Chapter Eleven.

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I was waiting near the draper’s and when I saw Ed march by, I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me.

“I’m going to Establishment Day with Callum!” I pronounced giddily.

She beamed back. “I know, girl friend. I saw and heard everything!”

“Ugh, finally!” I proclaimed. “Finally, the plan is complete. Callum asked me to go with him and I can finally stick it to Poppy that I have a date.”

“Well technically, you’re the one that asked him.”

I rolled my eyes. “I didn’t ask him. I just made an insinuation and he affirmed it.”

“Still counts as asking.”

“No, it doesn’t!” I argued. "Whatever. All that matters is that I have a sure date to Establishment Day. Poppy doesn’t need to know exactly how I got it.”

“As long as Callum doesn’t say anything to her,” Ed added, tucking her thumbs through the belt loops of her brown slacks. “Remember you made a deal with that little witch that you two and your dates would get together on Establishment Day.”

My insides bundled up at that. “Oh, don’t remind me of that right now, Eddie!” I whined. “Can’t I have one moment to celebrate a victory? We’ll worry about that later.”

Ed’s lips upturned sideways. “Just a small reminder.”

“I remember, I remember.” I nodded. “Can we celebrate now?”

Ed looked at me in worry for a while, then a slow grin crept across her face. “Well then high five, my sister!”

I grinned and gave her a high five.


Ed and I decided that we would look for a new dress for me in the afternoon, at around 2:30pm. I wanted to look as nice as I could, so I was going to buy whichever dress I liked despite the cost.

Madam Monica treated me to lunch since she was feeling generous, after which I made my way to the clothing shop. On the way, I saw Callum exit Aries pub just up ahead. My face folded in confusion as I wondered what business he would have there. Maybe the owner needed a carpenter.

Callum stood still and lowered his gaze to the side. It seemed he was looking at his ankle. I stepped forward, but halted when a feminine voice shouted, “Out of the way, darling!”

I lifted my head skywards and saw a woman who had her head poking out of the first floor of the pub. In her hands was a basin which no doubt, was filled with water.

Instead of jumping out of the way, Callum dropped to a crouch and seemingly picked up something. He then moved to the side and let the woman splash the water outside.

Curious, I walked towards him and noticed he was cradling something. I tapped his shoulder, causing him to flinch and turn around.

Surprise flashed across his face when he saw me, possibly because of the grin I wore, with my head tilted to the side.

“What have you got there?” I asked, jutting my chin towards his arms. I leaned my head closer and observed the grey furball he cradled. It lifted its head and its big green eyes met mine as it squeaked out a meow.

“Whoa!” I exclaimed in awe.

It was the cutest thing I’d ever seen!

“This is Cheetah,” I heard Callum say as I stroked the kitten’s head. “She belongs to the Knight household, but I have no idea what she’s doing here.”

“She’s so cute,” I cooed, his words merely blowing past me. All I cared about was the adorableness in front of me.

He chuckled. “Want to hold her?”

I instantly backed away. “Oh no.” I shook my head with a nervous smile. “No matter how adorable, these little things scratch.”

Callum blinked. “That’s the reason?”

“I’ve been scratched by cats and kittens before,” I expounded. “I can pet them and lift them, but I can’t cradle them the way you’re doing.”

He let out a breath of a laugh.

That slightly annoyed me. “Are you laughing at me?”

He shook his head, but still smiled. “Just relieved that you have something you’re afraid of.”

I got defensive. “Who said anything about being afraid? I’m not afraid; I just don’t want to get scratched.”

“So you’re afraid of getting scratched.”

I huffed. “I didn’t say that. I’m not afraid of getting scratched; I just don’t want to get scratched.”

“Because it scares you?”

My irritation rose, shrouding my being. “No! Being afraid is different from not wanting something!”

He tilted his head and knitted his eyebrows. “Is it?”

“Yes!” I threw my hands up. I was about to argue some more when I noticed the amusement on his face.

I put my hands on my hips and glared at him. “Are you riling me up on purpose?”

He shrugged but the impish smile gave me my answer.

I punched him in the shoulder.

“Ow!” He stopped smiling and looked at me like I had stabbed him. “I was only joking, I swear. But I’m sorry I upset you.”

“Ugh. Will you stop apologising for just one second?” I groaned. Although it made me feel better, it was worrying how easily he caved in to other people.

“But I upset you.”

“Yes, but it doesn’t matter.”

He looked even more confused. “You were so angry, you punched me.”

“And the punch settled everything, so there was no need to apologise.”

“Oh.” Callum nodded, rolling his shoulder. He looked at me with a serious expression and said, “But just so you know, I can’t take the apology back.”

That caused me to laugh, and my irritation was long gone. “Whatever you say.”

Two small boys then came running up to us. I recognised them as the blond and brunet whose kite I had helped fetch from Inspector Martin’s orchard the previous week. They seemed to be close with Callum from the way they talked. I inferred from the conversation that Callum occasionally went to the Knight household to see the cat and its kittens. He also took care of them when the boys were unable to.

The boys then bid us farewell and told me to greet ‘The Mister uncle’ before running off with Cheetah. They probably meant Ed.

“Mister uncle?” Callum gave me a questioning look.

I waved a dismissive hand. “It’s a long story, but I know who they’re referring to.”

He let it go and asked, “So were you heading somewhere?”

“Yes, I’m meeting Ed.” I smiled, remembering our dress shopping appointment. I still couldn’t believe I had an actual date to Establishment Day. The thought of the preparations and of spending the day with the person right in front of me made me giddy.

“We’re still going to spend Establishment Day together, right?” I voiced.

“Yes,” Callum answered carefully, like my question bothered him. “We just decided that this morning.”

“I know! It’s just-” I let out a nervous laugh. “I have to be really sure. Like, a hundred percent sure. Like, in case you had other plans.”


“Or in case something suddenly came up.”


“Or in case you change your mind.” I laughed again.

Abruptly, he held me by my arms and slightly shook me. “Rose.” His cool sapphires for eyes gazed into my frantic brown ones. “I’m not going to change my mind.”

I bit my bottom lip. The events of last year hit me like waves clashing against each other, stirring up the fear and apprehension of being left abandoned yet again.

“Are you sure?” I squeaked.

He smiled – a gentle smile so calm and reassuring. “I am a hundred percent sure I will spend Saturday with you, come what may.”

It was easy for me to believe and trust him, so my lips curved up. Maybe it was his gentle nature that had me dropping all these guards I didn’t even know existed, but I felt like he wouldn’t let me down.


Finally, it was Saturday.  Despite it being Establishment Day, the day itself was uneventful since the townsfolk had to work. The real celebrations began at six o’clock in the evening.

Callum would be picking me up at 5:30 pm. I had to be at the park early enough if I wanted to weasel my way into the choir unnoticed by Mr. Gareth.

My mother would be going with Mr. Vincent. She usually went with Madam Monica and Jerry, but this year, they all had dates. I was still recovering from the flabbergasting news of my repulsive little brother actually getting a girl to spend a whole evening with him.

Mother was pleased when I informed her my date was Callum, and after I showed off the dress I had bought with Ed, she gave me a hug and told me to enjoy myself.

It was an off shoulder dress, pale lilac in colour from the top and ending in a deep lilac towards the hem. The off shoulder was designed as a light skirt that fluttered across my upper arms and chest.

It clocked 5:20 pm, and I was seated at my dressing table, looking in the mirror. I had worn my braids down, except I had pinned back one side with a sliver hair brooch so they remained away from my face and tucked behind my ear. I didn’t wear make-up because it was a hustle to put on and put off. I only put cherry lip balm on my full brown lips, and prayed to God that what I wore was enough for Callum.

The ding of the doorbell made me jerk in my chair and my heartbeat quickened a little upon realising what it meant.

He was here.

He was early, but he had still arrived.

I shot up from my chair and lost my mind for two seconds, not knowing what to do next. I fretted over my appearance – smoothening out my dress and double-checking the cleanliness of my eyes, nostrils and teeth.


After making sure I wouldn’t embarrass myself appearance-wise, I grabbed my purse and strappy sandals and fled my bedroom, walking down the corridor.

My mother was probably still dressing up and I didn’t want to disturb her. So I continued towards the front door and took a couple of rapid in and out breaths, then rolled my shoulders like I was preparing for a boxing match.

Slowly, I opened the door and the sight before me unfolded like a memory I’d once forgotten but longed to remember. And finally, it had been recollected, reminding me just how precious it was.

He stood with his hands in the pockets of his fitting black trousers. He’d coupled them with a fitting white button-up shirt and black waistcoat. It was the first time I’d seen him wear clothes so fitting, or a tie for that matter, and it excited me.

I hadn’t thought him to be muscular, but the strain of the fabric against his arms and torso proved otherwise. The clothes hugged his body quite nicely, and I gulped.

My eyes trailed up, but I couldn’t see his face because it was mostly shielded by the black fedora on his head. He was looking down as he drew a random pattern with his dress shoe on the floor.

How he managed to look both dashing and adorable was beyond me. It caused a goofy smile to sport my face.

“Callum,” I called.

His whole body went rigid and slowly, he lifted his head to look at me. My smile widened to impossible lengths.

Although most of his hair was tucked away underneath his fedora, some of the bangs loosely fell over one of his eyes. The sunrays kissed his porcelain skin and I saw how marvellously that familiar pink hue engulfed his face the moment his eyes trailed over me.

I bit down a giggle when I noticed how parted his lips were, his expression nothing less than awestruck.

“Good evening to you too,” I teased.
His eyes widened and he cleared his throat. “I’m sorry,” He uttered. “Good morning, Rose. I mean, afternoon. I mean--” He shook his head and ran a hand down his face, clearly disoriented. “Is it evening yet?”

He looked up and waved his hand at the sun like he was swatting a fly. “The sun is, uhm...” He frowned and narrowed his eyes at the brightness. “...shining.”

I really wanted to laugh but I held it in. “Your eyes will spoil if you stare right at it.”

“Good remark.” He looked away, then at me, then resorted to staring at the floor since he couldn’t quite look at me.

He was too shy for his own good, this one.

Amused, I put my sandals down and proceeded to wear them. Once I bent to tie my straps, he spoke in a voice so low, I barely heard him.

“You’re very pretty.”

I froze and my head whizzed up at him. I welcomed the butterflies in my chest when they swarmed.

“The dress!” He added swiftly, panic in his blue eyes. “It’s pretty. You, uh, look pretty in it.”

My face was warm, and I doubt it was from the blood rushing to my head and ears, courtesy of the position my body was in. My armpits stung, and I didn’t know whether to blame it on the sun or Callum’s compliment.

“Thank you,” I replied with a smile. “You look handsome as well.”

He gulped and I saw his dimple flash as his lips slightly curved. He covered his mouth with his hand and looked away in a not-so-subtle attempt to hide his obvious smile.


Ah, young innocent adolescents. Do you belong in this category?

Thank you for reading😊 and don’t forget to vote⭐!

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