Chapter One- Meeting

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"You need to stay still. This will hurt." Yoongi's left hand pressed the woman's arm against the table as his right hand held the tattoo gun, stocked full of ink. He pressed the trigger, making the ink start to disperse on the woman's skin. She winced loudly, trying to move her arm on instinct, but my grip held it still.

"Just a few more minutes." I spoke in a gentle voice to her, this not being my first rodeo.

"I'm getting this because of my daughter. I-it was her favorite flower."

She continued to squirm, making it harder for me to make clean lines.

"Is that so?" I tried to sound enthusiastic, but it was hard.

The woman nodded, making me tell her to remain still, yet again. "She passed away last year. Cancer. It was a long fight."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

I sighed and finally finished connecting the lines of the small, yellow sunflower. I wiped it off with a cleansing wipe and covered it with saran wrap. I helped the woman up, and showed her her new ink. She smiled gratefully at me.

"You did such beautiful work. What was your name again?"

I gave her a closed-mouth smile. "Min Yoongi ma'am."

She handed me a tip, the largest tip I've received in a while. "My best friend has been looking for a tattoo artist. I'll be sure to recommend you to her!"

"That would be excellent. Thank you." I bowed as she left with a wave, making sure that she grabbed a business card on her way out.

I sighed, taking off my gloves and running my hands through my hair. I pocketed the tip next to my other ones. My eyes skimmed the calendar I had of appointments, seeing that she was my last one. I wiped off the bed and counters, deciding to finish cleaning up in the morning. I grabbed my keys and exited the small shop.

The smell of flowers instantly hit my nostrils as I locked up the doors. The sun was beginning to set already.

"Why the fuck does it always have to smell like flowers?" I groaned as I put my keys in my pocket.

"Maybe because you are located right next to a flower shop?" A voice spoke from behind me.

I turned around and saw a smiling man, with slightly curly brown hair. He wore a white apron and he held a vase of colorful flowers.

"Yeah, I guess that would explain it." I yawned, making sure to cover it with a hand.

"Long day?" Why is he still talking to me?

I nodded. "Yep." I checked my watch and frowned. "I should start headed home."

"Oh, yeah! Sure!" I watched him set the vase down and jog the short distance to me. He held out a hand, his smile still not wavering once. "My name is Jung Hoseok."

He was too nice to turn him down, so I shook his hand. "Min Yoongi."

And I turned on my heel to start the long walk home, feeling his eyes on my back as I walked. I put my headphones in my ears and put on some music, tuning out the world around me.


Nothing like starting a new book when classes start in a week.😅

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