Chapter ThirtyOne

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Draco's P.O.V

After my shower and getting dressed, I settled on the couch with Harry. He had his head on my shoulder as my arm was draped around him.

"So what do you usually do?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I don't really leave the house." He said. "There's not much for me to do." He explained.

"Oh well is there like a park or something nearby?" I asked.

"Yeah it's down the street." He said.

"Do you wanna go to it?" I asked and he looked at me. "Come on Harry, you need to leave the house." He sighed.

"Alright yeah we can." He nodded. We stood up and shouted to Sirius we were going out.

"Alright be careful!" He yelled back. We walked out of the house and I grabbed his hand. I felt him tense and he tried to drop my hand.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Um t-the people here-" He said and then I remembered. I sighed and pulled him into a kiss. He reluctantly kissed me back and I put my forehead to his when we pulled away.

"No one will say anything." I said. "And if they do, I will take care of it." I said and he nodded. "I love you Harry."
"I love you too." He smiled. We pulled away and I grabbed his hand. We walked to the little playground. There were swings, monkey bars and a few slides. No one was there so I pulled Harry over to the swings.

"Sit, I'll push you." I said and he nodded. He sat on one of the swings and I pushed him on it. I pushed him pretty high and he giggled. I slowed him down and then sat on his lap. "Do you miss Hogwarts?" I asked.

"Yeah I miss my friends and I missed you a lot." He said. "I'll have to text Oliver later; he was very upset I was leaving." He said.

"That's because you're so sweet." I whispered and leaned into him against his chest.

"I guess." He whispered and kissed my head.

"Where did you used to live?" I asked.

"Down the street." He said and I looked at him.

"From here?"
"Yeah I can show you it if you want." He said and I nodded.

"Are you sure?" I asked and he nodded. "Okay." I kissed him gently. I got off of him and he stood up. We walked hand in hand down the street. It was a few blocks and it was cloudy outside but he stopped. It was a small pinkish house with a few windows in the font. There was not car in the driveway. "That could be my garage." I said and he nodded.

"You see that window?" He pointed to a window that rest above the little roof that hovered over the door.


"That was my room." He said. I noticed the trellis alongside the side of the house.

"Is that how Justin got up?" I asked pointing to it. He turned to me and smiled.

"Yup I put it up myself!" He said. "I had to do the outside work so I put it up. I don't think Vernon knows it's there." He smirked and I chuckled. I pecked his mouth and grabbed his hand. We walked back to the house as Sirius was walking out.

"Oh hey guys, I need to pick up a few items from the store." He said.

"Oh we'll do it." I said. "Harry should get out." I said. He smiled and nodded.

"Alright! Take my car." He said and handed me the keys. He handed me his list and credit card. We walked to the garage and got into his red ford. I started driving off with Harry in the passenger seat.

"I hope you don't mind me offering." I said and he shrugged. "You're gonna have to tell me how to get around." I chuckled. He nodded and directed me to the store. I pulled in to the spaces and grabbed a cart. "You hold the list while I push this thing." I said.

"Alright dear." He chuckled. We walked in and the store was on the larger side despite it being a small town.

"Have you been here before?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll show you where to go." He said and I nodded. He was holding my hand with one and held the list in the other. As we walked passed the other people, we got many stares and glares. I could tell by Harry's loosening grip he was uncomfortable. I kissed his cheek and I heard a few scoff.

"Ignore them." I whispered and he nodded. We continued walking and he pointed me in the direction of all the items. I was picking up all the essentials like milk, bread and water. We picked up a few deli meats. And I started looking at the meat and chicken. "Babe, Sirius eats meat right?" I asked. He wasn't talking so I looked up at him. His stare was fixated on aisle in front of him and there was no color in his face. "Harry?" I asked.

"D-Draco, can we go?" He asked.

"We need to pay for everything." I said and he looked at me. Tears were swarming in his eyes and I wrapped him in a hug. "What's wrong?" I whispered. I felt him trembling so I peered down the aisle and noticed a fat man with a horse looking woman. "Who is that?" I asked.

"My uncle." He said. I felt the color drain from my face and then my blood boiled.

"That's him?" I hissed and he shook. "Shh it's okay." I said.

"Can we go?" He asked.

"Yeah we can. Let's just pay for these things." I said and he nodded. We walked over to the check out and put our things on the conveyer belt. The male teen looked at us. He had bushy blonde hair. He was rather tall and had brown eyes.

"Are you two a couple?" He asked.

"Yes." I said shortly.

"It's about time." He said. "Good for you for not caring." He said.

"Thank you." I smiled and looked at Harry. He smiled too. He rang all of our items and then bagged them. I put them in the cart and we walked out. Apparently Harry's uncle was walking out too because he froze and his gaze was fixated on him.

Harry's P.O.V

I froze. My uncle saw me. He saw me with Draco and I flashed back to the time with Justin.

"I love you so much Harry." Justin purred in my ear. I smiled and kissed him.

"I love you too." I whispered. He put his lips to mine and I closed my eyes. I heard footsteps and then someone barged in through the door.

"Boy!" He yelled and Justin jumped away from me. Uncle Vernon's eyes widened. "You freak!" He yelled. He grabbed Justin by the back of his neck. "Just wait until I tell your parents what you've been up to!" He hissed. Justin was begging him not to but uncle Vernon shoved him out through the window. He slammed the window and looked at me. "You've done it now!" He yelled.

"Harry!" Draco snapped in my face. I looked at my Uncle was still staring at me.

"H-help." Is all I stuttered out. Draco nodded and kissed me gently. He sat me on the bench and leaned into my ear.

"I'll take care of it." He whispered. He walked over to my aunt and uncle and started speaking to him. I couldn't hear what he was saying but he pointed me. He had a grin on his face and I saw the color drain from uncle's face. My aunt's face look horrified and Draco just gently patted my uncle before coming over to me. He stepped in my view of my uncle and kneeled in front of me. "He won't bother you anymore."

"What did you say?"

"I told him if he ever decided to harm you anyway, that I will personal have him destroyed and that I have enough money to cover it up." He said gently and I dropped my jaw.

"Did you really?" I asked and he nodded. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into his collarbone. "Thank you." I whispered.

"Anything for you Harry." He smiled and kissed my head. "Come on Harry, let's get back." He said and I nodded. We walked over to the car and packed the groceries away. We got in the car and I directed him how to get home. We passed a cemetery.

"Draco wait!" I called. He stopped and looked at me. "Pull in here." I said and he nodded slowly. He pulled in and parked. It was a small cemetery so you could easily find the person you were looking for.

"What are we doing here?" He asked and I shushed him. We got out of the car and I pulled him looking at all the headstones. I came across one 'Justin Peterman' and I turned to Draco. "Is this-?"

"My Justin." I smiled. I let go of his hand and walked in front of the bronze headstone. It had a few flowers which I'm guessing was from his family. "Hi Justin." I started speaking to the headstone. "It's been awhile gummy bear and I can honestly say I miss you. I miss you so much." I said and tears welled in my eyes. "But I've been well taken care of and I know that's your doing bear." I started crying. "I have an amazing boyfriend and I know you sent him to me. I know you made us cross paths because all you ever wanted was for me to be happy and I am. I am so unbelievably happy. All I can say is thank you so much gummy bear, thank you for letting me meet my soul mate, because I don't know what I'd do without him." I cried. I kissed my hand and then touched the headstone. I wiped my eyes and looked at Draco. Tears were pouring out of his eyes and I gave him a small smile. I walked over to him and wiped one of the tears. I pressed my lips to his and hugged him. "I love you Draco." I whispered.

"I love you more Harry." He sobbed. He buried his face into my neck and we just stayed there for a little bit. He finally contained his crying and we walked towards the car. We got in the car and he turned to me. "You're my soul mate too Harry." He told me. I smiled and put my lips to his. When I pulled away we drove back to the house and Sirius walked out.

"What took you guys so long?" He asked.

"Uncle Vernon was there." I said and his eyes widened.

"Did he hurt you?" He snarled and I shook my head.

"Draco took care of it. I don't think he'd be hurting me anytime soon."

"Thank you Draco." Sirius said and Draco grinned looking at me.

"Anything for Harry." He said and I smiled. The three of us brought in the groceries and Draco pulled me up to our room. He laid us on the bed and cuddled with me.

"Can I ask you something?" He whispered and I nodded. "What did he do to you a couple days ago?" He asked and I sighed.

"Well he was the one who was at the door when I was on the phone with you." I started and his eyes widened.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"Because there wasn't anything you could do." I said. "So after I told you I needed to go. He stormed in and punched me a few times. He shoved me to the ground. He told me I was worthless for getting kicked out. He kicked me and punched. He didn't use the belt but I couldn't move because I was in a lot of pain. So Sirius came home and started yelling at him. They got into an argument about Sirius' drug problem but Sirius told him he was clean and that he'd have Vernon's ass in jail for assault." I said and took a deep breath. "Sirius wanted to take me to the hospital but I didn't want that and I didn't want the police involved because I already have enough issues with Blaise and Cedric." I explained. "So I told Sirius everything about what happened when I lived there." I said and snuggled into him. I felt him gulp and then touch my hair. I flinched and he sighed.

"It's only me." He hushed. "Why didn't you tell me? Or talk to me?" He asked.

"Because those words played over in my head." I told him. "A lot of people think I'm worthless and thought maybe I am. Maybe I am and that Draco is going to leave me. I want you to be happy Draco and that's why I stopped. I didn't want you to be with someone who is a worthless charity case when you can be with someone like you." I said. He made me look at him.

"Like I said Harry. You are not a charity case." He said. "You are so much more than that. You're not worthless at all and I don't want you thinking that anymore. You'll never live up to my father's standards but hey, I won't either because his standards are higher than you at my show." He said and I smiled. "So don't ever worry about that because I'm not going anywhere. You're my lifeline Harry." He said and I smiled.

"Where did you get that line?" I asked. "Or did you come up with that yourself?"

"Hermione told me it but I was totally thinking it." He said and I giggled. I snuggled into his chest and I felt him relax.

"Have you talked to anyone else other than your father?"
"No I haven't." He said. "I'm sure mother will call later."

"If she does, tell her why you dropped out." I said. "I figured you haven't mentioned I was kicked out so if you haven't tell her everything." I said and he looked at me.

"Like including what Cedric did?" He asked and I nodded.

"Everything. Everything because it's the only way anyone would ever understand." I told him and he nodded.

"Okay." He put his lips to mine and I kissed him back. When we pulled away, I smiled.

"I love you so much Draco."

"I love you more Harry."


Draco and I were eating dinner with Sirius when his phone rang. He looked at it and his eyes widened.

"I need to take this." He said and we nodded. He walked into the other room. We continued eating in silence then Draco came back a few moments later. He looked at me and smiled shyly. "Blaise has been arrested."

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