Chapter Twenty-Four: Scared

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"Yoongi, I'm scared."

I nodded, squeezing my boyfriend's hand. "I know you are babe, but I will be here the whole time."

Hoseok chewed on his bottom lip as his legs bounced up and down impatiently. The hospital was already running behind, making the anticipation and anxiety even worse.

Finally, a nurse showed us to the room for Hoseok to finish signing the paperwork. He refused to let go of my hand for even a second.

The nurse then guided us down the hall and into a room where a few people sat in chairs, IV drips connected to their arms.

Hoseok visibly swallowed as he sat down in the chair shown to him.

I took a seat close enough to him to hold his hand without discomfort. I knew this would be difficult for him.

Small little time skip cause some people don't like needles so I'm not going to write that part lol

"Jesus, Hobi, you almost took my fucking hand off!" I whisper-shouted at him as I shook out my hand. He had squeezed it with every ounce of muscle he had, cutting off the circulation to my finger tips.

Hoseok scoffed, but he wore a faint smile. "Oh please, you'll be fine. That shit hurt. I hate needles."

I decided to focus on the larger things at hand and went back to paying attention to Hoseok. I ran a hand through his brown locks, a fond smile on my face. "God, you're so beautiful, Hoseok."

"I won't be for long. After a few chemo treatments I'll probably lose my hair and lose weight. I'll be skin and bone, nothing else."

"And you will still be the most beautiful thing in my life. In the world." I released a breathy chuckle and shook my head. "Damn, who knew love would make me so cheesy."

Hoseok smiled. "I find it quite adorable." 

His smile faded slowly as he turned to look at the poison being pumped into his body. I watched it too, swallowing hard. It would be a hard fight, but I knew that Hoseok was strong enough to pull through. He was tough. 

"What are you thinking, Yoongs?" Hoseok asked softly, his head slightly tilted as he met my eyes once again.

I shrugged, my hand reaching up for his gorgeous locks again. "I'm just thinking about how strong you are."

He nodded, chewing on his bottom lip.

"So I called BigHit late last night while you were sleeping and told them the situation. They are actually in the works of opening up a company in Seoul, and they are willing to pay me until the company is running here, as long as I produce things from home. And, I already am guaranteed a job at the Seoul branch when it opens."

Hoseok's smile grew before he motioned for me to come closer to him. I followed, leaning down, only for him to peck my cheek and pull away. "That's great news!"

I chuckled, shaking my head at how adorable he is. "Plus that means I can spend more time with you and come with you to all of your appointments." I cleared my throat. "I do have to fly back to tie up a few loose ends over there, but I should only be gone about a week. And that way I can have my belongings shipped over here and give up my apartment in L.A."

"I can't believe you're moving back here already!" Hoseok pouted slightly. 

I frowned and leaned close to him so I could whisper everything, making sure he could hear every word. "I am moving back to you. I would much rather go back to tattooing and DJing on the side if that means I get to be with you."

Hoseok's cheeks flushed a dark rose color. He tried to turn his head away from me, but I turned it to face me again with my hand. "I love you, Hobi." The words still felt weird coming from my mouth, but not uncomfortable. I could see myself seeing these exact words for years and years to come, watching the man in front of me smile fondly with red cheeks.

"I-I love you too, Yoongs."


"You okay?"

Hoseok nodded as he plopped down on the couch. "Yep. I'm fine. This dosage was very small. The next one will be heavier though, and they'll make me stay at the hospital while receiving the higher dosages."

I nodded. "When is your next appointment?"

He pulled out his phone, checking the calendar app. "Hmm.. They're doing another round or two of the light dosage this week and then the heavier dosage begins next week."

I swallowed harshly as I realized that I wouldn't be there. I had told the company I would come collect my things by this weekend, and it was already Tuesday. "Okay, well, I have to fly to L.A. this week and I will hurry things up so I can try to make it to your appointments next week, sound good?"

"You don't have to worry about me Yoongi."

My face softened at his words. My hand found its way to his cheek, the thumb brushing his tanned skin gently. "I will always worry about you, baby. It is my job to worry about you, whether or not there is actually something to worry about."

"You're too good to me, Min Yoongi."

I brushed my imaginary long hair back and scoffed. "You got that right."

He slapped me in response.


A little bit of a shorter chapter because ya girl is exhausted, but I wanted to get an update out. Next one should be out this weekend, if I last that long! 

I purple you all! <3 

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