Isla Sorna; Meet Sarah Harding

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Soon enough, the ferry began to make its way across the sea, leaving He coast of Costa Rica behind, heading of towards the cluster of five islands, but setting its course straight to Isla Sorna. Onboard were the two Mercedes cars, alongside the high-tech RV.

Onboard the ferry, Moka was keeping her distance from the sides of the ferry, keeping her distance from the water, since it would weaken her. Yukari was at the bow, enjoying the sea breeze. Mizore was currently sleeping inside of the RV. Rex and Jessie were checking up on something. Kurumu, on the other hand, she was leaning over the port side of the ferry, her face as green as a leaf, her cheeks puffed up, as she vomited over the side of the boat. Braedey, meanwhile, he was looking at the island in the distance, remembering what had happened back on Isla Nublar. He shook his head, and looked away from the island.

He turned to his right, to see Eddie get some kind of rifle-like weapon armed, along with some darts. "Lindstradt air rifle. Fires a subsonic Fluger dart." Eddie explained to Braedey, showing the weapon.

"Does it work better than your satellite phone?" Braedey asked sarcastically.

Eddie scoffed. "Funny. I loaded it with enhanced venom from Conus purpurascens: South Sea cone shell. Most powerful neurotoxin in the world. Acts within 0.002 of a second, which is faster than the nerve-conduction velocity. So, the animal's down before it even feels the dart."

"Is there an antidote?" Braedey asked in concern.

"Like what? If you shot yourself in the foot?" Eddie asked Braedey like he's crazy. "Don't do that. You'd be dead before you realise you had an accident."

Just then, Nick walked up with the Captain and his son alongside, the two speaking in their native language to Nick. "He says he's unloading us here. He won't go further up the river." Nick explained to Braedey. "He's heard too many stories about this island chain. He wants to drop us off and go anchor offshore."

"What kind of stories?" Braedey asked.

Nick turned to the Captain, speaking in Spanish, then the captain replied to him. "He heard about stories of fishermen that came too close to the islands, and never returned." He translated for the Captain. "He has a radio. He has a satellite phone. When you need him, call him and he'll be here in two hours. But he will not stay here. He won't stay anywhere near these islands. They call the islands..." He looked to the Captain with an odd look. "...'Las Cinco Muertes'?" He asked.

"Si." The captain nodded.

"What does that even mean?" Yukari asked in concern.

"It means... 'The Five Deaths'." Braedey replied ominously. "I'd better get the vehicles ready to be disembarked. We'll be arriving on the island in a few short minutes."

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Moka muttered to herself, looking down at her Rosario, clutching it gently in her hand. "The sooner this is done, the better." She said quietly to her Inner self.

"I know what you mean, but I know you're in good hands." Moka's inner self replied through the Rosario. "Keep an eye out while you're off and about. I don't want to have any surprises when I get released." She added, as the red light faded from the Rosario.


Soon, the teens and vehicles were disembarked from the ferry, and began to make their way across the landscape of Isla Sorna, Braedey driving the RV, with Rex and Nick driving the two Mercedes cars. Moka, Yukari, And Mizore were enjoying riding in the large Fleetwood RV, with Braedey relaxing in the driver's seat, while Kurumu was keeping both hands in front of her mouth, trying to stop herself from throwing up. Onboard the Mercedes cars, Rex and Jessie were looking at the area and landscape, wondering what could be out there, while Eddie and nick were just keeping up with the RV.

Soon enough, the three vehicles came to a gentle stop at a disclosed location. It was by a nearby cliff edge, but was surrounded by thick trees and bushes, giving them some cover from anything.

Braedey parked the vehicle, then climbed out of the RV, Moka, Yukari, and Mizore climbing out just behind him. "This spot will be perfect for us. We have perfect cover, and we're on the outer rim of the island, where most of the herbivores are." He said to everyone. "Doubt there's gonna be any carnivores around."

"At least we're in a really good place." Moka commented, only to hear a retching sound coming from the RV. She turned around, saw Kurumu stumble out of the RV, then she ran over to some bushes, and threw up in them. "So much for that."

"Guess she really hates going by sea." Yukari commented. "Who would be thought?"

"Take that back, you little-" Kurumu didn't get to finish, as her cheeks puffed, then she threw up again. "Ohh..." She groaned in pain, her body quivering in pain.

"Right." Braedey looked to Mizore, and gave her a nod. "Mizore, I need you to watch over Kurumu right now. She is in no shape right now to go look for Dr. Harding." He told her.

"Okay." Mizore nodded. She didn't really want to look after the succubus since they fight over Braedey from time to time, but since Braedey asked her, she cannot say no to her snow bunny.

"Right. Moka, Yukari, you girls are with me, Nick, and Eddie." Braedey announced, then gestured to the jungle before them. "Let's be on our way, and find ourselves a Harding."

With that, the five left for the jungle of Isla Sorna, led by GPS thanks to Eddie, while Mizore stayed behind at the RV to tend to the sick and currently vomiting Kurumu.


"I put a location sensor in Dr Harding's satellite phone, so we should get a reading." Eddie told the group, as they walked through the jungle.

"I'm so relieved." Braedey said sarcastically.

"Don't push my buttons." Eddie grumbled at the brunette in annoyance.

"Please don't fight, you guys." Moka pleaded to the men.

"We're almost on top of her dot. She should be around here." Nick spoke up, then looked around.

"Over there." Moka pointed out, jumping over a small stream, as Yukari and the males followed after them, running up to a torn bag.

"Sarah!" Braedey called out. "Sarah Harding!"

"Where are you?" Moka called out, only for the sound of rustling trees to get their attention. "What is it?"

"Something big." Eddie replied.

Suddenly, a herd of Stegosaurs walked through the forest; a pair bond, a subadult, and an infant. The large creatures simply walked away. They all grunted and groaned to one another, walking past the teens and the adults, as if they weren't there.

"Wow." Yukari commented to herself. "Stegosaurs. We didn't see these back on Isla Nublar."

"Yeah. That is something." Moka agreed to her. "I didn't think we'd see these animals at all."

"This is magnificent." Eddie muttered out in awe.

Yeah. 'Ooh', and 'ah'. That's how it always starts." Braedey said sarcastically. "But then, later, there's the running and the screaming."

Nick jumped up into some logs to ty and get a better shot of the Stegosaurs. As he tried to get the right shot, he was unaware of someone standing nearby, looking at the dinosaurs walking about.

"Hey, Nick!" Nick jumped back and stumbled a bit, nearly falling off the log, then saw Sarah Harding, a woman in her 30's with red hair flowing to the middle of her back, with green eyes, and fair skin, while wearing camouflage clothing.

"I guess you got the jump on us, didn't you, Sarah?" Nick chuckled.

"Yeah." Sarah climbed up onto the log, then saw Braedey wth Moka and Yukari. "Well, well, well. Braedey Martin, as I live and breathe. My, you have grown since the last time we met." She greeted them.

"Wait. You know Braedey?" Moka asked the redhead in confusion. She didn't expect this at all. How come Braedey didn't tell her or the others about this at all?

"Well, the last time I saw him, he was just only six or seven years old." Sarah replied to the pinkette. "Sometimes, whenever Valka needed to go and do some late-night shopping, I would watch over Braedey, and make sure he didn't get into any trouble. But, when I heard about the Martins moving to Coolsville, I couldn't afford to keep seeing them every now and then, but I kept tabs with them."

"That's cool." Yukari commented.

"Hey, Eddie." Sarah greeted the man carrying the tranq gun.

"Hey, Sarah." Eddie replied with a small wave.

"Got a granola bar or something? I'm starving." Sarah walked up to Braedey. "Did you see those animals? A family group, a pair-bond and a subadult, long after the juvenile was nest bound. Every egg clutch I've seen have been crushed and trampled shells. Hatchlings stayed in the birth environment for a long time. That's conclusive. I can put that controversy to rest if I get a shot of the nest."

"Have you been attacked?" Braedey picked up Sarah's bag, handing it to her.

"No, that's my lucky pack." Sarah replied to him. "That's how it always looks." She then noticed the camera in Nick's hands. "Is that a Nikon? Can I borrow it?" She asked. "I'll be right back, I promise." She told the others, as they followed after her.

As the group walked further into the jungle, following the Stegosaurs, unbeknownst to them all, something was watching them from in the tree branches up above.

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