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And old lady in her late 40s was cooking breakfast in the kitchen. It was 7 in the morning. She was happily cooking the breakfast while humming some sweet melody, lost in her own world when the doorbell rang catching her attention.

"Who is it in this early morning?" She questioned to herself as she dusted off her hands and moved towards the main door.

She opened the door and the view in front of her horrified her.

An all worn out Jungkook, with dark circles under his eyes, hair all messed up, looking exhausted as ever was all his mother could see. She got so worried looking at such a condition of her son.

"Oh my! What happened to you son? And what are you doing here in this early morning? Come inside you're not looking in a good condition. Come!" She said with worry written over her forehead in bold letters.

Jungkook entered inside without even saying a word.

"Mom I need to talk to you." Jungkook said with a blank expression.

"You should first go and freshen up son. You'll feel better. After that we'll talk for sure." Her mother was worried, her eyes were stuck on him at how skinny and exhausted he was looking.

"Okay." With that Jungkook went upstairs to freshen up and his mom went back to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.


Jungkook was having breakfast with his mother. She told him that his father is out for some work so they're the only ones here right now.

Jungkook wanted to ask so many things to his mom but he just didn't know where to start. So he took a deep breath encouraging himself and proceeded.

"Umm mom do you remember some of my old college friends?" Jungkook asked and as the words spilled out of his mouth, his mom starting choking on her food, shocked by the sudden question Jungkook threw at her.

"What's wrong mom?" Jungkook asked while handing her the glass of water. She gulped down the water.

"Nothing, just the food got stuck in my throat. I'm fine." She slightly smiled as Jungkook smiled back and went back to his topic.

"Yeah so I was asking about my college friends. Do you remember someone like Yoonah? Minseok?" Jungkook paused for a second and then continued attentively looking at her.


As Jungkook said Y/N, his mother's expressions changed to uncomfortable ones. She started sweating hard and her hands started to tremble. She was not even able to look into his eyes.

"Mom? Did you listen what I just asked?" Jungkook asked as he noticed the sudden change in her behaviour and the uneasiness which was clearly visible on her face.

"Umm...No, I don't think you had some friends of these names. Infact you were not so sociable. Yeah..." She answered, not making any eye contact with him. Her eyes were moving back and forth continously. Her fingers reached upto her ear and she started scratching it.

All this was a sign of someone lying.

It was all clearly noticable to Jungkook because he's a officer. His mom knew well that he's a officer and he can detect very easily if someone is lying or telling the truth, still she's lying in front of him?

And the fact that Jungkook knew the truth very well and his mom was denying it so smoothly like nothing ever happened was pissing him off. He clenched his fists and said while controlling his temper, "I was not sociable?"

His mom wiped the sweat formed on her temples and answered, "Y-Yeah!" She stuttered and Jungkook scoffed.

"Oh really mom? Then what is it?" Jungkook slided his phone towards his mom showing her all those photos which he saw on his college website.

And as his mom's caught the light of the pictures, her eyes widened. The floor beneath her feet was moved drastically. She couldn't help but stare at those pictures Jungkook showed her. Everything that she has been hiding from 5 years is right in front of her.

Jungkook was continuously staring at his mom who was looking at those photos with a shocked look on her face. Indeed she was hiding all this from him. But why?

Suddenly his mom looked up tearing her gaze from the phone's screen.

"Where...where d-did you get these?" She asked stuttering while Jungkook looked at her in disbelief.

"This is not the real question mom. The question is why did you hide all this from me? WHY?" Jungkook yelled making the lady flinch at her spot. She didn't say anything and got up from her seat and went towards her room. Jungkook watched her confused.

After, some minutes he was about to go her room but he saw that She came back with a box in her hands.

Jungkook sat back on his seat as his mother placed the box in front of him and sat beside him. He traced the box with his fingers and then opened it. He saw there were a lot of photos of him with Y/N, Yoonah and a boy he expect to be minseok.

His mom started speaking then.

"I've been hiding this from past 5 years. But now that you already know I don't think there's any way for me to get away." She said with her head hung low.

"What are you talking about mom?" Jungkook asked and averted his attention back to the photos as his mom proceeded.


Author :
Tae- Oh I mean tea is about to spill ;)

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