Chapter Four Hatchling Spreads Their Wings

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Everything was set, the time had now passed and here soon destiny would move forward and with it her little hatchling will take her next step into becoming a hero.

Doran and Mortarian waited alongside the duo who had resorted to a game of monopoly to pass the time, though the Dragon Goddess wasn't particularly enjoying this... Little game.

Her daughter owned the entire right handed lane, greens, and blues, each having hotels and everything, luck was really on her side when it came to this.

"Alright my turn!" Ruby threw the dice forward and they rolled... Nine... She took her little custom made dragon piece and moved him forward nine, only to land on her mother's Marvin Garden... That had a hotel... Shit.

"Agh god damnit." She reached over and grabbed 1200 dollars and headed if off, giving her mother a grand total of 3295 dollars.... Enough to put all her hotels in motion.

[Now then, shall we begin? I'll spend 450 to put hotels on the remaining reds.]


[That leaves me with 2845 remaining dollars to which I'll spend 600 getting my Oranges there hotels, leaving me with 2245.]

'Dang It!'

[Now I'll role, that's eleven. Which make me land on... Oh for fucks sakes!]

She landed on Boardwalk, that has a hotel.... 2000 dollars are now gone and straight to Ruby who was smugly grinning.

[Wipe that stupid look off your face you brat.]


Tiamat left her right eyebrow twitch at that.

"But you know mom you don't have to pay the amount you owe, just say that I'm better then you at this game and you will be let off the ho-"

The goddess had put the money together and sling shot it at her daughter who was doing her evil monologue, hitting her on the forehead and knocking her over.

[In. Your. Dreams. Little girl. Take your damn money and don't get smug with me.]

Ruby chuckled before sitting back up.

"Sure thing mom."

The competitive aura swelled to that of a stars gravitational force, suffocating. Doran and Mortarian quickly made vaca unless they wished there lungs and Organs to explode do to the pressure theses two where exerting.

But thankfully the sound of the bullhead arriving outside the forest was enough to cause Mortarion to fly up into the air with his wings and look out to see the crew arrive in time.

And it also looks like every single member of the stuff was here, perfect.

"How's it looking up there mort?"

"Good, Ozpin, Goodwitch, port, Ooblek, Peach, Greene, and Mullberry are here."

"Damm, he really brought everyone?"

"... Kind of redundant to say after you said that there was an Adult Red Dragon in this area."

"Oh right, forgot about that?"

Ruby paused as she looked over at him.

"How do you forget something like that? Are you stupid?"

"Of course n-"

"He most definitely is." Mortarion cut them off which resulted in a glare from Doran.

"Thanks a lot Mort, ya prick."

"No problem brother."

Doran just rolled his eyes at that comment.

[How much longer until they arrive?]

"I'd say probably 30 minutes, but if Goodwitch takes this seriously she'll probably get them all here in 15."

[Good, and also Ruby, pay up.]


*Time skip ten minutes later*

The game ended in a drawl because neither of them didn't want to continue, and as for the others they where looking over their inventory to make sure that they had everything prepared.

It was a peaceful 10 minutes they spent in I'm complete silence, just waiting for when the beacon team would arrive and they did and they were greeted with many, estine guest.

First that was seen was a blond woman with a nice even figure, she was the most focused and serious out of the group, However upon Tiamat seeing her she had immense magical power. If she had to guess she was a wizard.

"My name is Glynda Goodwitch, Now can you all inform me of where this dragon is located?"

Next up was a more... Robust man, he had a mighty white mustache upon his face and wielded a massive axe that was also a gun. Tiamat judge his physical physique as that of a fighter, and somewhat of a barbarian.

"Peter Port my good gentleman and lasses, now where is this foul creature at?"

Next to him was a skinnier man with green hair that was hyper as all hell, Tiamat could easily seem this man as a ranger but also someone with a fondness for magic, he was probably a cleric of some kind.

"Greetings, greetings I must say, a fine day indeed it is. Now my name is Bartholomew Oobleck, or Dr Ooblek, now where would the dragon be located?"

Tiamat felt her eye twitching at his insufferable high speed voice, She already had one chater mouth, she didn't need another.

However The next one definitely threw her for a loop, This was a woman covered with a plague doctor's outfit, however She sent both radiant Magic and also a very fun connection to nature, She was definitely a life domain cleric while also being a druid.

"Greetings, I am Thumbelina Peach, license medical professional as well as plant doctor, I will be acting as support for this mission, so please if you have suffered any injuries come to me immediately."

Second to last was a much shadier woman, she was most definitely a rogue however she also seemed like she had a funness for barrier magic, But she didn't seem to have the elegance that the witch had, so most likely she was either a Sorcerer or a warlock.

"My name is Ann Greene, I'll be acting as security and also providing a protective barrier for this mission. However I will also be gathering intelligence, a pleasure to meet you."

Last one, oh ya, She definitely had a fondness for guns. 100% an artificer, gunslinger as well.

"Sup chumps, names Harold Mulberry, I'll be acting a sniper and overall weapon tinker on this mission. Pleasure to meet all you if I know and I was coming across such a crowd I would have brought my hat. As a way to showing some respect."

And of course There was the last one, the main man himself.

Professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon Academy, one of only 15 arch mages in the entire world.

"Greetings to you all, Now Doran, Mortarion, I presume that these people are victims or-"

"Nope, Oz I got your dragon for you." Doran responded with a smirk, as he watched there eyes widen.

"Please explain Doran." Glynda asked.

"I think it would be best if she did it for you."

Port looked over and froze when he saw the tall woman (Tiamat) stand upon full height, with Ruby joining beside her, they walked together towards the staff as they clenched there weapons.

"So you two are the Dragons Doran spoke of?" Ozpin asked, but froze when he looked at Ruby and her silver eyes.

Tiamat saw this and glared upon him, forcing his attention back to her.

[Yes I am, However calling me an adult red dragon is nowhere near the truth.]

"Then I presume you are in ancient?" The doctor asked, she had known enough about dragons to Tell an ancient from an adult.

[Wrong again. I'll give you all one more guess.]

The staff felt a sense of unease course threw there souls, was she simply playing a game or was she testing them?"

However there eyes always seemed to switch to the young teen girl that was beside her, Glynda looked upon the scales that were upon her face and body, and could quickly decipher This wasn't a Fanus girl, no this girl was a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer.

"Then I would presume that you are.... A Wyrm?" Bartholomew Oobleck asked making the other shoot their head towards him in confusion, Wyrms where only legends after all, They had never even heard of records of their existence only an ancient tales of heroes and legends.

But Tiamat's smirk grew bigger, did they truly think of her as such a lesser creature? Or where they genuinely confused on her own existence, whichever the case she was amused at.

[Wrong, Again. Three strikes Guess I'll have to tell you.]

They got combat ready, her aura shift to that of a more dominating one so they took it as a sign of hostile engagement.


"You won't need to cut the edge, trust me you don't want to fight her." Doran responded.

"And why's that Dor?" The rouge asked feeling her hand shaking.

"She'll explain why here soon. And just for the love of Lysander, don't piss her off."

Worried looks where traded amongst the group, but this act only caused Ruby, Who is trying to put on a serious expression to laugh at there looks of terror, were they seriously that scared of her big o softy of a mama that they resorted to this?

{..... Only Ruby could call Tiamat a big o softy and live}

The giggling didn't help to ease the pressure, and Doran sighed at this.

Thankfully he didn't have to speak up, the mother did.

[Ruby I think that's enough sweetie, It seems as though you're scaring them even more with your little giggles.]

"But mooooooom! I can't help but laugh at it! They're so scared it's almost like their kids! Honestly you're just introducing yourself. No need for them to get that scared."

'We'd like to beg a differ!' everyone (excluding Tiamat and Ruby) though.

[Yes, but there fear is warranted, but let my name be know to you all.]

There muscles tightened as there breath hitched.

[I. Am. Tiamat, Goddess Of The Chromatic Dragons, and the true ruler of Avernus.]

Ozpin felt his blood freeze, as did the rest of the staff, some taking steps back others gripping there weapons further.

"If you do not mind... Why is a divine being such as yourself walking the mortal world."

Tiamat narrowed her eyes as the staff readied themselves for a potential divine beat down as off to the side Ruby watched with a cheesing grin, eating a sandwich.

[Ruby, come here]

"Kay mom!"

'Wait, Ruby? As in Ruby rose?' Ozpin looked over and yup, that girl looked identical to Summer... 'Has she been taken all those years ago? If so this may have further connections to sale-'

[Ozpin, shut those repulsive thoughts up before I send you to your dead children.]

Everyone, and I mean, EVERYONE froze at that, even Doran and Mortarian.

Ruby looked at her mother who looked disgusted, angered and pissed at the arch mage.

[First of all, this.]

She grabbed Ruby and pulled her against her stomach, Ruby was confused, a little embarrassed that her mother basically held her like a baby but except it.

[This, is my daughter. She's my reason for being here, my reason for tolerating this shit stained world, and your repugnant, and spontaneous thoughts. So I suggest you be quiet, you walking disgrace of a mage and listen closely, after all, you owe me a favor from 30 years ago during the great Fanus war, consider this the day I'm cashing it.]

With just her words alone she cast Ozpin into a dangerous situation, he couldn't risk angering Tiamat because that would ultimately lead to his demise and subsequent deletion of his soul and being. Second was the now confused and questioning looks of the staff and Doran, Mortarion couldn't really care as he walked back out of the house with a bowl of Roman. But last and worst of all was that he is now forced to listen to her.

"Then what are your demands?" Ozpin pushed up his glasses.

[You see, despite what you may think of me I have actually turned over a new leaf. As such I have trained this little shit.]

She rubbed the top of her daughters head making her hair a mess and cussing Ruby to chuckle out fits of laughter that warmed the hearts of all who heard.

[To be my new Champion, or as she would put it in her own words. "The Ultimate Hero Of Tiamat". So as a result and to get her used to humans and others who will share future goals of hers. I'm putting her in your academy. You will teach her how to be an adventurer and so on.]

The staff found there eyes widened at her dimant, not expecting Tiamat, the queen of hell, the strongest Chromatic Dragon to wish her daughter into an academy, especially there's given her and Ozpins... Shady past together.

However on Ruby's end, she looked confused, all she's doing is cashing a favor, she just said she would be attending the academy and that's it, what's so wrong with that?

Actually now that she looks at this Ozpins guys body language, he was unreasonably tense, and his eyes where rapidly looking over her almost as if... He was trying to plan some kind of rescue.... Oh for the love of Mama.

'does this dude think I'm some kind of hostage?' Ruby rolled her eyes at this, Great just another random motherfucker who comes waltzing into her life and thinks they know who she is.

Looking over and Doran who had tried asked about the same topic she sighed, She was really getting sick of this repeating trend with a random individuals.

So she did what she knows best...

Confronting it head on and not giving a crap about the consequence.

"Listen up buddy I don't know what you know about me but whatever the hell it is, it has nothing to do with me, if you knew me before my memory lost then forget it, because quite frankly that me doesn't matter anymore."

A chill ran threw those who knew the Rose and Xiao Long House.

"Aren't you concern about the life you had before?" Goodwitch spoke up walking beside Ozpin. "What if you harmed those that where previously close to you?" The smoking hot blond teacher had tried to reason with the embodiment of hard-headedness, believing that there could possibly be a way to... Well, help out with the memory loss... Especially sense it seems that her adopted mother figure hadn't done it already... Which was a big concern.

However... Her hopes were crushed as Ruby just looked at her before... Scoffing, she rolled her eyes (again) as she put her arms together as she felt her mother squeeze her. Her was as annoyed as she was, probably because she read the woman's thoughts.

'Did mom just squeeze me like a teddy bear?.... I'll ask later.' "Listen lady, not trying to sound rude but... Do you even know how the hell I ended up with the memory lost to begin with?"

"You where young and ran into the woods... That's at least what your uncle told me."

"Geez this "uncle" of mine must be a real piece of work if thats all he has to say, and do pretell if you know how I ended up with this memory lost?"

Goodwitch tried the best she could to recall the events but they where so blurred and frantic when Qrow told her that she couldn't recall them in a correct fashion.

She wanted to speak up, because she wanted to honor Qrows request but couldn't find it in her to speak when she looked at the girl before her now.

.... This girl, who bared a striking resemblance to Summer, was not the same niece that Qrow spoke of with such high regards, instead she was a young lady who's power was steadfast and before them just by looking apon her. Her aura was different and those scales, was the same as that of the dragon who stood behind, guarding her.

She was vastly different, so much so... She pondered weather or not to actually tell her...

However Ozpin spoke up.

"You where young, very young, around the age of six when you where reported missing, you and your sister had-"

"Tch, some sister if she left me to have my mind be purged like I'm some mind flare experiment."

Ozpined paused, He wasn't expecting to get cut off with such a snarky remark but he merely sighed.

"I know it's hard to... Excep-"

"Bitch" Ruby's voice cut into his newly born sentence making it shorter than intended. Rolling her eyes now for the third time she just scoffed at his words. "I think it's you who's having a hard time here, all of you are. You come waltzing in here act like I'm missing some crucial part of my life, try getting me to feel sorry for events that As far as I'm concerned could have killed me if it wasn't for my mom finding me. Then you look at my mom like she's some kind of freaking monster, when ALL she has done is Listen to your shit, listen to your shit thoughts and oh not. Not beaten you all to death, So how about we cut the "chit chat", and we just get on to why you're actually here. Because I'm going to be in your school, amd your going to have to deal with it." Ruby ended off her little rant with a very iconic teen hair flip as she once again looked upon the teachers who had mixed reactions, especially Ozpin but not like he could do anything.

Port had stepped forward, although he loved the girl's spirit He hadn't known her true combat efficiency. Ruby though being the girl she sis, plunged her magic into his head and read his thoughts. "Alright Mr Port, valid concern. But any concerns about me not having "experience", can easily be rectify it here and now by me beating a selected member of your group. After all of your the best Beacon has, Shirley I could prove myself by beating one of you. So, who wants to run the hands?"

She tapped her foot upon the ground causing a dark risk to open, Her hell forged Scythe came up and within her hands. Chromatic scales grew upon her sorcerer outfit forming a hood that masked her face with shadows, the Reaper of Tiamat had prepared herself.

Port chuckled, He was really loving the girls fighting spirit. Something that reminded himself way back when in his prime.

{Ruby has earned a new title

The smoke seeker of Tiamat, girls got that Godzilla mentality.}

Goodwitch just rolled her eyes, She wanted to critique the girls attitude However that powerful magical aura was more than enough to back up her claims.

Honestly with the limited supplies they have here The only one that's really going to be able to go shot for shot with her is Ozpin, however as she looked at him as his now summoned cane, she saw... Sweat running down his face...

Wait a second, why is he sweating?


rom Ozpins point of view however, it looked as if he's seen a ghost... The magic that shrouded her physical form was immense, everyone could agree on that. However there was something else... Something different.

A Divine Aura

It was small, but there, an undertone of Tiamat's dark divine dragonic energy lied just below the surface of the girls mana. It was like a second cloak, but instead of the radiant blinding nebula of flashing Chromatic Elements, it was a sinister eminent blood crimson that dripped off her aura and mana like freshly exploded blood.

Its effect on the surrounding area was also taken into account, fire, ice, lightning, poison and Acid all blistered from deep inside her magically blessed soul, pouring out like an opened flashflood.

Ozpin would regain his composer with a breath style that regulates ones stress, it's something he's picked up after his long, long life on this planet, when his composer was regained. He stepped up.

Doran grinned, Mortarian and Goodwitch set up a barrier while the remaining staff headed over towards them as they saw Ruby grin all too similarly to her mother as she stepped foot.

"Plan on taking me on by yourself, old man?"

Ozpin chuckled at the girls brazenness.

"Yes, after all, you where quite keen on showing off your skill. And as we are, I'm the only one who could provide a proper test for your abilities. So shall we begin?"

Ruby chuckled at this, looks like this old fossil will be interesting after all.

They took there positions in the opposite ends of the arena, Ozpin stood calmly against the thrashing storm of his mind as he tried to predict what she would do first.

She's a powerful magic user, that was what he was going to capitalize on most, however that scythe... Oh boy didn't leave him wondering.

As for Ruby... She took notes on his stance, he was relaxed but his magic was flooding the surrounding space, warping the space between them, it was probably a little fifth... Maybe sixth Teir spell that could control space on a settle level, useful for slowing your opponent, if they don't recognize it.

Unfortunately Ruby was wanting to show off, so she pulled her hand back from her face revealing her newly changed eyes, from human pupils to ebony slits that bleed with a draconic nature Ozpin froze, of course she has an upgraded version of Silver eyes.

However on the teachers side of things they where confused, Ruby had taken her eyes off Ozpin and was... Looking at the ground?

It wasn't until the green haired professor looked upon Tiamat and then Ruby he realized the magnification of what could possibly be before there comporeal eyes.

"True sight..." Professor Ooblek exclaimed.

"True what?" Asked port.

"A monumental discovery! True sight mt fellow colleagues is the rarest form of sight! Only shared by the most powerful and gifted magical beings, only a handful of celestials, fiends and dragons have such a gift. The ability to see not only in darkness, but also magic as well."

"Hot damn, looks like little Rub over there got herself one mean pair of eyes." Said the cowgirl teacher who was smirking.

"You don't know the half of it! True sight goes beyond just viewing the world differently, it can even tell the fictional world apart, It's reported to be able to see through illusions and even bypass invisibility."

"Great... Just what I need in my future classes..." The rouge sighed, why the hell must this little girl be such a problem?

Back with the duo Ruby was still watching Ozpins magic flow threw the air, it twist and turned as if trying to take shape into something, most likely another one of his traps.

[Are you both ready?]

They nod there heads.

[Good, on three, 1]

Both enemies drawled in there magic.


Ruby raised her scythe as she shifted into position.

[3, beg-]

Tiamat couldn't finish her sentence as a burst of speed across from Ruby as she blitzed Ozpin, bypassing his little traps as she appeared beside him.

'Shes quite fast'. Ozpin shifted his foot as he quickly leaned back as the Scythe's tipped point flew over his nose. 'Looks like Miss Rose here isn't just good with magic, but also close quarters combat as well.'

Spinning her Crescent Scythe around in her hand to deflect three flame bolts he cast she quickly glanced at the ground, and saw a glyph of warding armed with a delay fireball spell within.

'Sly old man' she scoffed as she summoned forth a storm of Eldritch blast which fired our of her five fingers blunt her left hand like a rapid fire machine gun, forcing Ozpin to cast various teleportation spells to avoid being hit. It was only when he used Earth wall to summon a large wall of stone and dirt between him and the rabbit fire Eldritch machine gun, he was able to try and get his mind going on a counter attack.

However that was cut short as her Scythe carved straight threw the storm and dirt wall making him forced to jump back, though Her recoil cooldown was definitely not what he expected as she was already back to center form and using her magic.

"Misty step"

Her form shattered into a phantom like mist that reformed beside Ozpin, though as she channeled her divine radiants into her Scythe to perform a divine smite, she glanced down only to see a fireball between her and him.

"Armor of faith, Fire ball"

Ozpin quickly duel cast his magic, magical shields appeared around him as the fireball slammed into Ruby's side causing a massive explosion.

Ozpin jumped, riding the explosion back as he tried looking around in the smoke to find her, as he began to free fall he felt his instincts scream fo douge, only to hear the faint sound of a flapping wing.



The additional magic barrier did little in terms of preventing the blast from rocking his shit, he was thrown to the ground as his back skipped across the ground, though Ozpin cast a quick healing spell as he stood up to see Ruby hovering off the ground with her massive chromatic wings keeping her afloat.

Looking upon her pulsing scales he saw the veins of this gargantuan add one to the girls petite body shine like shimmering Ruby's, honestly it was quite befitting her.

Though observation ended when she raised her hand towards him.

"Rain storm"

The sky darken, as rain began to fall, however as Ozpin felt the droplets touch his hand, it felt off...

'As I am now, I'll have to push things up.'

"Haste, stone skin, greater strength".

With some more buffs he felt the gap close alittle, however as he looked at his opponent he saw a smirk.... Shit.

"Glad your taking this seriously however not serious enough."

"Well Miss Ruby this is only a proxy battle, I would prefer to not to cause to much collateral battle."

"Tch, that pussy crap isn't going to fly here Ozpin, your in our home, this isn't beacon or the human world. It's either you fight to prove yourself, or be forgotten. Nope pick one."

"....." Ozpin refused to speak, not our of fear but because he already made his choice.

Ruby smiled, looks like his fight or flight instincts wasn't entirely broken towards fight.

"Good not let's get started. Chain Lightning."

His eyes shot open in surprise as the lightning she conjured spread threw the water particles in the air, all nine bolts converged upon Ozpin who stared down the attack.

When all nine converged a grand blast of electric energy ripped threw the inside of the barrier.

"PROFESSOR OZPIN!" The beacon staff where ready to head inside however Tiamat just telekinetically picked them up and set them back.

[Calm your worries, he's fine]

The magic cleared as Ozpin was revealed, a silverly energy slowly dissipated from around his form but as it pulled back, they gasped as his entire left arm was scorched beyond belief.

However Ozpin hadn't grunted or screamed, he looked at the arm that was wounded with the magic and glanced back.

"Lets continue."

"Alright, old man."

They ran at each other while the rain storm was dissolved. Ruby swung her scythe as Ozpin ducked down as it passed overhead and quickly grasped her shoulder.

"Shocking Grasp."

Lightning flooded her body, but unlike Ozpin this didn't harm. It helped as the magic was drawled into her dragon mark that was now free for all to see.

Knowing this wasn't going to end well he looked away and-


"Counter Spell!"

Ozpins magic was disrupted as his body recoiled at the sudden magical backlash, not going to be able to react fast enough she took full advantage.

"Blinding Smite!"

The glowing gold scythe slammed into his temple as he was sent flying, his skull and eyes assaulted by the impact.

However she wasn't done, and her mother knew it.

[Looks like she's going to use her semblance now.]

Port, Obelisk and Glynda looked on shocked as our respective cleric, rouge and artificer where amused at that.

Channeling the power born of her soul petals of various colors where left in its awakenings, she blitzed the fuck out of Ozpin who wasn't ready for her dramatic increase in speed as she grasped his face and dragged him threw the dirt. Before tossing his ass into the air and-


used her divine smite infused scythe to bat him away like this was a game of baseball.

Ozpin flew, further then he has ever in his life, so fast and so fair that his back collided with the other side of the barrier, and yet still carried enough force to rebound his sorry ass right back down to bounce to more times before finally stopping as all the kinetic energy subsided.

However she wasn't done in true draconic fashion she would have him submit.

Petal bursting next to him, she stomped the ground next to his head, looking up at her Draconic eyes he chuckled as he held up his hands.

"I surrender, you are the one who is victorious Miss Rose. I submit."

Contempt with the Arc mages surrender ruby quickly ran over to her mom and leaped towards her, Tiamat sighed as she kicked the barrier causing it to pop as she held her arms out for her baby girl. 

"MOM I DID IT! I defeated my first outsider!"

[Yes i saw it all happen, I'm proud of you Ruby. You've grown up so far from that little girl i found in the woods all those years ago, and now i think its about time you left the cave and fly among the sky. After all now your going to have to fly after your dream, and remember what i said about you dream?]

"Be greedy! Don't let anyone, or anything take what belongs to me! And if they have a problem or have there britches in a twist, then throw the hands to find out if they are worthy of it!"

Tiamat had a proud smile across her face.

[That's my girl, now let me talk with the blond over there and get this "Paper work" filled out that way now with this, and all the professors approval your now able to head off to this academy and pursue your dream]

"Ok mom!"

[Also i felt a little gift inside your room, run along and go get them. There freshly made as well. Its something new i wiped up.]

Ruby vanished in a blur however her mother chuckled as she recalled her daughters joyful face that shined brighter then the damn sun.

But that was just the daughter of Tiamat for you, one moment serious and deadly the other pure and innocent with her stomach sometimes overwriting her brain. 

she waited until they all heard a door inside the tree slam open and....


[No problem Ruby, consider it a send off gift]

Thought she couldn't hear her she spoke regardless, because that's just how much the girl meant to her. And she could already see that expression once more... 

By her father's will does she love seeing it, though she couldn't as of now she could always picture it... however she had work to do.... greeeeeaaaaattt....

[Come on blondie lets this the tedious crap out the way. I want to be there for my daughters sendoff, not stuck here with you.]

Goodwitch scoffed, "Same could be said for myself as well."

[Then how about you get your ass over here that way we can not waist each others time.]

Goodwitch rolled her eyes, "I truly hope for all of beacons sanity your daughter isn't as much of a delinquent as you are."

[tch, Bitch please. Have you seen my daughter? Being a "delinquent" by all of societies systems is kind of our thing Goodbitch

"My name is not "Goodbitch" it is "Goodwitch", Glynda Goodwitch."

[Pff, please your better at being a bitch then a witch, now be quiet and lets get this over with.]

The teacher rolled her eyes once more as they headed inside.

However outside Port had brought Ozpin over to the teams cleric to be healed, as Thumbelina wrapped healing vines across his body. 

"You know professor, not many mages would have taken that girls challenge. Even for an Archmage of your caliber she will still a problem."

"I know."

"Hmmm, if you don't mind my asking professor." Port held his chin in thought. "You could have prevented her Counter Spell, you could have set up a glyph to activate to counter Spell her counter Spell, so why didn't you?"

"Hm, it wouldn't have worked."

"Pardon?" Port asked bewildered.

"At the moment that hypothetical glyph would have went off yes I would have been able to teleport away, however doing so would have left me open to her trap."

Thumbelina stopped her magic to looked at him questioningly.

"Miss Ruby had prepared a flame strike to go off if I would have left a certain radius of her position. She had anticipated the possibility and set up her own glyph of warding with the aforementioned flame strike, if I had countered and teleported, my magic energy wouldn't be fast enough to propel a counter Spell to stop the flame strike. She trapped me in a storm of overwhelming aggression and also prevented any escape. I basically walked into the dragons lair and meet it in its home terf advantage."

"I see.... Simply brilliant! To think she thought so far ahead she would anticipate such an unorthodox combat technique! She is a gifted young las, more so then even the great Pyrrha! I will be more then happy to be the girls teacher."

"Good, because you kinda didn't have a choice." Doran remarked smartly as he walked over and stood beside port. "never thought I'd see the day you get your ass kicked this hard by anyone oz."

"Hm, must be an enjoyable sight for you, huh Doran."

"You bet your ivory ass it is, can't thank Ruby enough honestly. However what's the reason why you went threw, you could have refused and saved yourself from the defeat, you could have just put her in the entrance exam so why fight her?"

"Hm, it's Dragon customary, Doran..."

"The hell does that mean?" Doran has heard a lot of things as his time as an adventure, but never once did he hear of "Dragon Customary"... That's also probably because he's never really delt with dragons before, a few on occasions but that's it.

"If I had just used words, it wouldn't have worked, I had to show my intent and truth threw battle..."

"You're serious about that?"

"Yes, Dragons are... Interesting creatures, they can tell lies from a word and truth from a strike, all dragons to not speak negotiations, only metallics do that. Chromatic are different. They respect strength, and see value and "truth" in the actions of ones attacks, they can see the intent in there souls, and that's what I did. I shared my truth to Miss Rose, and... When I had proved enough she excepted."

Doran had shifting eyes at this, looking back towards the house he had stayed in he wondered if that was truth.

"And yet Professor doing this had nearly cost you and arm". The life domain cleric spoke with a hint of concern. Ozpin may be old and wise but he also had a ting of recklessness that reminded her of most young dreamful adventures.  It was endearing the way he stuck to cushion but could at the drop of a head shift strategies' and mindsets when needed, as shown now. 

He tried diplomatically, when it didn't work. He used the last available option, Violence. Or in this case a showing of wills.

It truly reminded them why he was such a highly respected man, and mage, and why his actions held such weight. 

"Though i must say Miss Rose is quite a hand full. hm, I'm not even sure she was taking me seriously at all. "

"What makes you say that Oz?" Doran asked curiously, he knew despite how much he hated this man, he did have a very good judge for character so hearing him say that she mopped him when he's considered one of the pinnacle humanity can reach was concerning. 

"Miss Rose had not used most of her availed tool kit, and there was the fact she only used her semblance at the very end of that match, all that speed she did before hand was her physical speed, all her attacks where mainly melee focused and she looked bord halfway threw it, she probable saw i wasn't going all out just enough for her to see my true intent and decided there I wasn't worth continuing to fight so she end it with that last little stunt of hers".

Doran nod, considering how strong the girl was its interlay possible that she's battled Tiamat on multiple occasions which would explain her gargantuan increase in power compared to most mortal races, hard not to grow absurdly strong after multiple years straight worth of training with a divine being to hand craft your training regiment. Honestly anyone even a non magical present would become more powerful then CR 19 adventures, and a magically gifted prodigy would be even more nightmarish to looked or think  upon after such training.

Though he wanted to know more because lets be honestly he stepped into a job and ended up in a dragons hoard, that was silenced when Ozpin saw the world go dark as a piece of paper handed on his face. 

Doran wondering where it came from picked it up before the ceric could and saw it was a school form, signed by Tiamat..... Holy shit the dragon actually filled out paper work...

[I can now see why you mortals despise that shit, honestly its so repetitive. But regardless i have sighed my end of the contract]

"It isn't a contract, its a document showing that you are now Miss Rose legal guardian and parent when she attends Beacon Academy. We went over this".

[Ya, and i distantly remember wanting to burn the damn thing because of how many other things that needed to be sighed for the one piece of damn paper to be filled out]

"You had to sign the legal forms showing you are the now single adoptive mother of ruby, after all if word got out you just took her when she was a child and with memory lost, that could have ended horribly for you."

[Correction, Them, if they actually wanted to try and come for me for something as retarded as "legality" when the girl looks as though she's came out of my own vagina then sure, they can and will try, but they'll have forfeited there miserable lives with no fucks to give on my end.]

Glynda could feel her eye brow twitching with each word the woman spoke, the lack of decor or any lady-like qualities combined with the brashness and general distasteful vocabulary she used made her annoyed. Such a being like her was a Divine entry? Aren't they wise, powerful, noble or treacherous and not a.... God damn delinquent....

A literal god damned delinquent.

Regardless it was done and over with, she could relax and let Ozpin take over form now on.

Walking away as Doran helped Ozpin up (begrudgingly) Oz looked at the paper and then the second document and smiled.

"With theses, your request is completed. Miss Ruby will be applied into the freshman student roster and she will be implemented into beacon Academy."

[Don't you also need some other piece of paper saying "I wasted four years of my life in a prep school" for this shit, or something like that?]

"No, that's for the standard student, there's an alternative rout where by submitting a students records and field report with a credible source backing there claim they can be excepted under the pardon of "pseudo active adventure or hunger", this is just as equal an option. So if you don't mind my asking, with your word what creatures has Miss Rose defeated?"

[Hmmm.... 178 ghouls, 131 vampire spawn, 7 Spectors, 2 purple worms, 561 skeletons, 33 death knights, 2 beholders and 1 Adult Red Dragon. Will this do?]

"In the name of Lysander... What in the actual fuck..."

Ozpin and Doran traded glances, girl was a CR 18 maybe 19 adventure already with kills like that under her belt.

"When did Miss Rose start theses adventures?" Ozpin was now even more curious, if she had done this over the course of a few years then this is bound to happen however if this happened in the Spain of only a few years like two or one, or heavens forbid a few months then she's more along the lines of God damn Ancient Dragon level... Which was something he wasn't going to be ready to hear sense he was barely on that level.

[Shit I don't know like maybe.... Hang on, RUBY!]

"Yes mom!" They heard Rudy yell back from her room.

[When did you go kill that red Dragon!?]

"Ahhhhh..... I think like two weeks ago!"

[What about the beholders and well as those Death knights?!]

"A week prior!"

Tiamat nod her head, looks like she got the timeline now.

"Oh ya! Don't forget that litch as well! He was with the Death knights!"

Doran and Ozpin just deadpan at this.

[How could I forget about that?... Oh ya she told me it was rather forgettable so that's probably why. Anyhow your answer, probably like all in the span of this year or six months.]

"... I would be more then happy for Miss Rose to attend Beacon Academy. Such talent and potential is only born every hundreds of thousands of years."

[Yes rather true, however for combat or magic your not going to be able to teacher her much. Humanities standers of strength don't particularly apply to her sense she's transcended the norm of humanity as a whole. It would be in your best interest to try and teach her proper human etiquette or whatever sense I don't know that crap. That's on you.]

Ozpin chuckled at the Goddess brashness. Giving a devout nod he made a silent promise to teach Ruby all she can that way she could grow into a proper adventurer.

[Oh also I have some request for my daughter]

"Those being?"

[Just one, I know how much of a training freak my daughter is, each week I'm going to send her a telepathic message with a list of goals to be completed by the end of that week. Basically a checklist that way she doesn't grow two complacent and forgets where she comes from.]

"I can except that, it would be a benefit as well to keep her on track, So long as the goals are at least partially academic."

[Good to hear, now then when is Beacon starting?]

"Tomorrow. Miss Rose will be required to head to the assigned location within Vale to mount a bullhead to head off to the school, However given her draconic nature I can just give you the location and you can have her fly to the school".

[Do so, my daughter isn't a fan of people]

"Antisocial, like most teens her age?"

[Hit the nail right of the head]

Silence grew between the two as Tiamat turned away from him and observed the forest and the house...

Before realizing this was her last day with Ruby... The girl she's found all those years ago, the one who's grown up into what she is now and yet... She's saying goodbye to her coke tomorrow.

.... Waking up is going to fill... Different, she's bound to this forest as her Divine authority is strong within this place.

Divine beings can only manifest once a current level of accomodations are meet to match there divinity, when they are within theses "Divine Nexuses" they can physically manifest Avatars or have there influence affect the world around them. But besides these few and in-between spots, she's can't act outside of it...

And Beacon and by proxy vale, was a polytheism country, there was no "one god" as with most other countries, divine beings can only act with the assistance of a faithful one, that being a Paladin or Cleric within Vale.

With all the mass number of prayers or divine interventions happening... She wasn't sure if she would be able to reach Ruby without that one week gap between each talk. And that was going to kill her...

After all... Although she would deny it all the way, she's a dolting mother now, a proud woman, and just letting her go, dispute her greedy nature telling her otherwise, was a challenge.

But all mother's need to let there hatchlings out to fly... How else is she to get her own lair, with her to fill it to the brim with riches, magic and power.

Ozpin saw her eyes, those narrowed slits and knew what she was going threw. And he couldn't help but smile, even dispute her legend and her wicked tyranny. She looked the same as the rest of them.

"If it's any condolence, Miss Tiamat, you have done well raising the girl. Miss Rose is a blessing this world... Honestly didn't deserve."

[Oh I know, that's why I'm just thinking how this could all go to shit]


[Denied, and you heard me. I can't help but see how this can't all go up in hellfire, humanity fears me more then Bhaal and his spawn. I am the Infernal Dragon whos power rivals the supreme Archdevil of hell himself, the Abyss quakes at my stur in slumber and even the mightiest of Male Dragons bow there heads to me I'm hopes of being a mate and yet even now despite all this. I can't help but picture the worst. I know how your race acts, I've watched your kind over thousands of worlds. Warring with themselves over the pettiest shit, slaughter your own kind because one has different features then you or is alittle darker in contrast. So tell me do you think I trust your species near my daughter? Once truth comes to past all her life will be stuck in my shadow. Your zealous freaks will pledge to "Slaying The Daughter Of Greed And Tyranny" and won't stop until she's either dead or half your damned country is burned to the ground. And it's not like the church or the authorities are any better, they'll use her as a show piece to spout about there religious or governmental power. Either way this could all end in such shit that honestly... I wouldn't mind setting your country on fire and watching the filth burn down to cinders and ash]

Ozpin felt his spin shiver at her promise, after all this wasn't a threat. It was a promise, to him, to Beacon, and the entire country of Remnant.

[Though I suppose not all of your species are such animals but still, my point still stands. And with that I expect you to prevent the other countries or churches from finding out about her uprise, she's a powerful sorcerer that's trained in Marshall and Faithful arts.]

"I understand."

[Good, now I should get the girl moving. She's probably stuffing her mouth with cookies as we speak forgetting the world around her, so I need to drag her back to reality.]

Walking away she went into the house as Ozpin and the staff gathered up... Only to hear a commotion within the house.


The outside group felt there ears ring at the intensity of her roar... However this was a house of dragons... When there's an argument both sides get loud.


Orange flashes shined threw the window as a streams of fire shattered the window and lightened the sky.

They all sweat dropped as they could hear the two of them fighting threw the house, casing shockwaves that made there hair flail around the place.

"Looks like Beacon is going to be quite lively with her in it." Doran looked to Mort who nod in agreement.

"Indeed Doran, but say, you two are in need of another job, Correct?" Ozpin asked as they both turned and looked at him confused.

"Ya, what's the job?" Doran asked.

"And if better not be anything repugnitive." Remarked Mortarion.

"It's not, I was wondering if you two would become Beacons new Adventuring Teachers."

The request had them stumped, however before Doran could respond Mortarion spoke up.

"I'll become a teacher, don't know about this cowered, but I'm willing to face the ultimate terror. After all, I still owe a future student a favor and seeing how I have more experience then her. As her senior adventure I'll teach her and the others what's needed. Though my idiot of a partner may be a different matter."

Dorans eyes twitched at his remarks.

"Cowered, and idiot huh? Like hell I'll take that, I may not like the whole student pride shit, but hell, I'll shoot my shoot. However if I'm doing this class." He looks at Ozpins. "I'm teaching them the correct and right way on how to be a proper adventure. Not some fantasy hero who's going to get themselves killed."

Ozpin sighed and nod his head.

"Then fine, I'll become a teacher for your little school, but this fixes nothing Ozpin, I'm just giving these kids the truth they deserve about this world."

With that they left.

And as they excited the forest Ruby and her Mama where still fighting.

*The next day, Time: 2:45*

Tiamat stood in front of her daughter as said smaller girl held her scythe as her wings spread out wide and strong.

[Ruby, you know what today is. Correct?]


Tiamat took a deep breathe this was... The most difficult thing she's done in her life.

[Today, your going to be getting closer to becoming a hero. And to do this you need to spread your wings... It's that point in your life. Your going to leave the lair to make your own.]

"I know mom." Ruby smiled as she looked up at her mother.

Tiamat saw her once sad expression turn to one of purpose, the determination behind her eyes where brighter then any silver or gold and could ever wish for.

Without warning Tiamat stepped forward and wrapped her daughter in a tight hug, Ruby was surprised but she buried herself into her mother's warm embrace as said mother played with her daughters black and red locks.

[This isn't goodbye, you will hear me once a week when I send you your regiment that way you don't forget where you come from surrounded by all those other students. Now what did I tell you to do when you get there?]

"Strike fear into everyone there! Show them the distinction between us!"

[That's my hatchling. Now go before I change my mind about letting you go]

Ruby nod her head as she let go and ran, she got a crazy amount of speed before shooting into the sky as her wings made her sore fast enough to make it seem as though she was light.

Tiamat watched as she grew further away and when she eventually got out of her eyes view, she switched to her scanner, she could sense her daughter fly threw the air, the joy and happiness, the sadness about leaving home, but the gratitude she's given her as well.

Honestly the Dragoness who's hair wasn't also entirely done just sighed.

What a god damn afternoon.

*Meanwhile on the Bullhead*

Surrounded by faces she didn't know but would soon come to know a amber eyed female teen with a bow om her head looked outside the window of the ship.

She was quite beautiful by most human standards, long slender legs that where quite eye catching in her current attire, a nice upper outfit to match as well with a sleek coat that really brought it all together.

This girl was Blake, Blake Belladonna.

Currently she was looking outside the window, her book had taken a surprising turn of events making her consider them in person trying to guess what could happen next.

However as her eyes wondered the clouds she saw something...

Or more accurately, someone.

A girl, dressed in elegant crimson flew with massive wings that bared the blood of the dragons within, glistening scales shines from her as she turned her head and looked upon the Bullhead and saw her.

Silver meet Amber, honestly the secret Fanus was to stunned to speak, others began to take note rushing to the side of the bullhead to look at the mystery girl.

Blake's area was soon crowded with people, others owing and aweing at herz others confused while some... Casual/competitive racist mo-fuckers where not to keen on seeing her which pissed the girl off.

But she flew next to the ship making them back away from the windows, Blake wanted to step back as well but because of the people behind her she was trapped.

The girl would channel come glowing energy to have it grasp the metal hall allowing her to hang off with only one hand as she looked inside, her silver slits observing each of the future students before landing on Blake.

At this point the girl in looking distance hadn't known what she wanted, however with how she was staring her down she felt like she was being undressed with just her silver eyes making her shiver.

The girl then raised her hand and pointed at the top of her head, which was empty.... Until she realized the message and it caused her Amber eyes to widen.

She went to speak but she let go and took off, causing a sonic boom as she did.

Blake would fall back like a lot of others, they all got a final glimpse of her shooting into the distance as they all soon began to chatter among themselves about what or who she could be.

Blake however was just trying to calm down from the shock.

But it seems like she'll have an interesting person at beacon to communicate with....

'Well that's if she's actually a student and not just some random dragon presenting to be human.'

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you guys have enjoyed.

Now sorry for not being as active as I once was, finals, state testing and all that are right around the corner and with family shit plus other things I will not be uploading as frequently until most likely summer.

Besides that ya that's all, take care ladies and gentlemen and have a wonderful day.

Word count: 9230

DIO OUT!!!!!!!

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