Chapter Twenty-Seven- Stumbling

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It's been a hot minute since the last update whoops

I am over with finals so I have more time to write for the next six weeks! 😉

"Are you almost ready to go, baby?"

"Uh, yes! Yes, um, you can come inside if you want until I'm finished getting dressed." Hoseok panted over the phone.

I did as he said, walking inside his clean apartment, smelling the fresh flowers that sat beautifully in a jar on the coffee table. I sat down on his sofa, playing a game on my phone as I waited.

I heard a thump on the other side of his bedroom door, making me chuckle. "You okay?"

Hoseok huffed and cleared his throat. "Yep, fine and dandy. I'm almost ready, I promise!"

I smirked as I stood up, making my way to his door. "Are you sure? I heard a loud noise?"

I could hear him stumbling around in his room, making me laugh while throwing open the door. "Babe, we-"

My breath hitched in my throat when I noticed that the only clothes he wore was his underwear and a pair of black skinny jeans that were only up to his knees.

His eyes grew wide as he stumbled to finish pulling his pants on. "Fuck! Um, sorry, I just have been working out and dancing more and my muscles are making it hard to get these fucking pants on." He grunted as he was finally able to pull his pants on all the way, buttoning and zipping them up fully.

I stepped over to him and stopped him with my hands gripping his waist as he made his way to his closet. He looked at me with panic in his eyes.

"Babe, relax. We have plenty of time to make our reservation."

He visibly relaxed as he nodded. "C-c-can you please go back to the living room so I can finish getting ready?"

I smirked. "Why? I've already seen the majority of you."

His cheeks burned a bright red as he hid his face in his hands. "Yoongi! You weren't supposed to see me like that yet! I-I haven't gotten my body in well-enough shape yet to show you..." He pouted, sliding a shirt over his head.

I walked over to him again, cupping his cheeks in my hands. "Hoseokie, you are perfect, just the way that you are. You don't have to work out to look good for me. When I walked in here and saw you, you took my breath away. You are the definition of beautiful and breathtaking."

He blushed a deeper shade of red as he turned around to face away from me, looking at himself in the mirror.

"I-Is this nice enough for dinner?" He turned back around, giving me a shy smile.

I nodded, kissing his forehead. "You could go in sweatpants and still look fantastic. Now, we should head to the restaurant if we want to make our reservation."


"Yoongi, this restaurant is so expensive."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Babe, nothing is too expensive for you. Plus, I'm using a bonus check I had received from the company. You're worth every penny spent." I kissed his cheek, watching him blush a deep red.

"You just keep getting cheesier." Hoseok giggled.

I slipped his hand into mine, chuckling, as we walked into the restaurant. I gave my name to the hostess and we followed her to our table, far in the back corner, away from other people. I, like the gentleman I am, pulled his seat out for him and pushed it in once he was seated. As I made my way back around to the other side of the table, I couldn't help but notice the dark red blush on Hoseok's cheek. 

The waiter came over once I sat down in my seat. He wore a black dress shirt and slacks, making his silver hair stand out amongst the dark clothes. 

"Hello, you can call me BamBam. What can I get you both started tonight?"

I ordered a glass of expensive wine and some water for Hoseok and I, watching as my boyfriend's eyes went wide once he saw the price of the bottle. 

"Yoongi, we really don't need the wine!"

I nodded to the waiter, sending him back to the kitchen, before I reached across the table to hold his hand. I gave him a small, reassuring smile. "Baby, we went over this. The wine won't taste good unless it costs a lot of money. And once your heavy treatment starts, you can't drink alcohol at all anymore, nor will you want to. Enjoy yourself and relax. We can worry about everything tomorrow. Okay?"

Hoseok bit his lip and nodded, a single tear falling down his cheek. I reached forward and wiped it off, tilting his chin so he would look at me. I pecked his lips before sitting back down in my chair, my hand making its way into his once more. 


"H-Have I ever told you how handsome you are? Your skin is just so beautiful and I want to lick it all the time." Hoseok slurred, followed by a hiccup.

I shook my head, laughing. "Hobi, you're drunk."

"Am not!" He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. He hiccuped again before dropping his arms and the pout. "Okay, so mayhaps I am a little drunk."

With one hand still on the wheel, my other hand planted itself on his thigh, close to his knee, as a response.

The car ride was mostly silent, with the exception of Hoseok shouting random words at sporadic moments, almost scaring me off of the road on many occasions. 

We pulled up to his apartment, and I climbed out and ran to his side to help him out of the car. He stumbled, forcing me to tighten the grip I had on his waist. I guided him inside his apartment and into his bedroom. 

"Yoongibearrrrr." He slurred, making me chuckle. 

"What is it, Hobi?"

"I-I need help changing my clothes."

I gulped, unsure of what to do. We hadn't seen each other with anything less than our normal clothes on. I didn't want my first time to see him like this to be while he was drunk. "U-Um.. I don't think that's a great idea, Hoseokie."

He shook his head, making grabby hands at his pants, unable to undo the belt. "Pwease. I c-can't do it!"

I sighed, shaking my head. "Are you sure?"

He nodded. I cleared my throat. 

"I need a verbalized answer, Hoseok."

"Y-Yes! I am sure."

I nodded, helping him change his clothes. I would be lying if I didn't take a little extra time putting the clothes back on so I could admire his body. His toned abs were perfect against his small waist. His honey caramel skin glistened, despite the minimal lighting. I swallowed the lump in my throat and shook my head before sliding a pair of sweatpants over his hips. 

He smiled, leaning forward and pecking me on the cheek. "You are the best boyfriend ever, Yoongibear! Jiminie would never help me."

"It's no problem, Hobi. Let's get you into bed." I pulled the covers over him, tucking him in. I kissed his temple and started to walk out of the room, jacket in hand, when he sat up and shouted my name. 

I whipped around, concerned something was wrong. He crawled towards me on the bed. "Hobi, what is it?"

"I-I-I need to thank you!"

"Thank me? For what?"

"For a great date! A-And for helping me home and getting me changed!"

"You don't have to thank m-"

His next words cut me off, making the blood tingle through my veins. "I want to thank you by sucking you off."


I tried. *shrugs*

Thank you all for patiently waiting for this update! Next one should only take a few days, depending on circumstances. ;)

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