Problem Solved!

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Rose walked deeper and deeper into the corridor.
After some time, she needed to catch some breath.

She leaned against a nearby wall, only to fall through another trap door again.

She than fell on the hard metal ground.

Rose: Just how many trap doors does a phantom thief's hideout need?!

When she got up, to see where she was this time, she realized that she was in Joker's treasure room, where he keeps all of his stolen treasures.

Rose: Wow!

She walked around, to find the exit.
But than, she heard a voice.

Four voices actually.

Rose quickly followed the sound of the voices, hoping that it would be the four thieves, which she was worriedly searching for.

Soon, she found them.

Rose sighed in relief and then she realized that Hosshi was with them aswell.

The little thieves were feeding Hosshi with some of Joker's treasures.

(Joker: Didn't I tell you NOT to make us do that !?!?!
Autor: No.
Shadow: Actually, he did. Or at least he was trying to, but then Spade cut him off .
Author: Like I always say : "Trying is not doing" !
Queen: You actually never said that before.
Author: Ugh...... B-BACK TO THE STORY!!! )

Rose: Oh. Joker is not gonna be happy about this!

Rose quietly approached the little kids. When she was behind them, she softly grabbed her brother and lifted him up.

Rose: Found you!

The little thieves turned around and saw the pink haired witch, standing there with little Shadow in her arms.

Joker: Aaaaaaaaaaawww man! That was the best hiding place we could find!

Queen: You are great at this game!

Spade applauded to Rose, for finding them.

The pink haired girl put down her brother.

Rose: Now let's get back!

Shadow: Aaaaaaaawwwww, please! Can we stay here just a little longer, please?

The little phantom thieves all agreed with each other and begged Rose to let them stay in the treasure room for a little bit longer.

Rose: I'll bake some more apple pie ~!

Than, in an instant they all took each other's hands and Shadow grabbed Rose's hand.

Shadow: We're ready to go!

Rose rolled her eyes and walked away with the little thieves and the space cat.

[Two hours later]

Dark eye, Roko and the others arrived at the Sky Joker, being worried about how it went for Rose.

When they entered the airship, they noticed that nothing was broken, everything was where it was supposed to be and nothing else was wrong.

Roko: Wow! Everything's still in its place!

They entered the living room and saw Rose, reading a fairytale book to the little phantom thieves.

Hosshi was sitting next to Rose and the little thieves ate apple pie while listening to the story.

Roko: Am I seeing things, or is everything going perfectly here?

Aura: You're not seeing things......

When Rose finished the story, she noticed that the other thieves came back.

Rose: Oh! Hi everyone!

Chibi: Äh.......Hi.....?

Rose: What? I told you I can do this!

Dark eye: Oh! Okay.

Rose: So? Did you find anything?

Hachi: Yes! We found a book about legendary treasures, including the Cristal Child's Heart!

Aura: Wanna know how we found it?

Chibi: No!

Aura: So! Following things happened....


Chibi: It's been two hours now! How long is this supposed to go?!

Roko: No idea. But my eyes are starting to hurt!

Hachi: Yeah! Mine too!

Dark eye: *sigh*

Suddenly, Chibi realized something.........

Where was her sister?

Chibi: Wait......! Where's Aura?!

They all searched for a while when they soon found her, in the kitchen, eating a sandwich.

Chibi: Aura!?!?!?

Aura: What? I was hungry!

Aura leaned against the fridge and a book fell down on her head.

Aura: Ow!

Roko looked at the book, which was opened to a random page when it hit the ground.

Roko: Guys! Look!

They all looked at the page.
This page was about the Cristal Child's Heart!

Aura: And now guess who found it!

Chibi: Shut up!


Aura: And you guys forced me to read books, for nothing!

Chibi: How were we supposed to know where the book was?

Rose: So? How do we reverse this spell?

Dark eye: The book says, that it'll wear off on its own.

Rose: And how long will it take to wear off?

Dark eye: Probably very soon!

Rose: 'probably'? 😑

Roko: But we are kinda surprised of you! Were there any problems?

Rose: No........

She lied.

Aura: Well.......
At least the reading is over!

Everyone, except Aura and the little thieves rolled their eyes.

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