents wanted me at the funeral anyway." He to say something else but started crying hard again. I wrapped him in a hug and held him tightly.

"You can stop if you want." I cried along with him. He was hiccupping and he sighed.

"I want to tell you more."

"There's more?" I asked and he nodded in the crook of my neck. "Okay, go ahead." We pulled away and he looked at me.

"When I got the scholarship, he told me that if I left I couldn't come back. He told me I was an ungrateful swine." Harry said. "So I left." He gave a small smile. "I'm finally free Draco, I'm finally free." That's when I lost it and clutched him closely.

"You are Harry and he'll never ever hurt you again. I promise you'll be safe. As long as we're friends, I won't let anything hurt you." I sobbed. He sniffled a little and held on to me just as tight. "Harry, you're so strong." I cried. "You're so strong."

"Thank you Draco." He hiccupped. "You're the best." I just rubbed his back and held him tightly. He chuckled softly. "You're the only I let hug me." We pulled away and I smiled.

"I'm happy for that." I confessed. "I'll be here for you no matter what, okay?" He nodded. "Are you gonna talk to Cedric?"

"Do you think you could um come with me? I mean, in case I break down?"

"I can talk to him if you want." He just shook his head.

"I need to do it, but I want you there." I smiled and nodded.

"Of course." We decided to get dressed and we were just heading to the great hall when Cedric turned the corner. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked terrible.

"Harry!" He yelled. He ran over to us and went to hug Harry but I stepped in the way. "Get out of the way Malfoy!" He hissed.

"You are not hurting him again." I hissed. I was few inches taller than him so I was looking down.

"I just wanna- I just wanna apologize." He admitted. I looked back as Harry who nodded. I stepped out of the way.

"I'll be right here." I whispered. He nodded and stepped in front of Cedric.

"Harry I am so so sorry." He said. "I'm a very needy drunk and when I don't get what I want, I get angry."

"Cedric you almost took advantage of me." Harry said.

"I know and I will never forgive myself for treating you like that," He promised. "When my roommate told me what I happened, I cried. I need you to forgive me."

"I can forgive you Cedric." Harry said. I gasped as Cedric's eyes lit up. "But what you and I had is over."

"But I wanted to ask if you'd be my boyfriend," Cedric frowned. "I've never met someone like you before."

"Cedric, I liked you but I can't deal with that, whatever, happened last night. You know how I feel about drinking and you did it anyway." Harry told him. "You hurt me and I won't forget that."

"What if I make it up to you?" He asked. Harry shook his head.

"No Cedric it's over." Harry said simply. He leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Goodbye Cedric." He said and walked passed him. Cedric just looked over to me and narrowed his eyes.

"This is your fault." He hissed.

"You can't blame me for your foolish actions," I shook my head. "Bye boo." I hissed and walked away to catch up with up Harry.

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