Chapter Two

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TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of Suicide and Child Abuse

Harry's P.O.V

"Potter! Potter wake up!" Someone started shaking me so I jumped up and flinched away. "Relax Potter, it's me." The voice said.

"I can't see you." I spoke back and the dark figure. I heard shuffling and then my glasses were put on me. Blaise stood very close to me making me jolt back.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be that close to you."

"'s fine," I shook my head. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh I stayed the night because Draco here is a lightweight. He got drunk so I carried him here."

"Oh. Why did you wake me up?" I asked.

"We have practice." He stated.

"Oh right." I swung my feet over the bed and stood up. I grabbed my bag and headed out with Blaise. It was early in the morning maybe around 5.

"Excited for the first day?"

"I guess."

"It'll be fine; coach will probably pick on you since you're the chosen one." He laughed so I nodded and we walked outside. It was so early, the sun hadn't even come up yet and the air was brisk. We made our way to the locker room and everyone was getting dressed and at their lockers. "Don't look around too much." Blaise teased.

"I-I'm gonna get dressed in the stalls." I said quickly and bolted. After I changed into my singlet and sports glasses, I walked into the locker room and Blaise was waiting for me. He raised an eyebrow.

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded. We walked into the wrestling room together and took a seat in the center. A big man came walking across the gym floor, he was smiling.

"Alright first years, I'm Coach Hagrid," He said. "First off where is Harry Potter?" He asked. I groaned and raised my hand. "Ah there you are Harry, please come to the front." He said. I sighed and got up. People were whispering as I walked towards Coach Hagrid. "Now as you know, Harry got the scholarship and I would like to show you what this guy can do." Coach said.

"Um I don't real-" I started.

"Ah Oliver Wood! Stand up please." Coach said. A boy with brown hair stood up. We looked about the same height and weight. He stuck out his hand for me to shake but I flinched again. I mentally cursed because I knew other people saw it. Oliver just dropped his hand like everyone else does and gave me a smile. "Alright face off." Coach Hagrid said. We turned to face each other and everyone moved back so we didn't end up falling on them. I took a deep breath and nodded towards Wood. He did the same to me and coach called. Wood charged at me and I grabbed him. I was able to flip him around put him in a half nelson. I then wrapped my leg around him and landed on the ground. I had the upper hand and flipped us so he was on the bottom. I had him pinned until coach said to stop. I released and everyone was staring at me wide eyed. I got up and helped Wood up. "Does anyone want to explain why I chose Wood?"

"Cause he's the captain." Someone yelled. I turned to him and he nodded.

"Oh I'm sor...sorry." I stuttered but he laughed it off.

"Its all good Potter, you're pretty good. Coach we should keep him for the secret weapon. He's fast."

"I know." Coach said " That is why we'll use him scarcely, Harry I'll have you work with Wood on some new moves. We can also improve your technique a little more."

"Yes sir."


After I showered and changed Blaise was waiting for me.

"Draco should be awake but I told him to meet us in the Great Hall." He said and I nodded. We started off towards the hall at around 9am when I saw a familiar face.

"Harry!" They said.

"Oh hey Cedric." I smiled.

"Did you just come from practice?"

"Yeah, where are you coming from?" I asked.

"My dorm." He pointed to a building behind him. He looked at Blaise. "I'm Cedric Diggory." He said to him.

"Blaise Zabini." He said.

"So how do you know Harry?" He asked.

"He's my boyfriend's roommate and my teammate." Blaise answered. He looked at me and gave me a weird look but I just shrugged. "Um how do you know him?" Blaise asked annoyed.

"Oh we met yesterday at the Scholarship social." He said making Blaise smirk.

"Oh you're the boy he kissed!" Blaise said and Cedric laughed.

"So you've told him about me?" He teased and I blushed.

"I didn't, Ron did. And you kissed me." I pointed out.

"After you asked him out on a date." Blaise teased and Cedric laughed.

"Yeah you did, care to do that now?" He asked.

"Um let's go eat now and we can hang out after." I suggested.

"Alright, I like that idea." He said. Blaise nodded and turned around. I was walking next to Cedric behind Blaise and Cedric grabbed my hand.

Draco's P.O.V

I was extremely hung over so I decided to just sit and wait for Blaise and Harry while drinking coffee. I saw the two of them walking in plus a guy that was standing really closely to Harry. Blaise walked over to me and I noticed Harry was holding hands with the kid.

"Hey babe." Blaise leaned down.

"Why are the holding hands?" I asked. He looked behind him, then back to me.

"I didn't know they were. That's the kid he kissed." He said and kissed my head. I groaned. "Hung over?"

"Terribly." I groaned again. He laughed and sat next to me. Harry and the kid sat across from us.

"Morning Draco," Harry smiled. "How are you?"

"Hung over," I chucked. "How did you sleep?" I asked.

"Alright." He said. My eyes flickered towards the boy who was watching me intently.

"Hi, I'm Draco Malfoy." I introduced. "Harry's roommate."

"Oh I'm Cedric Diggory." He replied.

"Oh I'm gonna get some food, are you hungry?" Blaise asked.

"No." I shook my head.

"Alright, Harry?"

"Yeah I'll come with you." Harry said to Blaise. He turned to Cedric. "You stay here." Cedric nodded and kissed Harry's cheek who blushed. The two left leaving me with the boy.

"So you and Harry seem close." I said.

"Well I mean I just met him yesterday but he's really cute." Cedric said. "We're hanging out after breakfast." He said.

"Oh that seems fun." I faked a smile. "Have you ever dated anyone before?"

"Yeah a few guys here and there." He said. "Do you know anything about Harry?"

"Probably just as much as you." I said. "He was really quiet when he first came into the dorm."

"Oh well maybe I'll learn more about him, he seems pretty cool." Before I could say anything Blaise and Harry came back with a ton of food.

"Coach says Harry needs to eat more." Blaise laughed sitting next to me.

"Yeah you are rather skinny." Cedric pointed out.

"Nah I think you're fine." I blurted out.

"Well thank you Draco." Harry smiled. Blaise looked at me the same way he did when he saw us hugging, he was jealous. I sighed and put my head on his shoulder. I watched Harry look at Cedric. "So I was thinking you could so me around campus seeing as you're a senior."

"Yeah I'd love to." Cedric smiled.

"If you're a senior why do you live on campus?" Blaise asked.

"I don't want an apartment just yet; I want to save my money." Cedric explained.

"That makes sense." Harry nodded. Cedric smiled and put his head on Harry's shoulder. Harry flinched again. He seemed very tense but Cedric didn't seem to notice. Harry looked extremely uncomfortable so I spoke up.

"I need to use the bathroom, care to join Harry?" I asked.

"Why are you asking him?" Blaise hissed.

"Because bottoms stick together." I gave Blaise a wink and kissed his lips. Harry nodded and got up. We walked away and looked at him until we were out of sight.

"Sorry you looked a little uncomfortable." I said.

"No, it's fine, thank you." He said.

"So do you like this guy?" I asked.

"I mean, he seems really nice but I don't really want a relationship."

"Have you ever been in one?" I asked.

"Yeah." He smiled at the thought. "Only one though, I really loved him."

"Well what happened?" I asked.

"He killed himself after my uncle found out about us." He frowned and his eyes glassed over.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I said frantically. "I shouldn't have asked." He gently put his hand on my cheek.

"It's alright Draco." He gave a teary smile. "The time we had together was the best thing of my life." He said. I gulped and nodded. He wiped at his eyes dropping hand from my face.

"So why did he leave just like that? If you don't mind me asking."

"Being gay is frowned upon where I'm from and his parents were very closed minded people. He was scared and I don't blame him, I was scared of what my uncle was gonna do to me." He said, his eyes widening as he said that.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I - nothing." He said. "We should get back." He said. I dropped it and nodded. We walked into the hall and the two other boys were talking.

"What were you two doing in there?" Blaise asked.

"Gossiping about how hot you are." I smirked before kissing him and then sat down.

"Hey Harry, want me to show you around now?" Cedric asked.

"Yeah." Harry said. Cedric stood up and grabbed Harry's hand. "Bye Blaise, see you later Draco. They walked off and I looked at Blaise worriedly.

"What's up with you?" Blaise asked.

"I um think something is wrong with Harry." I said.

"Yeah he's a bit off. I mean he doesn't change or shower with the rest of us. He might think he's too good for us, you know getting the scholarship and all." He said. I shook my head.

"No I think um I think he was abused." I said but Blaise gave me a weird look.

"Why do you say that?" He asked.

"Well I mean he flinches every time someone goes near him and he doesn't like talking about his relatives. He has a lightning bolt shaped scar on his head and he just said when he came out he was afraid of what his uncle would do to him." Blaise blinked a few time before sighing.

"Well Harry's a nice kid, that's too bad." He said. "But you won't know until you ask him and I don't think he'd be open to just telling you." I just frowned and looked down. He grabbed my face and pecked my lips. "Don't worry, he'll warm up to someone soon enough."

"I hope so."

Harry's P.O.V

"And that's the library." Cedric said pointing to a nice building. I sighed and nodded. The campus was really nice and Cedric seemed to know a lot about it. He led me to a tree that had a nice amount of shade. "I come here to study a lot, it's kind of peaceful."

"It's nice," I smiled. "Can we sit?" I asked.

"Of course." He let go of my hand and allowed me to sit down. I laid against the tress as Cedric did the same. "So what are you majoring in?"

"Criminal Justice, how about you?"

"Education." He said. "I love kids."

"So like an elementary school teacher?"

"Yeah primarily 3rd or 4th grade," He said. "Why do you want criminal justice?"

"Well when I was a baby my parents were murdered." I said. He grew quiet and I looked over at him. He looked at me and frowned.

"I'm sorry to hear that. It must be hard not to have parents."

"Yeah." I nodded. "How about you?"

"Well my mother died when I was young so it was only my dad and I but we are close." He said. "Were you close with the people that took you in?" He asked. Memories of my relatives, the Dursley's, flashed through my mind. I shook my head slowly then faster.

"I don't like talking about them." I said. "I'm sorry."

"Hey don't worry about it, I'm not going to make you talk about anything you're not comfortable talking about." Cedric said. I looked at him looking at me and smiled.

"Thanks." I smiled. He nodded and I noticed his eyes wander to my lips. I saw him leaning in so I looked away. "So where is the astronomy tower?" I asked biting my lip.

"Um, you see that building off to the side, the really high one?" He asked pointing.


"Well that's it." He said. "It's outside so if it's raining you'll just go to the planetarium."

"What is that?"

"It simulates the constellations." He explained. "It's like a dome and you sit in these seats that are like tilted so you can look at the sky." He said.

"That seems really cool."

"Yeah I took astronomy my freshman year too." He mentioned. "It was a fun class."

"It should be." I laughed slightly. "It's long and at night."

"You should probably take a nap before you go. Professor gets mad when you fall asleep during her class."

"I keep that in mind." I laughed. I turned to him again and he smiled. I could tell he wanted to kiss me again so I leaned as did he; our lips were just about to touch when someone called my name. I jumped and looked over. Ron was redder than his hair.

"Sorry." He muttered. "I didn't mean to interrupt."

"It's fine." I said. "What's up?"

"Hermione wanted to get a head start on some of the things we'll be studying so she sent me to come find you. But I see you're busy."

"Oh um I am but I can come now." I said. I turned to Cedric who looked disappointed but he nodded.

"Go get a head start; you'll need to keep your grades up if you want to stay here." He said.

"Thanks." I smiled. He kissed my cheek and I walked off with Ron. We walked silently to Ron's dorm where Hermione was sitting on his bed. Blaise and Draco were on Blaise's bed.

"Ah Potter your face is all red again, get a smooch from pretty boy again?" Blaise teased.

"Well I kind of interrupted them." Ron blushed. "They were about to kiss." Ron admitted. I blushed deeply.

"Weasley, you're a cock blocker." Blaise teased. "Just don't get in the way of Draco and me." He said. I looked over to Draco who had been staring at me. Then back to Blaise.

"Trust me; I have no intention of doing that."


"Alright enough chit chat, we need to study." Hermione yelled. We nodded and sat on Ron's bed. Hermione handed me one of the textbooks and I started to skim through it. It was a chemistry text book and I was never good at that in high school. I groaned. "What's wrong?"

"I suck at Chem, I was bad at it in high school and I'll be bad at it now."

"Well Draco here is a wiz at Chem so he can help you." Blaise said. I looked at the two of them then Draco who nodded.

"Well it's a good thing you're my roommate." I chuckled.

"Yeah I'll help you." He smiled. "No problem."


A little after three, Draco and I made our way to our dorm room.

"So you were gonna kiss that kid?" Draco asked.

"He seemed like he wanted to kiss me." I said.

"Did you want to kiss him?"

"I just wanted to give him what he wanted." I said. "You know, make him happy."

"You like to make people happy I take it." He said. We walked into our dorms.

"It's a lot easier than learning the hard way." I chuckled slightly. "You learn that from where I come from." I said. My eyes widened realizing what I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Nothing." I shook my head. "Just drop it." I said. He nodded and turned to face me.

"You can tell me anything okay?" He said. "I just hope you can trust me soon." He sat on his bed. I nodded and sat on my bed as well.

"I'll keep that in mind."

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