Meet Chip

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I scurried down the tree, trying to hang on as the wind blew. My mom yelled at me to get inside. I was so close to getting that nut on the ground. Your probably wondering why I'm risking my life for a nut, I'm sorry I do get ahead of myself sometimes. Earlier today was the nut festival, a day before winter. Every family in the forest would compete for who get the most nuts before sundown. The winner get the biggest nut in the forest for winter. We almost win every year, but our rival family, the walnuts, somehow get more than us. This year was going to be our year, that nut would be the winning nut.

-earlier that day-

"Chip hurry the festival is about to start", my sister Valerie called as she jumped tree to tree. I for one enjoyed walking on the ground and crunching the leaves beneath my paws. "Well, well, well look who we have here", I herd someone drop behind me. Of course I already knew who it was since this happens every year. I turned around to meet face to face with Jack, one of the walnuts, and my sisters boyfriend. I rolled my eyes and started to walk away, "where do you think your going", Jack said, "To the festival", I said briskly giving him a cold stare trying to be brave. He gave me a smirk, "you know, only squirrels can go to the festival", I was taken aback by his remark. sure I looked different and I was much smaller, but that didn't mean I wasn't a squirrel, "What do you mean by that", I demanded. "Are you really that clueless", he said snickering. I wasn't clueless, I knew very well what I looked like, I was white with black stripes.

"I just don't think you should go, I'd rather not compete with a cheater, you know because you can glide"

How dare he accuse me and my family of cheating. I felt my cheeks warm up in anger. "How about we make a deal, Chip",

"What kind of deal", I asked hesitantly. 

"how about if you win I wont bother you ever again"

"...And if I lose?"

"You have to leave the forest and go back to where you came from"

I didn't know how to respond, if I lost I would never see my family again, on the other hand if I won I would never get picked on again. He held out his paw and I thought for a brief moment.

"Well what will it be?"

I looked him right in the eyes to see his icy blue stare and griped his paw and shook on it, not breaking eye contact, "Its a deal", I smiled.

"Good and no cheating"

"Come on Chip!", Valerie yelled, and I quickly ran after her.

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