Peter Ludlow; Site B??

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(British Country Mansion)
(United Kingdom)

At a British Mansion in the United Kingdom, a group of teenagers were walking up to the front door of the house, all of them being summoned forth to have a talk with the owner of the home, who was none other than Mr. John A. Hammond; CEO of InGen, a bioengineering start-up company performing research to recreate extinct animals.

The teenagers arriving were none other than the group of Youkai Academy students; Braedey Martin, Moka Akashiya, Kurumu Kurono, Yukari Sendo, and Mizore Shirayuki, the five of the group of survivors that got off the destruction of the nightmare theme park known as Jurassic Park.

Moka was currently wearing a black ankle-length dress with low-heel shoes, while her hair is done up in a bun on the back of her head. Kurumu has on a pair of jeans that looked a bit tight on her hips, along with a tank top that was maybe two sizes smaller than normal, revealing her curves and cleavage, while she kept her headband. Yukari kept her regular attire, along with Mizore, with Braedey sporting a cobalt blue suit and black tie.

Over the course of the months after they, along with their friends, many of them had to go through some therapy and some treatments. Yukari had to go through some hypnotic therapy from Ruby to try and make her forget about the Raptors, Rex, and the Indominus that was there, but the little witch managed to shake it off, though she did have her moments. Mizore had been taking long baths in her room, trying to forget the memories of what happened to her and the others during those horrid days and nights. Kurumu was in the same boat, especially with the whole deceased bodies and dinosaur chasing. Moka, meanwhile, she needed her arm treated, especially since she was bitten by a Troodon on the island. Braedey, on the other hand, he had to remember that he and his friends had managed to survive on that island for longer than anyone else had, and in addition, come to terms that he and the others are some of the lucky ones.

Braedey walked up to the door, knocked on it three times, and a butler walked up to the door, then opened it, looking to the group of teens.

"Who shall I tell Mr. Hammond is calling?" The butler asked the group of teenagers.

"Braedey Martin. We had been summoned." Braedey replied to the butler. The butler nodded, opened the door, and welcomed the group into the mansion.

"This place looks nice." Kurumu commented.

"Kurumu, remember why we are here." Braedey reminded to the succubus, and Kurumu nodded to him.

But, before they were about to go up the stairs, a group of lawyers and businessmen and women walked down the stairs with some boxes of files and papers. One person among them gave both Braedey and the girls a really bad vibe and an unsettling feeling from just the sheer look of him.

He looked to be in his late 40's, with a very bald head, green eyes behind a pair of thin glasses, while having a slender male form, and is wearing an expensive suit. This man was known as Peter Ludlow, the nephew of John Hammond.

"Mr. Martin." Ludlow noticed the group of Youkai teens, but mostly Braedey. "Mr. Martin. Here to share a few campfire stories with my uncle?" He mocked, as he began to sign some papers.

"Convince the Washington Post and Sceptical Inquirer of what you want, but we were there." Braedey stated firmly. "We know what happened and so do you."

"Do you believe everyone who chose discretion did so for a nefarious motive?" Ludlow mocked. "Even Miss Akashiya and Nekenome?"

"Leave my familia out of it." Braedey snarled. "This is not a game."

"No. You all signed a nondisclosure agreement before you went to the island that forbade you from discussing what you saw." Ludlow stated. "You violated that agreement."

"I did. And you lied about the deaths of over 12 workers." Braedey added. "You misinformed the public, which made Dr. Malcolm look like a nut. Not so good for his career..."

"We made a generous compensatory offer for all of your injuries." Ludlow informer.

"A payoff and an insult." Moka snapped. "When you spin reality, cover up evidence, it hurts more than one's reputation."

"As I recall, Malcolm's university revoked his tenure for selling wild stories to the press." Ludlow stated.

"He didn't sell anything!" Braedey snapped. "Neither did we! I took no money and I told the truth."

"Your version of it." Ludlow stated.

"There are no "versions" of the truth." Braedey informed sternly. "InGen can't keep spewing out..."

"InGen is my responsibility." Ludlow informed them. "I will jealously defend its interests."

"Yours? What about Mr. Hammond?" Moka asked in concern.

"It is our board of directors I must face, not my uncle." Ludlow stated to them. "Trust me, your problems are about to be rendered moot. In a few weeks' time, they'll be long forgotten."

Braedey forcefully grabbed Ludlow by his arm, and glared viciously with his blood red eyes at the man. "Not by me." He snarled. "The day you realise your mistake will be the day you're fed to a Rex."

"Careful." Ludlow straightened his suit, and glared back at the brunette, to no avail. "This suit cost more than your education." He mocked, and left with the other businessmen, leaving the teens behind, as they all glared venomously at the man.


"You were right and I was wrong. There! Did you ever expect to hear me say such a thing?"

A few minutes later, Braedey and the girls soon reached Mr. Hammond's bedroom. The elderly British gentleman looked a bit worse for wear, since there was some medical equipment nearby his bed.

"Thank God for Site B." Hammond sighed to himself.

What the former CEO of InGen had just said got the teen's attention. "Site B, Mr. Hammond?" Moka asked.

"Isla Nublar was just a showroom for tourists. Site B was the factory floor. That was on Isla Sorna, 80 miles from Nublar." Hammond explained to the teens, as they walked up to him. "We bred the animals there, nurtured them for a few months, then moved them into the park."

"Really? I didn't know that." Yukari commented to him.

"After the accident in the park, Hurricane Clarissa wiped out our facility on Site B. Call it an act of God. We had to evacuate. The animals were released to mature on their own. "Life will find a way", as Dr. Malcolm once so eloquently put it." Hammond explained to the group. "By now, we have a complete ecological system on the island, with dozens of species living in their own social groups without fences, boundaries or constraining technology. And ever since Jurassic Park, I've tried to keep it safe from human interference."

"Wow." Kurumu commented

"Hopefully, you've kept this second island quarantined and contained." Braedey said to Hammond. "But I'm in pure shock. I mean, they're all still alive.

"You bred the dinosaurs lysine-deficient. Shouldn't they have died after seven days without supplemental enzymes?" Moka asked in curiosity.

"Yes. But, by God, they're flourishing." Hammond replied. "That's one of 1,000 questions I want the team to answer."

"Hold on." Braedey stopped him. "Team?"

Hammond climbed out of bed. "I've organised an expedition to go in, and document them. To make the most spectacular living fossil record the world has ever seen."

"Go in and document?" Kurumu asked in confusion and concern. "You mean with people?"

"Yes, the animals won't know they're there. Very low impact. Strictly observation and documentation." Hammond walked over to a computer, revealing an image of the island, along with the many dinosaurs that were living currently on the island.

"Our satellite infrareds show the animals are fiercely territorial. The carnivores are isolated in the interior of the island, so the team can stay on the outer rim." Hammond smirked to them. "Don't worry. I'm not making the same mistakes again."

"No, you're making all new ones." Braedey muttered to himself.

"So, there's another island with dinosaurs - no fences, and you want to send people in, on the ground, right?" Moka asked.

"Who are the lunatics you're trying to con into this?" Kurumu asked next.

"It was hard to convince them of what they would see, but in the end, I had to use my chequebook." Hammond explained, them provided some profiles about the individuals. "There's Nick van Owen, who's a video documentarian. Eddie Carr, who's a field equipment expert. We have our palaeontologist, and I was hoping that perhaps you all might be the fourth."

"Mr. Hammond, what does this all mean, exactly?" Yukari asked. She scratched the back of her head in confusion about all this.

"We've been on the verge of Chapter 11 since that accident in the park. There are those in the company who wanted to exploit Site B in order to bail us out. They've been planning it for years, but I've stopped them until now." Hammond explained to the Youkai teens. "A few weeks ago, a British family on a yacht cruise stumbled across the island and their wee girl was injured." This got the teen's attention, much to their shock. "She's fine. But the board has used the incident to take control of InGen from me. Now, it's only a matter of time before this... lost world is found and pillaged. Public opinion is the one thing I can use to preserve it, but to rally that support, I need a complete photo record of those animals alive in their natural habitat." He finished.

"So, you went from a capitalist to a naturalist in only a few months." Braedey commented to himself. "That's something."

Hammond walked up to Braedey, and gently patted his shoulders. "It's our last chance at redemption."

"John..." Braedey sighed. "We can't. I'm sorry, but we can't go back. We've managed to survive the last incident on Isla Nublar. We can't afford to go through that hell again."

"We are really sorry, Mr. Hammond." Moka bowed her head. "We just can't go through what we had just been through months ago."

"Who's the palaeontologist, by the way?" Kurumu asked, looking through the folders of the known people.

"She came to me, I want you to know this." Hammond said to Braedey.

"Who did?" Braedey asked with a raised eyebrow. "Is it someone I should know of?"

"Not exactly, but I'll leave it to your mother, to have associations, affiliations, even liaisons, with the best people in so many fields." Hammond said to Braedey.

"Hold on a second." Braedey stopped him. "Did you contact Dr. Sarah Harding?" He asked.

"Who?" The four girls asked in confusion as to who Braedey was referring to.

"Palaeontological behaviour study is a new field, and Sarah Harding is on that frontier." Hammond stated to the teenagers. "Her theories on parenting and nurturing habits amongst carnivores have framed the debate."

"Hold on. Who is Sarah Harding, if you don't mind me asking, anyway?" Yukari spoke up.

"She's a friend of Braedey's mother." Everyone looked to the door, and they saw Jessie Martin, Braedey's cousin, standing there. "Sorry if I was interrupting something important."

"When did you get here, Jessie?" Braedey asked in surprise.

"Just now, Braedey." Jessie replied to her cousin, then she continued her explanation. "Sarah and Valka knew one another when they met each other in high school. They still keep tabs on one another."

"Right. I'm calling her now." Braedey found the phone on Hammond's table, and prepared to call her.

"It's too late. She's already there." Hammond said to Braedey, as he turned to the elderly gentleman. "The others are meeting her in three days."

"You sent my mother's friend to this island alone?" Braedey demanded to the former CEO of InGen.

"'Sent' is hardly the word. She couldn't be restrained. She was already in San Diego, doing research at the animal park. It's only a few hours' flight from there." Hammond explained to him. "She was adamant, absolutely adamant, about making the initial foray by herself. She thinks she's Dian Fossey. "Observation without interference", she said. You know how it is." He chuckled to himself. "After you and your friends were injured in the park, she sought you out. Then, she went all the way to a hospital in Costa Rica to ask someone she didn't know if the rumours were true."

"If you want to leave your name on something, then fine." Braedey snarled, his eyes turning from blue to red. "But stop putting it on other people's tombstones, Hammond." He then began to walk over to the doors. "Girls, let's go. We're leaving."

"She'll be fine. She's spent years studying African predators." Hammond stated to the leaving teenagers. "Sleeping downwind and all. She knows what she's doing. And, believe me, the research team will..." He was then cut off by Braedey, as he held up his hand to silence him.

"Hammond." Braedey sighed. "We'll get your photo record. But, once we do, we're leaving the island at once. Not a moment any longer." With that, he left the house, the girls following after him, along with his cousin.

"So, we're going back?" Yukari muttered in concern. "Back to that nightmare place?"

"As much as I don't want to go, we must." Braedey replied to her, as both Kurumu and Moka sighed in worry and concern. "Don't worry. We'll be out of there and back home before you know it."

Moka nodded, then bit down on Braedey's neck, getting her pint of blood, much to Kurumu's yelling and annoyance, while Yukari didn't mind this. Mizore was held back by Jessie, as they headed off to Costa Rica to meet up with the rest of the team.

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