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"You're literally the worst employee and co-worker ever, I'm surprised Bailey hasn't fired you," Annabeth said that morning of work.

"You know, I'm honestly just as surprised as you are, I should be super ultra, mega fired, but yet, here I am," I said, gesturing to myself as I scrubbed sticky soda off the floor from someone who spilled their drink and we failed to notice the night before.

Annabeth laughed and rolled her eyes as she walked into the back where Jason was, who thankfully was getting much better after he and Piper had split up. According to him they were now on awkward speaking terms, which is always fun. Hopefully you can pick up my sarcasm.

And for anyone wondering, the reason I'm such a horrible employee is because once again, I am skipping work for something that could totally wait till after work. I was going to attempt and find a suit for the trial. I hate suits, I feel like my small, short frame makes me look like a child when I wear one, but Naomi wanted me to at least try and get one. Hazel said she would help me, and while we were out we'd look for wedding dresses. Which, don't get me wrong. I was honored she'd want to do that with me, but at the same time makes me wonder, why me? Like I don't know about you, but do I look like the 'Let's go look for wedding dresses' type of person? Because personally I'd have to say: no.

But hey, I love my sister, so obviously I'm going to do anything she needs when related to her wedding.

I also told her we should just look at wedding stuff, screw my stupid ass suit, but she said that was "nonsense" and that "it's important to have one for the trial" and that "if Naomi asked, I should do it" so here I was, taking off work, and going to do that

I'm not excited for that aspect of it, but I'm excited for everything else and being able to just see Hazel again. We were also going to grab lunch together because once again, I just wanna see my sister and postpone trying to get me to find a suit I don't despise.

We opened up Bailey's and the first wave of elderly came in, wanting coffee while they discussed politics. Which is always fantastic. Nothing better than being a raging homosexual waiting on a bunch of baby boomers discussing how disgusting it is that there's a fellow homo running for president. It's really a good feeling.

Makes you want to spit in their food, but don't worry, I resisted. Because that's "frowned upon".

"Don't do it," Jason laughed as he handed me the coffee.

"Ha ha," I laughed sarcastically. I put on a fake smile as I handed one of them their coffee. They thanked me and then asked if I had any sugar packets because the table had run out of them in the little container.

I grabbed the container we stored the sugar packets in usually and then went to the back and packed it with the colored packets. When I was done, I smiled with gritted teeth and handed it to them, to which they thanked me again. You're so fucking welcome.

Maybe I shouldn't judge them for one thing, they could be cool people besides that? Right? ... Nope. I'm going to judge them. They'd judge me. (a/n: i passive aggressively rant about the homophobes in my life through this story and i'm sorry)

The morning rush left around ten, and it was just a few stragglers, but at around 12, Lunch Hour had started and we got a bunch more people coming in. I'd collecting the handful of tips, which is cool considering the amount of debt I'm in.


I had thirty more minutes until I could finally get off of work and see my sister. I continued everything, only taking two more customers because they looked like they'd be fast eaters, and I didn't want to ditch Annabeth with a bunch of customers. Shitty employee, not a shitty person.

Zoom by thirty-seven-ish minutes and wabam, I'm living my best life, walking out to my Uber- which at this point I know I should just get over my whole fear of driving cars, but every time I get behind the wheel, I think of Bianca and it hurts... a lot... so for now, I'm paying money to get in an Uber to go see Hazel for lunch, which we chose to go to Burger King because Hazel like their french fries, and if I'm being honest, I didn't really mind it. Even though, McDonalds was, and always will be superior.

I pull out my phone as I get in the Uber, which I guess the good thing about Uber is you don't always have the same car, like they're all different, so while sometimes I get worried Henry will pull up, I know that as soon as I see the car, I'm safe, anyway. I pull out my phone and text Hazel that I'm on my way.

She shoots back a response, saying she'll start heading that way now. I text her back a simple 'okay' because I didn't want to leave her on read. I then started flipping through Tumblr and other shitposting apps, until I was right in front of Burger King. I thanked and paid my Uber, and then walked out of the car.

I didn't see Hazel's car, so I just assumed she wasn't here yet, which put my in an awkward situation. What was I supposed to do? Should I walk in, stand there awkwardly until Hazel got here? Or should I awkwardly stand outside, giving a weird smile to the people who walked by the weird emo looking guy? Or should I order my food and eat it, but then have to awkwardly watch Hazel eat her food, which would probably make her really uncomfortable...

I'll just stand outside awkwardly. That seems like the best option. I won't even really have to look at the people, I can just kind of stare awkwardly at my screen until she gets here.

Luckily I didn't have to be that awkward for too long, because she soon showed up, and greeted me with a hug. I always liked her hugs. They were warm and comforting - and just ... nice. I don't know, I just really like them.

We decided to get our food quickly, I just got a basic whopper meal, and honestly not sure what Hazel got because I got my drink while she was ordering. We sat down and ate our food. I wasn't all that hungry if we're honest, and I can't see how Hazel liked these fries, but I decided to just keep my mouth shut but they were pretty soggy honestly... if that made any sense.

We caught up on life, Hazel was doing good, her storefront was doing even better. Frank was good, they were thinking about getting a pomeranian together. She asked about my life and I avoided talking about the trial as much as possible, but I did mention things about Mason and Sydney and how being so close to them was. We laughed, talked about random shit, and I asked her about how wedding planning was going.

She shook her head with a laugh. "It's beyond difficult. I don't know how some people can actually do it for a career, not to mention having to deal with the brides, because I'm indecisive, but I'm doing it to myself, imagine someone else being indecisive for you, I mean I could never do it,"

"If you hate it so much, why don't you hire a planner?" I say, laughing slightly at her rant.

"I thought about it, and then I thought about it even more, and realized that I wouldn't be able to say I didn't like something, I then I'd have something I really didn't like at my wedding, and so I'll just figure it out myself,"

I laugh again at ehr reasoning, but agree with her nonetheless, it made sense after all.

Once we finished eating we got into Hazel's car and she drove us over to the bridal place or whatever the hell it's called. It sells wedding dresses, and that was about the only requirement for us at that moment.

When we walked in there, I saw a bunch of dresses, none of them white- and I don't know too much about weddings, but usually you wear a white dress. Hazel informed me these were the 'bridesmaids dresses' and the wedding dresses were in the back. Maybe so if Kids covered in chocolate zoom into the store they won't ruin the white ones? Makes sense to me but when I said it to Hazel, she just laughed a little.

Now was the fun part, and I meant that honestly. I had developed a love for Hazel, I truly had, and to help her find the dress she'd be getting married in, even if she didn't choose any of the ones we looked at, it was honestly awesome just for her to want to do this with me.

"So what are you like, envisioning for it? Like I have no clue what your list of yes and no's are, which makes looking for something really hard," I say as we're walking down what seems to be endless isle of white and beige dresses.

"No beads larger than like, this," She said, making a pinching gesture with her finger, showcasing about 1⁄4 of an inch. "And a long train is basically a requirement for me,"

"Oh that's so pretty," I commented.

"Right?" She says, smiling. "And, pretty, lacy sleeves,"

"Okay, can do," I say as I look around the rows of dresses and I realize that I actually probably can't do. I can see the things she wants, but I don't exactly have an eye for fashion. I'm not that type of gay, which makes finding things like dresses very hard.

We walked around together through the isle's, Hazel looking around with wonder, no doubt thinking about getting married. I mean, not sure what else you would think about while looking at wedding dresses afterall. But the joy in her eyes made it all the sweeter.

She grabbed a few, and I showed her some that I found, and she seemed equally excited about the ones I would pick out but she could've just been pretending to be nice because that's just the kind of person she is. I don't know.

After we found about ten dresses in total, and headed into the area where people try on the dress and walk out and they have the platform that they stand on and whatnot. I handed her the dresses I was carrying after she put the ones she was holding on the hooks, which in case you need to know, wedding dresses are not light at ALL. That's besides the point though. I handed her the dresses I was carrying and then waited where like all the other people wait... duh.

I also felt kind of out of place considering the other boys in the room were all under the age of ten and running around getting yelled at by their mothers.

However, seeing Hazel walk out all happy and literally, basically glowing was amazing. She seemed so happy and honestly so beautiful. "Oh, my God," I said, my voice almost not sounding like mine it was so sweet and awestruck. "You look so beautiful,"

"Really?" She said, looking from me to the mirror and seeing herself. She smiled and looked back at me.

"Yeah, duh, do you like it?" I asked.

"I like it but it's just kinda uncomfortable right here," She said, gesturing to her stomach area. "The, whatever these are called, kinda makes the material bunch up and itch a lot," She said, and once she pointed it out I noticed. It didn't make the dress look bad, but I could imagine it was extremely uncomfortable.

"Well we got a bunch more to try on, so that's fine," I say, laughing slightly, to which she laughed with me.

"We really do, and these things are not easy to put on," She said, not actually complaining, she seemed like she was thoroughly enjoying it, and just laughing, because.. I'm not too sure, but laughing's good so who can fault her?

"Awh, poor baby," I laugh back as she walks back into the dressing room.

She tried on all the dresses. There was always that one thing that made it not perfect. Rather the lace fit wrong at the shoulders, the dress looks better on the hanger than it did on someone, or even the sleeves not fitting right, something was just always off. And obviously, we wouldn't settle for anything less than perfect.

I was also really starting to like get into the groove of dress shopping, like it was getting very enjoyable, despite the screaming kids in the waiting area, the angry mothers, bridezilla's and snobby employee's, it was still very fun. And sometimes Hazel would walk out and say she needed another size, or one with something a little different and I'd be able to ruhs out into the rows of gowns and choose what she was looking for and see her trying it on, and it was just really fun.

However, I got asked if we were the ones getting married, like I was her fiance, and then I had to explain to her that that's not the case and I'm actually her very homosexual brother. Though, you can't exactly blame them for thinking we were together. I mean it's stupid to. Siblings aren't always the same race and not everyone girl and guy pairing means romance, but I don't blame them for making the assumption. And they weren't rude when I told them the truth, so it was just a short lived awkward moment.

After trying on what had to be thirty dresses? Running back and forth about 100 times, and almost crying with Hazel twice, we still didn't find a dress. Like at all. Like nothing was perfect. And Hazel was tired of trying them on. So we decided to just leave and go home, which means I didn't have to got through the turture of having to find a suit. Picking out dresses for your sister, fun. Picking out a suit to make you look like a child, not fun.

We also decided to grab dinner because it had gotten pretty late. We decided to go into iHop because, well why not. iHop's good and open 24/7.

We talked about the wedding while waiting for our food, and even while we ate. We discussed the colors she wanted to do, the food, the menu, the everything, and I was so honored for her to tell me this. Even after spending most of the day with her, looking at dresses, I was still baffled she'd want to share these things with me. It almost showed me she cares about me at least a fraction of how much I cared for her.

After eating she drove home, and I made the decision to go to Naomi's instead of my apartment At this point, I was basically living over there. I knew she had Will, I knew Will had her, and they had Sydney, and everyone had someone, but I just felt like I should be there. I don't know. For all I know they might not want me there, but it was just some weird thing that I felt a sense of responsibility to be there.

I texted Will once I got in my Uber, making sure it was okay for me to go there. Logically texting him beforehand would've made more sense, but I figured he'd be cool with it, but I did want to double check, just in case. He texted back very quickly, and confirmed that he was more than okay with it and that he was waiting on me.

I listened to music for the rest of the ride, just some random playlist that I hadn't listened to in awhile. Nothing too specific.

Another thing that sucked about care rides, is that it left me time to think, and I was able to think about something that I hadn't thought about for most of the day, and that was the trial, and everything that was coming up. It was an uphill battle and it hardly affected me. Not near as much as everyone else. But still. It was a lot to think about. I cared for the people, and it must've been hell for them. the entire thing was just hell.

I was just so ready to finally get to Will's house.

But, I had a good five more minutes.

In this stupid Uber.



okay, so five minutes takes an extremely long time when you're checking your phone every fifteen seconds, and if we're being honest, I don't know why I kept checking my phone, because it wasn't like a magical bell would ring and I'd be home. I just knew it was about five minutes until I'd be there. Looking at the time did nothing, but I kept doing it, over and over, and I was so focused on checking the time, I didn't even realize when the Uber pulled onto their street, and soon was parked outside the house.

"Buddy, is this your stop?" I heard the driver said, my eyes shot up from my phone and I looked out the window, noticing this was indeed my stop.

"Oh, yeah sorry," I said. I paid the Uber and then proceeded to get out of the car, ending my embarrassment.

I walked in and found Naomi in the kitchen, getting ready for tomorrow in advance. She smiled at me, and I smiled back, placing my backpack down. "What are you doing?" I asked. It didn't take a genius to figure out, hell, I already knew, but I didn't know how else to start the conversation.

"Making lunches for tomorrow, it was way too stressful to have to do it all in the morning,"

"Just a little bit," I laugh.

"If you're hungry, there's pizza in the fridge, and I'm sure there's more stuff around,"

"I'm good, thank you, though," I say. "Do you need any help though?"

"I'm good, don't worry about it, and are you sure you're not hungry,"

"Positive, maybe later," I smile, once more before a silence falls in the room.

"Will's upstairs, I'm sure you're looking for him,"

"Oh that guy?" I laugh. "Pfsh, no,"

She laughed at me before throwing an animal cracker at me. "Go upstairs so he stops worrying,"

"Sir, yes sir," I laugh, grabbing the animal cracker that ricocheted off my chest and onto the island, and eating it. I then walk out the kitchen, to the stairs, making my way to Will's room. "Hey Bitch," I say as a greeting, because how else would one greet their boyfriend?

"Oh hey, nice to see you too," Will was on his bed, leaning against the wall and scrolling through his phone, TV on in the background.

I shrug my jacket off before collapsing on his bed, face first. "I'm picking out new pet names for you, Bitch seems appropriate," I feel the bed moving and before I know it, Will was laying next to me, in the same position I am, and poking the side of my head.

"See you're annoying,"

"Look at me," He complained, laughing. I turned my head and we both kind of just laughed.

"What'd you do today,"

"Oh the same stuff," We kissed because, I don't think all of you can kiss Will Solace, but if you could, you'd do it all the time. "What'd bout you? Did ypu get the suit?"

"Um, no, not really,"

"What do you mean, 'Not Really' how can you not really know if you got a suit,"

"Saying Not really is better than saying 'nope',"

"Why not?" Will asked.

"I just really hate them, like you know when you see a child, and that child's wearing like, his dad's shoes or someting, that's exactly how I feel when I wear a suit, and whenever it's avoidable, I will stay far away from them,"

"I bet I can get you in one oneday,"

And then I think he realized what he said. My eyes kinda got wide, and so did his. His face also got red, and I could tell he was scared of how I'd react. In reality, no, it didn't mean marriages. People get in suits for all sorts of reasons. Like funerals! Trust me, I've been to a few. Will probably just meant funerals. Not weddings. Or marriages. Or living together forever until death do us part.

Death do us part. That was always an interesting thing to me. Because no one ever dies at the same time. And I feel like i've been 'dead' before. I was still breathing but I wasn't alive. So what if that happened again? Is he supposed to leave? Or is it only meant physically.

Will wouldn't leave though. I don't think he would. He hasn't yet and i'm not exactly completely better...

I never thought I'd get in a relationship where this would happen. A relationship where marriages would even pop up. In my past relationships it would be funeral... I really never thought I'd ever be here. And to think it's with Will. Will's perfect and I get to date him.

And I get to have these awkward moments where I convince myself he's literally talking about Funerals instead of weddings.

Personally, I think that's actually really fucking awesome.

I know I just ranted about this for quite some time, but in reality it had only been a few seconds. Will's brain caught back up with him, and he began stuttering, but I cut him off my kissing him.

He kissed back, his hands finding their way to my hips. "This is much better of a reaction than I was anticipating,"

"If we're being honest I'm just as surprised as you are," I said, kind of laughing a little, because you know, just commitment issue tingz. We went back to kissing, and one thing led to another, and our clothes were coming off.

||trigger warning. vague mentions of the sexual assault||

And I thought about last time, and I thought about how I reacted last time, and I realized that feeling wasn't here. I hated the fact that that person just popped in my head; that I was kissing Will and somehow he popped into my head. But I don't think I'll ever forget him. But I think I can take the next step forward of recovering from it.

"Are you sure?" Will asked.

"More than,"

|| yes ik it's been awhile, lots has been going on, hopefully getting back in the swing of things, idk. i missed writing so much though. i forgot how much i loved it. ||

also ||tw: sexual assault|| nico recovering from the henry thing, isnt that way for everything. Im not an expert on sexual assault, I can only speak from my own   experiences and how i got over certain things that happened to me. granted i haven't boinked anyone after the fact, so I don't know how it's like to do it again after, but I know after it happened it was hard to even kiss my boyfriend at the time until i kind of had this mentality((and lots of time to heal)).  :)

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