Chapter Six

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It was Saturday already, and I was restless the moment I woke up.

It was the day Callum would come to my home, and into my bedroom. Something about it turned me into a bundle of nerves, and I made sure to clean up and organise my things so he wouldn’t have a bad first impression. Not that I was always messy – just that it was an easier lifestyle, not having to keep things in order every single day.

I had decided to wear a sleeveless v-neck navy blue dress with patterns of pink peonies at the hem. it was fitting in the bodice but fluttered in waves from my waist down to my ankles. I held my braids in a half-ponytail with the rest falling down my shoulders.

At 9:45 am, Ed strolled into my bedroom.

“Is he here yet?” she twittered, her face bright with expectancy.

“Good morning to you too and no, he isn’t,” I answered and closed the novel I had been reading, placing it beside me on the bed.

Ed looked around in confusion. “Something feels different. Did you swap bedrooms with your mother?”

I rolled my eyes. “I cleaned up.”

“Ah!” Ed snapped her fingers. “Makes sense now.”

I noticed she was dressed in navy blue as well – both her trousers and tucked in button up shirt. One hand was in the pocket of her trousers, but the wristwatch with brown leather straps still peeked.

“Hey, we’re matching,” I pointed out, gesturing between us.

Ed crossed her arms in the shape of an X. “My sister, it’s not matching unless it tricks someone into believing you’re me, so that you can go to prison in my stead.”

“How did prison even come up?” I laughed.

“Speaking of which, Inspector Raphael’s finally letting me work a case with him,” Ed declared with pride, disregarding my statement.

She walked forward and sat down next to me, after which she proceeded to tell me about a certain investigation into a drug smuggling and illegal drug sale operation.

While we were still talking, Jerry burst into my bedroom.

“Won’t you knock!” I snapped instantly. “I’ve told you this many times before. It’s rude to just walk into someone else’s bedroom!”

Jerry shrugged in nonchalance like the little brat he was and nodded towards Ed. “She does it.”

“I’m a special case, kiddo,” Ed informed.

“What do you want?” I glared at my brother.

“Carpenter’s here.”

Da-dum, went my seemingly frail heart and up went my body like a meerkat on alert.

“Says he wants to fix your bolt,” Jerry added, then folded his arms and gave me a suspicious, somewhat accusatory look. “Which is strange because your bolt was working just fine yesterday morning.”

“Oh shut it,” I hissed. “Where’s the carpenter?”

Jerry smirked, pure evil glinting in his caramel eyes. “Right behind me. He thinks it’s strange too.”


Ed stood up as well and we exchanged panicked glances just as my heart started to race.

If that little turd said anything to Callum-

“I told him there’s some shenanigans going on here,” Jerry ran his mouth and stepped aside, possibly to make room for Callum to come in. “And that he should investigate what caused the bolt to stop functioning so suddenly.”

It didn’t take long for my racing heart to sink in my chest, and this was because the person who walked into the bedroom was not Callum, but his father.

“Mr. Vaughn!” Ed spoke up, since I was dumbfounded.

Mr. Vaugh smiled at us. “Good morning, ladies.”

He was a man of few words, with long raven hair which he held in a messy ponytail at the nape of his neck. His bright blue eyes were warm and kind, and he was probably the calmest, most long-tempered person I’d ever met. I never saw him get frustrated when he had to handle vexing clients in my presence, or when I had to abruptly cancel his work appointments.

Come to think of it, he looked a lot like Callum. Spitting image, even.

He was dressed in his long maroon work coat over black trousers and a sky blue shirt, plus socks. Entering the house while wearing shoes wasn’t allowed. He also carried his toolbox in one hand.

“Good morning,” Ed replied and nudged me in the side.

“G-good morning Mr. Vaughn,” I croaked, finally finding my voice.

Jerry, still with his arms folded, leaned towards Mr. Vaughn and asked, “You will investigate, right?”

“Jerry, scram,” Ed ordered in a threatening tone.

The boy puffed his cheeks in disgruntlement before turning and leaving.

“Are you surprised to see me?” Mr. Vaughn asked me in particular.

“Yes,” I replied truthfully. “I wasn’t really expecting you.”

“Something urgent came up at the workplace. A toy order whose deadline moved up to today, and it was Callum who had been working on it,” Mr. Vaughn explained. “That’s why I’m filling in for him here. He sends his apologies, and I apologise on his behalf as well.”

I shook my head and tried not to seem disappointed, even though my inner self was wailing why, why, why! “No, it’s fine. I understand. As long as my lock gets fixed,” I said with half a heart.

Mr. Vaughn nodded and placed his toolbox down, then swivelled to observe the door. “So what seems to be the problem?”

“Uh, it’s broken, clearly,” Ed answered. “Doesn’t matter when or how. The important thing is that it’s broken. This one’s little brother speaks a lot of nonsense. Thinks it’s funny if he plays around like that.”

I nodded with vehemence, even though Mr. Vaughn couldn’t see me. He was busy inspecting and trying the lock.

“This is quite some strange damage,” he noted.

My heart flew to my mouth. If he figured out that all this was just a ploy to get his son to come to my bedroom, then....well I didn’t know how he’d react. He could be smiling on the surface yet he’s got an inner demon ready to be unleashed at an unprecedented time.

Mr. Vaughn looked back at us, and I tore my gaze to the side because I couldn’t bear to meet his eyes. He seemed like a smart man. He probably figured out my intentions and thought I was a conniving seductress – like my friend Lara Devine from ‘Fields of Temptation.’

Good Lord!

I clasped my fingers in front of me and put up my most humble and angelic ‘innocent good girl’ front. From my peripheral, I saw Ed wearing the biggest most adorable and innocent smile. It was the kind she wore as armour whenever she was about to get caught in trouble.

In situations like these, it was better to play dumb.

The skin around Mr. Vaughn’s eyes crinkled as he smiled warmly. “Don’t worry. I’ll have this fixed up for you in no time.”

Once he said those words, I exhaled in relief and relaxed my ‘back straight’ poise. There was no way this man had anything like an inner demon.

“Thank you,” I smiled back and grabbed onto Ed. “I suppose we’ll leave you to it, then.”

As I stepped forward to exit, Mr. Vaughn spoke again.

“Callum told me he was going to repair this as a favour, and I’ll follow through with that. So no charge, Rose.”

“Aw,” Ed cooed and I pinched her arm.

“Thanks again, Mr. Vaughn,” I repeated and dragged Ed along.

“Thank you!” Ed hollered as we exited the room and rushed through the corridor to the dining room.

“Well, that plan was a bust,” Ed scoffed, tucking her hands into the pockets of her trousers.

I slumped into one of the chairs and buried my face in my hands. “I know,” I groaned.

“Looks like you won’t be able to talk to Callum about Establishment Day today.”

“I know,” I groaned again and threw my head back, then heaved out a desolate sigh.

Ed noticed my melancholy and placed a hand on my shoulder. “Hey, you’ll get another chance to talk to him soon. No need to be so upset.”

I nodded. “I know.”

It was just that I had really wanted to see him. I had been looking forward to spending time with him that day.

I gave Mr. Vaughn a glass of juice as he worked, and Ed stayed until he was finished with the bolt. I had no idea where my mother was. She was probably at LightHouse or Madam Monica’s salon.

Ed and I escorted Mr. Vaughn to the door after his work, but he had something more to say to us, so we stood at the entrance facing each other.

“I thought about it, and I’d like to ask the two of you a favour,” he began.

I said, “Okay,” at the same time Ed said, “We’ll have to know what the favour is first.”

Mr. Vaughn chuckled. “I’d like to invite you two to my home for lunch tomorrow.”

My eyes widened in incredulity. “Really?”

“It’s just that it seems you two are the only friends his age that Callum has made, and well I...” Mr. Vaughn rubbed the back of his neck, not directly meeting our gazes. “I would like it if he maintained this friendship. It would be nice to have someone come to visit him for once.” He finally looked at us. “Will you please come?”

I was bubbling with joy, and hardly controlled the beam that made its way to my face.

“If that’s the favour, then of course we’ll come!” Ed cheered. “Won’t we, Nkwanzi?”

I nodded my head rapidly and with such blatant vigour, I’m sure my brain turned to mush for a second. “Yes! Of course yes. Why would we say no, Ed?” I turned to her as she turned to me.

“We wouldn’t say no!” Ed told me, beaming.

I turned back to Mr. Vaughn. “We wouldn’t say no!”

Mr. Vaughn smiled, and looked slightly relieved. “One o’clock, if you may,” he said. “Thank you and have a good day, ladies. Greetings to your parents.”

“Good day, Mr. Vaughn!” Ed and I replied simultaneously.

Once he left, Ed and I turned to each other and squealed like pigs.

“High five, my sister!” She lifted her hand and I enthusiastically clapped it with mine. So much so, that it actually stung.

“Ow!” we both whined, shaking off our hands. Our eyes met – acknowledging the ridiculousness of the moment, and then we burst into laughter.


Wow. Shortest chapter since I started.😹

I honestly love Ed.

Hope y’all are doing great. Thank you for reading😊 and please vote.⭐

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