Finding the Wizards; Meeting the Queen

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Soon, the Jurassic Park Jeep arrived at the helicopter pad, where a blue/silver helicopter from InGen was awaiting them. Braedey and Kento helped up Dr. Malcolm into the copter, whilst Mrs. Nekenome, Kokoa, Chika, Molly, Yuki, and Taylor climbed in next after the man in black.

As the others checked in, Braedey looked over to see John Hammond look out to what was his greatest creation, hearing the many dinosaurs in the distance. "John." The brunette placed a hand on the elderly gentleman's shoulder. "It's time to go home." He told him. John nodded, and headed off to the chopper.

"All set on our end." Kento told the Transformatrix bearer, as John climbed into the copter. He then noticed Braedey with Moka, Kurumu, Yukari, and Mariah not getting onboard. "Wait. Hold on. What are you guys doing?"

"We're gonna go and find Matthew and Toby." Braedey replied. "You guys will take the chopper to the mainland, and be tended to by the paramedics in Costa Rica. When we find the boys, we'll call you guys in, maybe for a chopper, or maybe even get a ride or something, and we'll come back home."

"Just be careful out there." John warned them. "There might be other dinosaurs roaming out there."

"We'll be safe, Mr. Hammond." Yukari saluted. "Just you guys get home."

"Pilot, get these guys outta here!" Braedey told the pilot, then shuts the chopper's side door, then walked over to the Jeep and the girls.

A few moments later, the blue/silver helicopter took to the skies, the sound of the blades chopping through the air, and the engine roaring to full power, as the Transformatrix bearer, Vampire, little witch, and busty succubus watched them leave the island.

"Okay, Braedey." Moka spoke firstly to Braedey. "What's our first course of action?" She asked.

"We need to find Texanna, Aegyptiacus, Barbara, and the Dino Hybrids, and see if they'll help us." Braedey replied. He next transformed into Bumblebee, then turned into his alt-mode, starting his engine, as the girls climbed in; Moka up front in the driver's seat, Mariah in the passenger seat, whilst Kurumu and Yukari were in the back seats. "We'll go to the hollow, and see if they're there."

"Assuming they're still there." Mariah added.

Braedey shifted himself into gear, and with a roar of his engine and spinning wheels, kicking up dirt, mud, and dust, the yellow/black Urbana 500 muscle car raced away, heading off into the jungle of Isla Nublar once again.


Meanwhile, deep underground in a tunnel/pipe network, Toby and Matthew were sprinting away, trying to get away from where they heard/seen the Velociraptors earlier. But, in their haste, they haven't noticed the others weren't with them, and weren't behind them.

After running for a while, the two brothers stopped down a hallway, a few crates and a lone forklift along the pathway. The two panted out like they were greyhounds after a long race, wiping away any sweat they've accumulated on their foreheads.

"So... think we... got away from them?" Toby gasped and asked. He stretched his back and legs out, whilst Matthew tried to see if anything was behind them. Fortunately, the lights in the tunnels were running, and still are.

"My best guess: we must've gotten away." Matthew sighed, then he sat down on a crate. "But, in the nastiness of everything, we must've gotten separated from the others, and missed out on a lot of things."

"Where do you think are we?" Toby asked in concern. Without knowing where they are, they might never find a way to the Visitor's Centre, go meet up with the others, and get off the island.

"Let me see..." Matthew looked about, seeing nothing but locked doors, long hallways, and dusky lights in the roof. "Oh, who am I kidding?! We must be 40 feet underground or something! There's no visual keys for me to make heads or tails of this place!"

"Well, why don't we just follow the cables there?" Toby pointed to the huge bundles of cables up on the roof. "If we follow those, we could find our way somewhere above ground."

"Hopefully." Matthew muttered in his head, then he and Toby began to walk down the hall, unaware of what is to come. "I have a bad feeling about this..."


Back with Braedey and the girls, they were currently trekking their way down the road through the jungle. After Braedey had managed to drive him and the girls through the jungle and hard-to-reach parts of the roads as Bumblebee, but when the Transformatrix has timed out, they were around maybe a few miles away from the Visitor's Centre.

"Braedey, are you sure we should head to the Visitor's Centre?" Mariah asked. "I mean, sure, we should search there, but I think we should look somewhere else." Then, she began to tend to Moka's wound, cleaning it up and making sure it isn't infected.

"Mariah might be right." Kurumu agreed. "I mean, the raptors were there, and even the T-Rex. What else could be in the building we don't know about?"

Braedey stopped then and there, as he weighed the options the girls had just given him. If they were to go back to the Visitor's Centre, they could be ambushed by more dinosaurs, and might not ever find Toby and Mathew. On the other hand, if they aimlessly walk through the jungle, they could get lost themselves, and be easy prey to whatever might be out there.

"Sounds like you fellas need a helping hand." The group stopped, then looked over to their left, seeing a clearing of a road, and they saw Texanna, Trix, Blue, Veronica, Marina, Aegyptiacus, and Barbara walk up.

"What happened to you guys?" Barbara asked, then she knelt down to Yukari's height. "Hey, Yukari. You feeling better from the shock earlier?" She asked.

"I'm getting better." Yukari nodded to the brachiosaur hybrid. "But, all this running about from dinosaurs is hurting my feet."

"You all look like you've been fighting for your lives." Veronica commented to them. She'd been bandaged up and her right arm was in a sling, whilst her two dagger blades were on her hips in their holsters.

"We've been running and hiding from Velociraptors, hiding from the T-Rex, and trying to get the power back online to the rest of the park." Mariah explained, as she finished treating Moka's wound. "Okay, Moka. It doesn't look like it's infected, but I've covered over the cut to keep you safe."

"Thank, Mariah." Moka thanked with a nod. Then, she looked to Aegyptiacus, and slightly limped to him. "Aegyptiacus, two of our friends for separated from us in the ventilation ducts when we escaped the main control room, and headed into the lobby. Can you help us find them?" She asked.

"You all look like you need some rest before we get moving." Aegyptiacus gently patted her head. "When you're all fully rested, we'll all go and look for your friends."

"Are you sure 'she' won't mind outsiders into the hollow?" Barbara asked, as Yukari climbed up onto her shoulders. "I don't think 'she'll' like it."

"I can reassure 'her' they aren't a threat." Aegyptiacus calmed the brachiosaur hybrid. "Plus, we trust them, so 'she' can try and trust them, too."

"Hey, Braedey." Marina suddenly jumped up and pounced at him, getting him in a face/chest press that Kurumu does, much to the succubus' anger, as she clung to him. "Guess you and I can hang out for a while until we find your friends, right?" She cradled his head to her impressive bosom, like a loving mother. Though, in her case, this was more of a smothering than a sigh of affection.

As Braedey proved it when his muffling pleas kept going unheard of. 'Mmmm... AAAHH! NEED AIR!'

"Marina! Stop that." Trix appeared next to the Mosasaur hybrid, and tried to pull Braedey away. "He already has enough girls gunning for him, and has fallen in love with one. So, let go of Braedey!" But Marina pulled him away before either the Youkai girls could pull him back to them.

As she did so, Braedey continued to be smothered by the marshmallows he was placed in, as he clawed out the air and muffled out. "Sherioushly... need.. air..."

Finally, Braedey had enough, and decided to do a bit of a cheeky trick to have Marina let go of him. He reached around her back to the bra strap, and pulled it, letting it go. Marina screeched out, pushing Braedey off, letting the Transformatrix bearer breathe, and end up in Moka's arms, whilst Marina held the front of her bra over her humungous breasts. The blue-skin hybrid smirked at Braedey, much to his blushing, then turned her back to him, so she can do up her bra without exposing herself.

"Nice move, Braedey." Kurumu commented to Braedey, leaning against her right arm, using her large breasts.

"Knock it off, Kurumu!" Yukari dropped another washpan on top of the succubus' head, knocking her off Braedey. "He's already dealt with enough of those shenanigans by Marina."

"Thank you, Yukari." Braedey sighed.

"Come on, let's go." Aegyptiacus began to lead the way, as Braedey, Moka, Kurumu, Yukari, and Mariah followed after them, making their way through the jungle to the Hybrid Hollow.


Back with Matthew and Toby, they have been running and sprinting down the tunnels for some time, until they managed to reach a door at the very end of the tunnel. The two of them pried the door open, and ran outside.

"Hey, look where we are." Matthew commented to Toby.

"What?" Toby looked over at what his brother is seeing. "Whoa."

To their surprise, they saw they ended up at what could be a field lab of sorts. There was a helicopter pad nearby, whilst the field lab looked like an old hut, with a small bridge linking the helipad with the lab.

"I don't think we're on the same side of the island anymore." Toby commented to his brother.

"My best guess: we're on the very North side of the island, and we're not somewhere we should be." Matthew replied to him. "We must be miles away from our friends, and with no way to communicate with them."

"Well, let's go and see if anybody's home." Toby suggested, and the two of them began to walk off to the field lab. "We'll need to find a way to call for help. The might have a phone that we can call with."

Matthew kicked open the door, then held up a large crowbar. Toby walked in behind him, holding an even larger crowbar. The two looked around, then as the two looked to a lab, they saw a women in her late 40's with fading blonde hair, a set of glasses behind brown eyes, pale skin, a slender figure, with a white shirt, blue jeans, black shoes, and a white lab coat.

"Who are you?" The woman asked.

"My name is Matthew, and this is Toby, my brother." Matthew introduced himself, then dropped the crowbar. "Who are you, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm Dr. Laura Sorkin." The woman introduced herself. "I'm one of the scientists here on the island. What are you doing here?" She asked.

"We got lost from our friends earlier, and ended up down here." Matthew explained, then he looked to Toby, and gestured to a computer screen. "We've been running from the T-Rex and the raptors, along with trying to get the power back online to the park."

As the older Wizard was talking to Dr. Sorkin, Toby had reached the computer, and was digging through the files of the doctor.

Dr. Laura Sorkin was raised on her family's farm in Arkansas, and was an animal-rights activist in the 1970s. Arrested multiple times for protesting, she earned her position as one of InGen's leading paleogeneticists. She's never been married, or had any children; devoting herself to her life's work instead. She even referred to the dinosaurs on Isla Nublar as her "children".

Initially, Laura was to be made the Chief Scientist of Jurassic Park, but was denied the position after revealing she wanted to use complete DNA structures with no add-ins by cross-referencing genetic information from mosquito fossils. It would've been safer, but the board of directors thought this process would take up time and money they didn't want to spend. Laura also wanted the island to be used as a wildlife preserve instead of an theme park, but this was dismissed as well because there was "no money" in it. Instead, the position of Chief Scientist was given to Dr. Henry Wu. In order to please the board, Dr. Wu came up with the solution of using genetic info from other animals, such as frogs, to form complete DNA structures in minimal time. The resulting dinosaurs from Wu's solution were noted to be "flawed and inaccurate", which Laura viewed as abominations rather than real dinosaurs. Despite this, she was also enraged by the various measures InGen took to keep the dinosaurs under control, such as the lysine contingency and controlled chromosomes to prevent the birth of male dinosaurs to breed.

As a result, Laura developed a strong animosity towards Wu, Hammond, and InGen. Her discontent with the InGen management was such that the management team gradually kept her out of the loop regarding the company's main dinosaur research projects. Eventually, Laura was assigned to her own laboratory on Isla Nublar where she could continue to perform independent research and be kept out of sight and mind. She would use this lab to secretly undermine InGen's safety protocols by developing a cure for the lysine contingency, which she saw as cruel and unnecessary.

Laura was also responsible for the creation of a species of dinosaur named Troodon, having bred them in her laboratory from a clutch of "mystery eggs". John Hammond, however, thought these predators were "too dangerous" and not "appealing" for tourists. After 'The Big One's' failed escape attempt, resulting in the death of a worker, he ordered the Troodon to be euthanised. Instead, Laura decided to study the Troodon in secret.

Toby knew this could be trouble if these Troodon creatures get out, and something that must be dealt with head on. Being silent and sneaky, along with casting an invisibility spell on himself, he began to make his way to where the Troodon might be.


Back in the jungles of Jurassic Park, Braedey, Moka, Mariah, Kurumu, and Yukari, along with the Dino Hybrids has made their way to the Hollow. As they do so, Braedey has been wondering who this 'she' the others have been talking about might be. Was she someone important, or something else altogether?

"Here we are." Texanna announced to the others. The others began to head around the Hollow, as Braedey and the girls sat down on a log. "Okay. We'll get some food and drink for you guys."

"Plus, we'll get your wounds cleaned up." Barbara added. "I'm gonna have to check over you first, Yukari. That electrical shock from the 10,000 volts might've done something to you." She held the little witch's hand, and lead her over to the hut.

"So, Texanna, who is this 'she' you all talk about?" Braedey asked. "Is it someone on the island."

"The 'she' we talk about is unlike us. She's much more powerful than us." Aegyptiacus replied to him, as the sound of thundering footsteps could be heard. "And speaking of which, here she comes..."

Everyone looked over to some trees, as the thunder of footsteps got closer and closer. The rustling of the tree leaves made Moka hold Braedey's hand tightly, as he held her hand back in acknowledgement. Then, everyone saw who it was, towering above them all.

It was a female at around 25 years of age, maybe even 30, with deep red hair in a bun on the back of her head, some bangs of hair free, whilst a strand of her hair was in grey. Her eyes were the same colour as her hair, making her look rather intimidating, whilst her skin looked to be tanned, showing she has had a very long time out in the sun on the island. She has a voluptuous figure, having a relatively large bust, along with long, shapely legs, as well as her ample hips, and somewhat large thighs. Her bust was, at best guess, around a H-Cup, one size larger than Kurumu's mother, Ageha. She even has a three-claw scar on the right side of her neck, indicating she has fought against Velociraptors, and she has four spikes jutting out of her knuckles. She towers at over 37ft tall, easily towering over Optimus Prime. She is wearing a red coat with bronze shoulder covers, a dark grey sleeveless shirt wth a V-neck, revealing some of her cleavage, tan strap around her waists, along with two rings on both her hands, a pair of dark brown cargo pants, and has a pair of tough black leather boots.

The group from Youkai Academy hid behind Braedey when they saw this being. It seemed to give an air of true unbridled authorities and control of the island, and no beast would stand against her. Plus, the scar on her neck, the sharp knuckles, and her red eyes made her look pretty freaky and rather scary.

The redhead looked over at the Youkai teenagers, then snarled darkly and very scary, making Moka and Kurumu's skin crawl. The redhead then looked over to Texanna and Aegyptiacus with a grunt. "Aegyptiacus, Texanna." She called, in a voice that spoke volumes and could be on par with a horde of Tyrannosaurs. "We agreed no outsiders of Isla Nublar were to find the Hollow."

"But, we can trust them, Majesty." Texanna spoke up. "We've met them not long ago at Youkai Academy."

"Sim." Blue agreed, nodding her head to her. "Só os conheci há algumas horas, mas do que Texanna e Aegyptiacus me disseram, podem ser confiáveis. Eles nos ajudaram e nós os ajudamos. Eles são pessoas muito boas."

(Translation: Yes. I have only met them a few hours ago, but from what Texanna and Aegyptiacus have told me, they can be trusted. They helped us, and we helped them. They're really good people.)

"Plus, they've asked us for their help." Trix added.

"SILENCE!" The redhead bellowed, her voice rising up many octaves, and almost like a Rex's roar. No-one spoke up, nor dare made a single move. The towering being looked at the Youkai teens, then knelt down to them, the girls stepping back, whilst Braedey stood firm. "You all don't belong here in this jungle, nor on this island. You all must leave, now."

"Madame. We're not leaving this island until every member of our group and our family are present and accounted for." Braedey stated firmly, looking into the redhead's glaring eyes. "We have to find two of our friends who got separated from us when we were chased by Velociraptors. We can't leave this place until we get them back."

The two glared at one another for a good few moments. Nobody moved a muscle. They all stood in an uncomfortable silence, as the two glared at each other, none of them stepping back.

Argyptiacus stepped in unexpectedly. "Madame." She got the redhead's attention. "Don't you know who you are even talking to?" He told her. "The Ancients had prophesied the shapeshifter Knight of two worlds, one of flesh, and one of metal, to possess the ability to change form."

"What do you mean by 'The Ancients'?" Braedey asked.

"Who I'm referring to, Braedey, are twelve Guardian Knights that came from Cybertron, and had crash-landed here on Isla Nublar millennia ago, long before InGen took control and turned it into a theme park." Aegyptiacus explained, as the redhead watched the interaction. "When InGen told us to go and take a look at Mount Sibo to make sure there won't be eruptions or such in the near future. We came across to what might look to be a large engine exhaust port of a ship one day. When we looked there, we saw these 12 metal brings towering 20ft tall, all of which looked to be ancient and very powerful, all of them armed with either swords, axes, lances, spears, and they looked like they've been in battle for a long time." He pulls out a photograph from in his tunic, and handed it to Braedey, who looked at it. He could see a few of the Knights Aegyptiacus mentioned.

"These guys look pretty ancient. Much more ancient than Optimus Prime..." Braedey nodded, giving his comment, seeing the designs of each form. He handed the photo back to the Spinosaur hybrid. "What happened between you and them?"

"Well, when we encountered one another, our Majesty fought against the red one in a display of dominance, whilst we tried to stop them from fighting." Texanna continued for Aegyptiacus. "Then, once we stopped fighting, the 12 Knights explained about their origin, where they came from, along with the Great War that destroyed their planet. We promised never to tell our superiors about them, and keep their identity a secret. Then, they told us one day, a shapeshifting Knight Of two worlds, one of flesh and another of metal, will be amongst us to fight against a greater threat unlike anything the world will never know."

"So, we kept their identity a secret, never told anyone of InGen, not even John Hammond, about the Knights and their spaceship, and never dared to enter their realm again." Barbara finished.

Braedey nodded to the hybrid teens, then looked to the towering hybrid. "I guess we didn't get off the right foot." He held his hand out to begin introductions. "My name is Braedey Martin."

The redhead looked at the hand with wide eyes. She was rather surprised by how forward this human brunette is to introduce herself, especially with him standing up to her.

The redhead knelt down on one knee, then took Braedey's hand in hers and shook it. "Nice to meet you, Braedey Martin. I'm the Queen of the Hybrids, Ginormica."

"Why are you named that, Madame?" Yukari asked, walking up from the hut.

"I was created by a cross-blend DNA mix of a Giganotosaurus, Rugops, and a T-Rex." Ginormica explained to her, then gently patted the little witch's head. "You must be the smallest human being I've ever seen in my life."

"Hey, how come that girl doesn't get hit on the head with a washpan, but I do?" Kurumu fumed, only to be hit in the head by a washpan. "SEE WHAT I MEAN?!"

"Ginormica. You Majesty." Moka walked up to the towering redhead, getting her attention. "We need your help. Two of our friends have gotten lost on the island. We need to find them, and get off this island before things get worse."

Ginormica looked to the pinkette, and nodded to her. "Of course we'll help you. Besides, your friend seems quite resourceful and very powerful, alongside you." She stood up to her feet, and looked to everyone. "Get ready, everybody! We're heading out!" She announced, then looked to the horizon, seeing the sun begin to set, and looked to the Youkai teachers. "We'd best find your friends soon. The sun is setting as we speak."

"Why is that, Madame?" Mariah asked.

"As coisas ficam mais assombradas à noite no Jurassic Park." Blue replied to them, as she headed off with Veronica to scout ahead of the others.

"Braedey, what did Blue say?" Moka asked.

"Things get scarier at night in Jurassic Park." Braedey translated for the girls, as they followed the Dino Hybrids out of the Hollow, and towards the North of the island.

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