Dawn On The Island

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The next morning, the sun began to rise over the horizon, giving light to the entirety of the jungle island. In the T-Rex Paddock, Braedey, Moka, Yukari, and Kurumu were still asleep in the tree, the former slowly waking up from the cold/hot evening in the dense and thick steamy jungle of Isla Nublar.

As he woke up, he heard the sound of thumping footsteps in the distance, making him look out. He then saw some trees nearby start to look like they're being pushed. Being cautious, he narrowed his eyes to focus on whatever's coming. A second later, his eyes widen at who he saw.

It was a female, standing at a staggering 30ft fall, looking to be about three years older than Moka and Kurumu, has what could be best described as porcelain clear pinkish skin, green hair that reached down to the bottom of her spine with a red fringe on her forehead, and yellowish eyes. She has a very voluptuous figure, having a relatively large bust, along with long, shapely legs, as well as her ample wide hips, and somewhat large thighs. Her measurements were as shown; her breasts being 34", her waist 22", and her hips being 36". She is wearing some kind of swimsuit-like design; the outfit was made in a green patchy colour design, has a bareless shoulder design, having a window that is revealing a staggering amount of her impressive cleavage, along with showing off most of her thighs and her buttocks. She also has some kind of lower leg warmers and gloves that reached from her palms to below her shoulders. But, the brunette could see there were some abnormalities with this woman; she has what could be a red nose-like structure on the top of her head, her feet look to be shaped to be like a combination of an elephant and human, and there seemed to be a long green tail sticking out above her rounded behind, which seems to be around half the length of her standing height.

Braedey couldn't believe who it was. The human/dino hybrid walked over to the tree the Transformatrix bearer and the girls were in, and began to eat some of the leaves. Then, she looks over to inside the tree, and is in surprise by who she saw.

"Braedey, is that you?" Barbara asked in shock and awe. She hadn't seen Braedey for a while since she and the others had been brought back by InGen to Isla Nublar to watch over the island and inhabitants.

"It's good to see you again, Barbara." Braedey smiled to her, as she knelt slightly to look at the brunette in the eye.

"What are you doing here? I thought you and the others were back at Youkai." Barbara asked the brunette.

"It's a little bit of a long story." Braedey replied, just as Moka and the others woke up. "Girls, look who it is."

"Who is it..." Yukari mumbled, wiped her eyes, then her eyes widen in shock. "Barbara!" She leapt out of Kurumu's lap, then landed on Barbara's nose. "It's so good to see you."

"It's good to see you too, Yukari." Barbara chuckled, then gently picked the little witch off her nose, and held her carefully in her hand. "So, what brings you guys here to Isla Nublar?"

"We were given a special tour yesterday by Mr. John Hammond." Braedey explained, as Kurumu flew up onto Barbara's shoulder, patting the side of the human/Dino hybrid. "But last night, there was a power failure possibly, and the dinosaurs must've escaped. We even survived against a T-Rex after it broke out."

"I guess it's safe to go around now." Moka commented to the others, as she looked down from the tree.

"I agree." Braedey replied. "We should get going, and meet up with the others back at the Visitor's Centre."

With that, and with a hand from Barbara, the trio of girls and Braedey jumped into the hybrid's hand, and she lowered them down to the ground. Once down, the quartet decided to explore. It seemed safe so far and seemed quiet this morning. Once it was safe, they all started to walk through the jungle of Isla Nublar, Barbara with them, having shrunken to human height.

As they made their way through the jungle, Braedey then saw something sitting at the foot of a tree. He leaned down to see what it could be. He sat down at one spot and he was now looking down at what looked like hatched egg shells.

"You know what this is?" Braedey asked the girls, as he picked up one white piece.

"It's a dinosaur egg." Barbara replied.

"Yes. The dinosaurs are breeding." Braedey agreed.

"But, I don't understand." Yukari was confused by this. "I thought all of dinosaurs on the island were only female."

Braedey thought about this for a moment, then had an idea of how it was possibly possible. "Of course! The Amphibian DNA." He snapped his fingers.

"What's that?" Kurumu asked, a question mark on the side of her head.

"Something about frogs?" Yukari suggested.

"Actually, yes." Barbara replied. "Myself and the other hybrids have seen his process before."

Braedey began to explain, as he picked up one of the egg shells. "On the tour, the film said they used frog DNA to fill in the gene-sequence gaps. They mutated the dinosaur genetic code, and blended it with that of frogs... Now, most West African frogs have been known to change sex from male to female in a single sex environment..." He then smiled with a light laugh. "Dr. Malcom was right."

"Hey, look at this." Moka said as she saw tiny dinosaur footprints.

"Life found a way." Braedey smiled.


Back at the Visitor's Centre, Malcom was being informed of what has been happening, whilst trying to catch up on some rest, but was a lot better than he was the night before. At the same time, Mrs. Nekenome had been told of the situation also.

"Isn't there a way to get the power back on?" Kento asked.

"We're talking about a calculated risk, Sir, and it might be the only thing left. We'll never find the command Nedry used," John sighed. "He's covered his tracks far too well. I think it's obvious now that he's not coming back."

"Well, why not just shut down everything and then turn them back on?" Molly asked.

"Shutting down the system is the only option we have." John sounded grave. "Now, as I understand it, all the systems until then will come back on their original start-up mode, correct?"

"Theoretically, yes." Mr. Arnold replied. "We've never shut down the entire system before. It may not come back on." He then warned.

"Well, it's either that or we don't get the power back on at all." Matthew sighed, as Nataniel was polishing Luna, in her sword form, and nodded in confirmation.

"Would we get the phones back?" Toby then asked.

"Yes, again, in theory." Mr. Arnold replied with a small shrug.

"So then, why can't we shut down the entire park?" Yuki asked.

"What about the lysine contingency?" Robert suggested. "We could put that into effect."

"What's that?" Mrs. Nekenome asked in skepticism.

John did not like the sound of that. "That's absolutely out of the question." He snapped.

"The lysine contingency prevents the spread of animals." Mr. Arnold at his computer replied. "In case they ever get off the island. Dr. Wu inserted a gene that creates a faulty enzyme in protein metabolism. The animals can't manufacture the amino acid lysine unless they're supplied with lysine by us, they slip into a coma and die."

"People have died, you fool!" Kento glared.

The man just glanced at him, not even intimidated by the way Kento was glaring at him. Not even when Kento has increased his body size to be almost on par with that of Grimlock's.

"Will you please shut down the system?" John pleaded calmly.

Mr. Arnold sighed out of defeat, finding that John, Kento and the others were right. He then began to shut down the systems, whilst Kento turned back to normal. The computers were being clicked off, as he went to work. The main power then went off as Robert reached for his flashlight, leaving them alone in the dark.

"Hold on to your butts." Mr. Arnold said.

The main switch was then clicked back on. No lights came back on, much to the other's frustration, but one of the computers had text on it now. 'System Ready'.

Mr. Arnold walked over and took a look. "It's okay." He said in excitement. "Look, see that? It worked!"

"W-W-What do you mean it worked?" Malcom asked. "Everything's still off!"

"Maybe it takes time for the entire park's power to turn back on." Molly suggested.

"I think maybe the shutdown tripped the circuit breakers." Mr. Arnold added in. "We'll just turn them back on and reboot telephones, security doors, half a dozen others, but it worked. System's ready."

"Where are the breakers?" Robert asked.

"Maintenance shed at the end of the compound." Mr. Arnold replied to him. "Three minutes, I'll have the power back on in time at the park."

"Great." Taylor nodded.

"Just to be safe, I want everybody in the emergency bunker, until Mr. Arnold returns, and the whole system's running again." John announced to the group, as Mr. Arnold headed off to the shed.

"If you want, Kento, I can go and try Braedey and the girls." Taylor offered, his wings at the ready.

"No. I know the four of them will be fine." Kento told him, as he and Mrs. Nekenome helped Dr. Malcolm up to his feet. "I know Braedey will keep the girls safe."

"I just hope they're okay." Mizore said from in the shadows outside the building, rubbing her blushing cheeks, then made her way to the emergency bunker.


Meanwhile, out in the open fields, Braedey, Kurumu, Yukari, Barbara, and Moka were making their way back to the Visitor's Centre, after they had taken a look at a map they have salvaged from the remains of the tour car.

"Man. I'm tired." Moka sighed. Braedey had offered to carry her on his back, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, then wrapped her arms around his shoulders and chest.

"Lucky I have you guys with us." Yukari commented to both Kurumu and Barbara, whilst she's riding on Barbara's shoulders.

"Looking at the map I found from the wreck of the Ford, I would say the Visitor's Centre is maybe just a mile or so over the rise there..." Braedey told them, just as they climbed up a small grassy hill. "We've just gotta keep-" He stopped, as he noticed a herd of scattering dinosaurs that walked around like bipeds, along with acting like birds. "What is that?"

"Hey, what is what?" Kurumu asked.

"Those..." Braedey looked at the dinosaurs. "Do any of you know what those are?"

"Oh, I think those are gallimimus." Barbara replied to them all, once she got a good look. "Yep. They're gallimimus."

"Look at the wheeling." Braedey observed with a smile, as he stepped forward to take a closer look. "Uniform direction changes. It's just like a flock of birds evading a predator."

Kurumu smiled, but quickly frowned as he stepped backward with Barbara. "They're... Uh... They're flocking this way."

The dinosaurs screeched, as they began to stampede, as Braedey, Kurumu and Barbara ran for their lives, whilst Moka and Yukari held on tightly to Braedey and the Dino/human hybrid. The Transformatrix bearer, three monster teens, and hybrid jumped over a turned over tree trunk and hid among it as the dinosaurs fled right by and zipped among the grass to flock apart.

"Good thing none of them hurt us." Kurumu said.

They all then crawled under and popped up from the other side as the dinosaurs swarmed in the other way. Suddenly, the Tyrannosaurus Rex stormed out from the trees, roaring and starting to snap at the smaller and weaker dinosaurs.

The Rex missed nearly all of them, but then tackled one of the Gallimimus to the ground. It grabbed the Gallimimus, shook it a bit in its mouth, then made its kill. Braedey and Barbara were staring at it in wonder.

"I wanna go now." Moka whispered.

"Just look at how it eats." Braedey said quietly.

"Please!" Yukari begged.

"Bet any of you'll never look at birds the same way again." Barbara added.

"Yes..." Kurumu manages to get out as she stared.

"Braedey, please." Moka pleaded.

"Ok. Stay low and follow me." Braedey said, as he then crouches down to walk off from the gruel sight.

"I know a place where we can hide." Barbara. "Come on. Follow me."

Moka, Yukari and Kurumu followed behind them, and they all walked on back into the forest, without getting spotted by the T-Rex.

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