Ch. 15 Felix's Last day

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(Play song when told please)
Today was Felix's last day in LA and he wanted to go to the Mall. I was in the kitchen making some toast when Mark and Jack came down.

"Hey Y/N when do you think we can leave?"

"I think in an hour because I wanted to record a song before we go and want t make a music video at the park near by."

"Ok that's a great idea! What song?"

"I will Never forget You by Zara Larsson."


"See you guys soon." I walk upstairs and started recording when I here Felix walk in my room. "Oh hey Felix."

"Hey Y/N so I wanted to let you know how much it means to me that you let me stay here for a week I appreciate it."

"It was no problem at all and you should be thanking Mark not me, it's his apartment after all."

"I will but still thanks." Then he walks out, I just went back to recording. When I was done, we all went to the car and went to the Mall. Ones we got there we all went to Buckle and I looked in the women's section the the guys looked at the Men's. I picked out a few dresses and T-Shirts that I liked when Jack, Mark and Felix walked over to see me trying them on.

"You guys don't have to see the dresses."

"No we want to see ya!"

"Yeah and help you pick out the right dress."

"It's Going to be a Faction Show!"

"Well ok then." I walked into the dressing room to put on a mint green long dress and walked out.

"What do you guys think?" Mark and Jack both liked it but Felix not so much. I walked back and put on a hot pink dress with a black lace and walked out.

"What about this one?" Mark was the only one who liked it so I went back a put on a green with a multi colored lace around the wast.

"How do I look?" Jack and Felix liked it a lot and Mark thought it looked to hipster. I changed back to my clothes and pick out what dress I wanted. I picked the [Favorite Dress] because it looks the best so I payed and we all went to eat at [Favorite Restaurant]. After we ate we went to the park to film my music video and when it was done we all watch it.
(Play Song)
We all went to the airport and said are goodbye to Felix.

"Thanks Mark for letting me stay."

"No problem we loved having you."

"Yeh come back any time."

"It was nice have you over Felix." He walked away and we all dived back to the apartment and went to bed. Man, everything is going to be different without Felix around.

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