Chapter Twenty-One

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Draco's P.O.V

            "Draco." Someone whispered in my ear. I groaned and flipped around so I was facing Harry.

            "Go away Katie." I mumbled tiredly.

            "Draco it's already 11, you need to wake up." She stated so I opened my eyes and turned over. She was standing there and smirking. "What time did you two get home last night?"

            "Um 1 or 2 in the morning."

            "What were you doing?"

            "Well we went to dinner then went to the movie and then I showed him the school I used to go to."

            "And that was why you were out so late?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.

            "We um kind of had sex on the football field." I admitted sheepishly. Her eyes widened and she dropped her jaw smirking.

            "You kinky bastard!" She shoved me playfully.

            "It was Harry's idea." I said and I felt him move behind me.

            "That it was." He mumbled getting a chuckle out of Katie. I turned to face him and he was smiling. "Good morning puppy."

            "Good morning kitten, how did you sleep?"

            "Well, how about you?"He asked.

            "It was great." I said kissing his nose. I sat up gently and brushed a hand through my hair. "Where's Tabi?" I asked.

            "She was taking a shower. I'm taking her to the ice rink today." She noted and I nodded.

            "That seems fun." I told her so she nodded.

            "Yes well now that you're awake, go get yourself something to eat," Katie ordered. "I'll see you guys later." She said and then left the room.

 "Draco?" Harry asked and I looked back at him.

            "Yes Harry?"

            "What are we doing today?"

            "Well what do you want to do?" I asked.

            "I don't know." He said.

            "We can... go to the zoo." I suggested and his eyes lit up.

            "The Zoo?!" He asked.

            "Have you ever been to the zoo?"

            "Once for my cousin's birthday. They only brought me because there was no babysitter and they didn't want to leave me alone in case I burned down the house." He said. "Can we go? Pease?" He asked pouting out his bottom lip.

            "Yes I think that would be fun."

            "Yay!" He smiled and put his lips on mine before  pulling away and giggling. "Thank you." He cheered and then put his lips to mine again. I kissed him back gratefully and put my hands in his hair. He pulled away and then nuzzled into my neck. "I love you Draco."

            "I love you more Harry." I said. "Are you hungry?" I asked and he nodded.

            "Yes I am." He laughed. "But I have to pee." 

            "Then by all means, go use the bathroom and I'll make you something." I told him and pecked his lips. I rolled out of bed as did he and we walked to the stairs together until he went to the bathroom. I walked down the stairs and walked straight into the kitchen to find Tabi and Katie.

            "Hey guys, when are you leaving?" I asked.

            "Right after we eat something. Where's Harry?"  Katie asked.

            "In the bathroom." I answered.

            "Oh, I left my towel on the floor; I hope he doesn't slip on it," Tabi blushed.  We heard a loud thud and my eyes widened.  "Well I guess he did." She bit her lip so I nodded and ran off. Harry was walking down the stairs holding his arm.

            "What happened?" I asked.

            "I just slipped." He blushed and I chuckled.

            "Are you alright lovebug?" I asked.

            "Yes." He replied so I leaned in and kissed his lips before I kissing his nose. We walked into the kitchen.

            "Harry I am so sorry." She apologized.

            "Don't worry about." Harry smiled so Tabi gave a small smile and nodded. 

            "Well we're gonna go, goodbye." Katie said hugging us both as Tabi just waved. They walked off and Harry walked over to sit down as I pulled out some bacon.

            "Draco?" Harry spoke up.

            "Yes baby?

            "Has Katie ever mentioned Tabi was abused?" He asked and I looked at him, my eyes widening.


Harry's P.O.V

            "What?" Draco asked so I was sitting as he started making the bacon.

            "Tabi, she acts if she were abused." I told him and he gave me a confused look.

            "What do you mean?"

            "Well the apology to me, her eyes were very fearful. How she doesn't look directly at a person. She only hugs Katie and only waves to the rest." I explained and he frowned. He looked at a loss for words. "I only realized because she acts the way I do." I mentioned and Draco frowned.

            "That...that's really sad." He shook his head and I nodded.

            "Yeah. But don't worry Draco; I'm sure Katie takes care of her just like you take of me. If she's anything like you, she'll do a great job." I stated so he smiled and walked over to me. He kissed me gently.

            "I'm glad you feel that way," He mentioned. "Now you want a BLT?" He asked and I looked at him. "Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato?"

            "Is it good?"
   "You've never had one?"

            "No." I shook my head.

            "Can I ask you something?"

            "You don't have to ask to, just ask." I said and he nodded.   

            "What did they feed you?"

            "Oh well I usually got the scraps like um a chicken piece or two. But I snuck food when I cooked it."

"Were you ever caught?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No thankfully. I would have been killed."  I informed him and he frowned but I pulled him closer and hugged him. "It's okay Draco, you're here and I'm safe." I said and he smiled. "You're the greatest thing to ever happen to me and that will never change." He pulled away a little and looked me in the eyes.

"I'm happy to hear that." He said and smiled. He leaned down and kissed my lips. "You're the best thing to happen to me." He whispered putting his forehead to mine.

"I'm happy to hear that too." I said and pecked his lips.

"I'm gonna make lunch and then we'll go to the zoo."

"We can see lions!" I gasped. 

"We can!" He chuckled. "I love seeing you happy." I blushed and nuzzled into his chest.

"I like when you make me happy." I whispered. He kissed my neck and walked over to the stove.


            We walked hand in hand to the lion exhibit. There weren't many people there but there were still a lot of crowds.

            "Look Drake!" I pointed to the lion walking over across the land. The lion was really beautiful.

            "I see." He smiled and put his arm around my waist.  "Why do you like lions anyway?" He asked.

            "Because they're majestic and free," I answered. "Not to mention they're high up in the animal kingdom." I said and nodded so he kissed my cheek and I blushed. We walked out of the lion exhibit and went to the amphibians to see the snakes. When we did, Draco's eyes widened and he pulled me to the glass.

            "Look kitten! It's a viper. It's venomous and has really long fangs." He told me a matter fact.00

            "Why do you like snakes?" I asked.

            "When I was little, I loved vampires and they're like little animal vampires." He said and I laughed. He turned to me and bit down on my neck.

            "What are you doing?" I chuckled.

            "Making you my mate." He said and I laughed and kissed him chin gently.

            "I'm already your mate."

            "I was making it official." He said and I rolled my eyes.

            "Why did you like vampires?" I asked. We started walking to the arctic exhibit.

            "I don't know. They seemed cool." He shrugged. "How about you? What's your favorite monster?" He asked and I bit my lip.

            "I don't know." I said. "Maybe a werewolf."

            "Oh we can play Jacob and Edward." Draco teased and I giggled.

            "Cedric kind of looks like Edward." I pointed out and he made a face.

            "Ew you're right, I take it back, I like werewolves too." He said and I laughed. I kissed his cheek and we walked through the door to see the penguins. It was really cold so when I shrived, Draco wrapped his arms around me. We walked over to the little penguins and I cooed at them. They flapped their little wings and I laughed.

            "Devil, can we get a penguin?" I asked.

            "Wait why devil?"

            "Because I'm angel," I chuckled. "You're like the opposite of me." I said and he shook his head in agreement.

            "So if you're hot what does that make me?"

            "Extremely hot," I winked so he blushed. "But can we?"

            "Yes of course the love of my life. We will buy a little cottage in the North Pole next door to Santa and we'll have a pet penguin." He said and I hugged him tightly while laughing.

            "Can we be friends with Mr. and Mrs. Clause?" I asked.

            "But of course! They'll be like grandparents to us."  He told me and I chuckled.

            "Yay I hear she makes delicious cookies and hot chocolate."

            "I love hot chocolate!" He yelled and I jumped. "Sorry kitten but can we get some hot chocolate?" He asked.

            "But it's like 70 degrees." I pointed out and he pouted. "But anything for you," I sighed and pecked his lips. He smiled and we walked out of the arctic section.

 We went to almost all the exhibits. We didn't go to a couple because we had been at the zoo for awhile so we decided to leave. It was around 5 pm when we left and the park was closing soon anyway.

          "Are you hungry kitten because we can go to the diner or something?"

            "I can eat." I nodded so he smiled and we walked into the car and drove to the little diner. We walked in and Katie was there with Tabi. Draco waved to them and they waved us over. Draco grabbed my hand and walked us over.

            "Hey come eat with us, we just ordered." Katie said. We nodded and I sat with Tabi as he sat with Katie.

            "I guess cousins think alike," I chuckled. "How was your day, guys?" 

            "It was fun. Tabi fell a couple times." Katie chuckled.

            "And you laughed at me." Tabi chuckled. She turned to me, "Don't ever go ice skating with her. She'll skate away."

            "I'll keep that in mind." I chuckled. "Besides I don't really know how to skate." I chucked. The waiter came by and I flinched. I looked at Draco who gave a sympathetic look and I bit my lip. He took our drink and food order and walked away.

            "So did you guys have a nice day?" Katie asked.

            "Yeah we saw Lion and penguins." I cheered gleefully.   

            "Do you like lions?" Katie asked chuckling.

            "Yes!" I smiled.

            "I like tigers, white tigers. They're really pretty." Katie said and I turned to Tabi.

            "How about you? What's your favorite animal?" I asked.

            "I like lions and elephants," She answered. "They're free." I smiled and looked at Draco. The waiter came back and gave us our drinks but his hand reached over me and I flinched big time.

            "I'm sorry." I apologized.

            "It's fine," Draco said. I could tell Katie was looking at me sadly. I looked at Draco as if to say he was allowed to tell her. He nodded subtly and turned to her. "C'mon Katie, let's take a walk, I need to speak to you."  Katie nodded and the two walked off leaving me with Tabi.

        "How long?" She asked.

            "13 years." I answered knowing exactly what she was asking. "How about you?" I asked. Her head snapped in my direction and her eyes looked sorrowful. "I can tell."

            "It started when I was fifteen. I moved in with my aunt and uncle but they were less than welcoming." She said.

            "I lived my aunt and uncle too." 


            "Yeah," I nodded. "I'm sorry it's awful. But I'm sure Katie it a good girlfriend."

            "She's really good. She knows too and she wanted to help me so much."

            "That's exactly why Draco and I got together. He wanted to help."
        "I guess the Malfoy children are pretty good people." She smiled and I did too.

            "That they are." I agreed.

            "Can I give you a hug?" She asked and I nodded. She hugged me gently and kissed my cheek.

            "It'll get better Tabi. It always does."

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