Chapter 4

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(Readers POV)

I looked forward and saw it. U.A. High School! It is a large building that kind of is in the shape of a large H. I felt a hand get placed on my shoulder. I looked over to see my older sister, Yang.

Yang: Good luck in the Entrance Exam.

(Y/N): Thanks sis. I'll make sure to pass just for you!

Yang: Oh aren't you just the cutest?!

She wrapped her arms around me and picked me up off my feet. I kicked the air, trying to escape from her hug.

(Y/N): You can put me down now!

Yang: Fine.

She dropped me, making me fall down on my butt. I sighed and got back up and dusted off any dirt that got on me. I noticed some of the people that are also here to take the exam looking at me and my sister.

Student: No way! Is that the Hero, Yellow Dragon?!

Yang smiled and waved at them. I sighed again.

Yang: Hey, why do you look upset?

(Y/N): I'm not upset Yang. It's just that people now know that I'm associated with you.

Yang: Isn't that a good thing? You'll be the bees knees!

(Y/N): I don't want to be the bees knees! I just want to be a normal boy with normal knees! I don't want people to look at me like I'm special.

Yang wrapped her arm around me and pulled me closer to here.

Yang: You are special. So that's why you didn't want to get into U.A. by me and dad's recommendation?

(Y/N): Yeah... I want to show people that I can do it by myself.

Yang: Well go get 'em tiger!

Yang pushed me forward, making me walk towards the U.A. building. I nodded my head and waved back at Yang. She readied her gauntlets and shot at the ground, sending her high up into the air. I looked forward and I saw a familiar curly green hair.

(Y/N): Izuka!

She looked back and saw me. She smiled at me as I ran over to her. I gave her a quick hug and reached into my back pocket. I pulled out a bag of cookies and wanted to offer one to her, but they are now squished flat thanks to me falling on my butt earlier.

(Y/N): Oh. I guess that you don't want a squish cookie then.

Izuka: It's fine (Y/N). I'm glad that you offered though.

(Y/N): So how have you been doing? Are you nervous about today?

Izuka: I've been doing fine. Just practicing for the big day. And honestly... I'm pretty nervous-

Bakugo: Move aside, Deka!

Me and Izuka looked back and saw Bakugo walking towards us.

Izuka: Kacchan!

Bakugo: Get out of my way or you're dead!

Izuka flinched back and started to wave her hands in front of her in defense.

Izuka: M-Morning. Let's both do our best...

Bakugo walked past her without saying a word. Me and Izuka looked back to see Bakugo just walking forward silently. Students started to talk to each other, mentioning that Bakugo is the one in the sludge villain incident about ten months ago.

(Y/N): Well... Let's not stand around Izuka! We have to become Heroes today!

Izuka: Y-You're right!

Me and Izuka started to walk forward together. I noticed that her legs are wobbling.

Izuka: It's just going to be my first step towards becoming a Hero...

I saw her trip over her own leg, making her start to fall over to the ground. I quickly used my Quirk, turning me into rose petals, and dashed into Izuka, turning her into green colored rose petals. I went slightly up into the air and landed back down on the ground as I stopped using my Quirk. Izuka looked a little dizzy before she shook her head and looked at me.

Izuka: Wh-What was that?!

(Y/N): Hehe. I learned a couple new tricks during my ten months of training. Let's not waste anymore time!

I grabbed onto Izuka's arm and dashed forward using my Quirk, making a bundle of red and green petals dash into the building.

(Time Skip)

Me, Izuka, and a bunch of other students are sitting in a huge room. I looked at the front of the room and saw the Hero, Present Mic, talking to us.

Mic: Welcome to today's live performance! Everybody's say "Hey"!

(Y/N): Hey!

I yelled out, but everyone else stayed silent.

Mic: That's the spirit, my examinee listeners! I'm here to present the guidelines of your practical! Are you ready?!

(Y/N): Yeah!

Izuka: Mutter Mutter Mutter Mutter Mutter Mutter.

I looked over and saw Izuka muttering to herself. I just smiled, knowing that she hasn't really changed a bit.

Mic: This is how the test will go, my listeners! You'll be experiencing ten minute long "Mock Cityscape Maneuvers"! Bring along whatever you want! After this presentation, you'll each head to your assigned testing location! Ok?!

(Y/N): Ok!

I did think about it. So if everyone is going to be going to different areas, there is a chance that I won't be in the same area as Izuka or Bakugo. I hope I'm not in the same area as Bakugo though. I saw a huge screen behind Present Mic turn on, showing a square city looking area with three silhouettes, one looking like a mushroom, another looking like a turtle, and the last one looking like a plant coming out of a pipe.

Mic: Each site is filled three kinds of faux villains! Points are awarded for defeating each according to their respective difficulty levels! Use your Quirks to disable these faux villains and earn points! That's your goal, listeners! Of course, playing the antihero and attacking other examinees is prohibited!

Oh, then Bakugo may actually have a hard time with this then.

Tenya: May I ask a question?!

I looked over and saw a boy with blue hair and glasses on standing up while holding his hand up. He picked up a piece of paper and pointed at it.

Tenya: There appear to be no fewer than four varieties of faux villain, on this handout!  Such a blatant error, if it is one, is highly unbecoming for U.A., Japan's top academy! We're all here today in the hopes of being molded into model Heroes!

He turned back and pointed at Izuka.

Tenya: And you, with the curly hair!

Izuka jumped up and pointed at herself to confirm the boy was talking about her.

Tenya: You've been muttering this whole time... It's distracting! If this is some sort of game to you, then please leave immediately!

Izuka slapped her hands over her mouth.

Izuka: Sorry...

I was about to start to defend her, but I didn't want to cause a scene and delay anything.

Mic: Alright alright. Examinee 7111, nice catch. Thanks! But the fourth faux villain variety gets you zero points! He's more of an obstacle!


Mic: Have you all played Super Mario Brothers?! The old, retro game! It's kind of like a Thwomp! Only one at each site! A "gimmick" that'll rampage around in close quarters!

The boy sat back down and held his head down.

Tenya: Got it... So it's like a stage gimmick to be avoided. Thank you, sir. I apologize for the interruption! Really is like a video game then.

Mic: That's all from me! I'll leave my listeners with our school motto. The great Hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said... "True Heroism consists in being superior to the ills of life." Plus Ultra! Break a leg, everyone!

(Y/N): Plus Ultra!

(Time Skip) (Izuka's POV)

I'm standing in front of a closed gate and on the other side of the gate is a large city area, where I will have to defeat faux villains. Everyone else standing in front of the gate are just talking to each other. I'm getting so nervous. I looked down at my cyan tracksuit I'm wearing and shifted it a bit. I'm really nervous.

Izuka: Why's everyone so confident? Aren't they nervous? Ah... They've even got equipment to match their Quirks...

I looked over and I saw (Y/N) standing there! I can't believe we're actually at the same test site! I saw him reach into a small bag and eating squished cookie bits. I started to walk towards him, hoping to form some kind of plan if necessary. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I jumped from the grab and looked back, seeing the blue haired boy with glasses from earlier.

Tenya: Why are you here? Hoping to interfere?

Izuka: Eep! Him too!

Student 1: That kid was acting like an idiot back at the front gate.

Student 2: She flinches at the slightest touch.

Student 3: I guess that's one less rival to worry about.

I suddenly felt everyone's eyes on me. Yeah I don't blame them for thinking that.

Mic: And... Begin!

Everyone looked over at some kind of tower and Present Mic is standing on top of it.

Mic: What's wrong?! The test's started! Run! Run! The die is cast!

I saw the gate open as everyone sprinted through to get into the area. I quickly ran forward, entering the site behind everyone else.

Izuka: I'm already behind!

Calm down! Calm down! Calm down! It's fine! I'm fine! I can do this! I'm meant to do this! Meant to be a Hero! I started to think back a couple hours ago, back when me and All Might were on that beach together.

Izuka: Ok! I ate the hair! I don't feel myself transforming...

All Might: Of course not! You need time to digest! You'll start to feel something in a few hours!

Izuka: Gah. I'm so nervous... Gotta get home. Take a shower. Eat some breakfast...

All Might: You may be a proper vessel now, but... You were put together in a hurry! You've had no time to get used to your power... Prepare for some real kickback. No time for a detailed explanation, but know this...

I started to run forward faster as the brief explanation All Might did give me tang through my head!

All Might: When you use One For All. Clench up your butt and let your heart cry out, saying... Sm-

I stopped thinking about All Might's explanation as a big robot came crashing through a building next to me. I can see a huge 1 on its arm.

Izuka: It's a one pointer!

Robot: Target locked! Prepare for termination!

I saw the robot start to charge at me. Ok, here it comes! I felt my legs start to shake. Why... Can't I move? I'm just terrified on instinct... Idiot. Why?

Yuga: I've got this!

I saw a laser beam shoot through the robot, destroying it. I looked over and saw a blonde boy looking over at me.

Yuga: Merci! I appreciate the assist! But I doubt we'll meet again. Adieu!

He quickly ran off.

Izuka: Won't meet again?

Mic: Six minutes, two seconds remaining!

Izuka: Gah!

Bad. This is bad! I looked around and I saw everyone destroying these robots. I saw (Y/N) turn into a bunch of rose petals and dashed through a robot, destroying it.

(Y/N): There. That's should be 39 points.

Huh?! I looked over and saw the blue haired boy kick through a robot.

Tenya: 45 points!

Huh?! I looked around again, trying to find any available robots to destroy, but there're barely any left! Tears started to glow from my eyes as I scurried to try and do something. This is bad! As I looked around and tried to figure out what to do, I heard something break. I looked over and saw a giant robot that makes the buildings near it look small and it broke down an entire building with one arm. That's the gimmick villain! That's way too big!

Izuka: Eek!

I fell down to my butt and tried to scurry back, but my body just shook in fear. I saw people running past me to get away from the robot. I turned around and started to crawl away as the robot slowly made its way towards me.

Izuka: This isn't funny! I gotta run! Run, and somehow get some points! Damn damn damn. I'm still at zero! This'll all be for nothing!

Everything All Might did for me! All for nothing!

(Y/N): Oof!

I looked back and saw (Y/N). His red hood is caught under some large pieces of rubble as he struggled to pull it free. I can see scraps and some bruises on him as he is very tired. I saw the robot start to get closer to (Y/N), about to crush him. I stood up and jumped up as high as I could. I flew up really fast. I went past the finger of the giant robot as I reeled my fist back. I felt a ton of energy surge through my arm, tearing away my sleeve. I started to remember All Might's explanation.

All Might: Clench your butt and let your heart cry out!

Izuka: SMAASH!!

I got right in front of the robot's face and punched it, breaking it in one punch.

Izuka: ...Oh.

(Chapter 4 end)

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