Chapter 5

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"Okay let's start, I'd like to welcome you all to the Yokai Academy newspaper club"

"Ms teacher lady, are we the only member" I asked forgetting her name

"No of course not silly"

A boy walked in
"Sorry I'm late"

"You see there he is now"

"I apologize for being a little tardy but I had to get a few things" he was holding a bouquet in front of his face

"It's a pleasure to meet you I'm Gin Morioka but please just call me Gin" he hands me the bouquet

"Those flowers make you look lovely then you already are"

"Anyway Gin here is the only other member of the newspaper club and he's a Sophomore since he's the oldest he'll be the club president if you have any questions please direct it to him"

"Right, I'm here for you" He looked directly at me when he said that
Yeah. No, not gonna happen pretty boy

"Oh! The faculty meeting is about to start. Well I'll leave the rest to you, Gin"

"Alright I got it covered"
As she left, I got up shoving the roses in his face saying only one word
"No." And walked back to my seat

He gave me a look of confusion
"You don't like them?"

"No, I just don't like you"

Time skip

"Let's get down to buissness for starters let me explain what this newspaper club is all about. First and for most the club writes, edits, and publishes the school paper when something happens on campus we're there to report it and we'll do anything for a story and that includes throwing ourselves in harms way so you better be prepared for this now guys because this club is not for the fain of hearts! But of course sometimes we just report on the normal stuff. With With all that said does anyone have any stories they would like to share?"

We all started to think until I got an idea
"How about the peeping tom?"

"Peeping tom?" Mako asked

"You haven't heard? There's this pervert that's been going around campus peeping on girls, the freaks so quick that no one's been able to get a good description of him yet" I explained

"A peepers the worst of the worst" said Mako

"Yeah that's for sure this guys gotta be stopped" said Yukaru

"Then let's use the newspaper to stop it" said Kaoru

"Good idea, Your so smart Kaoru"

"I try"

Then Gin speaks up
"Well then the first thing we gotta do to tell this story is find some informants"

"How do we do that?" Yukaru asks

"By the first rule of reporting, hit the pavement and start asking questions"

Time skip

Gin made me put up posters and papers everywhere right now I'm standing on a small ladder trying to put one up

"Is this high enough, Gin?" I ask

"No, I want it higher than that"

"Higher?! I'm too short for this!"

"I can help put up posters too" I heard Yukaru say

"Well not until you get a little bigger okay?"

"Is this high enough?" I asked

"Perfect, now hold it right there"

"y/n, are you doing okay up there?" Yukaru asks me

"My arms and legs are tired but other than that I'm okay"

"Gin, what the hell do you think your doing?! Cut it out!"
I turned around notice Kaoru yelling at Gin

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean, you were totally looking up her skirt just then!"

"Oh please now why would such a classy, flower bringing fellow like myself stoop to that level?"
Because your a guy

"What's going on?" Mako asks

"Oh nothing it's just Kaoru here said something about looking at y/n's panties" Gin answers

"What?!" Screamed Mako and Yukaru

"Hey, you were looking at it first Gin!"

"Kaoru!" They yelled at him

"L-let me explain! I did see her panties but only because I-" before he could finish Yukaru sent the ladder his way

"I didn't even care but thanks anyway Yukaru." I said patting his head we both walked away

"No problem, but if you ask me he deserved it"

"I'm gonna go make food wanna help?"

"Sure!!" We walked away from the scene

"Wait y/n, I didn't mean to look at your sexy underwear!!" Kaoru called out to which I kept walking shooting a bird when Yukaru wasn't looking
"Wait y/n, I'll go too!" Mako said chasing after us

Third pov

"Thanks alot Kaoru, our club meetings over for the day and it's all your fault" Gin said walking off

Kaoru shut his eyes getting pissed and then sadly cried out


Mako was in the boys bathroom looking in the mirror thinking to himself
That's so gross, was Kaoru really peeping on her? I hate perverts! But... which ones did she wear today... ?

He blushed at the thought and jumped suddenly at a voice
What are you?!
You better be careful for some reason I get a dangerous vibe off of him and I get the feeling he's hiding some kind of strong power so you be extra careful around that Gin, okay?

(With Gin)

"Well.. another gorgeous full moon tonight. In fact it's almost as gorgeous as you, my little y/n"

The next day

I was walking to where ever when I heard Kaoru behind me
"Hey wait up! Like I said I didn't mean to do it!"

"I know"

"Then why are you still walking away from me?"

"Idk, bye!" And I just kept walking

Time skip

I heard a bunch of yelling and checked to what was going on and saw what was going on, a bunch of girls surrounding Kaoru saying he peeped on them

"Kaoru... "

"No y/n it's not what you think, I mean I did look at them but-"

"I believed you the first time but this just proves it, I never want to see you again!" I ran to the bring with my bag and stuff to think and maybe get my mind off things but then Gin showed up
"What's up, whatcha doin up here?"

"Oh it's just you"

"It's kinda late, but that sure is a gorgeous full moon up there, isn't it?"

"Yeah it sure is"

"I just heard about Kaoru. I gotta say I really did like the guy but he did seem like the type to me"

"Don't let his looks fool you, he would never look at other girls"

"I totally get that you want to trust him but c'mon y/n a whole bunch of girls caught the dude in the act"

"But still"

"y/n look, you just need to forget about Kaoru" he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and look at his hand and back at him

"Don't worry, I can help you do that"
He tries to kiss me so pushed him off me avoiding his lips

"I didn't want to do this but oh well"
He gives me pictures of Kaoru peeping

"I don't know who in the world took em but these pictures have been floating all over campus"
I look at these and see Kaoru's face that says he's been tricked so I rip the papers up

"W-what are you doing?"

"You are so dumb, did you really think I'd believe you? But being dumb just comes with perverts doesn't it, Gin"

"I don't know what your talking about, you saw the pictures he moved the drum to peep"

"And how would you know that? The pictures showed Kaoru from the legs up" I said and that's when Mako, Kaoru, and Yukaru happened to show up

"Because I was there when I heard the ruckus because I'm such a news hound see that was the first time I'd actually ever been at that location but I could tell right away that he had been using the drum to stand on"

"Then how could you say that it was Kaoru who moved the drum under the window?" Yukaru asked

"Simple because the drum is never under the window like that"

"But didn't you just tell them that, that was the first time you have ever been to that location? And if that's true how did you know that the drums are never kept under the window?" Kaoru joined in

"You were already familiar with that sight weren't you? And you also knew that the drum could be used to peep through the window, you were there when that picture was taken too, weren't you?" Mako asked

"Well come to think of it maybe have past there plenty of times before and maybe I have heard about so peeper using a drum but come on none of that actually means that I was actually there at the scene of the crime"

"No that's exactly what it's means Gin" I said

"What, what do you mean?"

"After the locker room incident the drums were removed by the girls so there would be no more repeat performances, I should know I was there at the time" I stated

"And in other words the only time those drums were actually at the sight was before and after the incident" said Yukaru

"That would've been impossible for anyone to know about that" said Kaoru

"Also we have several reports from an eye witness saying today they saw you with the drums" said Mako

"So that means" Kaoru started off

"That's right" I said

"The peeper is.. " said Yukaru

We finished the last sentence together back to back pointing at Gin

A bunch of perverted pictures fell out of his shirt as he backed away making all of us glare at him

"Dammit I wanted to do this the easy way but it looks like I'm gonna have to take you by force"

He jumped high in the air and turned into a werewolf when he landed

Gin jumped at me
I had to quickly move out of the way but I also fell

Mako ran towards Gin to stop him but fell trying
I somehow got his rosary off and inner Mako awakened

"No way it can't be! Those red eyes, he's a vampire!!"

"So this is the real Mako? Well if y/n's gonna be my she Wolf than first I'll have to show you who the pack leader is!"

"Get real you flee carrying fool!"
Mako tried punching him but Gin was just too fast

"Hey what are you aiming at I'm over here! Vampires are known for their strength but we werewolves are known for our super speed!"
Gin got faster and faster but just when he was about to hurt Mako the clouds covered the moon making him weak so Mako could stop him
Gin noticed this and threw a tantrum

"Then again it's not the end of the world even without the moon a werewolf is not a force to be reckoned with and your about to find out first hand. Now let her be my she wolf or I'm gonna have to hurt you, you hear me?!" Mako easily blocked him

"You stray mutt, do you really think you have what takes to be with her?! You should know your place!!"
Mako double kicked him Gin to which he landed on the bridges edge.... and then it broke

"I think I dooooooo!" Was the last thing we heard when he fell in the water

The next day

"Who would've guessed that our first story would be about how I'm not a peeping tom, crazy huh?" Kaoru just got a nosebleed when he turned to look at me because instead of me he got a glimpse of my underwear

"Don't look while I'm up here!" I kicked him in the face and he got knocked out

On the up hand though Gin is being chased by a bunch of angry girls


I don't know if you have long hair or short but just a heads up your hair is gonna get cut short in the next chapter!👍

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