Chapter ThirtyEight

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This will be the last chapter before the epilogue , happy reading xox

Harry's P.O.V

I was waiting in a little room waiting to be interviewed. The building itself was wide and brick. It was rather pretty on the inside with a gym, a pool, a rec room, and dorm rooms for the people to stay in. Outside were tennis courts and basket ball courts, it was sort of a camp people could go to.

"Mr. Potter?" I heard my name. My head snapped up and a woman stood in the doorway.

"That's me." I said standing.

"Ah follow me." She smiled and I nodded. She was a rather sort and plump woman with a warm smile. Her hair was red and she was rather pretty. She brought me into her office and had me sit down. She sat at her desk and looked at me. "Let me start off by saying my name is Molly Weasley." She said and my face dropped.

"Weasley? Do you have a son named Ron?" I asked and her eyes twinkled.

"Yes I do! Do you know him?"

"Yes he and I are friends. I met him at school, Hogwarts." I said and she frowned slightly.

"I thought your name sounded familiar, Ron's told me a lot about you." She said and I frowned. "I am really sorry to hear about what's happened. I take it that's why you want to work here?"

"Yes I feel like I can relate to them a hundred percent and I can help them through everything they're going through."

"Do you think you could deal with alcoholic and drug addict teens?"

"Well ma'am my godfather was a drug addict and my u-uncle drank a lot." I flinched slightly.

"Do you mind if I ask?" She asked and I knew exactly what she was talking about. So I described to her every detail from my childhood. I described to her my ex boyfriend Justin and my hometown. I told her about Cedric and about Draco. By the time I was done, she was sniffling.

"And that's my life." I said.

"That's tough Harry." She said wiping her eyes. "I don't think there's a better man for the job." She smiled and so did I. "You passed the criminal background so you're good. We'll need a urine sample to test for drugs but other than that, you've got the job." She said.


"Welcome aboard. May I hug you?" She asked and I nodded. She stood up and gave me a bone crushing hug. "Want a tour?" She asked.

"That would be great." I said. I stood up and she walked me out of her office.

"Okay so out here is where people socialize." She said. There were kids all over the place.

"How exactly do these kids come here?" I asked.

"Oh well ACS takes them from their homes when abuse is happening. We take them in until they can be place with a foster family. Or in the addict's case, until their clean."

"Is it only abuse by family members?"

"No we usually take in anyone like domestic cases too. The ages range from 13-21." She said and I nodded. She waved to few kids waving to her and we walked back in through the pool area. I noticed there was a workout room as well.

"Looks like a nice place; you can do almost anything here." I said and she smiled.

"Yes that is true." She smiled. A girl came up to her and she was about fourteen at most.

"Molly, I was wondering when the café would be open?" She asked. I noticed bruises on her arm had bruises on them. It looked like she just came from the workout room.

"Oh deary, it should be open soon, if you're hungry, here's some money for the vending machines." She said handing the girl some money. The girl smiled.

"Thank you." She said.

"Anytime. Kelly, I want you to meet Harry, he'll be working here as a mentor." She said and the girl smiled.

"It's nice to meet you Harry. I'm Kelly." She said and I smiled.

"It's nice to meet you too Kelly, I look forward to working with you." She smiled and scampered off.

"So what would my hours be?" I asked.

"Well you'd work from nine to five." She said and I nodded.

"Monday to Friday?"

"Yes and occasionally Saturday's if we need you."

"Okay." We left the pool and went into the rec room where more kids were handing out. "How many kids are here?" I asked.

"Oh maybe one hundred, not an entirely big group but they're separated in age groups for meetings."
"Do you house people for the night if they needed?" I asked and all she did was nod. We walked around until she showed me everything and we ended up back in the lobby. I saw a familiar platinum blonde sitting there.

"Draco?" I asked and his head snapped up.

"Hi baby." He said.

"Mrs. Weasley this is my boyfriend Draco." I said and he stuck out his hand for her to take.

"Harry you can call me Molly but it's nice to meet you Draco, I've heard great things about you." She said causing us both to blush.

"Thank you." He said smiling at me.

"I got the job Puppy." I said and he smiled.

"Congrats!" He kissed me.

"He'll start tomorrow so you may leave now. Thank you Harry, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." I smiled and gave her a hug. When I was done he and I walked out.

"Wanna get lunch?" He asked and I nodded. We walked hand in hand towards the little outside eatery.

"Everything okay puppy?" I asked and he sighed.

"My father... he found out where we lived and visited us." He said and I looked at him.

"I'm sorry." I said and he looked at me. He gave me a crooked smile.

"He apologized Harry." He said and I felt my eyes prickle with tears.


"He apologized." He smiled. "Mother threatened divorce if he didn't straighten up. Now my father may be cold but when it comes to loving my mother, that's not something to mess with. He asked if I could forgive him and I said he must accept you as my boyfriend and maybe sometime in the future my husband and he said he would." He said and I smiled.

"Really?" I asked and he pulled me into a kiss. When he pulled away, he put his forehead to mine.

"Really." He smiled. I smiled and we continued walking. We went to the eatery and shared a nice meal. As we were walking I turned to him.

"Are we allowed to get a pet?" I asked and he cocked an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure, we can look into it. Why do you want one?"

"Yes I do! It can we our baby until we have one of our own." I said and I felt him tense. I laughed and kissed him. "Relax baby, we'd have to get married first and get our lives together before we have children." I said and he smiled.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too." I said.

"So what did you have in mind?" I asked.

"Hmm maybe a ferret?" I asked and he smirked.

"I like that idea." He said and I smiled. "I'll look into it and if they say no, we'll sneak him in."

"I like your thinking dragon."

"I like you."

"Do you?"

"Nope." He said popping the 'p'. "Because I love you." He said and grasped my lips in his.


Draco's P.O.V

I was lying with Harry in my lap as I gently stroked his hair. There was a knock at the door and Harry looked up at me.

"Are you expecting anyone?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No but I'm answering it." I said and stood up. I walked over to the door and opened it believing a rather large boy. He seemed big but not fat.

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm looking for Harry Potter." He said and I looked back. Harry lifted his head from the couch and his eyes widened.

"Dudley?" He choked out. I tried raking my brain for that name and I didn't make the connection.

"Do you think I could talk to you?" The Dudley kid asked. Harry was visibly tense and he looked at me. He made his way over to us and I noticed he was shaking.

"W-what do y-you need t-to talk a-about?" He asked stuttering. I put my arm around him which made him flinch. I tried thinking harder who this was and it clicked.

"You're his cousin!" I shouted.

"Yes and Harry, I'm not here to hurt you. I came to talk to you." He said and I looked at Harry. He took a deep breath.

"About what?" He asked.

"May I come in?" He asked and Harry nodded. Dudley came in and Harry led him to our table. Harry looked at me and then the couch to tell me to sit there so I was close. I nodded and walked over.

"What do you want to talk about Dudley?" Harry asked.

"I'm sorry Harry." He said.


"I'm sorry for everything. The way my parents and I treated you was shit. You didn't deserve my torment Harry. I just followed my parents lead but I can't follow in their example."
"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"I'm gonna be a dad Harry." He said and I peered to watch Harry's hands grasp over Dudley's.

"Congrats." He said simply. "And you've come to tell me that you've matured because you're gonna have a child. You don't want that child to grow up how I did." Harry said and Dudley nodded.

"Exactly Harry. I'm so sorry for everything and you don't need to forgive me but I needed to tell you that. You're a good kid Harry."

"Thank you Dudley and I think if I can forgive anyone from that family, it would be you. You were taught that and I appreciate you coming by." Harry said. "Do you know what you're having?"

"A little girl."

"Congrats." Harry smiled and I found myself smiling.

"Thank you Harry." Dudley smiled.

"So um how did you find me?"

"I asked your godfather after much begging. The guy he was with didn't seem too happy I interrupted them." He said and Harry chuckled.

"I have a good feeling that it's just that man's face." Harry said. "He was my professor."

"Oh that must be awkward." Dudley laughed.

"Eh it's whatever." The two chuckled and talked a few more times before Dudley had to leave. Once he did Harry burst into tears of happiness. I wrapped him in a hug and he held me tightly.

"I can't believe that just happened." He sniffled.

"I'm so happy for you angel."

"I love you so much Draco."

"I love you more Harry. You deserve this happiness."

"I owe my strength all to you my dragon." He said and kissed me gently on the lips. I kissed him back and the kissed lasted a few moments. Just us moving in sync and allowing the passion to flow through. When we pulled away he smiled and put his forehead to mine. "Draco, will you marry me?"

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