3. Oh, Brother

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SATURDAY SOON CAME AROUND AS I WAS CURRENTLY GETTING READY TO SEE QUEEN PERFORM AT THE KING'S ARMS, a busy pub in the north-west of London. It was a bit of a hike to get there - certainly too far to walk - so I'd booked a cab to take me as I didn't have a car of my own. There's no way I could afford to own one.

Nevertheless, I got changed into my chosen outfit for the evening as fast as I could, a patterned blouse and a short-ish skirt, whilst keeping a sharp eye on the clock to make sure I didn't run out of time. For the last four or five days, I'd been thinking hard about the 'favour' Brian had asked me to do, and whilst admittedly it had its benefits for both parties, I still had my doubts which I still couldn't quite shake off.

I'd known Roger almost as long as I'd known Brian, and even from day one, we never got along. He wasn't a bad person (even I knew that) but I just found him extremely unlikable. Everyone knew he was the local playboy; and it wasn't surprising that he relished in the fact that he was. His image gave him a certain arrogance and cockiness - something I personally couldn't stand - meaning he would say anything he wanted to anyone he wanted...including me.

Roger wouldn't think twice about crude remarks when I was around, even if other people were with us. To be honest, I think he quite enjoyed pissing me off, probably because I wouldn't put up with it and always had something snippy to say back. He was extremely irritating, and that's why I couldn't see how us living together would work. I'd surely murder him within the first day.

But on the other hand, I couldn't afford to be picky about who would make a suitable housemate. Time was rapidly running out, and if I didn't get my shit together soon, I was going to find myself in serious trouble with no way of getting out of it. So if that meant having to tolerate living with one of the most annoying people I know for the foreseeable future then maybe I would just have to accept that.

Anyway, in the midst of my contemplation, I hadn't heard the sound of a horn beeping outside, which indicated that my lift was here. Grabbing my purse, I headed downstairs and slipped on my sheepskin jacket, before leaving the house and getting into the cab, which sped off through the streets making its way to The Kings Arms.

As expected when I arrived there, the place was heaving. The smell of alchohol and cigarette smoke was strong and the sound of people talking was loud as I tried my best to navigate through the crowd to find the bar, which I couldn't even see it from the front door. Eventually, after a lot of determination, I reached the wooden counter where I stood in the only gap I could find, whilst waiting patiently to be served.

'What can I get you, love?' a barman asked me kindly, grabbing my attention.

'Glass of red, please.' I replied, loud enough for him to hear over the commotion.

'Small or large?'

I couldn't help but smile, 'I know I probably shouldn't but - a large one, please.'

'Coming right up.' he winked.

Whilst I sat on a stool waiting for the barman to return with my drink, I scanned curiously around the room. Near the far end of the pub was a small stage which, at the moment, was equipped with just a drum kit, a couple of speakers and amps, with a curtain behind it covering the 'backstage area'. Observing the number of people in the room, I was stunned. At least the boys have a good turn out, I thought to myself.

Then, as soon as the barman placed my glass of wine in front of me and I handed him the money, the lights dimmed and the sound of a guitar filled the pub, making everyone stop what they were doing and the room fall silent. I smiled excitedly as the intro built up until the four members of the band appeared on stage in their usual bold outfits, before Freddie began belting out the lyrics to a number Bri had penned called 'Keep Yourself Alive'.

Almost immediately, the audience were up on their feet dancing and - trying - to sing along (it could have been because most of them were plastered but I think they were genuinely enjoying it). I'd never seen such an enthusiastic crowd. The band had them practically eating out of their hands.

'Good, aren't they?' the barman who'd served me shouted over the music, as he leant on the counter watching the band perform in amazement.

I looked at him and nodded, smiling, 'They certainly know how to put on a show.'

For the whole of their set, the electric atmosphere in the room didn't fade. And when it eventually came to an end, the band went out in style, with lights and smoke machines, receiving a huge round of applause from everyone in the pub.

'Thank you! Thank you and good night!' Freddie beamed as he and the rest of the band took a bow, before the stage lights went out and the audience applauded one last time.

When the crowd went back to what they were doing and the main lights in the pub turned back on, I waited until the band reappeared from the side of the stage and went to the other end of the bar for a drink, people shaking their hands and praising them on their brilliant performance. Finishing the rest of my second glass of wine, I hopped off my stool and squeezed past people as I made my way towards them, until Brian spotted me in crowd.

'Hey!' he smiled brightly, 'I was just wondering where you were at. Wasn't sure if you were coming.'

'I told you already - I wouldn't miss it for the world,' I reminded him before smiling back and pulling the guitarist into a hug, 'You were amazing tonight, Bri. I'm awfully proud of you.'

'Thanks Heidi, I'm glad you enjoyed it.'

'HEIDI, MY DARLING!' someone exclaimed over the noise in the pub. I let go of Brian and was met by the excited face of Freddie who was sitting at the bar next to us, 'I feel like I haven't seen you in ages! How are you, dear?'

'It's only been a week,' I laughed, 'And I'm alright, Freddie, how are you?'

'Oh, I'm doing just fine. Were you here to see the show?'

I smiled, 'I was! You guys were fantastic. Your singing  is just getting more and more amazing everytime I hear you.'

'Aw, thank you, love!' Freddie beamed, giving my hand a squeeze and looking over his shoulder, 'Deaks, isn't she just a doll?'

John, who was sitting beside him, appeared from behind the singer, 'Isn't she always?' he grinned, 'How y'doing, Heidi?'

'I'm great, John. Nice to see you.'

'And you.' he replied.

But before the conversation could progress any further, we were suddenly interrupted by a certain blonde-haired drummer who approached us carrying four pints of beer in his hands, almost dropping them as he put them down on the counter.

'God, I thought I was never going to get served,' Roger exasperated about the wait for his drinks, before passing three of the glasses to his bandmates. As he did, his gaze landed on me; a smirk appearing on his lips as he eyed me up and down like I was something to gawk at, 'And just when I thought tonight couldn't get any better...'

Oh, brother.


Hey guys!

Sorry Roger only appeared at the end of this chapter but they'll be much more of him in the next and those yet to come 😉 This is sorta the first part of a much longer chapter which I decided to split in two so hopefully the second half should be up real soon. Anyway, for now, I hoped you liked this and if you did a vote/comment would be great.

Thank you!

- Anna :-)

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