♦️Final Task Part Two♦️

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The final task was to take place in the ballroom. A stage had been set up against the wall, and six chairs, one for each lady. A simple podium was set up in the front and center, where each would present their project.

In the crowd in front of the stage, the royal family sat in the front row. Begin them, a sea of reporters and people, including important government figures.

The ladies were lead in and seated in the chairs, and a hush fell over the crowd as the king walked onto the stage. The only sound was the clicking of the cameras from the reporters.

"Tonight, each lady will present her philosophy project.They will give us their ideas of how to make our kingdom better. I will keep this short, because tonight is about these ladies and the issues that concern them." He smiled. "That is all I have. I will let the ladies take the floor now."

There was a smattering of applause as King Roland exited the stage, and sat with his family in the front row.
Comment your presentation in one or two long comments. Royals and other selected may respond. Royals ask questions if you wish.

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