14. Party's Over

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THE CONCERT ITSELF WAS SPECTACULAR. AFTER KICKING OFF THE SHOW WITH A SONG FROM THEIR NEW ALBUM CALLED 'HIGHWAY STAR', the band had everyone in the room head banging and dancing so hard that you could feel the floor shaking beneath your feet. Colin and I were no different; jumping up and down like a pair of hooligans (the occasional swig from the hip flask Colin had snuck in quickly drowned out my nervousness and I was much more relaxed around his presence). So if I fell over or did something embarrassing, like bang my head off a wall again, I had an excuse; I could just blame it on the drink.

Brian, on the other hand, wasn't enjoying the concert as much as I was. Well, not now, at least. Of course I felt bad for basically ditching the poor soul so I could go running after the guy I was hopelessly head over heels for, but who could blame me? I'd been waiting three years for this moment; I had to grasp the opportunity with both hands. And I think, despite his discontentment, Brian knew this too. He was far too selfless to say otherwise, anyway.

When the concert inevitably came to an end, I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. I'd had a great time with Colin tonight, and the thought of having to head home instead of continuing this fabulous evening was something I wish I could change. Nevertheless, there was nothing I could do about it, so when all three of us left the theatre, Brian told me he'd bring the car round and wandered off down the steet, leaving me and Colin on our own.

'Thank you for tonight, Colin, I had a really lovely time,' I smiled shyly, 'Sorry for, uh, dragging you away from your friends.'

'Ach, I can hang out with them anytime. It was much more fun hanging out with you.' he winked.

Trying to hide the fact that I was blushing like mad, I looked down at the ground, thankful that it was too dark out for him to notice that my face had gone bright red.

'Y'know, the night doesn't have to end here,' Colin noted, 'We could ditch Curly and head down the pub, if you like?'

I frowned, 'As much as I would love to go for a drink, I really must be going; I have work tomorrow, so I'd best stay as sober as I can. Besides, I don't think Bri would appreciate that in the slightest...'

'Oh well, can't say I didn't try,' Colin chuckled.

I looked at him hopefully, 'Maybe another time?'

'Of course,' he smiled at me. He then put his hand in his pocket, taking out a pen and joking, 'Got my own this time.' before writing something on the back of his concert ticket and ripping the piece he'd written on off.

'That's my number,' he told me, handing it over to me, 'Gimme a ring whenever you want.'

Trying hard not to scream with joy, I took the pen and the rest of the ticket out of his hand, taking him slightly by surprise, and scribbled my down own number on it, 'And that's mine,' I smiled, giving it back to him.

Looking down at the piece of paper, Colin smiled at me before doing something that really caught me off guard. He slowly leant down, until he was at my level, and placed a small kiss on my cheek as stood there like a statue, trying not to collapse in a heap on the ground. Just as he pulled back, Brian's car pulled up next to the pavement.

I coughed awkwardly and nodded behind him, 'I, uh, I'd better go.'

He glanced behind his shoulder, 'Ah, right. Of course,' he gave me one last smile, 'Good night, Heidi.'

'Goodnight,' was the only word that I could manage to utter before Colin started walking in the other direction, down the long dimly-lit street, until he was out of sight.

Still standing in the middle of the pavement smiling like an idiot, I made my way over to Brian's car and climbed inside, not saying anything until at least ten seconds after I'd shut the door. I turned to look at the guitarist with the huge grin still plastered on my lips.

'I got his number!' I told him in a sing-song voice, bouncing in my seat whilst holding up the piece of paper that Colin had given to me.

Barely batting an eye, Brian shrugged as he drove off down the road, 'Good for you.'

A grimace appeared on my face, 'Y'know, you could at least try to sound happy for me. When was the last time I got someone's number, huh? Yeah, exactly - never.'

Brian didn't reply.

'Look, I'm sorry about changing our plans tonight, and you have every right to be mad at me, but...I really like Colin. I have done for a long while and I couldn't just say no, could I? I may have never gotten another chance like that again.'

'Heidi, I'm not angry at you for ditching me,' Brian spoke up, 'I just...don't think that this is a good idea.'

I furrowed my eyebrows, 'What isn't a good idea?'

'You and Colin,' he explained, 'I wouldn't hang around him if I were you.'

'I'm sorry?' I asked, quite taken aback, 'Who I 'hang around with' has nothing to do with you, Brian. I can see you don't like him, that's obvious, but it doesn't mean you can tell me what to do.'

'I'm only looking out for you, Heidi,' the guitarist said defensively, 'Colin, I dunno why, but he just gives me a bad feeling.'

'A bad feeling?' I scoffed, 'So you're telling me your gut knows better, is that it?'

'No, I'm just saying you shouldn't get ahead of yourself.'

'You're not my mother, Brian, you can't tell me what to do!'

He gave me an unimpressed look, 'Y'know what? I'm not arguing with you anymore. Obviously the booze Colin kept plying you thoughtout the evening has clouded your judgment.'

Rolling my eyes, I slumped down in my seat and stared out of the window blankly. For the rest of the car journey, it was silent between Brian and I. It was quite awkward actually - we rarely ever fought. The alcohol in my system probably hadn't helped my temper either. Either way, when we finally pulled up outside my house, I was rather glad that I could get out of the car.

'Hey,' Brian stopped me before I had the chance, 'I don't want to fall out with you, okay? I just want you to be careful, that's all.'

'I can look after myself.' I told him sincerely.

'I know that,' Brian said quietly, 'But, still. Please don't go rushing in without knowing what you're getting yourself into. The last thing I want is to see you get hurt.'

Thinking about the guitarist's words for a second, I slowly let my eyes meet with his and said simply, 'Goodnight, Brian.'

'Goodnight, Heidi,' Brian gave me a small smile as I got out of the car and shut the door behind me, before making my way up the garden path as he drove off down the street.

As I watched the car disappear, I could hear the sound of blaring music coming from inside the house. Roger - I'd almost completely forgotten about him. The volume of the music was far too suspicious so, tentatively approaching the building, I walked up the steps until I could also hear the buzz of voices coming from within, and then, ever so slowly, opened the front door to a something that I really didn't need right now...

There, in the main hallway, were people - strangers - beer bottles and cigarettes in hand as 'Whole Lotta Love' played so loud throughout the house you could barely hear yourself think. It didn't stop there, though. The kitchen was just as jam packed; the amount of room to move was almost the same as the concert, and you couldn't even see into the living room behind the wall of people.

I was speechless. Utterly speechless. But that state of shock was soon replaced by an overwhelming feeling of anger, and the tipsiness I had been experiencing beforehand had also now been eliminated from my body.

That arsehole, I thought to myself. I should have known better than to have trusted him.

Scanning the unfamiliar faces around me, I figured the most likely place to find the drummer would be in the centre of attention (unsurprisingly) so I headed to the living room as fast as I could, pushing past and receiving strange looks from people as I did.

When I reached the middle of the room, sure enough, there Roger was; sitting on the couch with two girls on either arm, fussing over the blonde like he was some sort of millionaire playboy. Clenching my fists in anger, I stormed over to my 'roommate' and and stood in front of him with my arms crossed and a look that could turn someone to stone.

'What the hell is going on in here?'

Instead of being scared shitless, like he should have been, a huge smile appeared on Roger's face, 'HEIDI, YOU'RE HOME!' he shouted over the music, getting up off his seat and almost losing his balance. He looked at me with drunken eyes, 'I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon. Oh, how I've missed you, my darling.'

Throwing his arms around me and pulling me into a bone-crushing hug, I managed to pry him off me as I seethed angrily, 'Have you completely forgotten what I said or are you just thick? I thought I told you - no parties!'

'Uh, uh,' Roger held up his hand as if to correct me, 'We didn't pinky promise. Rememb--AHH!'

'Tell everyone to leave right now, or I'll snap it in half!' I snarled at the drummer through gritted teeth as I grabbed his pinky tightly and pushed it backwards.

He whimpered, 'Alright, alright, I will, I will. Just--OW! Please let go of my finger!'

Slowly loosening my grip, Roger quickly pulled his hand to him and nursed it with his other whilst looking at me like I was a lunatic, 'Jesus!' he exclaimed, 'There's no need for violence, y'know?'

'Looking at what I can see around me, I think it's well justified,' I told him, furiously. As I glanced at the state of the room, another familiar face approached me.

'Heidi! Hello, my darling, how lovely to see you!'

'Freddie?' I looked at him in disbelief, then at Roger, 'He's here too?'

'It was just a bit of fun...'

Glaring at him, I opened my mouth to rant some more, but then sighed defeatedly and said, 'You know what - I'm not dealing with this right now. I'm going to bed. Please, just...get these people out of my house before I seriously blow a fuse.'

And with that, I left the room and headed upstairs to my room, with Freddie asking Roger behind me, 'Was it something I said?'

Not bothering with the bathroom as there was a couple with their tongues down each other's throats currently occupying it (despite telling them to get lost when I walked in on them they had defied my orders). So, firmly locking my bedroom door, I undressed and climbed into bed, attempting to get to sleep depsite the continuous racket coming from downstairs and my raging thoughts keeping me awake.


Hey guys!

This chapter is quite long compared to the last, so in a few days time I might put the start of this chapter at the end of the last one (yes that's how OCD I am). Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter. Writing the part where Heidi nearly broke Roger's finger was definitely my favourite bit 😂 If you did enjoy it, feel feee to leave a vote/comment. It's always appreciated.

Thank you very much!

- Anna :-) x

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