New School and a Vampire

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Name: Y/N Aono

Hair color: Dark brown

Hair Length: The same as Byakuya Kuchiki's hair length.

Eye color: Mint Green

Age: 18

Height: 6'1

Weight: 185 lbs

Body type: Athletic w/ slight muscles.

Mother: Kasumi Aono

Father: Koji Aono

Siblings: Tsukune Aono (Younger Brother)

Likes: eating, napping, music, video games, training, cute things, protecting people, his friends, trolling bad guys.

Dislikes: Missing meals, bullies, snooty people, being ganged up on, corrupt organizations, being woken up from his naps, being called names, people insulting his parents.

Monster Species: Half human, half phoenix (SSS-class monster)

[A/N: I have a few... surprises about this story. A little something to ease your nerves so it'll feel more natural.]


Moka Akashiya (inner and outer)

Kurumu Kurono

Yukari Sendo (aged up)

Mizore Shirayuki

[And now, on with the story]

Y/N: *Narrating* "My name is Y/N Aono. I'm 18 years old. I have the most loving, yet awkward parents a son could ask for. There's Kasumi... my mom... and my dad, Koji. I have a younger brother... who's barely able to keep up in high school. His name's Tsukune Aono. Some call him a hopeless case, but I do all I can to help him. Not like my parents or cousin can do shit to help my brother excel. 

And my cousin, Kyoko, she's no help either. All she does his call Tsukune hopeless instead of lending him a helping hand. I get so mad at her that I just can't stop myself from chopping her upside the head and I have to help my bro out of a tight spot. Luckily, Tsukune still applies himself when it comes to his studies. It's just those bigwig dick nugget teachers that give him a hard time.

So, anyways... I had graduated high school a few months ago with flying colors and was offered a few scholarships to a couple of universities in the big city... which made my mom and dad proud, thinking I was gonna make something of myself one day.

I thought it over and... there was this one school I decided to enroll in and the name was... pretty unique, it was called "Yokai University." But... I'd never heard of this school before. But luckily when I filled out the application, I also read the pamphlet a little.

Apparently, this University has its own set of dorms, the campus is pretty big and my scholarship would pay for the entire year. What was odd was that I couldn't find it on the map. I guess it was at some far away place, like maybe another continent or something. Either way, I couldn't WAIT for the chance to move in soon. 

Right now, I'm currently on a bus, listening to music on my phone and I had brought all my luggage on board. And I'm currently listening to the song I played when I left high school." 

*End of narration*

The whole ride there, you bobbed your head to the beat of the music, mouthing the lyrics quietly as you stared out the window. As you're minding your own business, the bus driver peeks at you through his rear-view mirror with a sinister grin.

Driver: "This kid is something else. Something tells me he's gonna make things a whole lot more exciting when he gets there."

The bus then enters a tunnel, yet you still look out the window, all care-free, humming to your favorite tunes. The bus was now no longer in the human realm anymore. And soon, it reaches the other end of the tunnel and parks over by a forest with dead trees.

With the bus now stopped, you take your headphones off and jump off your seat, walking down the bus towards the exit.

Y/N: "Thanks for the lift."

Bus Driver: "Hey, no problem, kid. Just be careful out there. This school might be a little too tough for a guy like you."

Y/N: "Eh, I can dish out whatever comes my way."

Bus Driver: "If you say so, kid. Good luck."

Y/N: "Later."

The driver opens the doors and you step out. Afterwards, the bus doors close up and the bus leaves as you make your way down the path to your brand new school. You hummed to yourself, not affected by the many crows and bats that live in this forest.

Suddenly, you hear something coming up to you from behind at high speeds and you turn around to see. There's nothing yet, but soon enough, you can see someone riding a bike. As they got closer, they suddenly got dizzy and as they hit a bump on the ground, the person on the bike is sent flying off it with a yelp.

You jump up, use the bike as a spring and catch the person in your arms before landing safely.

Y/N: "Are you okay?"

Girl: "Yeah, I'm sorry. I just suddenly got all dizzy..."

Y/N: *thinks* "Holy smokes... she is so CUTE!!! Must... PROTECC!" *clears throat, aloud* "It's okay, luckily I caught you."

Girl: "Yeah, you're pretty fast."

Y/N: "Only because I heard you coming from a distance, so I had plenty of time to react and be able to catch you." 

The girl suddenly blushed from your comment. But then, when she got a closer look at you, she then realized something.

Girl: "Wait... are you actually... a student here?"

Y/N: "Yup. Just got here. How about you?"

Girl: "I... umm... yeah, I'm new here, too."

Y/N: "That's pretty cool. Maybe we'll be classmates."

Girl: "I'm sure that'd be nice."

Y/N: "Oh, by the way, I haven't properly introduced myself. The name's Y/N... Y/N Aono, nice to meet you."

Girl: "It's nice to meet you, I'm Moka. Moka Akashiya."

Y/N: "Moka, huh? That's quite the beautiful name for a cute, precious cinnamon roll like you."

Moka: *blushing* "Oh, stop, please. You're making me blush."

Y/N: "What? It suits you."

The two of you quickly shared a laugh for a bit... until she stopped as she had this... look in her eye for some reason.

Moka: "I shouldn't... but that smell..."

Y/N: "What smell? Is it the cologne my dad bought me?" *sniffs self* "Hmm, can't really make out if it's bad or good."

Moka: *grabs you* "Sorry... I can't help it! 'Cause I'm a vampire."

Just then, she leans in and opens her mouth, bearing her pearly whites and sinking them onto your neck, but not hard. You blink in surprise, rather than flinch at her actions.

Y/N: "Vampire, huh? Who knew?"

Moka: *regretful, worried* "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"

Y/N: "I wasn't objecting to you, but you did catch me off-guard. You looked like you enjoyed my blood just now."

Moka: "Are you going to Yokai, too?"

Y/N: "You got it. I was offered a scholarship here, so this'll be my first year attending at Yokai."

Moka: "That's great! This is mine, too!"

Y/N: "Hey, that's great!"

Moka: "I have to ask... what do you think about... well, about vampires?"

Y/N: "They're pretty cool in my book. They don't really bother me all that much, so you're good if that's what you're wondering."

Moka: *joyful, glomps you* "Thank you! Well, if that's the case, maybe we could be friends. What do you think?"

Y/N: "You read my mind."

Moka: "Oh, fantastic! I was nervous, 'cause I didn't have any friends here yet, but now I finally have one."

Y/N: "Same here. I'm sure we'll get along swimmingly!" *thinks* "God, she's so freaking cute, I could just... on 2nd thought..." *aloud* "That's it... I can't help myself, you're just too adorable for me to resist the urge I'VE got deep inside of me."

Moka: "Uh... what urge?"

Y/N: "This urge."

You then cause her to yelp as you grab her, then hug her while picking her up and twirling her in the air.

Y/N: "Sorry about that. You were just so cute, I couldn't help but give you a big hug, Moka."

Moka: "Oh, was I... that cute?"

Y/N: "You are."

She giggles again, flattered by your kindness... which resulted in another hug before the two of you eventually left for the school.

Moments later, you're now at Yokai University in your homeroom class, sitting by the window.

Nekonome: *friendly, happy* "Well, good morning, students. If you're new here, welcome to Yokai University. My name is Shizuka Nekonome and I'll be your teacher."

Y/N: *thinks* "Oh god... she has cat ears! Are ALL the girls gonna be this cute at this school?"

Nekonome: "Well, I'm sure that everybody already knows this fact, but Yokai University is an incredibly unique school! One that's exclusive for monster, yep!"

Y/N: *thinks* "Yeah, I know. I read the pamphlet before I got here, so I'm pretty well aware." *realizes, still thinking* "Wait a sec... what the fuck did she just say?"

Nekonome: "Currently, this planet is well under the control of humans, so, in order for monsters, like you and I to survive, class, the only option we have is to learn how to coexist with them."

Y/N: *thinks* " fuck."

Nekonome: "And that brings us to... our first rule! Except in special circumstances, as long as you're on campus, you must always remain in your human form. Everybody got that? *happily and lively* Rule number two: never, ever reveal your monster identity to another student, I'm sure you can see why!"

Y/N: "Easy enough." *thinks* "Because I ain't GOT no freaking monster form to change into!

Nekonome: "Everyone will follow these rules, right?"

Y/N: *raises hand* "Heya, Ms. Nekonome, what are the special circumstances that ALLOW us to enter our monster form? Is it like, in case of some kind of emergency?"

Neknome: "You could say that. You're..." *checks book* "Oh... now, I see, you're Y/N Aono."

Saizo: "Heh, buncha boring rules."

Nekonome: "And you are... *checks again* ...Aha, Saizo Komiya."

Saizo: *smug, arrogant-looking* "If we do happen to spot a human, why not just eat them? That's what I'd do, anyway."

Saying such repulsive things and even sticking out his long tongue got you sick to your stomach.

Y/N: *gags, thinks* "This bozo's got a few too many screws loose if he'd choose to eat a human."

Nekonome: "Well, now, there's no chance of that happening because at this school, all the students and teachers are monsters. So, no exceptions, got it? You see, this school's enclosed in a giant secret barrier, but even if a human got through it somehow and wandered in here... they would be killed immediately!"

Y/N: "Seriously? Sheesh! And I thought the schools back home had some screwed up rules."

Saizo: "What's that? You mean to tell me that you've been to the human world a few times, new school meat?"

Y/N: "Uh... hello, doesn't everyone? And just who the hell are you to butt into my business?"

Saizo continued to loll out his tongue for a taste of human flesh... but that was soon stopped.

Y/N: *pulls out napkin, shoves in Saizo's mouth* "Put that thing away, you look like one o' them pedos. Doesn't help that you got an ugly mug to boot, you sick fuck." 

Saizo: *thinks* "You... are so dead."

Just then, the classroom door opens up and in walks Moka.

Moka: "I'm so sorry I'm late!"

Nekonome: *kind, forgiving* "Oh, don't worry, it's alright! Go ahead and introduce yourself."

Moka: *walks in, looks to class* "Hi, I'm Moka Akashiya."

Not 2 seconds and already, she's got everyone loving her already, as expected of such a cute cinnamon roll. It doesn't take long for her to also spot you in the classroom.

Moka: *joyful* "Y/N, it's you! I'm so glad we're in the same class!"

[Timeskip because REASONS!!!]

Later on during break, many of the Yokai Academy students watch you and Moka with envy. Why? Because the precious cherry blossom vampire is walking beside you, clinging to you and a lot of the boys are NOT happy with see you with her.

Y/N: "Moka, you're just asking to get hugged some more if you keep being your sweet and innocent self, you know that?"

Moka: *blushes cutely* "Aww, come on, you're making me blush."

Both of you then arrive at a vending machine outside and get some drinks, a Coca-Cola for you and Kogame Tomato Juice for Moka, for obvious reasons considering what she is.

The two of you sit down on a nearby bench, enjoying your drinks and keeping to yourselves.

Moka: "This is fun."

Y/N: "You can say that again."

After that, you both just kept drinking in peace, enjoying the quiet... at least for a little while.

Saizo: *appears* "Hey there, sexy. You said your name was Moka Akashiya, right?"

Y/N: *turns, thinking* "What's this schmuck want?"

Just then, the idiot grabs you by the throat and lifts you off the ground, which Moka protests. However, despite his grip on you, you glare down at him as if you're unfazed.

Moka: "No, don't!"

Saizo: "So tell me... what's a smokin' hot chick like you doing, makin' friends with a numbnuts like this guy?"

Yup... now he's dead.

[And yes, his clothes DO come off, save for his shoes and underwear to make it funny.]

Before Saizo knew it, he's punched straight in the face and sent flying a good 50 feet away from you and Moka. The sweet sakura-headed cutie-pie then looks over at you and sees your fist steaming and notices how pissed off you look right now.

Y/N: "Damn... I did that? I thought he'd just take a couple of steps back and fall on his ass."

Moka: "Y/N! I didn't know you were this strong."

Y/N: "Neither did I. Why don't we take this somewhere else... somewhere far away from ol' "Harry Hardluck," preferably someplace more peaceful, if you'd like."

Moka: "Uh... right, sure."

She doesn't hesitate and the two of you book it somewhere else just before Saizo, the asshat recollects himself.

Saizo: *growls* "I'll fucking kill him!"

Meanwhile, with you and Moka up on the roof...

Moka: "Wow, that was pretty scary. *concerned for you* Are you sure you're okay after that?"

Y/N: "Relax, I tore him a new one. If he comes to bother us again, I'll just sock it to him again, simple as that."

Moka: "If you say so. So, what kind of a monster are you anyway?"

Y/N: "I... can't tell you that, school rules. Remember?"

Moka: "Oh, that's right. It's okay, you don't have to tell me."

Y/N: "Tell you what, when we're off school grounds, I'll tell you what I am and trust me... you'd be surprised."

Moka: "You sure?"

Y/N: "Yeah, of course I'm sure. And also, I already know you're a vampire, but for some reason, you don't look anything like one."

Moka: "Well, yeah. Not right now, but... Here, you see this rosary that's hanging over my chest?"

Y/N: "Yeah, why?"

Moka: "Well, if I were to take it off, I would change, I'd turn into my true form, a powerful and terrifying vampire. So, that's why I wear it; as a charm to seal my powers away."

Y/N: "Oh, I get it. So vampires can't change their forms at will, is that what you're saying?"

Moka: "Well... yes, but mostly it's for the extremely powerful vampires, in which case, I'm one of those powerful ones. Although, even if I wanted to, I can't even take it off myself."

Y/N: "That's alright. Whether you're in your true form or this form, you're still you and I like you either way."

Moka: *happy* "Oh, I knew you'd understand!" *hugs you* "You're my first friend here!"

Y/N: "Aww, you're welcome." *hugs her back*

Moka: "And also... I feel I should tell you that you're also my first in another way, too, Y/N. *blushes while smiling* 'Till now, all I've ever had was tomato juice and transfusion bags, I've never sucked anyone's blood before yours today. It tasted so sweet. So rich..."

Y/N: "Oh yeah?"

Moka: "Yeah... I'll never forget it!" *hugs you again*

Just then, as she's about to take another bite at you, you feel another presence within her... a more... vicious presence.

Y/N: "Whoa!"

Moka: "Oh, I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?"

Y/N: "No, you didn't but... just now... I could've sworn I felt like... another you was staring into my soul with a more... sinister grin. She kinda looked like you, only... she had silver hair and... piercing red eyes, like some kind of dominant predator."

Moka: *gasps* "That must've been my..."

Y/N: *clears throat* "Don't worry about it. Everything's good now. I'm just gonna go and give my legs a good workout, that's all. How about we come up here again and hang out some more, I'll even buy us some drinks next time, on me, how about it?"

Moka: "Well... okay then."

Y/N: *hugs her* "Great. Let me know if you need me for anything else."

You then head off the building and back inside the school, running down the stairs and through the hallways.

Y/N: *thinks* "What the hell is WRONG with me? Nothing ever shakes me to my core, but THAT... that was unlike anything I'd ever experienced in my life, talk about a death gaze! And this school... if I had known it was a school for monsers, I'd have chosen a different one!"

Later on, you're outside the campus grounds, catching your breath and trying to shake off the nerves from that experience.

Y/N: "Man up, Y/N... you're better than this. Keep a level head, you're already here, so you can't just chicken out and run." *taps knuckle against the side of your head*

Moka: *runs up to you* "Y/N!"

Y/N: "Oh, hey Moka."

Moka: "You were acting kind of weird back there."

Y/N: "Sorry... I guess I was a little surprised. I'm usually more calm when I'm confronted by a powerful force. Maybe mingling with the humans has made me gone soft."

Moka: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "Well, when you spend most of your life around a bunch of humans... it rubs off on you."

Moka: "You're not... going to a human school, are you?"

Y/N: "Why do you ask?"

Moka: "You can't go to a human school, you can't!!!"

She rushes at you, trying to pull you back, but you got all confused since you're not planning on leaving at all.

Y/N: "Moka, hey! Easy!"

Moka: *sad, upset* "I'm sorry. It's just that I really don't like humans very much. They can be cruel, I know because I attended human schools all the way up through junior high. I was lonely... because humans... well, they don't believe in monsters. I felt so different... it was like I shouldn't even be there. 

Y/N: "...So that's how it is."

Moka: "But then you said you didn't mind if I was a vampire, Y/N. *sheds a single tear* And for the first time in my life, I finally felt like didn't feel alone anymore."

Y/N: *slightly hurt* ". . .I understand. But Moka... you gotta understand something... something that I never told you before because it never crossed my mind... until now."

Moka: "W-What is it?"

Y/N: *sighs* "Moka... I'M a human!"

She backs away, shocked.

Moka: "You're... You're lying... You have to be... no human could have ever gotten in here!"

Y/N: *chuckles, while shedding a tear* "Heh... I guess you must really hate my guts a lot."

Moka: *regretful* "Y/N... Y/N I..."

Y/N: "It's fine... I... hope you make lots of friends here... hopefully ones who aren't like me."

You turn around and walk away, heading down the path leading to the forest while Moka just stands there, mortified by all the hurtful things she said, wishing she could take it back.

Minutes later, as you're walking down the path... Moka then decides to go and chase after you, but about halfway...

Saizo: *appears from behind tree, blocking her path*  "So where do you think you're goin'? Stick around, babe."

Moka: "Sorry, but I'm busy now."

Saizo: *starts transforming, laughing maniacally* "How 'bout gettin' busy in my true form?! I'm an orc!"

Moka: "NOOOO!!!"

You stop dead in your tracks and run back to go and get Moka.

Y/N: "MOKA!!!" *runs, then sees Saizo* "What the... you?!"

You also look over and see Moka, covered in slobber and laying on the ground against a tree, like she was thrown there.

Y/N: *pissed* "Oh... now, you've fucking done it."

Saizo: "Well, well, well, if it isn't the numbnuts who--"

You stop him halfway as you sped up to him and dropkicked him right in the ballsack, making him dopple over in pain.

Y/N: "You like that, ya greasy pork fuck?! I got a LOT more where that came from, so stand your sorry-ass up RIGHT NOW!!!"

But Saizo, the borish brute, didn't get up, still feeling the sting in his poor tiny ballsack. And you had no plans of going easy on him after what he just did to Moka.

Y/N: *grabs him by the hair, punches his face* "You stupid bastard, you filthy, ugly pig!!! GRRR, TEACH YOU TO FUCK WITH ME AND MY FRIEND YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!

You then attempt to throw him, but he grabs you and brings you tumbling down the hill and the two of you start brawling, punching each other to no end while Moka recovers. She chases both of you down the hill, hoping you'll be alright after this.

Saizo: "I'm gonna enjoy making you suffer before I devour you piece by piece, you little shit!"

Y/N: "Over... My... Dead... BODY!!!"

The moment you shouted "body," your voice echoed like a sonic boom, as if something inside of you awakened. Sure enough, your body is then engulfed by raging flames. But for some reason, they don't seem to harm you... but actually increase your strength.

Saizo: "What the?!"

Before he knew it, he's punched in the face with a fiery fist and knocked away while you rise up to your feet. Moka's shocked to see your strange powers in action. You look over to Moka with a calm, but still hurt, expression after what she said about humans.

Y/N: "Hey... you okay?"

But you couldn't hold a grudge against her. And she can't stop herself from running up to you, hugging you.

Moka: *crying* "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Forgive me! I guess monsters and humans are too different to get along."

Y/N: *slightly guily* "Don't cry, Moka... It... puts me in a spot when I see you cry like that."

Moka: "I mean, look at me, I'm a vampire! We suck people's blood and hurt them in the process. The truth is, back at my old school, all I ever was a friend, whether it was a human or a monster I didn't care, but now... I think maybe it isn't possible." 

Y/N: "Moka..."

Saizo: "What's with all this lovey-dovey shit?!"

You get in front of Moke, keeping one hand close above her chest where her rosary is at.

Y/N: "Stand back, Moka. I'll handle this. And you're wrong, because it is possible for us to be friends, even I am just a human... well, sort of human, regardless of the flames! And that's why I've decided to stay friends with you and one day... be more than just friends!"

After pouring out your emotions, you underwent your full transformation, accidentally taking off her rosary. At that moment, Moka, too, began to transform into her true form.

The sky began to turn red and Moka becomes surrounded by bats, covering her entire body. Her breasts grew a cup larger, her ass poked out from her skirt, her pink hair turned silver and her eyes became a piercing red color that makes anyone tremble.

As for you, your entire body is engulfed in flames, changing into something so... phoenomenal.

[A/N: Ignore the sword, you're beast mode enough with your bare hands and feet.]

When the rosary seal over her breast is removed, Moka's innocent self vanishes... and her inner vampire awakens.

Saizo: "Hey... what the hell's this? You two look different... and scary. You're not the same Moka OR numbnuts!"

Y/N: "How very perceptive of you."

Saizo: "Oh, man. The tales... they're true! The red eyes... the silver hair... the overwhelming energy... and you! That fiery aura, those red eyes... those black markings! Those large tails! Don't tell me you're BOTH the S-Class and SSS-Class supermonsters, a real vampire and..."

Bat: *flies in* "That's right, this boy's a phoenix! A descendent of one of the rarest and most legendary monsters! Said to have the power to be reborn from the ashes of their elder lives and even scorch their enemies to a crisp... oh and their tears can heal. WHEE!"

Moka: "So then, I suppose the one who woke me up was you, huh?"

Y/N: "Yes... and he's been harrassing you to no end."

Saizo: "What the hell?! What's wrong with me? I mean... they're only staring at me but I can't stop shaking. No, this isn't right! Hey, pull it together, man, 'cause if you took down a vampire and a phoenix at the same time, then you'll be famous!"

Moka: *yawns* "It's time for you to know your place."

Y/N: "Mind if I tag along?"

Moka: "Be my guest."

Saizo then got a bad feeling from you two and before he could do anything, you and Moka got up close to the guy and she delivers a powerful kick to his face while you deliver a fiery fist to his stomach, sending him flying towards the rocky wall. As the dust settled, you stood right in front of this orc bastard with the scariest glare.

He wasn't sure what he was in for... but just when he thought he was about to meet his maker, Saizo got an earful of this from you.

The defeated orc knew he had no chance agains either of you... and after getting an earful of that battle cry... he slumped down.

Saizo: *defeated* "Yes, sir and ma'am, I'll remember that."

Bat: "SO QUICK! WHEE!!!"

Moka: "Hey... you didn't do too badly. So... you're a phoenix... I'm surprised you didn't know about this."

Y/N: "Trust me... if I had known I was a phoenix from the start, I'd... wait... that does beg the question, how can I be a phoenix when I grew up with human parents?"

Moka: "Beats me. But anyways... you sure gave that ugly pig an earful, I'll give you that."

Y/N: "Thanks... and you've got some serious extra kick in those long legs of yours."

Moka: "Just showing that fool his place. And as for you... be sure to remember yours."

Y/N: "My place? Hah! Maybe I should show you yours."

Moka: "Oh, I welcome the challenge."

Even as you two got competitive over who's really in charge, you two couldn't help but hold each other, staring into each other's souls, flashing your toothy grins.

Moka: "You've got some real courage. But can you back up that bark with some bite?"

Y/N: "Sure, I could teach you... the pecking order."

She chuckled and then gave you a peck on the cheek before taking back her rosary and then reattaching it to her necklace. A bright light blinds you for a brief moment before the pink-haired cutie pie returns, only to faint and fall in your arms.

Having calmed down enough, you revert back to your normal self, all your phoenix features were now hidden away.

Moka: *wakes up, exhausted* "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Morning, sleeping beauty. Sorry you had to go through all that, but at least ol' pork chops over there's done for."

Moka: "I'm... so relieved." *smiles preciously*

Y/N: "HNNNGH!!! Too cute!!! Hug time!" *hugs her, she giggles*

As she hugs you back, you began to mentally prepare something.

Y/N: *thinking* "Hey mom, dad, by the time you read this, you'll know that I've managed to make a new friend on my first day. She's like a precious cinnamon roll. Sorry I couldn't get it to you sooner, but according to the bus schedule that came with the pamphlet, the damn bus only arrives at the bus stop once a month. Anyways, as far as the school goes... I think I'm gonna like it around here."

Moka: "Umm... Y/N... could I... possibly..."

Y/N: "Lemme guess... you want some of my blood." *she nods* "Ah, what the heck, I just can't deny you."

Moka gasps happily before latching onto your neck and biting down, having another sip of that tasty red beverage.

[A/N: When's the last time you guys got to read a good Rosario + Vampire story with a kick-ass main character who's also a super OP monster that's got some serious rizz? You can tell me all about it in the comment section, but for now, here's your first chapter.]

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