Chapter One [Techno]

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Hello! It's been awhile, I kinda disappeared again while writing Quest (which is on a hiatus)
But I am back with something even better. This was supposed to release last week with the Ao3 version but wattpad was being an asshole and wouldn't let me publish. So Here is a spam of 6 chapters.


Rose Tea

Chapter One [Techno]

Every story told always seems to begin with a hero, a valiant do-gooder, or a bringer of justice; even the three famed heroes of old are described as such. These heroes battle as the forces of good against unspeakable evils, until at last they rise triumphantly to fame and riches that soon follow.

But this particular story does not quite begin in that way. It does not begin with a hero from a prestigious family, or a hero who wields spectacular magic, nor with a hero gifted in brilliant warfare...This story begins with a farmer, a pacifist who seeks nothing but food in his belly and uninterrupted solitude.

With a hoe in hand and muddy overalls clipped almost too tight over his broad shoulders, this simple farmer raises his hoe high above his head before bringing it down to the earth to till the fertile land. And at that moment, my listeners, the ground crumbles and the earth gives way, sinking deep into an undiscovered pit--bringing our pig with it.


Deep beneath the surface, Techno lay, for a moment not breathing due to the wind being knocked out of him from the impact with the cavern floor. He groaned, his hoe still gripped tightly in his hand. Above him was the light of the morning sun, but it did little to shed light on his surroundings. Techno slowly pushed himself up to a sitting position and groaned. His back ached slightly with pain due to the fall, but the pain would soon pass, Techno thought.

Around him, he was surrounded by what felt like an encroaching darkness. He saw no immediate way out as he scanned the area with his red eyes half-narrowed. If there was a god, Techno would be seriously contemplating giving the unidentified being a stern complaint. In all the years of living here, he has never once broken through the ground into a pit beneath his home. He didn't even know such a pit existed!

"Hello~" His voice echoed, but there was no response. Techno grumbled and stood on his feet; he didn't bother to brush the webs and dirt off his overalls. He was, however, at least a little grateful that no bones were broken during the fall. He would now need to think about how to get out of here and what to do about his farm above that was surely destroyed by the collapsed ground.

Techno looked around some more as his eyes adjusted to the dark. The center of the cave appeared to have a massive engraving in it. The light from the sky above illuminated it, however, he couldn't read what it said. He could make out a peculiar shape about 50 blocks in front of him, though. The slow dripping water from above created little plinking sounds on metal. He approached cautiously with his hoe held up in a defensive position in front of him. As he neared, he recognized the shape of an old and rusted shield laying abandoned beside a staircase. Large rocks had fallen and covered the entrance of the staircase so if not for the air that brushed past Techno and descended even deeper into the cavern, he wouldn't have known it existed. Perhaps this place was a forgotten dungeon.

The cavern room was massive, other than this stairway and the engraving; however, he could not see anything else of note.

A majority of Techno's senses were uninterested in the discovery and wanted nothing more than to return to the surface and continue on with his day's work. But there was a small portion of his brain that urged him to go deeper. Like a lure that promised him something worth his troubles. Techno pushed aside the large rocks with ease. They clattered and thudded to the side.

"Anyone home?" He shouted down the stairs, but once again received no response. After much contemplation, Techno pulled from the deep pockets of his overalls a flint and steel and a carefully wrapped, unlit torch for emergencies. And now would be what he considered an emergency. He lit his torch and pocketed his flint and steel.

He descended quietly and cautiously as the warm glow of his torch bounced off the walls that almost seemed to suffocate his big build. Techno was by no means small, but he didn't really consider himself big either. Sure he towered over most humans in almost a hulking manner, but that was just genetics and no fault of his. But at this moment, he truly began to question his own size. He could barely keep his back straight as the tufts of his little bit unruly fluff on top of his head brushed against the staircase ceiling.

For about 15 minutes, he walked and wondered if he should attempt turning back and heading home. But on second thought he wasn't sure if this staircase could handle him trying to turn around without reaching the bottom first. Just as he thought so, however, he reached the last step and walked out into a wide and tall room. He exhaled a breath of amazement and nearly jumped when the room was suddenly lit with lights. One by one, in a line, the torches along the wall sprang to life as a gush of stale, but warm wind brushed by him. Surely a miraculous enchantment of sorts, but what interested him more was the almost glowing waterfall at the end of the room.

Techno took mesmerized steps forward as the crystal blue waterfall crashed quietly into a pool of glowing water below. And yes, he knew how contradictory that sounded, but it was exactly as he described. At the center of the pool was a small mossy island. And on that island was an old and rusted chest.

Now would be the time to trust that growing unease in the back of his head telling him that anymore steps forward and he'd have a world of trouble on his hands. But it was hard to ignore the instinct in his blood that desired treasure. The chance of glimmering gold and precious jewels was hard to resist as he waded out into the water. The water was hardly that deep for a guy his size. Techno left his hoe behind on the ground before the foot of the pool and his torch was dumped uselessly in the water. No light was needed in a place this bright

"Come on, if there ever was a god or gods, I'm praying to you now! Please let there be treasure," Techno walked up onto the mossy island, he took a moment to shake the dripping water from his hair as he approached the rusted chest.

In 3...2...1–Techno reached out and opened the chest. His eyes sparkled for a mere moment before glowering in disappointment. Nothing. Nothing save for an old and dusty book. All this trouble for little more than a scrap of paper. There were no words to truly describe the immense disappointment he had. He took a moment to kneel down; was it even worth looking at the book?

Techno reached out and grabbed the book, plumes of dust shot up into the air and he let out a sneeze. He opened the book, and in writing half faded with age it began:

"To the one chosen by fate itself to restore balance to the world. I beseech you to take upon your shoulders the weight of justice and blah blah blah, nah--" Techno snapped the book shut and regretted it as more dust exploded into his face. Techno sneezed. He could tell that whatever was in the book was not going to help him in any way. Just as he was about to toss the useless book back into its rust bucket a flash of light blinded him and a loud and panicked cry resounded around him.

"WAIT!" Techno could not see who said that, but he immediately sprang up to his feet. As the bright light faded from his eyes; he saw in his face was another face, a mere 3 inches from his.

"What the--" Techno was interrupted by the other suddenly screeching and literally flying backward before disappearing into the waterfall. Techno didn't have a chance to get a look at the figure that suddenly appeared in a flash.

"M-m-monster!" The voice said, "Oh by Eon's mercy, just what have I done to deserve this, please grant upon me your forgiveness and summon a hero to slay this foul beast!"

"Whoa! You're the one who told me to wait you know," Techno responded, he was a bit annoyed at whoever was suddenly spouting such nonsense and only the tiniest bit offended.

"Well, that was before I saw what you were! I thought a grand hero had finally woken me but instead, I was met by the grizzly face of a foul monster."


There was a brief silence before a face poked out from the cascading water. It was then, Techno got a proper look at his would-be-screecher. And the fellow was a rather peculiar guy with curly brown hair and round spectacles upon his nose, but the most defining feature was his see-through nature that allowed Techno to see the glowing shimmer of the water through the man's rather delicate face.

"Well, I suppose you do have a bit of a porcine appearance, but even a beastfolk wouldn't have such a bulking or monstrous frame such as yourself. I mean just look at your glaring eyes and huge tusks!"

"So I'm a little bigger than most other pigs," he shrugged in response.

"Most other?" the man fully floated out of the waterfall, and might he add, Techno could see the peculiar nature of the man was his entirety of being. A transparent and floating man, a ghost you could say. Or perhaps a phantom. The dainty-faced man was dressed from head to toe in some outfit Techno couldn't really fathom, all he could tell was that it looked fancy. It had those unnecessary frills that rich humans tended to add to their clothes often. The man looked Techno up and down before adding, "I think it's a little more than most others," he frowned but continued to stare intently.

Techno shrugged, "Details...well anyways, nice chatting with you–" he made moves to place the book back in the chest but the man swooped down, right up to his face, and stopped him. He frowned and held out his ghostly hands to stop Techno. Except his hands passed right through Techno's arm. The ghost momentarily faltered in shock before looking at Techno and speaking.

"Hold it! You can't!"

"Why not?" Techno should've trusted that gut feeling from earlier. He was experiencing that world of trouble now.

"B-because you're the hero I have been waiting for!" The man flew back a few blocks and outstretched his arms in a grand manner. His lips curled up into a twitching, nervous smile.

Techno's face betrayed little belief in the phantom ghost man and remained deadpanned. "Mmm hmm...You just called me a monster like 3 minutes ago."

"Details, details! Look I think we got off on the wrong foot–hoof?" the ghost took a moment to stretch out his transparent hand, "I am Wilbur and that book is your destiny."

"Uh-huh...," Techno reached out to grab Wilbur's hand but as crazy as it seemed the first time...his hand went straight through his. A true shocker. Wilbur chuckled nervously.

"Ehem! You see, I have been waiting for a brave and valiant hero, such as yourself, to awaken me from my slumber and complete a mission of grave importance to the fate of the world."

"And fate has decided that you, in all your um, muscles, are that exact hero. I mean just look at you," Wilbur flew closer to Techno's face and narrowed his eyes, "that tough and muscular appearance is surely the build of a pig who has knocked a few heads, am I right?"

Techno sighed, "Look let me explain this briefly. I'm just a simple farmer with no interest in your grand delusion." Techno tossed the old book into the chest. Wilbur gasped but Techno turned around to wade back through the water. He stopped as Wilbur flew in front of him.

"Look, please, maybe we can work this out. Isn't there something you want? Money, fame, title?"

"Mmmm, a new farm?"

Wilbur blinked, "A what--no, never mind that. If that's what you want, I have plenty of land I can give you for that. I think," that last bit was spoken softly before quickly he added, "You could have a hundred farms if you wanted, so at least take my book with you. I don't think I can leave here unless you have it on you."

Techno stood still in the water for a moment, it honestly felt like more trouble than it was worth, and he didn't come down here to bring home any ghosts.

"Nah, nevermind, I'm good," Techno continued to wade through the water.

"Wait! Please! At least help me--" but the voice stopped following him. Techno did not see Wilbur fly past and get in front of him anymore. He paused for a moment as if to truly contemplate his choice once more, but in the end, he didn't look back and he kept on walking.

Now listeners, before you holler or whine about his seemingly poor decision, I must digress as your guide through this story that Techno was a farmer. A simple pig with a simple life. He did not want for glory or for fame, nor for blood or for violence. No matter the instincts that dwelled deep in his blood, he lived a quiet life of solitude deep in the woods.

So our simple farmer turned and left the lonely ghost behind and returned to a normal life. Or at least what he decided was normal, but fate is a fickle being, and it is never as simple as one or two.


Word Count: 2336

As always guys, thank you so much for reading, tell me what you think! 

I want to hear your theories, feedback, and overall opinion.

Also if you make any fanart for this in the future, tag me on Twitter (CATtheDrawer) or Instagram (catthedrawer)

I appreciate all your support and I hope you're all ready for a spectacular adventure. (I've written 18 chapters already so don't worry about updates for the next few weeks.


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