Chapter Twenty-Nine- Revealed Secrets

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*shrugs* sorry not sorry

"Are you sure you want to be eating that much? You don't feel sick at all?"

Hoseok shook his head, smiling as he stuffed a pancake into his mouth. "Perfectly fine! These pancakes are absolutely delicious."

I eyed him warily, unsure of whether he was telling the truth about how he was feeling. The doctor was constantly telling me how shocked they were he hasn't gotten really sick yet from the treatment. I always insisted on keeping a close eye on him.

"Babe, stop worrying about me and eat some pancakes!" Hoseok shouted, albeit slightly muffled since his mouth was stuffed with food.

I chuckled and nodded, taking a deep breath to relax before I took a large bite of the pancake on his plate, a huge smile forming on my face.

"Holy shit!" I cursed, my eyes rolling to the back of my head as the tremendous flavor erupted in my mouth.

"Now now Yoongi, you need to watch your language in front of the children!" Jungkook said playfully as he walked into the room, not wasting any time in sitting on the couch and propping his feet up. "How are you doing, Hoseok?"

Hoseok gave him the same answer he gave me, making me even more curious, but I chose to shrug it off.

Jungkook cleared his throat and leaned forward. "Hoseok, um, any chance that, uh, Taehyung is planning on visiting today?"

I almost spit out my food. "Taehyung? Oh my God you have a thing for Taehyung!"

Jungkook's cheeks blushed a deep red color, his arms crossing over his chest. "D-Do not!"

Hoseok burst out laughing, clapping his hands like a seal. "Oh my God that is incredible!"

"What's incredible?" Taehyung's deep voice spoke from the doorway, making us all freeze. He eyes us suspiciously but shrugged it off, skipping over to the couch and plopping down. I couldn't help but notice the darker shade of red on Jungkook's face, as well as how he scooted ever so slightly closer to Taehyung.

"Oh, it's nothing. Jungkook was just telling us something funny that happened to him."

"Oh really?" Taehyung turned so he faced Jungkook more. "Can I hear?"

Jungkook's eyes widened in panic, making me want to laugh, but I had to contain it. "I, uh, was just saying, um..."

Hoseok cleared his throat. "Jungkook likes you and he doesn't want to admit it!"

Jungkook slapped Hoseok playfully before facing Taehyung with eyes as large as saucers. "He's just kidding!"

Taehyung didn't seem convinced. He smirked as he pulled up a chair. "Oh, well that's a shame he was kidding."

Hoseok chuckled before his face went pale.

"Hobi?" I tried to catch his eyes, but failed as he jumped out of bed, running to the adjoining bathroom. I got up to follow him, standing in the doorway, watching as he was hunched over the toilet, the sound of him wretching up the contents of his stomach filling the room.

I moved closer and squatted next to him, rubbing his back. He continued to throw up into the toilet until his stomach was empty. He leaned back so he sat on the bathroom tile, wiping his mouth. He was breathing heavily, sweat dripping off his brow.

"Hoseok, you should take things easy," Taehyung said gently, giving me a hand in helping him up as Jungkook was too distracted staring at Taehyung. He helped me get Hoseok back into bed, and I tucked him in and moved the plate of food away from him.

He gave me a weak smile, tears filling his eyes. "I feel so... weak and shitty. I didn't think it would actually affect me like this. I thought I was strong, but... I guess not." He pouted.

I pecked his cheek, making his eyes meet mine by raising up his chin with my finger. "Baby, you are so incredibly strong. Just relax and don't think about it. You will beat cancer's ass."

He nodded along with Taehyung and Jungkook.

Taehyung cleared his throat. "I should get back to the flower shop. I came here on my lunch break, but I don't want to keep it closed for too long." He gave Hoseok a tight hug. "I love you, Hobi."

Hoseok gave a weak smile when they broke off the hug. "I love you, Tae."

"Um, Taehyung, mind if I come with you? I need to buy some flowers." Jungkooks spoke softly, unable to meet anyone's, especially Taehyung's, eyes.

"Why the hell do you need to buy flowers?" I spoke up, forcing in a chuckle.

Jungkook glared at me while Taehyung watched curiously from the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. "My mom's birthday is tomorrow. She loves flowers. Now, do you mind, Taehyung?"

He shrugged. "Let's go, Kookie!" They walked out the door, not without me noticing their close proximity.

"That's so cute, Jungkook buying flowers for his mom!" Hoseok chirped, taking a small sip of water and spitting it out in the bin by the bed.

I burst out laughing, shaking my head. "His mom is dead. It's an excuse to stare at him and flirt some more."

"Is that true?" Taehyung spoke once again from the doorway. He walked in and grabbed a phone from the couch. "I forgot my phone. Is that really true, what you said about Jungkook?"

I nodded, swallowing harshly.

Taehyung smiled cheerfully. "Oh good. I thought he wasn't interested. Now I know that he is!"

"Tae, come here." Hoseok whispered, obviously feeling the exhaustion overcome him. Taehyung obliged, walking close to Hoseok's bedside. "Listen. Jungkook is sensitive. From what I know, he's been through a lot. Please don't mess with him, and please only pursue him if you see it going somewhere."

Taehyung nodded. "I see it going to the point of us spending the rest of our lives together, hyung. I promise I am not going to mess with him." He left the room for good, a huge smile on his face.

I watched as Hoseok turned to face me once more, the smile on his face fading as he jumped out of bed, once again rushing into the bathroom to relieve the nausea he felt.


Taekook makes my heart go boom boom.

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