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"Okay, don't think about it was meeting your half-sister, think about it as a blind date, but with someone who is going to ask you a hell of a lot of questions about a topic you don't like discussing, and you won't kiss her or anything because, well--you don't really do that to sisters, uhm--this pep-talk has gone to crap. I'm just going to shut up now," Will was trying to comfort me, but was a stuttering mess. 

"Thank you, Will," I give him a nervous laugh. We were driving to the ice cream shop I was going to meet Hazel at.

"Never good at pep-talks, I was the captain of the Football team when I was in senior year, anyway, I would always have to give the team pep-talks, I let the co-captain do them for the rest of the season after a few tries,"

I couldn't believe what I just heard. "You played football?"

"Don't sound too surprised Death Boy," He laughed. I just scowled at him for using the nickname. I was about to say something but he stopped the car. "We're here," He sighed. I looked out the window. I didn't see a short, happy, looking girl anywhere, so I just assumed she wasn't here yet. "I'll be in here the entire time, call me or text me if you need me, do you need money? Ice cream costs money,"

"Will! I do not need your money! Anyway thank you for being here, do you want anything? I don't think she's here yet and--"

"Oreo," He smiled. I nodded and hopped out of the car. I walked into the store and ordered Will his ice cream. There was a small, what looked Latin, boy behind the counter.

"Hey! My name is Leo, what can I getcha?" He smiled. He had black curly hair, with dark brown eyes. He was fiddling with about a hundred things. I looked behind the counter. He had mini dragons built from paper clips and toothpicks. They looked pretty cool. "A large Oreo ice cream, in a cone please," I ordered. He nodded his head. He scooped up the ice cream, placing it in the cone, I took it and walked out the door. I walked over to Will's baby blue truck. I knocked on his window. 

It took him a moment to roll it down because his truck was so old it had a hand crank. I rolled my eyes and handed him the ice cream. He was going to say something but then out of a silver jeep, came out the one and only, Hazel Levesque.  He gave me a reassuring smile, then shooed me away so I would look normal.

I had on black skinny jeans. They weren't ripped as usual though. Along with that, I was wearing a dark grey hoodie. I was wearing black chucks, I looked way to emo for meeting my super-from what I can tell-bubbly half-sister. I walked awkwardly towards Hazel. I noticed her boyfriend, Frank, wasn't here this time. Maybe he was also hiding in the car. 

"Hazel?" I asked. She was wearing a yellow knit sweater. It was a bit oversized and hung off one of her shoulders. She was wearing white skinny jeans and had a tan bag. She wore strappy sandals and looked really nice. 

"Nico?" She asked, turning around. It was an awkward shuffle, we didn't know to hug, shake hands, nod our heads. I was already awkward with people with just regular interactions, this was a whole new level. We eventually decided on a small hug. It was quick and simple, but very awkward. I mean what do you say to a half-sister you've never met before. 

We were eventually seated, and I don't think the employee, Leo, even remembered me. We sat down on opposite sides of the booth. She put her purse to the side and we sat there awkwardly for a few moments. Soon we were handed our ice cream. I had ordered Mint Chocolate chip, and she got Rocky Road.

I didn't know what to say, and I could tell she didn't either. We couldn't just dive right into the deep stuff, like the obvious daddy issues, abandonment issues, the family problems-that stuff- we would just have to save for later. 

"So," I began. "How's life? Is that guy you were eating with at Bailey's your boyfriend?" I asked, smirking at her. I was trying to think of her as an old friend from middle school. Only this time I had no middle school connection with her. 

"Uhm, yeah actually, since I was 14," she said. I could hear the nervousness in her voice. I guess my face looked shocked because she began to let out a small giggle.

"14? How old are you now?" I couldn't believe it.

"20," She smiled. 

"That's six years! He better put a ring on that finger soon," I chuckled lightly. After the conversation was done, it led me to think. I was 21. Not only did my dad abandon me at 12. He cheated on my mom when I was one. Great.

"And you? Do you have anybody," She asked me. I could only laugh in a response. I had one girlfriend back in Italy when I was five, which wasn't even a relationship. After that, I never had any more. When I was 12 I came to a conclusion I was definitely gay, but I never really had a boyfriend. "I'll take that as a 'No' then?" She asked. I nodded again. I have been laughing more ever since Will came into my life. He kind of brightened it up. Making it easier for me to laugh at other people and himself.

"Yeah, my love life hasn't been the best in a while, so, there's no use in hiding behind the purpose of this I guess. I know you want to know things, and you can go ahead and ask,"

"He left when I was born. He never stuck around, he would send a Christmas card every year and a few gems. I still kept them, even if he was a bad guy, he was still my-our father, I just wanted to know more about him I guess,"

"He was a nice guy, well I thought. He was usually there for me and my sister, even my mother. Then, by the way, this is about to get a bit dark I guess-My mother died in a shooting at a convenience store. He got depressed, anyway, we moved away from where I was born, Sicily Italy, anyway, he was always sad but was getting happier by the time I was ten,  but then my sister, Bianca died in a car accident. He got abusive and left me at age 12. I haven't talked to him since, if you have any other questions, I'm sure I can answer,"

She looked sad as if the last part upset her. I could tell she was at a loss for words. I gave her a weak smile, and she returned it. "Does he have any family? Brothers? Sisters? If he does do they have kids?"

"Yeah, he hasn't talked to his parents in forever, I don't even know if they're dead or alive. Obviously, he has them but I have heard literally nothing about them. He has Two brothers and three sisters. I barely know anything about his sisters. I know ones named Hera and that she was in Hades' words 'A Bitch,' then there was Hestia, she was the sweetheart of the family. Hades was always jealous of her. Not to mention Demeter, but he never spoke of her. His brothers I knew more about, Zeus and Poseidon. They had a huge feud. I know they have kids. Some of them visited me in Italy when I was really young. Demeter has a few kids but Hera doesn't and neither does Hestia, so we have a few cousins, but I don't know much about them,"

"H-How old are you?" I knew she would ask this question, but I really didn't want to answer it.

"Uhm 21," I deadpanned. She looked at me, sadness visible on her face. She knew we were born a year apart. I really didn't want her to, I felt a weird sense of protectiveness over her.

"I-I'm sorry,"

"Don't be, he left both of us," I looked at her. We were both were frowning for a moment, then I flashed a quick smile. "Anything else,"

"N-No, not right now, I uh, thanks, you didn't have to do this," She stuttered lightly.

"I'd be a jerk not to," My mind was racing on a way to get the frown off her face. "Are you going to college?" I asked, her frown wasn't gone, but it was smaller.

"Y-yeah, I want to be a jeweler. Make bracelets and crap, I'm studying for financial stuff so I know how to sell it, I don't know, I've always been drawn to things like that, what about you?"

"Writer, I'm only doing an Associates degree, just to get better at writing in general. There's no degree requirement to become one of those," I laughed awkwardly.

"Have you written anything?" She asked me, stopping the awkwardness for a moment. Our ice cream was already gone and melted, but I found myself playing with my bowl and spoon often.

"I'm working on something. I usually write stories and draw things to go with them, they're just little ones, nothing big, I want to write a novel, like the hunger games or something, one day, I just want to wait until I have more experience I guess," I shrugged my shoulders. We went back to the awkward silence.

Hazel broke it once more. "So," She began, "You draw?"

"Uh Y-yeah, a little. Do you have any hobbies like that or something?" I asked nervously.

"Painting, never much of a drawer I guess, but I really love painting, I like photography, I carry my camera with me everywhere,"

I smiled at her. "That's freaking awesome, can I uh, see some of them?"

She nodded happily and pulled her camera out of her bag. She was finally smiling again. She just deserved to be happy. Her being happy made me happy. It was weird, I barely knew her.

She showed me some of the pictures and they were honestly gorgeous. They were just people or things doing everyday things. There was one of the beaches that I loved. The sea was green, not blue and the sand was so white. It was honestly perfect. 

"These are amazing, Oh my gods!" I exclaim as she flips through the pictures. I could tell I made a light blush sprinkle across her cheeks.

"T-There nothing, J-just something I like T-to um do, I guess," She stuttered as she put her camera back into her bag. We once again went to the awkward shuffle until I made a decision. I really liked Hazel. She wasn't too pushy. She didn't pry and honestly, I cared for her. I thought maybe I'd be short tempered with her. I wasn't though. I really liked her. She was also family. Even if I never met her, she was family, and I wanted a relationship. Even if it was never as close as most siblings. I still really wanted one.

"I want to do this again. You don't have to agree, I just-" I said, but she cut me off before I could finish.

"Thank goodness! I wanted to do it again soon. I want to find out more about you, my mom died when I was 14 and since then I haven't really connected with any family-" She looked shocked for a moment. "I'm sorry, can I call you that? I um I don't know, I've just-"

"Hazel," I laughed lightly. "It's fine, we are family by blood and one day I want to be closer, and I'm going to shut up now and let you finish because I suck at touchy-feely stuff,"

She let out a relieved laugh. She put on her smile again and coughed a little before finishing. "Anyway once she died I uh, I went to a foster care system. They couldn't find any of my family. So, I knew I had a half-brother. My mom would always talk about my dad's other family, so I moved where she told me where they were once. So when I found you at Bailey's I was like 'Woah' anyway, I want to get to know you, badly,"

We went back to awkward silence. I mean, it's really hard to start a conversation with someone you know nothing about. I mean, what was I supposed to say. 'Hey, that's cool BOTH our mom's died,' like who the hell says that?

We brought up a few more awkward topics like, 'What's your favorite candy?' but eventually, an hour had passed. "Thank you for doing this," She said as we both decided to head back home.

"I really want to meet again, call me?" I asked as we got up from the booth.

"Of course! Thank you, again. I really appreciate it, more than you know," She smiled. Once we got outside she gave me a hug. It was less awkward but I never really liked Physical contact. I preferred waves, but honestly, with Hazel, I didn't mind.

"Goodbye, Hazel," I smiled and walked over to Will's baby blue truck. 

"Bye, Nico!" She called out, walking back to her jeep. I saw her dial a number on her phone, which I assume was Frank. I only assume this because when she began to smile when she started talking. Gods, I want a relationship like that.

"Hey, Will," I say jumping into the passenger side of the truck. "Sorry, it took long-"

"Don't be sorry! I'm so glad! You hugged her! Tell me about her, was she pushy? Was she funny, did you like her? Was it horrible awkward?"

I let out a small laugh. "Horribly awkward, yes, very, but it was less awkward while we were talking. It was funny, we barely even talked about Hades, we talked about random crap, she like photography, and painting, which is cool, and gods, she is so sweet. Like, I was all nervous she was going to an evil human-being that would pry and push, but she was sweet and nice. We're planning to meet again, but I don't know when or where, but we both agreed we wanted to be part of each other's lives, and she may never be as close as Bianca and I were, but she will be pretty close, I can tell,"

Will looked so relieved, it was all over his features. "I had come up with thousands of outcomes from this, and this was the best one," He spoke, his face beaming.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, but now I'm hungry, and we're out of food, can you drop me off at the grocery store?"

"Absolutely," He smiled. The sun was setting and the orange colors were on his hair. It was very beautiful. There was no other word to describe it. "Publix?"

"Sure," I agreed, we sat in silence for a few moments. There wasn't much to say. Will kept humming some stupid song. Even though he was only humming you could hear his thin southern accent. Eventually, the humming stopped and he was single softly. The damn song of the hour happened to be 'You are my sunshine' I tried to act like it annoyed me, but I couldn't it. I really liked the sound of his voice.

"We're here!" He smiled as he turned off the ignition. "And, I'm coming with you because if I don't, you won't buy any good food,"

"And by good food, you mean junk food?"


Word Count: 2634

I like this chapter a bit more than my other ones IG, but not my favorite.

Update: Made a theyna fanfic. 

Also I deleted like three of my other ones. sorry, but heres a list of all my fanfics.

Expecting || Percabeth

Roommates || Solangelo

My Last Breath || Theyna

Check them out?

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