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The next moment he opened his eyes he was back in the room panting heavily with a worried Taehyung and a blank faced Amantha.

Panting heavily, tears were streaming down as Jungkook said,"Why did you stop? We should've saved her."

"That's just a projection of past my child. The past is all done and you can't change it. But one thing that you can change is your future. You couldn't save Eliana but you can save Y/N!" Amantha looked into his eyes like she was trying to find something in them.

"Do you have the courage to prove your love to Eliana? Are you ready to be that one man who will break the curse?" She asked in way like she wanted to spark some kind of fire inside him.

"How could he do that? What if something happened to him?" Taehyung interrupted looking at Jungkook concerned, not agreeing to Amantha.

"I will! Tell me how? I'll do anything for her. Even if this is gonna cost my life, I'm ready!" Jungkook wiped his tears from his sleeves and spoke with his shaky voice.

"Are you insane?" Taehyung grabbed his collar turning him to look at him.

"Hyung she's waiting for me. I can't disappoint my Y/N, my love. She trusted my love, she trusted me. I'll go. Even if you are not gonna help me I'm enough alone!" He brusted out in anger and yanked his hand away.

Taehyung flinched back he was not intending to hurt him at all, he was concerned, concerned for his best friend,"I'm sorry but--"

"Enough hyung! Even if I've 0.01% chance I'll still go for her. I'll go because I'm her only hope..." More tears stormed out of Jungkook's eyes as he cried placing his head on Taehyung's chest.

Taehyung sighed feeling defeated, he patted his back to calm him down, "Okay, don't cry please." It was hurting him in his heart looking at Jungkook's such vulnerable state.

"Indeed Soulmates are inseparable!" Amantha smilled to herself looking at how Jungkook's eyes were showing pure longing, longing for her one and only.

"The fort is collapsed but crossing the river cave, there's the tomb of the queen same as the fort. But no one went there, no one ever dared to. I've no idea what you're gonna face there." Amantha snapped her fingers once again as the fireflies went back inside the jar, the luminous crystal ball dimmed.

"But how can I go there?" Jungkook asked pulling away from Taehyung.

"Crossing the Black River...But Remember whatever you do and every answer of yours will be a life and death bridge!" Amantha answered with a clear warning in her voice but at the same time she wanted him to go.

Taking a deep breath Jungkook nodded.

"I'm not leaving you alone!" Taehyung stated with a serious face.

"I can't put you in danger, I don't know if you'll be able to continue or not." Jungkook refused as he feared losing anyone else and moreover that Taehyung was his best friend. He wished his well being atleast, he already did a lot for him.

"I'm coming and that's final, we came together and we'll leave together bro!" Taehyung stated and turned away from him, not wanting to argue anymore.

"Eric will head you on the boat from the dock, And remember you'll face a lot of things. It can be anything, sometimes reality or sometimes illusion." She paused a little and then smiled, that smile was a smile of satisfaction, believe, she trust him, his determination, his heart, his love.

"Afterall you know she wants you too prove...Good luck!"


The flow of water was slow. The cave was dark, only the flashlight luminating the place.

"Is there any end or not? My heart is literally on the verge of exploding." Taehyung stated while turning here and there trying to secure their safety.

Jungkook was sweating himself. The place was silent that even their breathing was booming in their ear drums.

The boat turned as they saw there was no way ahead only a black wall, not even a crack to luminate a single beam of light.

Chest heaving up and down, the atmosphere was too heavy too calm their breathing and that racing heart that was on the verge of exploding.

"Holy Jesus Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!" A loud scream of terror left Taehyung's mouth as they turned their backs. Jungkook grasped Taehyung's mouth shutting him up as the unholy creature was now on the back of the boat.

Cold drops of sweat rolled down their forehead, palms were sweating as Jungkook's lips quivered, his body weakening down. As the spirit roared at them, her deep voice was dominating enough to make them shudder.

"Jungkook...I warned you!!!" Taehyung screamed while trying to push himself back with his hands.

In a sudden moment the spirit appeared in front of Taehyung covering his face completely with her hair making him shut up in an instant. A shiver of terror ran down his spine.

"I'm not gonna harm you so shut up!" The spirit said and listening to her words Jungkook nodded hesitantly and she moved away from Taehyung.

"I'm the Guard of the Queen's tomb. I'm not included in anything. I admire your courage as you're the first one to ever come here. But the journey ahead is not easy. If you want me to open the gates for you...Well you need to answer my one question!" The spirit laughed, her voice echoing in the dark hollow cave.

"And If I'm unable to?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung give him a look like 'boy is it not clear yet?'

"Right answer and we welcome you to Fuerte Del Amor...Wrong answer and your spirit will get caged here forever." The spirit said combing her hair with her palms, slowly, waiting for them to respond.

Taehyung gulped at the statement,"Please I'm too young to die! I'm not even married yet. I planned so much for my future kids." He pleaded horrified.

"Calm down! We'll do it." Jungkook looked at the spirit gesturing her to continue.

"Here is the question to decide your fate." Her voice echoed in the dark cave.


Author :
The scenes can be a little similar to the drama Lost Tomb but the storyline is completely ours. Please don't criticize! Taking inspiration and copying are two different things :)

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