Chapter 2

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There is candy everywhere.
"Your majesty! Your finally here." Said peppermint butler

I looked down and see that I'm wearing an outfit made out of candy and on my head is a tiara

" much as I'd love to stay and devour my entire candy kingdom and it's people, I think it's about time I wake up" I say to peppermint butler

"Yes your majesty- wait what?" He asks in concern




And then I woke up

"Fuck school" I say getting out of bed

When I walk out of my dorm room I notice all the other girls are in their true forms

Sleepily I walk outside on my way to school with at least three girls behind me
I've noticed that all of these other girls are tall, beautiful, and gifted with big chests and I'm short, not that good looking, and not as gifted.
So how is it that I'm friends with someone as great as Mako....?

My thoughts were interrupted by those girls

"Check it out its him"

"Oh yeah that new student Mako"

"He's so hot it should be illegal"
They praised

Mako noticed me and stated running and the girls thinking he was noticing their beauty started running to him with open arms just for him to run past them to pick me up and hug me

"Good morning (Y/N) it's so good to see you!"

"Yeah you too Mako" I giggled
Those girls were disappointed

"Aw man, what the hell was that about?!"

"It's that damn girl"

"She doesn't look like much but apparently she was tough enough to beat the crap out of Saizou Komiya"
How did the story come to I beat him up..?

We were walking away but I stopped to look at them when they said that

"What's up with you today (Y/N)? Come on let's go"
Mako said grabbing my hand

"Huh, okay!" And we started running to school

"Now their holding hands?!"

"Oh the jeaslousy"

"The agony!"

"Why couldn't that be me?!" They asked all together

"That bitch!"

"This sucks"
but what none of us didn't know was that a certain person was behind the statue watching everything that was happening

Time skip

"So (Y/N)?"

"Hm?" I hummed

"Well I feel like your kind of lonely being surrounded by monsters so if you ever need anything just ask, I'll help however I can"

"Mako...thank you"
We stared at each other his eyes are so beautiful...

"... (Y/N)"


"It's too much, see I over slept and didn't have time for breakfast...I'm sorry."
He explained and then bit my neck and like always I moaned and I just ran

"Why exactly did I run? It's not like he left a mark but still he should at least ask, I wonder if that vampire Mako is the real Mako, he's so sweet but the vampire Mako is a little scary their so different though...."
Then I heard a gasp I look and there's an unfamiliar boy on his knees looking like he's in pain he has blue hair and purple eyes

"Please help me" He says as I walk closer

"Are you okay?" I ask

"It just hit me, I'm so dizzy" just looking at him is making me blush
"I'm really sorry but would you mind giving me a hand please?"

"Oh sure of course, will you be alright?"
I help him up and he grabs my hand bringing to his stomach and I start blushing feeling his abs
"Is everything okay?" He asks as if he doesn't realize what he just did
"N-no everything's fine let me take you to the nurses office"

"Thank you" He says giving off an unnoticeable smirk

As we were walking he stopped me
"I'm sorry to put you out like this (Y/N)"

"Don't worry about it...wait aren't we in class together?"

"Yep I sit in the back. That's probably why you never noticed me before" he softly laughs then passes out and when I catch him his face landed in my chest causing me to blush 50 shades of red
"Y-you okay?"

"I'm so sorry it's this weird condition I have with my body, every now and then my stomach sort of cramp up"

"I'm sorry that must hurt alot" I say feeling bad

"Here maybe you can help" he says pulling up his shirt making me touch his abs
"A-are you sure this is helping?"

"Yeah I feel alot better, thanks" he says cheerfully



He looks down at me
"Look into my eyes"

I look up at him seeing his beautiful purple eyes he smiled and whispered "charm"
And just like that I wasn't in control of my own body anymore

"Listen (Y/N) my name is Kaoru and I want you to be my friend"
He hugs me

"Be your friend? Sure I'd love to be friends with you!" I reply, at least I think I'm still me..

I hug him back and he picks me up and spins me around and 'I' kiss him all over his face
"(Y/N) you naughty girl" he says between laughs

"(Y/N) who is that? What's going on?" Mako asks

Kaoru puts me down wrapping an arm around my waist
"Who am I? I'm in her class and we're friends now. Right doll?" 'I' hug hug him and reply

"That's right babe" Then I finally snap out of it

"Well we should get going (Y/N), class is about to start" Kaoru says looking down at my short self he stares into my eyes and I'm not me once again
He leads me away from Mako I start laughing softly for no reason at all

"Wait up (Y/N)!" Mako says loudly

"No thanks I don't wanna wait for you. I'm tired of being used as a substitute for your breakfast" "I" say leaning on Kaoru's shoulder
"That's just awful to think that he'd just use you for breakfast let's go before he has you for lunch too" Kaoru says sweetly

"Yeah that's a good idea"
What is wrong with me?!

In class

I sat there thinking how I'm going to explain what I said to Mako and the I start wondering what I am to Kaoru but then again it's not like I like Kaoru anyway

The bell rings and I stand up about to talk to Mako but when I turned around he was gone

With Mako and Kaoru

Jerk. I can't believe he was flirting with her like that
Mako thought to himself

"So apparently your a vampire huh?" Mako heard a voice, he looked and there stood a smirking Kaoru

( 😍 )

"Well that's what people are saying, so is it true?" Kaoru asks
"See came here to make a declaration of war" Kaoru walks up to Mako
"Are declaration of war?"

"Yeah that's right, I got this big plans but you keep getting in the way and messing it up Mako"

"What plan?"

"Oh let me explain, my plan is to turn all the girls in this school my personal love slaves and it's been working, and why wouldn't they? I am a incubus after all" he explained as all the girls started fawning over him

"Hey wait a minute, you shouldn't reveal your monster identity to me it's against school rules" Mako said making Kaoru pissed so he continued explaining

"But you came along and all the stupid girls in school fell for you not me" Kaoru says pressing his chest against Mako's

"Wait I didn't steal anyone I swear"

"Ever since you arrived in vowed that I wouldn't lose to you anymore. I knew I had to beat you at fair play and that's why I've stolen (Y/N) away from you"

"That's stupid, (Y/N) has nothing to do with this" That's when I showed up

"Oh there you are, I've been looking everywhere for you Mako!" I say

"What (Y/N)?" Mako says harshly

"Look I wanted to talk to you about those things I said" I wanted to explain everything but I was cut off by a very clingy Kaoru
"Hey (Y/N)!"

"I'm sorry but I need to talk to Mako right now" I say to Kaoru pushing him away

"Love charm" he whispers looking down at me

"Um but now that I think about it I guess I really don't have to" 'I' say

"(Y/N)! Get away from him now!" Mako warns

"Why would I do that?"

"You have to believe me he's dangerous!"

"I think he's sweet" 'I' say smiling at Kaoru

He looks at Mako
"Hey there's something I just noticed, (Y/N) smells really good doesn't she Mako? Almost like a human does. His blood must be really good that must be the only reason you hang around her, isn't it? So you can use her as a substitute for breakfast"

"That's not true and I don't use her either!"

"Yes you do, the only reason you wanna be my friend is so you can suck my blood"

"That's not true (Y/N)!" He says and runs away crying

Kaoru starts laughing like a mad man
"Yeah run away ya loser!"

For some reason I just kept hanging out with him and now I think we're in the nurses office

"I did it! Managed to make little Mako cry his eyes out!" he cheered sitting on the bed that's supposed to be for patients
I got up and decided to go find Mako
"Hey what are you doing?" He asks

"Mako, I have to apologize to him"

"No wait!" He said quickly getting up hugging me
"Your feeling down in the dumps aren't you? Well don't worry I'll make it all better"

He picks me up and lays me down on the bed crawling on top of me "Kaoru I-"

"Don't move okay?"

"My heart" I say feeling it beat so fast as if I'm about to die

"Mine too. It's beating incredibly fast right now he says leaning closer and closer by the second
"You'll be my first you know. The first girl I'll use this magic on." He's looking into my eyes, I try to look away but I can't, he puts his hand on my face and says softly
"Please don't run away" he leans down about to kiss me but instead I wrap my arms around his back and hug him so I can avoid being kissed
"I told you this is my first time we can't be so rough" he says trying to get out of my arms but I won't let him, but then he decides to return the hug
"I'll be more gentle with you alright" he says softly

"Let's stop. I can't go through with this. I said some terrible things to Mako, I can't leave things like this" I say still not letting go

"You like him more than me don't you?! I through myself at you, truth is I've done stuff to you that embarrasses me!" He says finally getting out of my arms and pushes me back down
"Now I'm really mad!" He yells and wings pop out of his back
"I'm gonna take everything that Mako likes and smash it all to pieces!" Just then Mako opens the door

"Don't do it!" Mako yells at Kaoru

"Mako run!"

"Get away!" He yells pushing Kaoru off of me and out the now broken window
"Go before he recovers from that"

"Mako why did you save?"

"That boy is a incubus, a strong one, he can bewitch girls just by looking at them"

"So that's why I said all those terrible things to you"
Kaoru returned wrapping his tail around me flying away but Mako jumped out the window and held on to my legs making Kaoru let go of me and we fell

"(Y/N) are you okay?"

"Yeah" I replied in pain

"Excellent now I get to kill both of you at once" Kaoru says showing off his claws flying down towards me but Mako pushes me out the way
Instead of killing me he slices down a bunch of trees

"Wow, he cut through those trees like they were butter"

"Your not hurt are you?" He asks me

"No I'm fine"

"If you were I don't know what I would have done but if we don't do something quick we're both gonna get killed. My rosary please pull it off" I do as he says but I couldn't
"I cant"

"Well Mako I guess that stuff about you being a scary vampire was just talk if you were you could have fought me off but since your not you and (Y/N) are gonna die" Kaoru says flying towards us Mako hugs me and yells
"No! You can kill me, but please spare him!"

"Are you seriously prepared to go that far?! I mean come on! She's only just your food!"

"No she's not! I'm not doing this because of her blood, it's because I care about her! She means the world to me! (Y/N) is the first friend I ever had and I'll gladly die for her!"

"What the hell is with all this stupid friend crap?! There's only one use for women and that's being slaves, their just play things that bend to your will!"

I held the rosary tightly in my hand
"I'll gladly die for him as well!" I yell pulling his rosary off standing in front of him and just like that the inner Mako was awakened

"Sorry to keep you waiting" Inner Mako says smirking

"Are you one of those rare s-class super monsters? Is this the true power of a vampire?" Kaoru asks not expecting this

"Why don't you come down here and find out? What's wrong afraid you'll lose?"

"You must being joking I'm not going to lose, no I can't! I'm on a very important mission the fate of my race is at stake!"

"Mission?" I question

"Right the reason why we incubus seduce women is so we can meet our destined one my kind are few in number so in order for my race to survive we must carefully choose our destined ones from a large pull of men that we bewitch with our love charm. I almost done it too... but you got in the way of that Mako that's why I can't let you live"

"So that's it, that's why you picked a fight with me? Big mistake" Kaoru attempted to jab his claws into Mako but dodged it

"Your fast!" Kaoru says

"And your slow, now you'll get to experience the power of an s-class monster first hand!" Mako says grabbing his tail throwing kicking Kaoru in the face making him fly into many trees hitting his back on one
"I'm sorry I'll stop I promise."

"I have no guarantee of that so just to be safe I'm going to tear them off, your wings and your tail that is"

"No please don't do that I'm begging you"
That's when I decide to run in front of Kaoru because even he doesn't deserve this

"What do you are doing? Step aside."


"Not only did this incubus bewitch you but he tried to kill you as well"

"I think he's had enough besides you heard him, he didn't do what he did to be mean" I tried reasoning

"And what makes you so sure of that?"

"Well because, Kaoru, deep down he seems like a nice person. Let's be friends with him okay? You know like you and I have become friends."
Right after I said that Kaoru bursts out crying and the glare Mako was giving him softens
He walks up to me and takes the rosary from my hand
"One day (Y/N) we will be much more than that, I feel what the other Mako feels and it seems to me that he doesn't think of you as a friend, but I also rescued you so that your blood wouldn't get swiped from me, we may feel the same love for you but I'm not like the other Mako you know" with that said he puts on his rosary and changes back to the other Mako falling into my arms

"Don't worry Mako I got you"

The next morning

We are outside talking about somethings

"The rosary spoke to you?" I ask in disbelief

"It's weird huh? Maybe the seal is getting weaker or something"

"Really..?" I ask thinking about the inner Mako
"He may not think it, but you both mean the world to me. I couldn't bear to be without either Mako and if you guys wanna suck my blood it's fine by me."


"I wanna apologize about yesterday"
And somehow it went from Rosary talk to staring lovingly at eachother.... and Kaoru showed up

"Morning! Hey (Y/N)! I made some cookies for us, how about you and I eat them together." He suggests

"Why me?" I ask

"Oh come on I already told you that I was looking for my one and only destined partner for life didn't I?"

We nodded our heads

"Well I've decided that it's you"


"Hey its all your fault since you risked your life to protect me the way that you did, now I'm totally in love with you! Go ahead and try one there yummy like me~"
And then Mako grabs my arm pulling me away from Kaoru but Kaoru grabs my other arms and now it's just another game of tug of war
"Stop it! (Y/N) is mine and mine alone!" Mako yells while Kaoru just smirks thinking he's winning so Mako bites my neck to either prove his point or because he's hungry making me moan in front of Kaoru

And that's that my lovely nerdlings!!

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