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It was early morning when Anika's phone rang with her dad's number.

She immediately answered the call, thinking it must be some emergency.

A- Hello dad.

Ad- Anika, I wanted you to rethink your decision. You must have taken the decision in hurry but you really disappointed us. Your Mom is so sad.

A- Dad....

Ad- Look, I've arranged your marriage with my client's son and in return, he'll sponsor our company. You can marry him and live lavishly and if its about your so-called marriage to that racer, we can get it nullified.

A- Dad, I'm not a business deal that you'll get sponsors by marrying me to some rich loser. I'm happy and I won't get my marriage nullified.


Adhiraj shouted angrily and Anika's eyes filled with tears.

A- that's the point, dad. You and mom were never there to raise me. And I think that Im happy that you didn't raise me because then i would have been a terrible person.

Anika said with a sigh of defeat.

Ad- Then I don't want to keep any relations with you and neither would your Mom. Im ashamed to call you as our daughter.

Adhiraj disconnected the call and Anika Broke down into tears. She started crying badly and Shivaay woke up after hearing her.

S- Anika?

He said and Anika immediately turned her face in opposite direction and wiped her tears hurriedly.

She then looked at Shivaay and gave him a fake smile. Shivaay looked at her worriedly.

S- are you fine?

A- Yes. What will happen to me?

S- Were you crying?

Anika chuckled nervously.

A- No. Why would I cry? I just woke up, right, that's why my eyes must be watering.

Shivaay looked at her suspiciously and Anika noticed that.

A- Oh look, it's already 6:30 a.m. I'll go and wake up Kiara for school.

She immediately hurried out of the room and Shivaay was deep in his thoughts.

S- Why was she crying?

Here Anika reached Kiara's bedroom and she felt all her worries fading away when she saw the little angel sleeping peacefully.

Anika sat on her bed and gently caressed her forehead and pecked it.

K- Mumma.

Kiara whispered in her sleep and Anika's eyes got filled with tears. She must be missing her mother. It must have been so difficult for her for losing a mother in such a small age.

A- Angel. Wake up. Look it's school time.

Kiara slowly opened her eyes and looked at Anika with a smile.

Anika smiled and pecked her cheek.

A- Good Morning Angel.

K- Good morning Doll.

A-Now come on, let's get ready for school.

Kiara nodded with a smile and went to freshen up while Anika started preparing breakfast and Kiara's tiffin.

After preparing everything, she went to Kiara's bedroom.

A- Kiara baby, are you ready?

She entered her bedroom and saw her struggling with her hair. Anika smiled and walked towards her.

A- Come here. Let me do that for you.

Kiara smiled and sat on the chair in front of the mirror while Anika did her hair.

A- You know, I also had so long hair like you.

Kiara looked at Anika with wide eyes.

K- Really, like rapunzel?

Anika chuckled.

A- No silly, not that long but yes, like waist length and I used to hate it when I had to comb them.

Kiara was listening to Anika with admiration.

K- So who did your hair? Your Mumma?

Kiara asked and Anika's eyes saddened but she covered it with a smile.

A- No, not my Mumma, but my aunty. She was very sweet and she used to do my hair all the time.

K- like you?

Anika chuckled and nodded her head.

A- yes you can say that.

While talking, Anika tied two buns on either side of her head.

A- Here. All ready and beautiful.

Kiara giggled and hugged Anika. Anika gently caressed her head.

A- Come let's have breakfast and then I'll take you to school.

Kiara chuckled and ran out of the room. Anika shook her head and followed her.

They entered the dining area and saw Shivaay already present there.

Kiara ran towards him and hugged him. Shivaay smiled and pecked her cheek.

K- Good morning Rockstar.

S- Good morning Angel. How's my angel today?

K- Beautiful.

She said while batting her eyes and Shivika chuckled at her act.

They did breakfast and Anika was about to take Kiara to school when Shivaay stopped her.

S- Can I trust you with her? She's all I have.

Shivaay said and Anika smiled assuringly.

A- I'll protect her with my life. Don't worry.

Shivaay nodded his head and Anika left with Kiara to drop her to her school.

After half an hour, Shivaay was all ready and Anika returned after dropping kiara to school.

She looked at Shivaay sitting in the living room and watching race channel.

A- I'll just go and freshen up.

Shivaay nodded his head. As Anika was about to leave, the doorbell rang.

Anika groaned as she was tired already.

A- I'll go and check.

Shivaay nodded his head.

She opened the door and saw an unknown old lady standing at the door. She was looking very traditional.

A- Ummm.. how may I help you?

The old lady looked at her with a frown.

O- Move aside.

The old lady commanded Anika and Anika's eyes widened.

A- Excuse me. Who are you?

The old lady ignored her. She pushed her aside and walked inside with her luggage.

Anika followed her.

A- How can you just barge in my home like this?

The old lady walked towards Shivaay.

O- Shivaay.

Shivaay looked at the lady in shock.

S- Bua Dadi.

The old lady hugged him tightly and Anika's eyes widened in horror at the mention of 'bua dadi'.

Bua Dadi broke the hug and caressed Shivaay's face with teary eyes.

S- Bua Dadi, you never told me you were coming.

B- I had to come here after listening to the live commentary from your secretary, Rudra as you weren't answering my phone.

Shivaay cursed Rudra in his mind.

Bua Dadi then looked at Anika and Shivaay noticed her gaze.

S- Bua dadi, she's Anika, My wife.

Anika immediately touched Bua dadi's feet but she ignored her.

B- I don't like her. Divorce her.

Shivaay and Anika both looked at Bua Dadi in shock.

Hello everyone.🤗🤗

Here you go with the next chapter.😁😁

How was it?😊😊

What do you think about Kiara and Anika's bond?🤔🤔

Do you like the entry of Bua Dadi? What are your thoughts about it?🤔🤔

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