Roselinda Elpis

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Name: Roselinda Elpis

Alias: Rosebud, thorns, Rose

Gender: female

Age: 14

Species: human

Current Occupation: Spiramenal lower royal academy high class student

Previous Occupation: N/A

Status: Alive

Hair colour: Pink

Eye colour: Pink

Complexion: pale

Weaknesses: stubbornness, no magic

Height: 162.8 cm


Rose elpis is a kind hearted and beautiful girl with long lustrous pink hair going to the middle of her back complimented with rose coloured eyes.

During school days she wears a blue plaid skirt, and a dark blue jacket with a tan vest and white shirt with a red ribbon tied at the collar. She keeps her hair tied up in a pony tail around her shoulders.

At home she wears fluffy pajamas that are soft and comfy. Though she wears a pendant that Anax's father bought her almost all the time.

When she is at dinner parties she wears a pink silk dress which reveals her arms and part of her shoulder, it is outlined with rose like pattern around the hem which goes down to her heel revealing the ruby red high heels. While wearing the dress she puts her hair down.

She has a diagonal jagged whip like scar located near the top of her thoracic curve from a Phantom Attack during her childhood.


Rose is a kind and caring person overall whose attitude matches her beauty, she is purehearted with the best of interest for everyone who befriends her. This was proven when she manage to become Anax's first friend and became a major part of his life to the point he was forever changed by her kindness, as well as keep her brother Helios's somewhat violent behaviour in check.

She is a curious individual who is interested in many things especially history from before the great Ruin. due to her curiosity this has resulted in her life being placed in danger on multiple occasions, but she is not without her intellect which saved her from time to time.

She a bit of a romantic who dreams of marrying a lovely person who is righteous and is willing to defend the innocent, but whenever she thinks of romance she doesn't see where she's going which leads to her being a bit of a klutz at home.

She has a mischievous side which tends to always go unnoticed by strangers when she causes mischief every now and then, making her the least possible suspect due to how lady like she is, except friends and family (most of the time).


Rose is a very athletic and flexible girl going to the gym and doing yoga everyday to the point her body is extremely flexible and acrobatic that it's kind of terrifying to be honest as it freaked out Eminsu who fell to the ground.

She is also extremely witty and intelligent as she is able to point out the faults of what a person says and fires back leaving them speechless sometimes. An example of this i when she was kidnapped one time and managed to shut her kidnappers up with her witty and smart come back, stalling for enough time for Anax's father to come rescue her via through the roof.

Though while she is born without magic that doesn't necessarily mean she is defenceless. She has the aid of her servants who are all trained in one way or another to defend her as well as her brother who is a top graduate student from the five guardian academies located around the world. Meaning the moment people noticed she's missing, it will be less then 1 hour before she's sitting at home reading her books while her kidnappers are in jail severely beaten and bruised.

She is also a good musicianist, being able to play the piano beautifully and gracefully like a professional or legend from the past like beethoven. She began playing the piano around the age of 6...


* has a sweet tooth

* currently likes Anax

* tend to be a bit competitive of things

* burned a kitchen down trying to cook breakfast

* has a whip like scar on her back

* helped designed the pattern on The Knights shaft

* likes hearing jokes especially puns

* loves romance novels with a slow build up in relationships

* very flexible

* has some medical skills

* has a sassy side

* loves windy days

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