🖊New Report Two🖊

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Royal News: The Selection Special Edition
By: Winter Provost
Kidnapping of Princess Valencia
Selected Sleepover
Forbidden Romance?
Elimination, who is at risk?

Princess Valencia has been kidnapped! The youngest princess was reportedly taken by the rebel forces, in the late afternoon during the harvest festival, while the guards were all distracted. My source inside the castle also reported that the rebels had broken into the Royal Chambers,  and rashes the rooms. There supposedly was a note left for the royals, but we were unable to gain access to what it contained. What we do know however, is that all of the Royals, bar Queen Hestia, went out searching for the missing princess.
We know they located the rebel base, and were able to free the princess, with very little injury. However, Princess Val was taken to the infirmary back at the castle. Everyone was thankful for her safe return.
Two Selected, Ladies Carmen Hook and Yuniko Nanamura chose to leave over the ordeal.

Selected Sleepover
While the royals searched for the princess, there was a sleepover hosted for the Selected. It was supposed to be a night of fun and companionship, in which the girl could grow closer. However, when you put that many girls in one room, drama tends to happen. Our reports say that a fight broke out between some of the ladies. Lady Lucia wanted to go help find the missing princess and attempted to storm out, dragging a fellow gold, Lady Anna with her. Lady Aurè, however, stopped her briefly, asking what her plan was. The argument between the two escalated, and it nearly got physical. Lady Lucia was reported as calling her fellow Selected "Sorority girls" and other less tasteful names. A fist fight was only prevented because a guard got the queen who subsequently broke up the fight. When she arrived into the ballroom, she was rather angry, and spent a few minutes addressing the entire group. The Queen then took the three main offenders into the hall, and while we don't know what she said, Queen Hestia didn't look particularly happy, and Lady Anna was spotted crying. The three ladies did not return to the group that night.

Is the happy facade just there to hide the real drama brewing among our future royals? And on that note, are any of these ladies fit to be Royal?

Forbidden Romance?
According to an inside source, A gold lady has been hanging around Prince Colin, who is most decidedly pink. Now, we can't say anything for sure, but their interactions could be interpreted as a little more than friendly. However, we do know that Colin is also rather close to Lady Aurè, who is a pink. Perhaps there is nothing there but friendship, with that gold lady.

On a similar note, as the Royals returned to the castle, we noted a strange man with them, whom a Princess Mae seemed to be clinging too. Is everyone's favorite Pink Princess involved with a commoner? The man was obviously not of Royal lineage, and we have heard nothing of why he was involved in the kidnapping. He could be a guard, or perhaps just an unlucky civilian. We don't know, but the two seemed pretty close.

Your thoughts on these matters are welcome, dear readers.

The last Elimination was canceled due to the kidnapping of Princess Valencia, however, one must be coming up soon. And there seemed to be a handful of favorites, but everyone else seems to be at risk. Keep an eye out for an elimination because one is certainly coming.

That's all for this for this Selection Special Edition of Royal News.


((Please tag around the castle, I'm closing the sleepover today))

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