chapter 35

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Sinaan returned around 7 pm, He had spent the whole day on the farm. He didn't find adar or his mother in the living room as they usually were around this time.

" She must have gone " Sinaan thought to himself. 

" where is ammi ?" he asked the maid, who was heading towards the corridor.

"Choty Sarkaar( young master), she is in your room, Choti bibi ( young mistress) isn't feeling well " she informed, a frown appeared on Sinaan's face. 

When he entered his room, he saw that a half eaten dish was placed on the side table, and his mother was sitting near adar. 

" Finally, you are back. Do you have any care for your wife ?" His mother asked as she stood up with knitted brows. 

" what's wrong?" Sinaan asked as he moved closer.Her face was red, he couldnt see her yes as they were down casted, but he could tell that they were puffy, including her whole face. 

"She is saying, its a headache. I have checked her temperature, it seems normal." His mother said as Adar hid her face with a blanket till nose.

" I have fed her and given her the medicine for it. Just make sure, that her condition doesn't worsen during night " His mother said as she lifted the dish and headed out. 
Sinaan sat down beside her, and touched her cheek lightly, Adar's eyes flicked on him for a second, but didn't stay there for long. He saw that they were extremely red, a frown appeared on his forehead. 

" Have you been crying ?Is it because of what happened in the morning? " he asked without any softness in his tone. 

Adar shook her head, still not looking at him. " No! I want to sleep " Adar said pulling her blanket till her eyes. Sinaan kept looking at her, willing her to explain, but she didnt say another single word.

He got up," Okay , take rest" he said and went to freshen up. By the time, he came out. she was fully under the blanket. He headed downstairs for the dinner after dimming the lights of the room.

By the time, he got into the bed, Adar was deep asleep, he also closed his eyes after checking on her.


Miraan was in the Tv lounge of his floor with his father and uncle. The headlines on the every news channel was same .

" Murder mystery of Bilal Rao, A famous politican who was killed in his house. The murderer still not found ......"

"The headline is as we have wanted it to be." Saem rohero said patting Miraan's back. Chashman who had come on this side to talk to miraan about her return, stopped midtrack.She had just moved a few steps ahead after the stairs. 

" It was long coming, He got what he deserved, I should have killed him a long time ago" Miraan said , his eyes on the television.A gasp left her mouth, when she took in the screen. There was the footage of a brutally murdered man, the blood was everywhere. 

Miraan's eyes fell on her as he heard the soft gasp. When chashman looked back at them, Miraan' eyes were on her huge ones. She turned back and ran towards her room. Daem and saem rohero also saw her run. 

A worried expression came on Daem rohero's face. " She was finally settling here, I dont want this to ruin everything " he said.

" Nothing like that is going to happen . She will understand, I am gonna talk to her." Miraan said as he headed behind her. 

Chashman had gone to the room and locked the door, She couldn't believe what she had just heard. 

"Why didn't I question about this ? How can i be so stupid !!" she said wrapping her arms around herself. 

Knock on the door startled her, she stared at with huge eyes. "Chashman open the door, let me explain" he said when she didn't move to open it. 

" I-I don't want to hear anything. Leave me alone " She said as a few tears fell down. 

" Its not how you are thinking of it!! let me explain!!" Miraan said desperately, he didn't want her to end up doing something stupid. 

"What is there to explain?! I have heard it all " She said as more tears of dread fell from her eyes. 

Chashman didn't hear any voice for a good few minutes, She moved towards the bed, thinking about what should she do.


Salaam readers! heres the update. I know its short, but couldn't write more tonight. 

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