Ch. 22 Pax Here We Come Day 3

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This time I was the first one up. I got into the shower and put my a black tank top with some light blue jeans and my Golden high tops also I thought it would be fun if I put on a
[Favorite Color] cape for the panel we are doing today. I went back to check to see if the guys are up and guess what they're not.


"Ahh! Y/N I think ya popped my ears."

"Yeah did you have to yell so loudly?"

"Yep now come on today is our Roommates panel and I decided that we're going to wear capes! I have a green and a red one for you so get ready!"

"Alright Alright we'll get dressed." One they were ready we all went down to the lobby and ate then dived to Pax. Once we got there we see a huge line in front of the door waiting until Pax starts. Me, Mark and Jack just walked in and start to set up for the Roommates panel. They gave us mikes and told us what to do. We were going to start of a game of cards of humanity then do a reading you tweets thing. After we went through the schedule A couple of times they started to let people into the panel. I looked out and saw all the seats were taken.

"Wow that's a lot of people!"

"Don't worry ya get the hang of it! Theirs nothing to be scared of."

"Ok if you say so." Then the announcer started to talk.
(A-announcer J-Jack M-Mark Y-You)

A- ladies and gentlemen put you hands together for Markipiler!
Mark walked out doing something weird things as he's doing it.
M- Hello everybody!
A- now here comes your favorite Irish men Jacksepticeye!
Then Jack walked out doing some crazy stuff.
J- Top of the Morning
A- Last but certainly not lest [Youtube Name]!!
I ran out high fiveing everyone and sat next to Jack.
Y- What's up everybody!
M- thank you all so much for come to our new panel called Roommates because we are a actually roommates.
J- No really?!
We all laughed
Y- anyways we are going to start of with a game called cards against humanity then we will do a reading your tweets type of thing afterwards. So let's get started!
J- ok I'll start off.
We finally finished the game and of course I won because I'm the best at everything!
M- oh come on Y/N won?!
Y- yeah I did because I'm awesome!
J- you suck!
Y- no you suck because you lost.
J- yeh whatever let's just started the tweet thing.
M- alright so the first tweet is from XxMidnight_UnicornxX she saids sleepover with everyone at the panel who would you cuddle. Oh Gosh hahaha. I would pick Jack.
All the girls started screaming
J- I pick Y/N
And the girls started to scream again
M- Y/N?
I got close to the mike
Y- I mite chose Jack
Then the girls started to scream even louder
We laughed and Jack read the next question.
J- xXMelodyShadowXx asked who is the one ya pick who gets angry the most. Well I think it's Mark.
Y- yeah definitely Mark
M- what me?!
Y- yeah you are get angry the fastest
M- look who talking
J- yeah ya rage a lot
Y- that true. Anyways next question! EMOLiaSepticEye asked who would you go out on a date with? Mark, Jack, or Y/N. I'm going to let Mark answer that.
M- I would go out with Y/N with one reason which is that she's a girl.
Y- that's the only reason.
M- also your a great friend. Ok Jack?
J- I would also go out with Y/N
The Girls started screaming
J- I mean come on who wouldn't go out with her. I'm surprised that she's single.
Y- I don't know who two chose! Umm I guess I'll go with Jack because of his Irish accent.
J- that's the only reason?!
Y- and your cuter then Mark. Sorry Mark
M-Come on I'm hot
Then Mark started to flex his muscles and the crowd goes wild.
M- ok XxIrish_MuffinxX saids do your best impression of each other. Ok here's my Jack impression. Top of the morning to ya lady's and here's Y/Ns Hello everybody my name is [Youtube Name] and welcome to another adventure.
They both sounded terrible
Y- please I can do Jacks way better. Top of the morning to ya ladies my name is Jacksepticeye.
J- that was spot on
M- hey everybody we have two Jacks now. Ok Y/N let's see if you can do mine.
I tried to do marks but failed
J- ok let me do Marks. Hello everybody my name is Markipiler.
He nailed it but when he tried to do mine he failed.
Y- I guess the only person who can do mine is me.
We all laughed
M- well everyone that is the end of Roommates. We loved entertaining you today and have a good one bye
J- bye
Y- see yeah at the signing

After the signing we all went to our hotel room exhausted and fell asleep quickly. Tomorrow is the day the day where I tell Jack the way I feel about him.

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