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||i made it to almost 4k words on this chapter, enjoy, loves||

It wasn't a date, that's what I told myself. It wasn't like that, I mean, maybe it was, but not like a date date.

It was casual, like when we got coffee together.

Except his mom was going to be there. She was literally going to murder me, I would be dead before I could buy my ticket, I would be dead in the parking lot. Naomi was a gentle human, but if you hurt the people she loved, you'd rue the day.

And I hurt the person she loved.

So, that was absolutely terrifying and I wasn't sure what was going to help me be less nervous about the whole situation. I called Hazel earlier to see what she had to say but she just laughed and wished me good luck.

Making my coffee, I started stressing out. It wasn't surprising because, well, I was me and I stressed out over just about anything, even things that most people couldn't stress out about. Mountains out of mole hills, that was the saying, I believe.

I went to take a shower, washing my hair quickly, brushing my teeth, and everything else you do for good hygiene. I decided to wear - can you guess? Black, ripped skinny jeans, a black shirt that had white lettering saying 'I feel weird', upside down, and since it was really fucking cold and I was hella gay, I wore a red and black flannel.

I was slid on black chucks (because I have an aesthetic to keep up with) and put my phone back in the charger, just to make sure it won't die while I'm out.

While waiting, I did a load of laundry, washed dishes, and took out the trash. I didn't really know what else to do after that. We were going to leave at 1PM, it was only 11. I woke up early, well early for me. If I wake up at normal human times, like eight, I could be really productive.

I wasted a few more hours doing random shit, happily running to my phone once I heard it ringing. I slid the button to answer it, smiling when I saw it was a call from 'Sunshine'

"Neeks!" Will called out, smiling.

"Don't call me that," I laughed, watching as Will rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, I'm at your door," He said, turning the camera view to display my brown apartment door. "Let me in,"

I smiled and walked over to the door, opening it, and hugging Will almost immediately after just seeing it was him with his perfect freckled face.

He hugged me back without hesitation and I couldn't help but smiling at the scent of Will. It was warm and comforting and still, even after seeing him again, I would always miss it if I wasn't near him for a good five hours a day.

I just really love him.

I hung up on him now, because the echo was getting weird. "Sunshine," I greeted. He rolled his eyes, greeting me similarly with a: 'Death Boy' to which I scowled, but then he kissed me on the top of my head and I forgave him pretty quickly.

"Will you ever stop calling me that?"

Will gave a simple smile before replying: "Nope,"

We had decided to get up and go and get to the fair grounds where they were going to meet up with Will's mom and the twins.

When they walked through the door, I got the beautiful sight of my sperm-donor.

"Nico!" he called, throwing his trash in the little disposal thing.

I stopped walking towards the stairs, turned towards him and smiled.

Then, my face fell and I rolled my eyes, flipping the man the bird. His face turned into a expression of 'did this kid seriously just-' I turned around and still had my hand in the air, the middle finger standing tall, and I walked down the hall.

Once turning down the hall and heading down the stairs, now putting down my finger, no point in losing blood circulation over it.

The amount of stairs my building had was absolutely insane. Fix the elevator or give us less stairs, I'm going to start a protest. They wouldn't listen to me. Maybe if I like - paid my rent on time they would, but I don't, so it may be best not to draw the spotlight towards me.

Greeting my Uber, I get in the car and toss my bag next me. Will got in next to me and I smiled at him as I buckled because safety first.

"That was great," Will laughed. "Comedy gold, really."

I laughed with him. "Yeah, I know, he deserved it though."

Will nodded his head. "That he did."

When they finally arrived to the fair, everything was crowded, which didn't help my anxiety in the slightest, it actually really sucked. Sometimes when I was just doing normal human things, it would hit me right in the face and I never really knew how to respond to it.

We bought our tickets, making our way through the crowded line. Luckily once we got into the actual fairground, it really wasn't that crowded, which helped a bit. Will told me his mom should be anywhere, and I was jittery as we walked searching for Naomi, our hands interlocked.

I had no clue how she was going to react. I mean, I fucked up, I knew that. I ran when Will needed me most. I could sit here and list all my issues (and trust me, there are a lot) and I could list how they had lead up to me leaving, but I doubted she cared about that. She only cared about the fact that I had left Will when Will needed someone.

Then again, he moved back home, which is what every mom would want? Right? Probably not. I was kidding myself.

After some searching, I found Artemis, mainly because she was running around in a circle while wearing a very bright shirt. It was hard to miss. Next to her, was her sister who was holding onto Naomi's hand. I squeezed Will's hand and nodded my head in the three girls direction.

Will smiled, calling his mom's name.

And here came another wave of anxiety.

All three of them looked in our direction, "Nio!" someone called, it was Athena, and she was running towards me. I sat down in a crouch position, opening my arms as Athena ran into them over-enthusiastically.

I almost fell, but managed to stop myself. "Hey, there," I laugh wrapping my arms around the girl. The hug broke and we stood up, Artemis had ran over and was no proceeding to run around Will.

Naomi was slowly approaching and all my brain could think was 'run, run, run, run, get the hell out of here, run' but I chose to not do that. Or I was too scared to run, so ultimately it wasn't actually a choice.

She got closer and she hugged her son, then to my dismay, she hugged me too. I was shocked to say the least. I always loved hugs from Naomi, she was very motherly and gave off a aura of warmth and happiness. Similar to how Will did, but it was just different.

"Calm down," She laughed lightly in my ear. "I would've done the same thing."

And I literally felt the weight lift off my shoulders. She surprisingly didn't hate me. That's like reason number 87 why you should love Naomi.

After that entire encounter, everything was easy and fun. We had all bought wristbands so we didn't have to but individual tickets per ride, we rode the weird spinny cup things, and Artemis was screaming her head off the whole time, which was super freaking adorable, because it was obvious she wasn't even scared.

We went on the one thing called the himalaya's, and I'm not sure if they're supposed to be that fucking scary, but nonetheless, it was absolutely terrifying. I most likely was cutting Will's blood circulation from squeezing his hand so hard, which he made sure to tease me about afterwards.

"It's not my fault it makes you feel like your stomach is literally about to fly out through my belly button," I defended myself, but Will just laughed at that and decided we should do something even more terrifying.

And what was crazy was the twins weren't even scared. Like, Naomi seemed sort of worried about dying and all but she wasn't scared, and Artemis was having a blast, so was Athena. Will apparently couldn't even see the dangers in the rides - I was simply just terrified for no reason, really.

"I want to do the high swins!" Athena yelled, pointing up. I followed her finger and found that it was pointing up at a very tall and dangerous death machine.

My eyes were probably about to pop out of my head. "You wanna go -" I pointed towards the swings. "Up there?"

"Yeah!" She answered enthusiastically, Artemis agreed with her, grabbing Naomi's hand and dragging her towards the death trap. Athena trailed along being her mother and sister as I just looked at Will, slightly shocked.

"Your siblings," I started. "Are going to kill me."

"They're not going to kill you," He reassured, I have him a look. "Or," He started again. "Put you on anything that would kill you," He said, rewording the sentence. "Plus, you're not allowed to die,"

"Says who?"

"Me," Will said shortly, beginning to walk, dragging me along with him to go wait in the line to my death.


It wasn't that bad, but it definitely wasn't calming. I was freaking out nearly the entire time. Will had the audacity to laugh at me and when we finally hit the ground, the twins found me being scared out of my mind hilarious, and even Naomi was laughing at me.

"I'm sorry that I don't want to plummet to my death," I defended as we all walked away, heading to another ride that I didn't know the name of (but I'm sure it's something along the lines of 'AntiGravity').

My hand was interlocked with Will's, and the other one held Athena's smaller one. I found that she was way more fond of me than her sister, but I'd have time for Artemis to love me.

We approached the spaceship-looking thing, and i really hoped this one would be less terrifying. it looked pretty safe, the walls were enclosed and it seemed secure, but the screams weren't exactly reassuring.

"I'm going to vomit."

"Please don't."


I didn't vomit! So, that was an accomplishment all on its own, but the ride literally made me feel like my organs were escaping my body through my back.

I don't know if I would recommend or advise you to never EVER go on it.

Depends on the kind of person you are. However, I can tell you I am never doing that again.

We all rode rides for a bit longer, it was fun and I was low key terrified the entire fucking time. Once it was around seven-thirty, Naomi said that they should be heading home.

Will and I had stayed. Which, maybe I should be overjoyed about, but the only thing that stopped us from going on rides earlier that I can only describe as 'death traps disguised to be fun via pretty flashing lights' was the fact the twins couldn't ride them, Will was more than willing to ride them, and he could kiss me on the damn forehead and I would immediately cave and hop on yet another ride.

Will's hand was in mine and as we were walking - presumably to another possible way for me to die- I couldn't help but notice how just amazing he looked with the sun shining off his barbie blonde hair.

"Neeks, we need to go ride this one ride, it's super terrifying, and you'll probably regret it while you're on it, but it's great."

"See that doesn't exactly sound like something I'd be into." I followed him anyway.

We kept walking, I wasn't entirely sure where we were going, but Will sure knew, so I just continued following him. That proved to work best, anyway.

We kept walking, and there was one ride that was emitting loud screams, the kind of screams that can only be created by terrified souls. I thought we were going to keep walking, but that wasn't the case, as he pulled me into the line.

"Solace, sure you don't have the wrong spot?" I said, fully aware that it was the right spot, but not really knowing how to reply.

"The Zipper, dude, it's literally awesome," Will smiled gesturing to what I assumed was the Zipper.

"Me and you," I say, pointing to me, and then him, and back and forth for a bit. "Different opinions of awesome."

"See," Will laughed. "You say that now, but you'll definitely think differently after the ride."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Barbie.""

"Barbie?" He questioned with a laugh. I only shrugged my shoulders.

I leant into him, resting my head on his shoulder, our hands to intertwined. He rested his head on mine and I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face.

Two minutes later it was time to move up, so we stopped leaning on each other, and walked forward in line. . We saw someone wearing a Captain America shirt and began discussing the new A4 movie coming up.

Mid-Conversation, we were already near the front of the line. I started freaking out, obviously, because the closer we got, the louder the screams sounded.

"On second thought, why don't we do - I don't know, something like, the bumper cars?" I asked, gesturing behind me where said ride was.

"What? How can you like those! They're literally the most terrifying ride out there,"

My brain couldn't comprehend what Will had said. This guy loved death traps, but the bumper cars were too much for him? "Are you serious?" I laughed. "They let two year olds on those things."

"They do not!" He defended. "Unless it's a very tall two year old, but look - here's my reasoning behind it," He began. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for my boyfriend to elaborate. "I have long legs, right? And those cars are very small, so I'm extremely claustrophobic in those things, and then one guy comes along and just whams right into you, and then my knees just hit the metal and then I'm stuck running the hell away from everyone for the next ten minutes,"

"Spiders and Bumper cars," I say. "Your biggest fears are spiders and bumper cars?"

Will nodded his head in confirmation and I just laughed, realizing we were at the front of the line and about to get on.

"But this, this you find - not terrifying,"

Another nod, along with an smile that would put anyone to shame.

It was our turn now and the guy opened the little compartment like it wasn't going to be my doom. We both got in and I was once again getting really nervous. Usually on the rides once it started moving, I would get a lot less scared. Still nervous, but less scared..

This ride was different. To load people on, the ride operators couldn't just do it little-cage-thingy by little-cage thingy, they had to make sure it was weighted evenly so no one died(I'm assuming anyway,) so that means it would go, and then stop you at the top, or in a position that would make you look like you were about to fall out of the cage looking thing, or upside down, and then, you'd get back to the bottom or something (depending on when you go on, for us, we got stuck at the top) and I thought that was it because one of the operator guys said "We're done," As in, we're done with the ride let's unload them.


Not the case.

They had just finished loading us, and we actually had a full three minutes of death in store. It didn't seem too bad at first, I still felt like I was going to puke, but luckily I managed to not. I was screaming a lot, more than I'm proud of especially, and I spat out a lot of Italian curses.

Will, who I've deemed an asshole, was laughing. How could he laugh at a time like this, I'll never figure out. "William Solace, I am going to kill you!" I yell as we flipped upside down and flew down closer to the ground.

"You do that, Death Boy.""

"Don't call me that!"


So, I didn't kill him, but I did give him a stern talking to about fun and what that really means. 'Fun' does not mean 'Near Death,' and if he is unsure of that, he should reconsider becoming a doctor. He only laughed at me, like an asshole.

To be an extra bitch, I decided to change the name of his thumbprint that was saved in my phone to 'Asshole' instead of 'Sunshine'

He faked offense, and then, since it was later now, and there were no impressionable minds, we bought beers, because what do you need when you're getting your stomach turned inside out, flipped upside down, and trying to escape?

Drink alcohol. Duh.

Anyway, drinks weren't allowed on any rides, so we did that whole cheesy ass thing of playing the little games. It was really fun, and we got really into it. It was more of a competition of who could win one of the damned prizes first, rather than 'I wanna get you this'

Neither of us managed to get one, which was a real shame because we literally spent around twenty minutes trying We failed miserably, so we gave up, hanging our heads. "Those things were rigged."

"I know!" Will agreed, laughing, as we made our way to some other line, and I told him I wasn't doing anything similar to the zipper again because that thing was fucking terrifying. Will said that was fine, and we decided to on the ferris wheel because we're basic hoes.

The line was really long, but that was fine, I still needed to get my heart beating back to a regular pace before doing anything else that would raise it. We talked about the most random things during our wait, mainly at what a disappointment season 8 was of Voltron.

The end they gave Lance pissed me off. I never even liked Allurance, because I felt like Allura was using Lance as a rebound, but dammit, Lance deserved something better than what he got.

Voltron gave us a lot to talk about, so by the end of that conversation, we were up to go on the ride.

Can I just say, for the record, Ferris Wheels are way more calm than the other rides we had gone on. Plus, it was dark out now, and the lights looked really pretty.

Also Will and I sucked face because - Love, Simon man. We're just two gays living our best life, leave us alone.

When the ride was over, we had decided that it would be best if we headed home. Will called an Uber and waited outside of the actual fair while they came. It was kind of cold so we stayed, leaning on each other for a bit, his arms around me as I rested my forehead on his chest. "I love you," I said, my arms wrapped around his waist.

I felt him kiss the top of my head and heard him reply back with "I love you, too, Neeks.""

"You're still an ass, though," I reasoned, and he let out a breathy laugh.

"Of course," He responded. The little notification sound for a Uber had sounded and we both kind of leaned off each other. Will had already sent a text to his mom that he'd head home tomorrow, and I couldn't help but realize everything was really starting to seem like how it was right before I fucked up. Him going back and forth.

I knew it was a bit hypocritical of me for not saying something, but I just didn't know what else to do about it. I didn't want to lose him again, I wouldn't do it ever again, but I mean, how would I know if he was driving safely. He had already been punched into a coma, and the last thing I wanted was for him to get in a wreck and we end up back in the hospital.

Either way, we climbed in the Uber and told them my address. I don't know why we don't ever go to Will's house, that would solve a lot of fucking problems. So, I just asked. "Why don't we ever go to your moms?" I ask, looking up at him, feeling the concern in my eyes.

"Well, I don't know, you work around here, it seems easier to just, go to your apartment?"

"And you work all the way over there," I reasoned. That statement seemed to puzzle Will.

"I mean," Will began "I guess it just made sense, I mean, Tim wasn't exactly supportive, that's no secret, so whenever I enter that house I- even still - turn off all the gay in me?"

I smiled slightly at his choice of words.

"And so even when I was young, and I had told my mom about me being gay, I wasn't comfortable with completely being myself - my gay self - until a bit later, because I had told my mom everything, so even when I wasn't comfortable having a crush on someone, I felt like my mom was someone I had to tell," He spoke, obviously choosing his words carefully. "but then when I was comfortable, Tim came along, and told us his opinions, so I kept it to myself, and you know the rest,"

Will sighed. "So I guess, it's just that place is kind of like a place where I'm happy, but I've kind of always seen it as a dangerous place, kind of like going to a very conservative church and having to be in incognito mode, you just - I don't know,"

"I get it," I said, watching as the Uber pulled out into the parking lot of my apartment. I grabbed my back and held the strap in my hand. I leant in to kiss Will one last time, it was a simple peck. "I really do," I smiled. Opening the door, "But please don't turn off all the gay in you," I teased. "I kind of like that part,"

And with that, I stepped out of the car, leaving some money for the Uber (not listening to Will's protests) and walked away, waving slightly as the Uber went back on it's way. I opened the door to the apartment, smiling slightly because you would too if you just kissed Will Solace.

I made my way upstairs, trying to do so pretty quietly because it was late and for some reason I had a lot of old people living near me? I don't know why, but I lived on an old floor. Also, it didn't make sense. The elevator was broken, don't you think brittle old people would be all baby boomer-like and complain about that?

Nope. They get on their walkers and - whatever.

I unlock my door, carefully place my bag on the ground and go to take a shower. 

||this story is coming to a end, like in ten-ish chapters and i'm really sorry. I'll try to put less angst... key-word. try||

thank you for the help with editing this, rather it was in the beginning or end, @autumn614 @genenaetu and  @emse1212

who are my awesome beta readers for this story <3

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