Chapter Eleven: Hangover

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"Oh my God, my head." I winced as the sunlight streamed through the window. I opened my eyes gradually, letting them adjust with my poundin headache to my unfamiliar surroundings. I was curled up on a black couch, covered with a soft, gray blanket, a pillow beneath my head. On the coffee table in front of me, there was a glass of water and a bottle of pain medication. I soghed and reached for them, instantly downing some of the medicine and water. I lay my head back down, trying to remember what happened last night, and where I was. There were no photos or identifying things to help me figure out whose place I was sleeping in.

When I heard feet shuffling in a nearby room, followed by the sound of someone placing pots or pans on the stove, I flinched, my body starting to shake slightly out of fear. I carefully stood up, dragging the blanket it behind me like a cape, and made my way in the direction of the noise.

In the kitchen, I immediately relaxed as I recognized Yoongi, dressed in black sweatpants with a black sweater that gave him sweaterpaws.

Yoongi with sweater paws is a kink of mine lolol

I cleared my throat, and he whipped around to face me.

"Oh! Hoseok, you're awake? I figured you would still be asleep."

I shook my head, making my way to a barstool that allowed me to lean my elbows against the marble counter and rest my head. "I'm awake."

Yoongi chuckled lightly, turning back to the stove. "I can see that. I'm making breakfast for us now. How are you feeling? Did you see the medicine I left for you?"

"I-I saw it. And I feel like I was run over by a truck."

"Whiskey will do that do you."

I cleared my throat, rubbing my temples as the smell of bacon filled my nostrils. "So what were you doingg there last night?"

Yoongi chuckled, shaking his head to himself. "I DJ to make extra money."


Yoongi held my gaze for a moment before sighing heavily. "I send money to my friend every month. He grew up in an abusive home and eventually gained a liking for drugs. He was arrested for dealing and hasn't been able to get back on his feet. He is in Busan, his mother, whom didn't beat him, is sick and I try to help best that I can."

I was silent as I processed the information he had given me. "I-I-I'm sorry."

He shrugged, grabbing two plates and placing the food on it, turning around without a smile. "Breakfast is served. It's not much, but it is good for you to eat well."

I thanked him as I grabbed a hold of the fork, stuffing my mouth full of eggs, toast, and bacon. My mind didn't even think about manners, my stomach growling too much for me to handle. I ate the entire plate full of food in a quick pace, swallowing it down with the glass of orange juice Yoongi had given me.

I looked up at Yoongi, who stared at me with a faint smile on his lips, his meal looking relatively untouched. "Cute," he mumbled, before taking a bite of bacon. He coughed to hide his statement, only after I had processed the word. I felt my stomach flutter.

"S-sorry, I didn't realize how h-hungry I was."

Yoongi nodded, passing me his plate of food. My eyes went wide as I shook my head rapidly. "Oh, no! You can eat. The meal was lovely, thank you, Yoongi."

Yoongi scoffed and walked around the counter, standing next to me. He scooped up some eggs and turned the fork towards me. "Open up."

I reluctantly opened my mouth as he fed me the eggs. I swallowed the food, a faint blush tinting my cheeks. Yoongi smirked as he fed me the rest of the food on the plate.

After I emptied both plates, he put them in the sink, our conversation nonexistant. He walked back around, grabbing a hold of the towel next to the stove and bending over to be eye-level with me.

His hand cupped my cheek, making me gasp. His hand was cool against my warm skin. He brought the towel up to my lips and wiped off the skin around my mouth.

He smiled softly as he stood back up, hands dropping back to his sides. "You had a few crumbs." He ran a hand through his hair before walking off, leaving me to stare at his back, chewing on my bottom lip in thought.

"Are you going to get ready for work or what?" Yoongi's voice next to me startled me out of my thoughts as I stared at his face with wide eyes, asking him to repeat what he said.

"Oh, um, yeah, I probably should. I'll have to run home and grab my stuff."

Yoongi nodded. "I'll drive you. Let me get dressed."

Oh God, what if Jimin is there?

I'm not ready to see him.


My fingernails dug into my palms as I saw Yoongi pull up in front of my apartment complex. I took a few deep breaths before I gripped the door handle so tightly my knuckles turned white.

"Okay, so, um, I should only be a minute. I can walk to work from here though, you don't have to wait for me."

I watched as he put his car into park and took the keys out of the ignition. "I'm coming with you."


Yoongi rolled his eyes. "In case he is there, I'm coming with you. Let's go."

I nodded, swallowing a lump in my throat and followed him inside the complex, leading him to the correct number. I slid the key into the lovk and turned the door handle, remembering what happened the last time I did these exact motions.

The apartment was silent. There was no sign of anyone's presence besides our own, making me breath a sigh of relief. I couldn't help but hear Yoongi do the same.

"I will, uh, only be a minute, I promise."

Yoongi grunted in approval, his eyes wandering around the space.

My feet carried me into the bedroom, tears threatening to fall as my chest tightened at the sight of a newly made-up bed. A vase of pink roses sat on the nightstand, already starting to wilt from a lack of water. I took the vase into the bathroom, put some water in it, and put them back. The florist in me couldn't help but try to help the flowers achieve the most from their destiny.

I changed my clothes, washing my face and brushing my teeth, before making my way back to Yoongi, who sat on the sofa on his phone, a furrow between his eyebrows.

"What's up?" I asked, drinking some water from the fridge, my forehead still with a dull ache.

Yoongi shook his head. "Nothing. We should go."

I nodded and we left the apartment, a dark cloud hanging over me as Yoongi drove us to work.


Fun fact: I have never actually gotten drunk, no matter how much alcohol I've had to drink. 😉

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