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~Quick Author's Note, this is after sex, they did the diddly do, and now they're doing what I'm about to write - if that makes any sense.~

Will began running a bath while I grabbed two fluffy towels and placed them on the countertop of the sink. Will smiled at me as we waited for the bath to fill up. Everything was so much more sentimental this time.

Every time we had had sex, it was full of feelings and just love, but this time it was different, like we had needed each other, and it was beautiful and full of passion and amazing. The tub was almost full and had bubbles in it, I wasn't sure what the scent was, but all I knew was it smelt nice. It seemed like one of those you would buy at some store and its name would be nothing related to what it actually was.

Will and I sunk down into the hot bath, I leaned my back against his chest, not wanting to not be next to him. I wanted as much of him as possible. I grabbed one of his hands and just gently hovered mine over his fingers. 

I leaned my head back onto his chest as he kissed my neck lightly. It was weird we were usually so goofy and laughing, and now it was serious, I wasn't sure my feelings on the subject matter, but, for now, serious was fine. Anything with Will was fine.

Will grabbed one of those loofa things and put it under the water before squishing it on the top of my head, causing water to run down my hair and eyes. He gave a snort when I turned around and glared at him. 

He then did it again, and I scowled. He smiled. "I love you," he mumbled into my hair. I turned back around, playing with his freckled hand.

"I love you too, so much,"  I mumble. I began to kiss his hand, I just wanted him in every way possible, even if it was kissing his hands.

We continued taking the bath. I splashed Will when he bit at my ear, he looked shocked, but he should have expected it. I didn't exactly want to get another hard-on.

When they were done, I put on some underwear, as did Will, then we climbed in his bed. We didn't go to sleep, we just looked at each other. I smiled at Will for at least a few seconds, then he placed a hand on my face, a frown prominent on his expression.

"What's wrong?" I ask, smiling weakly at him.

"Nothin', just," He sighed, still stroking my cheek with his thumb. "Sometimes I remember little things, like I was half-conscious during it, and sometimes, if I really think, I can remember being knocked out like that, I heard people around me and it was all very strange, and, I just...I just really love you, okay?"

"You..? Did you..?"

"Hear what you said?" He smiled weakly, "Yeah," He sighed. "I heard you telling me to wake up, and - I didn't know how I remember not knowing how to wake up, I remember wanting nothing more than to just wake up and hope that it would make it better, but I couldn't, and" He paused and smiled weakly again. "I'm sorry,"

"Don't be," I said, tears gathering in my eyes. "You were protecting your family, and we've already discussed how we're not punching any more people," I laugh at the last bit. "So don't feel bad, I'm okay,"

"I just really love you," He said, "So I'm sorry, I hate having you sad, you don't deserve it," My face flushed as a stuttered on words. 

"I - Uh - It's - don't - I love you, too," I finally said, not knowing how to react to the last part. Maybe I didn't deserve everything I got, but still. I wasn't used to hearing comments like those.

I scooted closer to Will, warming up thanks to his body heat, and fell asleep listening to the steady thump of his heartbeat and breathing.


When I awoke, it was next to Will, and that was the best feeling in the godsdamn world. I didn't realize how much I missed simple things I like that. I had been waking up alone in a hospital chair for ages now, and having a person, a person I loved, next to me in the morning sent me over the moon.

I snuggled closer into his chest but not enough to wake him up. I was able to reach my phone which was on his nightstand. I checked the time and mentally cursed, I had called Jason and told him I'd be at work today.

Granted, I knew he and Annabeth could handle another day, but the rent was due and hospital bills needed to be paid, so I sighed and told myself to get up in thirty minutes to start getting ready. I scrolled through Tumblr and Instagram for the next 15 before my wonderful boyfriend slowly opened his eyes.

"Mmg'mornin' darlin'," Will smiled, his southern accent stronger as it usually was in the mornings. I smiled to myself.

"Good morning, sleep well?" I asked, liking a Klance theory.

"Good 'nough, you?" He said, still sleepy, I smiled as I felt his arms wrap tighter around me. 

"Yeah, enough, like you said," I sigh, knowing I have to get up soon. "I have work," I complain, "Then classes," I complain again, mumbling into his shoulder, shutting off my phone.

Will groaned, "But I don't want you to leave," He mumbled into my hair, I smiled.

"But I have too," I repeat, just enjoying him being here. It was so stupid. I knew it was. It was beyond stupid, yet, I just couldn't help myself from enjoying every bit of him. His freckled chest, the sound of uneven breaths.

Maybe uneven breaths weren't healthy, I don't know, I'm not a doctor, that's a question for Will, but I mean by that is sometimes when your breath hitches or something to the equivalent, when Will was in his coma, those were so much rarer.

Now, they happened more often, and they made my heart skip. I loved to hear every little noise he would make, I just loved him.

"Not yet," He mumbled, I rolled my eyes and looked at my phone.

"I love you, but I have to get up now,"

"No," He whined, dragging out the 'O'.  

"I can't be late, I promised Jase," I mumble since mumbling was the best I could manage. (A/N: I know this is unrelated, but my dog is eating their food very loudly and it's annoying.)

"Tell 'im I don't care and I want to hug my boyfriend all day," Will mumbled, wrapping his arms around me tighter, I released my phone in the process.

"We both know we both have shit to do,"

"That, said shit, can wait," He said, still holding onto me tightly, nuzzling his head into my bare collarbone.

"Said shit, can not wait, dork," I smile, I break free off his arms and roll off the bed.

"Nico," He complains as I walk out the door.

"You need to be up in ten minutes," I call out. Proud that I was the responsible one for once. I think it was the fact of having to be so mindful of the twins sleeping schedules, and Noami's work schedule, it made me more punctual, which was one of the very few positives that came from this situation.

I made my way to my room to quickly get ready.

I changed into some black skinny jeans, a Bailey's Diner shirt, and some Chuck Taylor's, just to ensure the emo effect I should just go ahead and trademark.

I walked out of my room and heading towards the kitchen for one reason and one reason only, coffee. I loved the stuff and I hadn't had some in my favorite mug, in the kitchen, with the sofa, while scrolling through some shit post app, so, I was elated. 

I made my coffee, Will was already sitting down on the couch. He looked pretty grumpy and tired, but still absolutely beautiful. "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed," I say, sitting down next to him. He put an arm around me and kissed my forehead, keeping his eyes on his phone.

"No, my tea has run out," He complained.

"Then let's go to Honey Bee, easy solution, we haven't been in a while," I say, unlocking my phone, the picture of Will and myself disappearing away as I opened to a picture of just him.

"But I thought you didn't want to be late," He teased, laughing lightly.

"I won't be,"

Will just laughed before shutting off his phone. "Mkay then," He smiled, reaching out his hand to take mine. "Let's go," 

I smiled before taking his hand and pulling myself off the couch. I slipped my phone in my pocket and grabbed my laptop bag that was sitting by the door. We walked out, making sure to lock the door and I sent a silent curse to the door four doors down.

Will and I walk down to the truck, Will climbing in the driver's side, his red backpack being placed in the middle, and I place my bag carefully on the ground, making sure the laptop is safe. Will turned the radio down low and hummed along, which I enjoyed.

We drove for a while, pointing out small things before finally arriving at the cafe. We sit down and a girl serves us and Will get's a large tea, I get another coffee, we both get a to go but plan on staying for a while.

"I don't think it's fair how hot you are sometimes," Will says out of the blue.

I looked at him puzzled for a moment before stuttering out a response, which didn't even sound like a response. I wasn't really the best with receiving compliments.

"I don't - that's not - no," I say, shaking my head. I just didn't believe it.

"No it's true, I mean, you're honestly perfect and I love you, so much,"

"I - I love you, too," I say, still blushing.

"I just really love you, please always know that?"

"I know, and I love you, too, so much," I say, taking a sip of my drink.

We continue talking and eventually had to leave, bringing our drinks with us. Will drops me off and we kiss before I walk out, grabbing my bag, of course making lunch plans. I walk into the familiar building that I haven't been at in a while.

Annabeth greeted me immediately with a hug. "Hey," She said as she hugged me. 

"Uh, hi?" I say, shortly after having Jason join us, wrapping his arms around Annabeth and me. 

"Hey, Nico," Jason's voice says, I awkwardly shuffle out of the hug. 

"Hey, guys," I smile. I half-way expected this. 

"How ya holdin' up?" Annabeth asked, resting her hands around herself. I nod my head.

"It really is fine, he's fine, we're fine, he's getting better, it's all good,"

Jason sighed, but then smiled. "Clearly," He said, brushing the hair off my shoulder, revealing a hickey. I covered my hand over it, blushing before walking away. 

"You two are evil," I announce as I walk over to my apron. "Absolutely evil, not to mention, I never point out when you two have hickeys. Jason, you are always covered in them, you too, stop laughing," I chuckle slightly as I point to the giggling Annabeth.

"You love it," Annabeth states before helping me tie my apron.

"Yeah, whatever," I mumble, never did I think I would be as happy as I was.

I had my boyfriend back.

I had a loving sister.

Loving friends.

I nice job.

My life wasn't stressful.

It all seemed...to perfect.

~Author's Note~

Thank you for all the support, seriously.

Also!!! Fun Fact, I was going to (when I originally thought out this story) end around this time. I was going to have them get engaged, but then, that was the plan near the first few chapters, but look back at those, i was a pretty shitty writer, I'm not saying im a Hamilton now or anything, but like, I was pretty fucking bad back then, and I now realize, that was unrealistic, so we have atleast 15-20 chapters left. 

Is that too long? Idk, I could still go with the original ending, but I think you guys deserve more for people so loyal?

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