Chapter Four

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WARNING: Child Abuse

Harry's P.O.V

"Listen here boy!" My uncle yelled. "You ungrateful little swine, if you leave this house, don't bother coming back." He barked. "Just because you got into your precious school doesn't mean you're better than anyone else here, you're a freak and a nobody!" He back handed me.

"I don't think that!"

"Don't talk back boy!" He slapped me.

"I'm sorry." I cried. All I could mutter was 'I'm sorry' as he hit me over and over again.

"Harry!" Someone yelled making me jump awake. Draco stood over me but he was blurry.

"Draco?" I asked breathlessly. I felt him kneel down and start stroking my hair. I flinched at his touch but relaxed. I was panting trying to catch my breath.

"You weren't kidding about those nightmares." He chuckled nervously. I nodded and caught my breath.

"Thank you Draco."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." I shook my head. "It's nothing, what time is it?"

"Almost 5."

"I need to go to practice." I said getting up. I was only in my boxers and Draco was staring at me. "What?" I asked.

"What's on your back?" He asked. I twisted to see what he was talking about and noticed the marks.

"Nothing you need to worry about." I said. "Bye Draco, I'll see you before chem." I threw on sweats and grabbed my bag. I walked out of the room and made my way to the gym. I was one of the only ones in the locker room so I quickly changed and made my way into the gym.

"There you are Harry." Oliver smiled. "I wanted to try a new move."

"Alright, what?" I asked.

"Tight waist. I'll show you the move first like always and you try it." He said. I nodded and he got behind me. He wrapped his around my midsection and grabbed my waist. He then made me fall to the ground. I groaned when we fell and he pinned me. Once he got off, he looked down at me. "Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded and got off the ground. "Alright you try on me." He said. I nodded and quickly did the motion. He was on the mat before we knew it.

"Sorry." I bit my lip.

"No, that was good." He advised and raised an eyebrow. "Do you think you could take on someone bigger than you?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. The people were filing in and Wood spotted someone.

"Vince come here." He called. Before I knew it a big guy around my age walked over to me. "Crabbe here is the biggest on the team, if you can take him down, you can take anyone down."

"I don't think I can." I shook my head. Vince grabbed my shoulder and smirked.

"Scared Potter?" I rolled my eyes.

"You wish." I spat.

"Alright face off." Oliver said. We face each other and nodded our heads. Wood blew the whistle and Crabbe charged at me. I moved out of the way and gripped his arm. I was able to get him in a full body lock. My legs were around his and I had him in a head lock. I used my knees to get him to the ground and I was able to pin him. I was out of breath and I gave him a weird look.

"Why didn't you fight back?"

"Are you kidding? That's all I did! I tried throwing you off what you gripped tightly around my neck." He said just as winded. "Good job." He nodded his head. They knew how I felt about handshakes.


"I want to fight Potter next." Blaise said. He had a devilish grin on his face. Wood looked at me and I shrugged.

"Alright face off." We did and nodded at one another. Oliver blew the whistle and I ran wrapping my arms around Blaise. He simply wrapped one arm around me and slipped us on to the ground. I was able to push him off and get on top of him. We flipped a few more time until I got the upper hand and pinned his arm behind his back. I pinned him and we were done. I was out of breath so I lied on the mat. Blaise had got up and stuck his hand out for me to take but I flinched. He didn't move his hand so I took it and he lifted me up.

"Good match." He smiled. I grinned and we were dismissed.


I walked into my dorm room with Blaise and Draco was getting ready.

"Hey baby." Blaise smiled.

"Hi." Draco said shortly. Blaise walked over to him and hugged him gently. Draco didn't seem too into the hug.

"Aw come on baby, you're not mad at me still are you?"

"Blaise, please." Draco said. He lowered his voice. "You accuse me of cheating on you and then all you want to do is get in my pants. I'm not your fuck toy."

"You're right you're not! Because I don't even get that satisfaction." Blaise hissed pushing Draco slightly.

"It's because of me!" I spoke up. Blaise just gave me an odd look.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm afraid to have sex so he promised me to stay celibate until I lose my virginity considering we're both bottoms and we can help console each other." I explained. I didn't even believe myself but Blaise looked over to Draco and Draco nodded. Blaise just came over to me and glowered at me.

"Next time, stay out of my relationship Potter." He snarled so I gulped and nodded. He left the room without another word. Draco walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"Thank you so much Harry, you didn't have to lie."

"Don't worry about it Draco," I mumbled. "You would have done it for me."

"Yes I would and don't you forget it," He mentioned. There was a knock at the door causing us to let go of the embrace.

"Didn't mean to interrupt." Cedric frowned.

"Oh hi boo, you weren't," I told him. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh I wanted to walk you to class."

"But I have Draco," I told him. "And you have class in like 20 minutes."
"Harry I just want to spend time with you," He frowned. "But if you don't want to it's alright."

"I'll see you after class, okay?"

"Alright, bye Harry." He walked away and Draco gave me a look.

Draco's P.O.V

"Harry, why did you turn him away? He wanted to walk you to class." I asked.

"Well for starters, he had a class and I didn't want you to feel left out. Plus I'm still annoyed at him for blowing up at you the way he did. He treated you terribly, you're like my best friend and if he can't along with you, then it wasn't meant to be." He said.

"Wait, how can I be your best friend, we hardly know each other." I shook my head.

"You're the only one who tries to get to know me." He gave a small smile. "You care a lot and it means a lot to me. No one's ever tried that."


"I'll ask Cedric what his problem was with you." He told me but I shook my head.

"You don't have too, I'm used to people being rude to me." I murmured. He just shrugged and smiled weakly. "You know Harry; you may be my best friend too."

"I appreciate that Draco." He smiled. "Come on let's get to chem." I nodded and we started walking down the hall. As we were walking there we heard our names being called.

"Harry! Draco!" We turned to the direction of the voice and Blaise's roommate was walking with that girl.

"Ron, Hermione." Harry smiled.

"Hey guys." I smiled.

"Hello Draco, how are you?" Hermione asked.

"Eh I'm alright, how are you?"

"Doing well actually." She blushed looking at Ron. "Ready for Chemistry are we?" She asked us all. We all nodded and she smiled. "Let's go then." We nodded again and made our way to the classroom and I sat with Harry near the back as Ron and Hermione sat in front of us. As the class filled up; a man with long greasy black hair and a giant nose walked in. He was in an all black pant suit. He walked over to the chalkboard and wrote his name, the course and the date.

"I am Professor Snape." He introduced in monotone voice. "I am teaching this course this semester." His eyes were wandering the class until they stopped on my table. I looked over to Harry who was taking note and then back to the Professor. "Ah Mister Potter, our very own scholarship boy." Snape hissed. Harry just looked up and stared. "Pay attention will you?" He asked gently.

"Yes Professor." Harry replied softly.

"Also I would like to see you after class."

"Yes sir." Harry said. Snape nodded towards me and the continued his lesson.


I was waiting for Harry outside the classroom when I was pulled and pinned against the wall. Before I could process what was happen, I felt a familiar pair of lips upon mine. I sighed and gently pulled away.

"What are you doing?" Blaise asked.

"Waiting for Harry." I said.

"That's not what I meant, I meant why are pushing me away."

"Because I'm mad at you!" I yelled. "You can't just accuse me of cheating on you then come back and kiss me thinking everything is okay."

"I thought we settled this" He snarled.

"No! We didn't." I yelled. Harry walked back out of the room and he looked a little upset.

"Are you just mad at me because you and Potter are seeing each other behind my back and I'm getting in the way?" He asked.

"We...were not seeing each other." Harry stuttered.

"Stay out of it Potter." Blaise hissed.

"No! You brought him into this!" I yelled.

"You're defending him! What else am to think? I know about your past Draco. Remember?" He threatened.

"Stop Blaise!" I yelled. "I'm done!"

"What does that mean?"

"That means you and I are no longer together. I can't deal with your petty jealously." And with that I walked away. I heard him hit the wall and then footsteps behind me. I spun around and Harry was there.

"I'm..I'm sorry," He said. "If I... If I knew he was...was je-"

"It's not your fault, Harry." I sighed. "It's his fault he's jealous." He just nodded and we made our way to the dorm room. As we walked in, Harry went to his bed and collapsed.

"I'm tired." He groaned and he looked over to me. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"Because you just broke up with your boyfriend, your first boyfriend."

"We only dated for a few months and I wasn't even in love with him." I shrugged. "I actually feel better." I smiled.

"Well that's good." He grinned. It grew quiet until he spoke up. "Draco?"

"Yeah, Harry?"

"What did he mean about your past?" He asked so I sighed and sat on my bed.

"Well I was in a relationship with a girl when I met Blaise. He was really attractive and I kind of cheated on my girlfriend with Blaise." I frowned. "It was bad I know but it happened."

"Well everyone makes mistakes." Harry said simply. There was a knock on the door and Cedric was standing there. He glared at me but he smiled when his eyes fell on Harry.

"Hey boo, how was class?" Harry asked Cedric.

"It was alright, how was class for you?" He asked walking in before sitting on his bed.

"Professor Snape was apparently my mom's best friend as a child. He told me that if I ever needed anything to go to him."

"Well that's good!" Cedric said. Harry sat up and Cedric took the chance to kiss him. It seemed like a lingering kiss but Harry pulled away.

"Boo, I need to talk to you." Harry told him. "Let's go get something to eat and we can talk there."

"Is everything alright?" Cedric asked.

"Yeah it should be." Harry said. "I just wanna talk about something." He told Cedric. Cedric nodded and allowed Harry to get out of bed. He gripped his hand and Harry turned to me.

"I'll see you later Draco." He smiled and they left the room. I chewed on my lip and instantly felt guilty. He's going to talk about me.

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