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Will went back home afterwards, but we had hung out for a bit afterwards. It was mainly awkward, but I didn't want Will to leave. I wanted him to stay for as long as possible before he drove two hours away.

Yet, he left, and I grabbed an old sock, rice, and put the rice in the sock in the microwave, and then put the makeshift heating pack on my bullet wound. It was hurting like a bitch. I had just walked up flights of stairs and was done.

The first thing I wanted to do was tell Jason or Hazel. While Jason was there for me when I first broke up with Will, Hazel was always a lingering support, and she was my sister, and that's what gay dudes do right? They go to their sisters and gossip about the hot kiss they just got?


That's what you do.

But my phone was really far away and my newly sewn-shut incision was literally killing me, so instead I reached my laptop and looked at Avengers Four things on Tumblr.

God, I was in so many fandoms it was unnatural. No wonder I got kicked out of College. I had time. I had a lot of time, actually, but I spent it all writing, and searching online, and watching edits.

Anyway, let's stop having an existential crisis.

I continued scrolling through Tumblr, but kept wanting to tell someone about my day. About Will. Plus, Hazel would probably want an update on why i didn't show up to deliver the food, or why i haven't returned her calls, and how my shot wound is doing.

Plus my heating thing was no longer hot so I had to get up anyway. This time, after grabbing my phone, i also walked into my room and grabbed my heating pad so i could have constant heat on my stomach, not just for three minutes.

I don't know why i didn't go for it first, i do dumb things sometimes.

Once I sat down and plugged in the blue heating pad, I looked for Hazel's contact, Sorella, and clicked it, it only rang once before she picked up.

"Nico di Angelo, you better have a good excuse as to why you have been avoiding me for the past two days! I was worried sick, I even went to your apartment and you weren't there, and I didn't want to pry but I was honestly terrified, because I thought you were better, and I wouldn't think you would do what I was thinking you did, but I was still worried sick!" Hazel said as soon as she picked up, the entire rant with only one breath.

Nico smiled at how concerned she was. It was nice to have someone care. "It's a pretty good reason. I was shot, but I'm fine, it was apparently an easy fix. Just need to get it checked out again soon, and can't run a marathon, but I didn't do those before anyway,"

There was a small silence.

"You. Got. Shot?"

"Yes, but don't freak out, I'm fine, it's a long story -"

"I have time, Nico, what happened? Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes, basically I was on my way to your house, but my Uber driver needed gas so I was like 'that's fine' anyway I went into the store, I think to use the bathroom, which it was really gross anyway,"

"Nico, that's nowhere near the point," Hazel laughed lightly.

"Oh yeah, sorry, anyway when I walked out, guess who I saw?"


"Will!" I said happily.

"Will shot you!?" Hazel accused.

I laughed out of the irony in that accusation. Irony? Is that the word? I don't know. I was mainly laughing at the fact Will could never harm a fly, definitely not fucking shoot me. "What? Haze, no!"

"I'm sorry, it could add up,"

"Will's way too nice, not someone else shot me, anyway meeting Will - stop sighing this is important information for the entire story -"

"I'm sorry," Hazel laughed. "You just acting like getting shot is nothing,"

"Well it's a long story, I don't have time to say 'poor me, i got shot'."

"Oh, god, okay continue,"

"Thank you, so it was awkward and then, behind Will, I saw Tim, which is Will's stepdad, he's the one -"

"Will's step father shot you!" She yelled.

"Yes, and now he's in prison, or waiting for a hearing or something, anyway, the gun was aiming for Will, so instead of being smart and just shoving Will out of the way, I instead chose to push him out of the way and jump in front of him, because that seemed like the best idea at the time, anyway the bullet got me in my abdomen,"

"Is it sore? Is everything okay? Do you want me to come over and help you get around? Do you have crutches? Is the bill a lot, i can help you pay for it!"

"Yes, everything's fine, you don't have to do that, crutches? No, and that is none of your concern, now this is the good part,"

"There's a good part in this story?" Hazel asked, clearly not expecting a kiss in the end. Maybe this was a fairy tale after all - never mind - my life's to shitty for that bull.

"Yes, after I had my surgery and woke up, guess who was there?!"

"Hopefully a insurance person, like the little goose,"

"Is it a goose? I thought it was a duck? Doesn't matter, they weren't there, it was William Solace!"

"Oh, my god! Really!"

"That's what I'm saying, anyway I was discharged after a horribly awkward conversation with Will, and then we went to the cafe, and then after more awkward conversation, Will dropped me off and then I cried, and then he cried, and then we kissed! And then he went home, and I don't know where we stand, or what to do now, but yeah! I kissed him and I realize something,"

"And what is that?"

"I can't stop kissing him, Hazel, I can't not have him in my life and I feel so dumb for leaving him, he says he understood, but that doesn't change the fact I fu - dged but and I want to spend the rest of my life with him, and I know that now. Because I spent a few months without him, and I can't do that again, Haze, I can't live without him, I can't,"

"So, let me just, summaries here," She said, then paused. "Got shot, by Tim, sent to hospital, Will was there, kissed Will, and now you want Will back, all in the course of a two days?"

"Well, I've wanted Will back since I lost him,"

||time skip||

After the call with Hazel, I called Jason and summed it up, but he was more concerned about the getting shot part then my love for the freckled blonde, so I told him I would still come into work, and it wasn't a big deal, and I had shitposting to do.

It was night time, so I wobbled my way to the shower where I turned on the heat and washed my hair, which if my hair could talk, they would be thanking me, because god was it getting dirty.

After that, I wanted to text Will or call him, but I chose against it. Then I realized I should probably eat, but decided against, it was way too much work in the long run.

So instead of calling Will like a needy ex-boyfriend thing, I called Hazel, she probably wasn't up. Yet, she picked up with a smiley voice. "Hey Nico, what's up, do you need anything? Are you stuck on the floor?"

"What, no? I'm not good at relationships, and you've been in one for awhile, should I call him? Text him? I can't lose him,"

Hazel laughed. "You know, you love him, and I think - no, I know - he likes you back, be forward Nico, you can't wait around for anything to happen,"

I thought on those words before sighing. "Hazel, I love you, so much, thank you for being there for me, it means, so much,"

Hazel stuttered up for a second before replying. "I love you, too, Nico, and I'll always be there for you, because I know you'd do the same,"

"Goodbye, thank you, Haze,"

"Anytime, Neeks,"

I hung up with Hazel with a smile, and opened Will's contact.


I typed about 32 variations of 'hey' until erasing all of it and tossing my phone on the other end of my bed.

I took a few deep breaths and reached for my phone again. Thinking of what to type, i noticed I had started to bite my nails, which was a habit i was trying to break, so i quickly pulled them out, then kept typing and deleted and typing and deleted.

The finally settled on. 'Goodnight, sunshine,'

I didn't want to hear if he replied, so I turned off my phone and tossed it on the ground. I took my shirt off and tossed it on the floor, opposite of my phone. I climbed under the covers and took a deep breath.

I changed into thirty different positions before letting my curiosity get the best of me, and reached for my phone, but made sure my legs were still on the bed, because obviously it's more easy to do that then to just stand up and get it.

'message from: sunshine☼'

'Thanks, you too, Death boy,'

I couldn't help the smile that traced on my lips as I saw that message.

I had a feeling we, Will and I could make it work, we could try it again, maybe he could forgive me and I could forgive myself. And it would be so much more different if it worked. It would be texting and not living together.

We had fast-tracked the relationship when he was already living with me. So, now it was new, and that was kind of exciting. And the thought of it sent butterflies in my stomach.

It was when I was falling asleep, softly breathing, that I realized, I was happy. Even though I was shot, which didn't make sense. Life didn't make sense.

When I woke up in the morning, I realized how fucking sore my abdomen was. I reached for my phone wincing at the new movement and smiled at a text that I had on my phone.

'message from: sunshine☼'

'Good morning, :)'

"Dumb ass," I mumbled at the stupid colin emoji things he used. He used them on the first day we met, if I do recall.

'Good morning' I typed, but hadn't sent. I need to type something that like - builds conversation. It was weird. I knew him, but it wasn't easy anymore. 'Any plans for today?'

And I clicked send, and then I made my best effort to get out of bed because I really wanted coffee, but standing hurt like a mother fucker.

I managed, and used the bathroom and splashed water on my face, then heard my phone go off, I walked over to it, slightly wincing,

'message from: sunshine☼'

'Nothing exciting, you? And how are your stitches?'

I smiled and leant against the wall for support. 'Around the same, work's going to be a pain, and the stitches are sore, which is to be expected,'

I kept my phone on me this time to avoid having to walk all the way back to my phone. I walked to the water-heater-kettle thing (a/n: i know, im good with words) and started heating up water. If I was going to be honest with him, I would have said how it felt like little baby demons stabbing me.

But, I went with sore.

I waiting for my water to heat up, and halfway through the expected time, my phone went off.

'message from: sunshine☼'

'I'm sorry it's sore, and are you seriously having to go to work?'

I replied a little faster than i think i was supposed too.

'Yeah, it'll be fine, and don't be sorry seriously,' I didn't click send. "Come on, Nico, conversation, it's not that hard," I could call Hazel, but she has a life. Maybe I could google how to keep a conversation going? That would work.

The first thing google said when I searched 'How to keep a conversation going through text' was 'Return questions' but in this case, it wouldn't wake sense. I knew he had work. I knew it was with his mom and he may even have another job because he's trying to support his mother.

Apparently, Tim made a lot of money, and losing that was horrible. I don't know how he had the money, but without it, they needed money, so asking Will about work isn't the best idea.

I had to hurry because my read recipients were on, so I didn't have long to reply. One website had said to ask about the shows on last night, but I wasn't aware of any he would be watching.

Another said to call them, but that wasn't an option.

Then it gave me some example and it said to be polite, which I thought was dumb, but the example questions weren't. One of them was 'How did you sleep last night.' It was a little off topic, but still.

'How'd you sleep last night?' Send.

'Yeah it'll be fine, don't be sorry, seriously. How'd you sleep last night?'

Oh, gods. That was dumb. "Nico," I mumble to myself, apparently resorting to talking to myself now. "You have literally no game, no game at all di Angelo,"

||author's note||

okay so i have a few things.
i think most the people who read my books are not old enough to vote(and/or register to vote) but im going to say it anyway.

If you are a US citizen and able to vote(or register) please for me, do so. i know you've heard so many celebs and youtubers say it and what will i do by saying it, im not real sure, but please please, what has been happening in this country is horrible. the people who are being elected into office *you know who im talking about, and we dont really need to get in a discussion if you believe a certain someone was innocent or not, with the accusations he shouldn't have been elected, and neither should our trump after his accusations but still* we need to make a difference, and I cant. i cant vote, so im preaching out, PLEASE VOTE.

ON ANOTHER NOTE! i've made a political rant/short story/diary entry thing-book and go check it out, it's called 'love, leah' and you can check it out if you want, bc then you could get a better veiw on me!

ANOTHER NOTE, again. on my instagram, ive started a new thing, basically i write oneshots and make aesthetic pictures that go with it, and i have one up, and need requests, so if you want to have a one-shot written (ill give cred it you give me plot) go check out my gram; fandomtrash1224


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