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Thank you everybody for your incredible questions! 

Republished since some original questions didn't make it on this update! Now they should all be included, but if for some reason yours is not shown, please let me know! 


namjinMaximin: How long was ur dream?

I sleep alot, so it's hard for me to say for sure. It could've been a few hours, maybe a day. I once slept for twenty hours straight. Who knows?

HopesHOE21plus: Hi I love you so hope hobi gets jealous bc i love you

Yoongi: Hobi! This person said they love me?

Hoseok: How dare they! He is mine!

Yoongi: You're the only person who can love me? What if we have a child?

Hoseok: Nobody else can love you because the amount of love I have for you is enough

Yoongi: *gags dramatically*

Yammy-yams: Hey hi hello- How is you doing ?? Don stress sleep lots ! K? Btw your music if freakin lit ! Oh and like -!Take good care f Hobi Ok? Your lit btw !

Yoongi: I'm so glad to see that you enjoy my music! I'm doing okay, a little tired from working on my latest album, but it'll all be worth it. And I always treat Hobi like a prince. Lolol Imprisoned self-promo whoops

Hawaiianhpgal: I love you im so glad u married hobi! Btw ur my bias and im basically sayin stuffi would say to you irl. Also rm and jan should go and get married so you can hit them up for me. Also one last thing, hug holly for me

Yoongi: I'm so glad I married Hobi too. I couldn't have imagined being with anyone else. Also... How do you know about Holly? We just adopted her not too long ago.... Uh, Hobi?

Hoseok: Yeah?

Yoongi: I think we have a stalker

Hoseok: Fite them (I'm kidding!;))


NamjinMaximin: Can you be my friend? *Gives hugs*

Hoseok: YAY A NEW FRIEND! *squeezes you so tight you can't breathe* YOU WANT TO BE A PART OF THE FLOWER CLUB?

HopesHOE21plus: Forgive me?

Hoseok: Nope. *flips hair*

Yoongi: Babe, be nice to them. They were just being friendly.

Hoseok: fine. I forgive you.

Yammy-yams: Hi hey hello ! How are you doing ?? Your fine right?? BTw - your an actual sun hope you know

H: Hi hun! I'm doing amazing! Yoongi and I just got back from our trip to America to move him back to Seoul since a new company opened up here! Now we get to be together all the time without having to worry about him being so far away. 

Hawaiianhpgal: I love you! Ur my bias wrecker. Keep sunshining as u do. Im glad you married yoongles. Hug him for me

Hoseok: I'm so glad I married my Yoongles too. Yoongi!

Yoongi: Yes, babe?

Hoseok: I have a hug for you!

Yoongi: Hobi, you know how I am about physical contact...

Hoseok: Don't be a little bitch, accept the love I am giving you! Its from a friend.

Yoongi: *sighs and accepts the hug*

Sope (together)

Yammy-yams: You guys are amazing !! Oh and im just asking this out of curiousity but like would you do a small collab of Yoongis Music and Hoseoks dancing . Just asking ! And you guys are like adorable together !

Hoseok: Thank you! You're amazing too!

Yoongi: We are pretty fucking great to look at as a couple.

Hoseok: Hell yeah. Now, when are we going to collab?

Yoongi: *shrugs* whenever you're ready

Yoongi_Man: WHO TOPS???

Hoseok: We switch from time to time! Some days I like to dominate Yoongi, especially when he is being lazy.

Yoongi: But I don't always let him top!

Hoseok: *scoffs* uh huh.

Yoongi_Man: You getting puppies or what?

Hoseok: Oh, please babe, can we can we can we?

Yoongi: *shrugs* sure.

Hawaiianhpgal: kids, dogs, s*x?

Hoseok: Kids, we're looking in to, but we want to make sure we are in a good place financially before we explore too much. We just adopted two dogs, Mickey and Holly after reading the previous question. ;)

Yoongi: The sex is great. Can't complain. We have some good sex, don't we baby?

Hoseok: *blushing widely* best sex I've had


namjinMaximin: Hey kook,how are you?

Jungkook: I'm doing great! A little nervous for a surprise for Tae, but I'm also very excited. 

HopesHOE21plus: Hi

Jungkook: Hello *waves shyly*

softyolki: jungkook, pop the question already, taehyung is waiting.

Jungkook: *chokes on a lamb skewer* um, h-ho- how did you know I was going to pop the question to Tae?

Yammy-yams: How is you doing Jungkook??? Your an amazing talented person Jungkook dont forget that!

Jungkook: I'm doing fantastic! :)


namjinMaximin: Hey tiger, how are you?

Taehyung: I feel like Jungkook is planning something and its making me nervous...

HopesHOE21plus: How's it?

Taehyung: It's swell!

Yammy-yams: Sup Taehyung! How is life ?? Hope everything is doing ok with Jungkook! I just know you guys will last!

Taehyung: Life is great, especially now that Jungkook is such a large part of it. He makes me very happy. 

Taekook (Together):

namjinMaximin: Not a question...

I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH ILY (with a purple heart that my laptop's dumbass can't include)


Jungkook: Not as much as I love Tae, but I love you too.

HopesHOE21plus: You guys are so fucking cute

Taehyung: *blushes* You're cuter!

Jungkook: *rolls eyes and puts his tongue in his cheek* Yeah, yeah, we're all fucking adorable.

THJMJKshipper: Are you guys going to get married eventually?

Jungkook: Don't ruin the surprise.

Taehyung: Ooh! What surprise? I love surprises!

Jungkook: Oh, uh, we're getting a puppy??

GirlWants2SeeBts: When are you two getting married?

Taehyung: My Kookie has to propose first.

Yammy-yams: Take care of eachother K!! Remember Communication is Key in a relationship (specially cuddles and games ) You guys are freaking adorable together!

Jungkook: I will always take care of my baby boy ;)

Taehyung: Um, who said I was the baby boy?

Jungkook: Um, me?

MoriahRamon: When is your wedding?? (Cue emojis my laptop can't include)

Taehyung: Ask Jungkook. 

Jungkook: Um, sometime after I propose, of course! *blushes nervously*


namjinMaximin: Hey Joon ,how are you?

Namjoon: I'm doing great! Thank you for not forgetting about me!

HopesHOE21plus: Hey Mr. President what's good?

Namjoon: God, if I was President, I could quit this job at the bar, please make it happen. 

GirlWants2SeeBts: What's the last thing you broke, Mr. God of Destruction?

Jin: MY ASS. He broke my ass.

Yammy-yams: Hello Namjoon ! Hows life treating you??? And do you recommend any books ??

Namjoon: Life is treating me alright! The bar is doing well. And I recommend any FFs on my Best Stories I've Ever Read Reading List, but actual book-wise, I really love Between Shades of Grey by Ruta Sepetys. 

Oh and follow up question hows i like being smart ??

Namjoon: Being smart is overrated. My own boyfriend is confused at the things I say sometimes, it's hard. 


namjinMaximin: Hey world-wide shoulders,how are you?

Jin: I'm even more handsome now than I was yesterday, so life is great. 

HopesHOE21plus: Can I be worldwide ugly?

Jin: More like worldwide BEAUTIFUL. I need a queen by my side. 😘

GirlWants2SeeBts: How's it feel to be the only Worldwide Handsome?

Jin: It's the best feeling in the world, hun. 

Yammy-yams: Hows it like being freaking ethereal?

Jin: It's freaking great. 


GirlWants2SeeBts: How ya doin' man? Found your other half yet?

Jimin: I actually started to date the guy I had been... seeing when Hoseok and I were dating. Things are going well so far, but it's still new.

Yammy-yams: Hope lifes good ! Hope your ok?? How is you??

Jimin: Life is good :)

Other characters:

namjinMaximin: How are you guys?


Iskra2018: For that hospital bed: how was it to have Jung Hoseok on top of you?

Author-nim: Seeing as a bed is an inanimate object and can not speak, I will respond for it. Personally, I wouldn't survive having someone as perfect as Jung Hoseok on me. I'd be deceased. The bed just combusted into a bunch of feathers and whatever else goes into a mattress.

HopesHOE21plus: For the bed: what was it like seeing THAT?

Author-nim: See the previous response, since I am a lazy little shit. The bed combusted from seeing THAT. 

Hawaiianhpgal: To the hospital. Doctors: have you had any other patients and their lovers as crazy as yoongi

Doctor: It happens all the time. Yoongi was just afraid of losing the love of his life in his dream, so its not unusual for somebody to freak out. 


namjinMaximin: What inspired you to write this book?

A: If I am being honest, I don't remember where my inspiration for this book came from. Sometimes I get random ideas while reading other stories, or driving, or taking a shower. I think this one came from seeing a picture of Yoongi with tattoos. I had just about finished My Muse and wasn't feeling quite motivated or inspired enough to begin writing Imprisoned, so I think the idea pretty much just fell in my lap. :)

Your thoughts on boy with luv teaser?

Ps. I was shoOk

A: I WAS NOT READY. And since the album was released before this was uploaded, I'M DECEASED.

How do you feel now today is the day that love yourself era is over?

A: I feel a little empty. The LY era is the era where I really became an ARMY (although I had heard Dope when it first came out, but I stopped listening to Kpop for a while). I really needed their music, as well as the whole idea of "love yourself", when I got into them, and it genuinely helped me through a lot of tough times in my life. I'm excited to see their new era, but I am sad to see the LY era is over.

HopesHOE21plus: How is your writing so fucking amazing?

What inspired you to write this?

Author nim: You are seriously too kind. I have spent a lot of time writing when I get the chance, for over ten years now. Practice makes perfect, as they say. I also read a lot of stories from INCREDIBLE authors, and they inspire my writing a lot. My poetry as well!

Regarding the inspiration to this, I honestly don't remember. The rest you can read above, because I'm a lazy bitch :)

spacewhirls: Which character was your favorite to write about? (Also why did you break all of our hearts with the cancer parts?)

Author-nim: I love all of the characters a lot. I always enjoy writing about Jungkook. His personality (like all of BTS') is so dynamic, but being the youngest of the group, its easy for him to show the influence of the other members, as he has said before. And it's really fun being able to write a little from every character into one.

And I broke everyone's hearts because I felt like it. It keeps everyone engaged. I find straight-up fluff boring after a while, there has to be some angst. Plus, I think I'm terrible at writing fluff but I find my writing to be much better when I write angst. Lol.

XX2WAFFLES2XX: Why do you make us suffer? (plus the laughing emoji that my dumbass laptop also cannot do)

Author-nim: Because it's fun. I like to watch my readers freak out, threaten me (in a somewhat joking manner, of course), and then I love seeing them freaking out again when the angst is over. It just brings so much joy to see people react in the same ways that I do when I'm reading angst.

GirlWants2SeeBts: Are you excited for BTS' comeback?

What did you think about the teaser for Boy With Luv and Halsey being in it?

A: Lol the comeback was fantastic.
I'm not a huge Halsey fan, just because her music and voice aren't my thing, but her voice did sound good in the song. Although her dancing was a little cringy. I'm trying not to sound judgemental. I used to love Halsey during her Badlands era, but have since tried to alter my music preference to more unique music. :)

Yammy-yams: What gave you the idea for this book?? like the plot and everything ??

Amd what are your tips for writing a book??

A: for the idea for this book, see the above answers! Regarding the plot, most of it I just think of at random times, whether I'll be sitting in class, or trying to sleep, driving, in the shower, etc. and I try to write it down asap.

My tip for writing a book is to really just practice. I have spent a lot of time writing, just to try getting my ideas clear on "paper", and then I will have one of my good friends, Lia, read it, or part of it. She reads my poetry and critiques it for me. All of the time I spend writing overall makes it easier to write, at least for me. I also try to make sure to always have an idea of where I am going for a book or poem, etc., and it makes writing easier. A lot of times I'll know how to end a chapter, and it's just a matter of writing everything before it.

HorseoksHoe: Why do you like to see us suffer?

I still love you, don't worry.

Author-nim: I love to see my reader's suffer because it shows me that they are actually into what they are reading from my stories. If nobody freaks out, then that means I need to improve how something was portrayed or written. It helps to make me a better writer. Plus, it's really fun to watch y'all freak the fuck out. :)

I love you too, hun <3

Natsudon: what is your main inspiration?

how do you avoid writers block?

please rest, you need it!

thank you for writing a masterpiece

Author-nim: regarding the inspiration, feel free to read the long explanation above. :)

I definitely experience writer's block, just like everyone else. This is why I usually have numerous stories that I am writing at one time, because I typically only have writer's block for one story at a time, so I will go work on writing another story until I get an idea for my other story. This has happened to me numerous times, probably about once a month, give or take. 

You're too sweet, love <3

minchanlix: 1. What is your inspiration

2. What's your opinion on the comeback?

3. Who's your favorite (s) member?

Author-nim: Please read above for the inspiration (I'm way too lazy to copy/paste or retype lol)

The comeback was incredible. Dionysus is a fucking BOP.

I stan ot7, but I must say, Yoongi and Jungkook are fucking coming for me, and they have been for a while. But Yoongi's verse in Boy With Love pretty much murdered me. 

The_blue_angel: Why did you broke my heart every episode?

And where did you get the story idea

Author-nim: It's fun to break hearts and watch them be pieced back together :)

For the story idea, please check out my response above!

pienellope: Your such an amazing story writer omfggggg are you planning to make a sequel??

A: As much as I love this story, I am not planning on writing a sequel. I don't like to drag my stories out, and I feel like I ended this story on a pretty conclusive note. I DO plan on writing a few bonus chapters though, to snapshot key points throughout Yoonseok's, Taekook's, and maybe even Namjin's lives. Thank you so much for your kind words hun <3


Author-nim: You're too sweet, thank you love <3


Any other questions asked after this is posted will be answered in the comments!

Y'all are incredible, I love y'all so much. <3

~ KJ 

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