Chapter Forty-Nine- Dreams

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Lolololol plot twist time bitchesss


"You wouldn't believe the dream I had, Hobi."

Hoseok chuckled on the other side of the line. "What was it?"

"Well, it started off with you being upset with me for leaving you to go to America."

He giggled, and I could picture him shaking his head in disbelief. "It was an incredible opportunity, why would I be mad at that?"

"You were so upset. You even slammed your flower shop's door in my face and locked it." I continued to tell him about my dream. "It ended with us finding out that the mass in your lung was not cancerous."

Hoseok was silent for a minute before he burst out laughing. I felt a smile creep onto my face at the beautiful sound. "Yoongles, did you happen to snort cocaine or something before bed? That dream sounds insane."

"I went to sleep perfectly sober, babe. I-I don't know why I had that dream, but I'm just even more excited to come home to you now." A larger smile covered my face, making me readjust the mask covering my mouth.

"I miss you baby."

"I've only been here for a day. I have to be here for a few more days and then I can come home." I felt my heart ache at the thought of being away from him for so long.

"You just better not be late for our anniversary!"

"I will be early for our anniversary. I have a lovely dinner planned." I reached onto the desk and grabbed the small black box, opening it to see a gold ring with small white diamonds embedded in it, and gentle flowers engraved around the diamonds.

"Ooh! I wanna know where we're going! Please please please!"

I shook my head, chuckling. "It's a surprise. You know I won't tell you, Hobi."

"Even if I beg?"

"Even if you beg."

I could practically hear him pout through the phone. "You're very no fun."

I burst out laughing, pulling the phone away from my ear for a bit until my laughter calmed down. "Hoseokie, your English sounds like complete ass."

He scoffed. "Well, that's all I know! Tae taught me some."

"Tae's Korean sucks, why would you trust his English?" Don't kill me I love Tae so much and his English and Korean are perfect

"We were bored and we both needed something to do. Jungkook was at work so we decided to learn how to speak English."

I sighed, rubbing the spot in between my eyebrows. "How is Kook's job going, by the way?"

"He says he really enjoys it! He made a friend, named Yugyeom. Tae is jealous of him, but we know Jungkook loves Tae."

"And is he sober?"

"I'm keeping a good eye on him, Yoongs, trust me."

"You know how worried I am for him." My mind could still picture the sight of Jungkook, high out of his mind, sitting in my living room as he blasted some trashy rap music. I can also remember bailing him out of jail for beating his drug dealer half to death because he didn't have money for a fix.

"He hasn't had any narcotics in his body. I dispose of any alcohol whenever he comes over. Tae is also helping to keep an eye on him at their place. Jungkookie is doing amazing."

I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding. "Thank God. I-I have been worried sick about him." I took a shaky breath. "The last time I left him like this, when I moved from Daegu to Seoul, he went off the wall and was high for a solid week straight until I went to visit him. I found him asleep in an alleyway behind my apartment complex, Hobi. I-I thought he was dead. That-" My breath hitched in my throat as I felt the tears threatening to fall. "That was the most terrifying thing I've ever experienced in my life."

Hoseok was silent on the other line until I heard a soft sob.

"Hobi? Baby? W-What's wrong?"

His breaths were shaky. "Y-You never told me about all of this about Jungkook. I-I am so sorry, babe."

I shrugged, forgetting he couldn't see me. "I'm tough."

He chuckled, sucking in a sharp breath to control the sobs threatening to escape his throat. "That's what they all say." He yawned, making me want to yawn with him.

"Go to sleep, Hoseokie baby."

"I-I'm not tire-" He yawned mid-sentence, making me chuckle and shake my head.

"It's fine, baby. Go to sleep. We can talk tomorrow."

"Are you sure?"


He sighed before clearing his throat. "Okay. Good morning, Yoongibear. I love you."

I smiled at his words. "And good night to you, my love. I love you more."

I listened to him hang up after a few seconds, and I sent my phone down gently on the desk in front of me. I rubbed my thumb on the velvet box in my hand, making a huge shit-eating grin cover my face.

"I can't wait for Saturday, baby."

I got the idea for this plot twist about the same time I gave Hobi cancer, even though it ended up all being a dream.😉😉

Anyway, I wish this chapter had turned out better but I'm exhausted, so this is what I managed to write lol.

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