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Basic information
Roseclan Sees she-cats as the higher gender but toms can do some of the same stuff. When a she-cat becomes a briar, thorn, Lavender or a allium they can pick a male mate. When they have kits one she-kit will take the rank of her mother and one tom kit will take the rank of his father when they are older, they will also be mentored by their parents the rest of the kits(if they have more) will be given to other relatives. Toms sit right under there mate and must be treated with respect, but toms have no power over she-cats just over other toms but she-cats have power over anyone, no matter the gender, under them. Roseclan loves flowers and their entire clan is based off of flowers.


The rose
The rose is the main female of the clan and are in charge of everyone else, they must be treated with respect. Name ends in -rose and has five lives, there is one of them

The larkspur
The larkspur is the mate of the rose and the highest rank a tom can have, they have more power over all the toms but no power over she-cats, there is one of them.

The Foxglove
The Foxglove is the oldest female kit of the Rose and the larkspur, her and her mate will become the Rose and larkspur after they die or retire, there is one of them.

The Briars
They are a group of five females and their mates that help the Rose, the larkspur, and the Foxglove with anything, they also act as a council for the clan, there is five females and five males.

The Lavender
The Lavender are the healers of the clan, and are mostly always females that have been permanently hurt or injured it's rare but not forbidden for a tom to be made a Lavender, there is two of them and two Lavender Lilies.

The Thorn
The thorns are the female cats who hunt and patrol for the clan, the also protect the clan in battles and train Lilies, no limit.

The snapdragon
The snapdragon are the male cats who hunt and patrol for the clan, they also protect the clan in battles and can train sages, no limit.

The lily
The lily are female cats over the age of six moons and under the age of 12 moons training with their mothers to become the rank of her parents, no limit.

The sage
The sage are male cats over the age of six moons and under the age of 12 moons training with their fathers to become the rank of his parents, password is your favorite flower, no limit.

The allium
The allium are female cats that take care of seedlings for their mothers when they are out, 2 alliums and 2 allium lilies.

The marigold
The marigold are the females that are expecting or Nursing seedlings under the age of six moons, no limit.

The seedlings
The seedlings are the female and Males under six moons, no limit.

The pansy
The pansy are the retired cats that have served the clan well, no limit.

Same-sex relationships(not against them just the game is)
Secret mates


A large rose field with a forest at the end of it, there camp is in the forest but close to the rose field.

God and Goddesses


Rosebud is the Goddess of Love, hope, future, and Beauty, sheis believed to control everything in the universe and rule over the other gods and goddesses and everything.


Cherryblossom is Rosebuds little sister and the goddess of seedlings, playfulness and adventures, she us supposed to protect seedling ftom having the same fate as many others...


Moonheather is the goddess of death, Mystery, mischief and the moon, she is not seen as evil but as beautiful and misunderstood.


Lightningflame is the god of war, fire, water and wild animals, he is the mate of Rosebud and controls natural disasters.

The afterlife is a place called the Valley of flowers where the good cats live forever after they die, lots of flowers grow here in peace

The afterlife for bad cats thar have murdered or committed a sin this place is called the forest of death where no flowers grow

Beauty System
It's on a scale of 0/10 max beauty is 10, if you have extra beauty points they will go to your first born, she-cat's get beauty and toms get handsomeness

Eye colors
Heterochromia +3
Blue eyes +2
Violet eyes +2
Red eyes +2
Green eyes +1
Amber eyes +1
Hazel eyes +1
Brown eyes +1

Fur colors
White +3
Cinnamon +3
Dark ginger +3
Cream +3
Lilac: +3
Silver +2
Gray +2
Ginger +2
Blue gray +2
Light Brown + 2
Black +2
Brown +1
Dark brown +1
Light ginger +1

Pelt markings
Rostte spots +3
Half cats +3
Siamese markings +2
Freckles +2
Tortoiseshells +2
Calicos +2
Tabbies + 1
Dapples +1
Bicolor +1

Body traits
Long fur +2
Long tails +2
Thick fur +2
Short fur +1
Skinny +1
Short tails +1
No fur +1
Peach fuzz +1
Thick whiskers +1
Big toms +2
Small she-cats +2
(Sorry it's all black i tried to make it not do that for like 10 minutes but it won't work)

A huge thank you to -Burning_Lands- for the beauty system, love you guys

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